Grants:Committees/Committee Open Call/ja

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Regional Funds Committees open call

This is a call for Wikimedians and Free Knowledge advocates to be part of the Regional Funds Committee that partners with the Community Resources Team (CR team) of the Wikimedia Foundation to implement the Grants Strategy.

We are currently accepting applications to the following regions:

The primary role of the committees is strategic thought partnership to help understand the complexities of the different regions and to make funding decisions for grant applications while, providing knowledge and expertise to applicants to support successful movement activities.

If you are interested in shaping funding decisions in a Regional Funds Committee, bringing new ideas and programs into life, or have knowledge and expertise to share with movement organizers and leaders, please review all the information below and consider applying to join. We seek a committee composition that will have a healthy balance of experienced and new Wikimedians along with experts from other knowledge domains that will be important to achieve the mission of the Wikimedia movement.



コミュニティ資源チーム (CRチーム=Community Resources Team) では2021年、2030 戦略方向性ならびに運動戦略勧告に準拠し、管轄の助成金戦略を再起動し、ウィキメディアのコミュニティの公平さと支援に焦点を当てて運動の活発さを支えていきます。



当財団の助成金事業は信頼に基づくフィランソロピーの取り組みに根ざし、これらの中核的な価値を信頼に基づくフィランソロピー事業 Trust-based Philanthropy Project に依拠して採用しています。

  1. Work for systemic equity: Recognize the racial, economic, political, linguistic, cultural and other inequities in which we operate, and take an intersectional anti-oppression approach to change practices and behaviors that perpetuate harm.
  2. Redistribute power: Be willing to share power with grantee partners and communities who are closer to the issues we seek to address.
  3. Center relationships: Prioritizing healthy, open, honest relationships can help us navigate the complexity of our work and our world with greater confidence and effectiveness.
  4. Partner in a spirit of service: Be a supporter and collaborator, rather than dictating what is needed. Lead with trust, respect, and humility.
  5. Be accountable: Our work will only be successful if we hold ourselves accountable to those who we seek to support.
  6. Embrace learning: We can only advance impact if we remain open to learning as we go, and embrace opportunities for growth and evolution along the way.

The committee is based on a participatory grantmaking model. Participatory grantmaking ensures that resourcing community efforts in the movement is diverse, equal and inclusive. This practice aligns with movement strategy recommendation 4. Ensure Equity in Decision-making: Establishing shared responsibility and accountability for decision-making and distribution of resources.

Who can participate in the Regional Committees?

  • Members of the Wikimedia community (both newcomers and experienced contributors welcome)
  • Volunteer board members of Wikimedia affiliates
  • Members of mission-aligned organisations
  • Individuals working or having expertise in regions of interest

Who is not eligible to participate in a Regional Fund Committee?

  • Anyone receiving compensation as a staff through a Wikimedia affiliate or current General Support Fund, Wikimedia Alliances Fund or Research Fund grant project. (This excludes grantee partners requesting Rapid Funds, Events and Conference Funds and Movement Strategy Funds).
  • Staff connected to projects funded by the Wikimedia Foundation within allied organisations.
  • Anyone receiving compensation for a paid role with the Wikimedia Foundation.

What are the roles and responsibilities for committee members?

  • To support the foundation for productive committee work, including:
    • sustaining committee operations, roles, and principles for major processes such as proposal review and decision making
    • supporting communications with new, important movement bodies such as the Global Council and regional hubs,
    • sharing expertise and context within and between committees to build needed capacities
  • To routinely support the CR Team, applicants, and grantees by:
    • sharing knowledge, expertise, and regional context throughout the grants process
    • identifying opportunities to address community needs around resourcing, representation, and power sharing.
    • making decisions on proposals supporting the region.
  • Committee members must understand and value diversity, including cultural, linguistic, and gender differences.

Selection process and timeline

  • 8月1日 - 2024年8月20日: Call for applications is open for prospective committee candidates
  • 8月20日 - 2024年8月25日:

Review of applications: Following initial nominations, there will be a review process conducted by the Community Resources team, Trust & Safety Review team, and the current Committee Members, and feedback will be also invited from regional affiliates and community members.

  • 8月25日 - 2024年8月30日: Interviews will take place (evening hours) of pre-selected candidates by Members of the current committees and the CR team.
  • 8月31日 - 2024年9月1日: Final Selections
  • 9月1日 - 2024年9月5日: Announcement of new members
  • 9月5日 - 2024年9月29日: Onboarding and orientation of new members.

General Selection criteria

Some desired, but not all required qualities we are looking for in committee members include (see other, region-specific criteria on the candidacy page):

  • strong ability to participate effectively in collaborative decision making and thought partnership in a committee context (e.g. good talking and listening boundaries, able to give and receive honest feedback in non-conflictual way, able to think strategically at a high level, open to changing your mind, able to receive help, empathetic and kind)
  • ウィキメディア運動2030戦略方向性ならびに運動戦略の勧告が掲げる価値に共鳴すること。上記ページの助成金事業の趣旨 "What is our approach to grantmaking?" に示された信頼に基づくフィランソロピーの価値に共鳴すること。
  • 参加型の助成金事業を理解しているもしくは理解に努める意欲があること。
  • a demonstrated commitment to sharing skills and experience, and helping others grow.
  • professional and/or volunteer experience and skills related to committee review work, such as budget management and review skills, experience with governance of non-governmental organizations, background in common programmatic areas like culture and heritage, education, etc.
  • understanding of Wikimedia programs, in addition to contributions to the online projects.
  • expertise, including lived experience, related to diversity, equity and inclusion to help promote and support knowledge equity, and the increasing of geographic, gender, or age diversity.

What other things should I know about being a member of a Regional Committee?

  • Training: Training will be provided to the committee members to support review, discussion, and decisionmaking.
  • Expectations: Committee members will be expected to commit to the following policies and principles to support constructive dialogue with applicants and grantees:
  • Financial support: Committee members will have all costs related to participation covered, including data costs, transportation, caregiving / childcare, and meals. Additional stipends are to be determined.
  • Frequency of meetings: the work of the committee will vary from month to month. At the beginning, time for training will be required, as well as during application review in the two rounds per year. Other moments would require less time focused on communication and mentorship.
  • Working language: Varies per region. Working language for the North American and Northern European Committees is English, the Latin American and Caribbean committee works in Spanish, Portuguese and French with translation services.
  • 任期について:初期委員会には最低2年間、4年間を上限として在籍してくださるようお願いします。(※=新任もしくは重任の委員に欠員がある場合は延長も可)委員会に常に経験を積んだ人が加わるよう、委員の選任は入れ替え制を採用します。








  • 本拠地はどちらの国・地域ですか?
  • 自己紹介を兼ねて地域委員を志望される理由をお聞かせください。以下の設問のうち、複数に回答をご検討いただき、またご応募にあたり全問回答は必須ではありません。回答はそれぞれ500単語以内にとどめてください。
    • 現状でウィキメディア運動もしくは無料の知識に関して、どのような参加をされていますか?
    • 委員会の役割と作業の方法について、あなたならどんな貢献ができますか?
    • 意思決定をもっと参加型にするには、委員会はどう対処するべきでしょうか?
    • より波及効果を上げるため、助成金事業はどのように改善できるとお考えですか?
    • 委員会に貢献できる技能、経歴、体験はどのようなものですか? 述べる範囲は助成金事業、知識の公平性またはその他の関連分野を想定してください。