ESEAPカンファレンス 2024/信頼と安全

- Dody Ismoyo — language: id-N (Indonesian [native]), en-4 (English [near-native]), ms-3 (Malay [advanced]), zh-2 (Chinese [intermediate]), ja-1 (Japanese [basic])
- Rombituon — language: dtp-N (Kadazandusun [native]), ms-4 (Malay [near-native]), en-2 (English [intermediate])
- Kunirasem — language: id-N (Bahasa Indonesia [native]), jv-N (Javanese [-native]), en-3 (English [advanced])
- Zahirul Nukman — language: ms-N (Malay [native]), en-2 (English [intermediate])
1. データの個人情報取り扱いの詳細
We store this data for the aforementioned purposes for six months. The data collected during registration will be processed internally by the department responsible for the organization of the event. The data can also be passed on to external recipients. This includes, above all, service providers who support us in the organization and implementation of the event.
The ESEAP Conference 2024 is supported by the Wikimedia Foundation. If this is the case, we may transmit data for reporting purposes in order to protect our legitimate interests and the interests of the Wikimedia Foundation.
You can read Wikimedia Community User Group Malaysia's full data privacy policy on our here.
2. 推薦書式ならびに登録書式から収集したデータ類
To nominate successfully, you will need to provide certain personal data via online form. Where applicable, mandatory and voluntary information is indicated on the respective registration form. We primarily use the data to organize the nomination of the registering person at the event and to implement the engagement process. This includes contacting the nominee to the extent required within the scope of the event’s organization. What data do we collect:
- 代表者たちの実名(および/または利用者名)
- 所属の提携団体で当該のハブ参加組織
- メールアドレス
Please note: Participation in the online engagement sessions will be tracked and audio and presentation will be recorded. When entering the zoom session it is necessary to use the same name/ user name given in the online registration form, so that we can keep track of who is attending.
3. 公開の会議で収集したデータ (zoom経由)
- 利用者名ならびに/もしくは実名
- メールアドレス
- 参加状態(追跡)
- 会議の録音録画
When using the attendee count feature for Zoom Rooms, the Zoom room computer will store and count images to generate a participant count temporarily. These files are temporarily stored in the following locations:
- Windows版: %appdata%\ZoomRooms\logs\FaceCount
- macOS版: ~/Library/Logs/ZoomRooms/faceCount
These files will be removed under the following conditions:
- When the meeting or counting has finished
- When logging out of the Zoom Room
- During the Zoom Room's startup process
- If the setting is disabled
4. データ処理
The data collected during registration will be processed internally by the department responsible for the organization of the event and the agency commissioned with organizing the 2024 ESEAP Conference. The data can also be passed on to external recipients. This includes, above all, service providers who support us in the organization and implementation of the event. In addition to our general service providers and the service providers listed below, we may also use additional service providers apart from the general service providers listed below for online elections in connection with the event and its organization. Some events are supported by the Wikimedia Foundation. If this is the case, we may transmit data for reporting purposes in order to protect our legitimate interests and the interests of the Wikimedia Foundation.
If we provide additional services for you at your request, such as travel or hotel bookings or the organization of childcare, we transmit the data to the recipients that are required for rendering the service in question. These may include in particular: Hotels, travel agencies, foreign offices, other authorities of foreign countries for issuing visas. Depending on your location and the event venue, recipients of your information may also be situated in third countries outside of Malaysia, for which no adequacy decision by the Malaysian authorities. In such cases we will only carry out transmissions which are either necessary for the fulfilment of the contract between you and us or for the conclusion or fulfilment of a contract entered into in your interest between us and the recipient.
Friendly space policies are guidelines for in-person and virtual Wikimedia community gatherings which advises that all participants seek to encourage a positive and constructive experience for all other participants. A related concept is a code of conduct, which is a policy guiding behavior in all contexts, and not only at in-person events as a friendly space policy does.