Event Center/Registration/pt-br
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É uma solução da wiki para gestão de eventos. É também a primeira ferramenta do Centro de Eventos, que será uma plataforma para organizar e gerir eventos, juntamente com outras atividades colaborativas nas wikis. Nesta plataforma, os organizadores podem aceder a ferramentas para criar projetos e eventos colaborativos, e os participantes podem encontrar o apoio de que necessitam. O Centro de Eventos simplificará os fluxos de trabalho e incentivará a realização de mais atividades de colaboração nas wikis.
A ferramenta de registo de eventos está disponível em wikis que tenham a CampaignEvents extension activada. Com esta funcionalidade, os organizadores podem ativar as inscrições nas páginas dos seus eventos. Uma vez ativado o registo, os participantes podem inscrever-se no evento clicando no botão “Inscrição”. A seguir, os organizadores poderão obter uma lista dos participantes inscritos no evento, e uma caracterização demográfica dos participantes. Esta ferramenta, permite também o registo privado opcional, e-mails em massa para os participantes, integração com o Programs & Events Dashboard, e promoção automatizada de eventos através da Event List.
Por que utilizar a ferramenta de Registro em Eventos?
A ferramenta de registro de eventos é a primeira solução na wiki para registro de eventos. Com essa ferramenta, os participantes do evento podem clicar em um botão "Registrar" para se inscrever em eventos, em vez de precisar adicionar sua assinatura a uma página de evento (algo confuso para novatos) ou usar soluções de registro de terceiros que estão fora dos wikis. Enquanto isso, os organizadores de eventos podem trazer mais sobre sua atividade de organização para os wikis e podem se beneficiar de uma lista crescente de recursos que dão suporte aos organizadores de eventos ao longo do tempo.
The key benefits of the tool include:
- Facilidade de usar para organizadores: Os organizadores podem habilitar facilmente o registro em suas páginas de eventos e podem gerenciar facilmente uma lista de participantes.
- Facilidade de uso para os participantes: Os participantes podem se registrar facilmente para eventos no wiki, sem precisar entender de edição ou assinaturas.
- Greater data privacy for participants: Participants will not need to worry about how their data is managed, tracked, or stored by third-party registration solutions, since the event registration tool will be a part of the Wikimedia ecosystem and its privacy standards. Furthermore, there is an optional private registration feature, so that participants can only show their usernames to organizers, if they wish. It is also optional for participants to answer demographics questions about themselves.
- Improved communication support: Organizers can easily send emails to registered participants, and a confirmation email is sent to participants after registering for the event.
- Integration with wiki workflows and practices: Event pages and event registration can be integrated into wiki workflows, so users can watch and manage event pages.
- Integração com o Painel de Programas e Eventos: A ferramenta de registro de eventos tem integração com o Painel de Programas e Eventos, para que todos os inscritos públicos possam ter seus nomes de usuário enviados automaticamente para o evento relevante no Painel de Programas e Eventos. Isso pode economizar tempo para organizadores e participantes de eventos, já que eles não precisarão adicionar manualmente nomes de usuário ao Painel.
- Mais dados sobre a atividade de campanha e evento como um movimento: No momento, muitos organizadores de eventos recorrem a soluções de terceiros para fazer coisas como criar páginas de eventos, registrar participantes e outras tarefas. Isso significa que perdemos muitos dados, análises e entendimentos cruciais relacionados a eventos de movimento, em particular no que se refere ao seu impacto e resultados. Se facilitarmos para os organizadores a criação e o gerenciamento de eventos nos wikis, podemos esperar ver mais transparência e coesão em torno da atividade de eventos nos wikis.
Who should use the tool
For organizers
Those who have the Event Organizer Right can access the organizer side of the tool which allows you to:
- Create an event page in the event namespace
- Add users (with the organizer right) as co-organizers
- Enable registration on event pages that they created
- Send emails to Registered participants
- Integrate with the Programs & Events Dashboard
- Edit event registration information
- Disable event registration on event page
- See who registered for the event and when they registered
- Remove participants from the participant list
- Specify their Grant ID (if any)
- Send Automatic confirmation email to registered participants (if email address is associated with their account)
- If you agree to a clickwrap agreement to handle participant data with care, get access to collect optional information on participant's:
- Gender, age, profession, comfort level in contributing to Wikimedia projects, and if they are a part of any Wikimedia affiliates.
