Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos/GYIK és Versenyszabályzat
A 2020-as #WPWP kampány lezárult!
Íme a kérdések és válaszok listája.
- Is registration mandatory, or optional for community members?
- Registration here is not mandatory. It is optional. Participants only need to add the hashtag #WPWP to the edit summaries of all articles improved with photos. However, some Wikimedia affiliates communities who are organizing the WPWP Campaign locally may require registration. Participants who failed to register with such community may not be eligible for the local prize but would still be eligible for the international prize
- When I am using the FIST tool, I often find images on a specific language's Wikipedia. Is there a possibility to transfer those images to Wikimedia Commons, so that the image becomes available to all projects?
- You may only transfer them to Wikimedia Commons if their license is compatible with the Wikimedia Commons license(s) (CC-0, CC-BY or CC-BY-SA) without any other restrictions. Some Wikipedia languages accept images under fair use terms, and fair use is not compatible with the Wikimedia Commons licenses.
- Are fair-use images uploaded to local Wikipedia allowed
- Some local Wikipedia (e.g English Wikipedia) allows fair-use images. They are only allowed for use on local Wikipedia languages where they are allowed and they would still qualify for prizes
- Is it compulsory for participants to add #WPWP to the edit summaries of all articles improved with images?
- Yes, participants must add the #WPWP hashtag to the edit summaries of all articles improved with images
A kampány szabályai
![]() A képeket 2020. július 1. és augusztus 31. között kell felhasználni. |
![]() A felhasználható fájlok száma nincs korlátozva, a Wikipédia cikkeit azonban ne tegyék olvashatatlanná a fényképek. A díjaknak emellett különböző kategóriái vannak (lásd alább). Csak olyan szócikkhez adjál hozzá fotót, amelyben még nincsen. |
![]() Csak szabad licenc alatt publikált vagy közkincs képeket használhatsz fel. Lehetséges licencek a CC-BY-SA 4.0, CC-BY 4.0, CC0 1.0. |
![]() Participants must be a registered user on any Wikimedia project. Sign in or Create a new account on Wikipedia (You can create an account on any language Wikipedia, for use in your own WP and on all Wikimedia projects). The list of all languages of Wikipedia can be found here. |
![]() A rossz vagy nagyon rossz minőségű fényképek általában nem elfogadhatóak.
![]() Participants must include the hashtag #WPWP in the Edit summary of all articles improved with images in addition to a descriptive edit summary, for example "Improving with an image to infobox" #WPWP. Do not insert the hashtag (#WPWP) into an article. |