To request the organizer right for Meta-Wiki, visit the Event Organizers page.
For participants
Anybody with a Wikimedia account can register for an event once the registration is enabled on that event page by an organizer giving you access to the participant side of the tool which allows you to:
- Register for events by clicking on “Register” button
- Choose to register publicly or privately
- Change registration status (public vs. private) at any time
- Unregister for events
- See links to chat groups or video calls if added by the Organizer
- See a public list of registered participants
- Answer optional questions when registering on:
- Gender, age, profession, comfort level in contributing to Wikimedia projects, and if they are a part of any Wikimedia affiliates
For observers
You can create test events to test out the tool on the beta cluster, testwiki, and test2wiki. Additionally, you can attend our office hours to learn more about the tool and see a live demo.
Definition of Terms
- Event Registration Tool is the name of the registration feature of Event Center.
- Event is any event-related activities, such as content campaigns (e.g., edit-a-thons, writing contests, etc), meetups, social hours, office hours, and more.
- Event namespace is a namespace specifically for event pages, which is available for any wikis that have the CampaignEvents extension enabled.
- An event page is a wiki page of any event, which can include event registration. An event page may provide details about an event, such us event objectives, goals, dates, and location of gatherings.
- An organizer is anyone who organizes an event and uses organizing workflows (such as creating an event page and enabling event registration). They are also the users who create event pages.
- A participant is anyone who registers for an event.
Step by step instructions
Visit the documentation guide for the step by step instructions on how to use the event registration tool.
Frequently asked questions
Please see visit the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Office Hours
CampaignEvents extension for Indonesian Wikipedias: This event provided more information and context on the Event Registration tool for the Indonesian Wikipedia community.
French community office hours: This event provided more information and context on the Event Registration tool for the French Wikipedia community.
Event registration tool and Arabic Wikipedia: This event provided more information and context on the Event Registration tool for the Arabic Wikipedia community.
Office Hour 5: Demoing new features
In this office hour, we demoed new features, including: integration with the Program & Events Dashboard, the ability for organizers to email participants, and the ability for organizers to collect optional demographic questions on participants,
- Session 1: October 7, 2023
- Session 2: October 10, 2023
- Watch recording on Youtube
- Watch recording on Wikimedia Commons
In this office hour, we will be demoing the first version of the event registration tool that is available for use on a live wiki (Meta-wiki). We will teach you how you can use the tool yourself for real Wikimedia events on Meta-wiki, or how you can test it in test environments that include testwiki, test2wiki, or the beta cluster. Participants will learn how to create an event page in the new event namespace, enable registration, and collect data on who registered (as an event organizer). We will also share how our team (the Campaigns team) can provide support to organizers who want to create events with our tools.
- Session 1: December 5, 2022, 18:00 UTC
- Session 2: December 10, 2022, 12:00 UTC
- Watch recording on Youtube
- Watch recording on Wikimedia Commons
In this office hour, we will be demoing the new event registration tool, and we will teach you how you can use it yourself. Participants will learn how to create an event page in the new event namespace, enable registration, and collect data on who registered (as an event organizer). They will also be able to register for an event on the event page (as an event participant).
- Session 1: July 21, 2022, 17:00 UTC
- Session 2: July 23, 2022, 12:00 UTC
- YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xb6-ZElpN4
Office Hour 2: Event Registration Tool: Namespaces, Wireframes and other Updates
In this meeting, we will introduce a new version of the desktop wireframes, the first version of the mobile wireframes and the possibility of creating new namespaces for the first feature of the Event Center, the Event Registration Tool. The Campaigns Product Team will also be providing community updates on the usability test findings, current project timeline and answer any questions you may have. Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!
- Date: March 31, 2022, 15:00 UTC
- YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYXEduCaKtE
Office Hour 1: Introducing the Campaigns Product Team
The Wikimedia Foundation now has a Product team focused on the needs of campaign and event organizers in the Wikimedia Movement. In this meeting, we will introduce the product team, and how we will be addressing the first feature, Participant Registration. Join us and give feedback on our first thoughts!
- Date: September 9, 2021, 15:00 UTC
- YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jT8fRUWjfI
Technical Development
For a detailed breakdown of technical and design work, follow us in Phabricator.