Groups, individuals or organisations with research interests about Wikimedia movement
Research proposals to contribute to generalizable knowledge or to strengthen the Wikimedia research community
Less than 5 months processing time, one round in a year
2,000–50,000 USD
Please note: submissions for the Research Fund are currently closed. Further updates on the next round of the fund are expected by mid January 2025. Please subscribe to the wiki-research-l mailing list to receive updates about the Research Fund.
Who we fund
The Research Fund provides support to individuals, groups, and organizations with interest in conducting research on or about Wikimedia projects. We encourage submissions from across research disciplines including but not limited to the humanities, social sciences, computer science, education, and law.
We prioritize supporting applicants who have limited access to research funding, are in regions of the world where the Wikimedia research community has less representation, are proposing work in coordination or collaboration with Wikimedia affiliates, and/or are proposing work that has potential for direct, positive impact on their local communities or the global Wikimedia communities.
We welcome two types of submissions:
- In-depth research proposals to contribute to generalizable knowledge that has the potential to improve and expand our understanding of the Wikimedia projects and their impact, introduce technical and socio-technical solutions that can enhance the technology in support of the Wikimedia projects, and advance the Wikimedia Movement towards the 2030 strategic direction.
- Proposals that focus on strengthening, expanding and diversifying the community of researchers studying Wikimedia projects.
For other proposal types, please see other sources of funding, including the Wikimedia Community Fund and the Wikimedia Alliances Fund.
- 個人、團體和組織均可申請。任何個人最多同時獲得三份公開補助,包括快速補助在內。團體和組織則最多同時獲得五份公開補助。
- 申請金額最低2,000美元,上限50,000美元。
- 補助期限最長為12個月。 計畫工作時間不早於2024年6月1日開始,不晚於2024年6月30日結束。
- 受補助人必須同意繳交報告、簽署差旅補助協議,並提供維基媒體基金會處理補助的必要資訊。 此處可閱讀更多資格要求
- 我們希望所有研究補助的被補助人都遵守友善空間政策和維基媒體通用行為準則
- 申請和報告可接受英語或西班牙語。
- 有意申請者如具有下列任一情事,不應提出申請:
Please review our privacy statement prior to submitting your application.
Please use our Stage I submission template to prepare your submission. Please carefully read the document before preparing your final Stage I proposal.
The deadline for submissions to this year's Research Fund has now passed.
For proposals that have advanced to Stage II, please use our Stage II submission template to prepare your submission.
- 階段一
- Applicants submit proposals in response to the call for Research Fund Proposals.所有提案都會公開,以便社群成員和區域基金委員會提供反饋。研究基金委員會和評審員將評估所有提案,將社群意見納入考量,並邀請排名較前的申請者們至下一階段提交完整提案。
- 階段二
- Applicants whose proposals are invited for Stage Ⅱ submissions submit their full proposal. These proposals will be made publicly available and are significantly more elaborate than Stage Ⅰ proposals and will include a full budget. They will also need to include responses to meta-reviews from Stage I.
- Research. The primary focus of the proposed work must be either to conduct research designed to contribute to generalizable knowledge or research community building. Because they are not focused on generalizable knowledge, research efforts on understanding the specific needs of an organization or community will not be considered. Note that proposals with primary focus on outreach, technology development/deployment, institutional support, or other non-research activities, or research focused on specific organizations are funded through other funds offered by the Wikimedia Foundation.
- 關聯。 研究必須在和維基媒體計劃相關,或對維基媒體計劃具有重要意義。
- 影響。我們會優先考慮旨在使維基媒體社群能夠根據所進行的研究,做出具重大影響力決定或採取行動的提案。我們將特別考慮直接針對「維基媒體2030」策略方向(包括但不限於 運動建議)的提案,以及嘗試使用維基百科上不常見的語言來回答問題的提案。
- 申請人及其相應機構的地理位置。因為我們的目的是增加為維基媒體專案做出貢獻的研究人員的地域多樣性,所以鼓勵來自中南美洲、非洲、東歐和亞洲的提案,也會給予這些提案特殊考量。
- 社群。我們的目標是資助能協助維基媒體社群邁向下一步的工作。我們將優先考慮支持由維基媒體用戶組、附屬機構和開發者社群支援或共事的提案。我們鼓勵申請者在您的團隊中納入一至多名這些社群的成員,並查閱2019、2020和2021的社群願望清單,以了解這些群體提出的想法和問題。
- 對相關學術領域和/或研究項目,和/或維基媒體和自由文化社群的先前貢獻。我們會審查申請人自行報告的貢獻,以更深入地了解申請人的興趣、技能和能力。
- 工資或津貼
- 效益
- 硬體設備
- 軟體
- 開放近用出版費用
- 機構管理費(最高佔總預算15%)
- 其他(如說明)
Because the WMF mission is focused on education, budgets should not include faculty teaching “buyouts”—i.e., any budgeting for salary or effort that will result in a reduction of teaching. If the research project being proposed is absolutely not possible without a buyout, please provide context in your budget request and an exception will be considered by the Research Fund Committee.
Final grant amounts are up to the discretion of the Research Fund Committee, who may reach out to finalists to ask for a reduced budget and a proportionally reduced scope of work. Funds will be disbursed in one payment at the beginning of the funding period (As early as May 2024).
所有提案都應遵循研究倫理原則以及與人體試驗相關的規範和指南。我們鼓勵作者閱讀《門羅報告》(Menlo Report)獲得有關倫理原則的更多資訊、《Allman/Paxson IMC '07論文》 以獲得有關數據共享的倫理指南,以及《Sandvig et al. '14論文》中關於演算法審計倫理的內容。入圍者必須解決可能的道德爭議並在提案說明他們如何解決這些爭議。機構審查委員會的審查(如有需要)需在補助分配之前完成。
Grant IDs and WMF Acknowledgement in Publications
Each funded project will have a unique Grant ID which will be provided to grantees and posted on each project's corresponding Grant Meta page and Research Meta page. If a project was supported by the WMF Research Fund we suggest using the following acknowledgement in publications:
This research is supported [in part] by the Wikimedia Foundation’s Research Fund under Grant No. [grant ID]. The authors would like to thank [specific individuals or teams] at [the Wikimedia Foundation, another Wikimedia affiliate, or the Wikimedia community] for [help provided].
- 公開徵件,並為有興趣的申請人舉辦辦公室對談時間
- 第一階段提案審查,包括資格審查、技術審查、社群審查和區域補助委員會審查
- 邀請晉級決選者提交第二階段計劃
- 第二階段技術審查
- 最終結果
Important Dates
Stage Ⅰ application submission deadline
Stage Ⅰ selection result notifications
Stage Ⅱ application submission deadline
Stage Ⅱ selection result notifications
All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
Review submissions
- Funded proposals
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Wikidata for the People of Africa
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Development of a training program for teachers to use Wikipedia as a resource for collaborative learning and the development of skills for digital citizenship
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Wikimedia versus traditional biographical encyclopedias. Overlaps, gaps, quality and future possibilities
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Cover Women
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Bridging the Gap Between Wikipedians and Scientists with Terminology-Aware Translation: A Case Study in Turkish
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Investigating Neurodivergent Wikimedian Experiences
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/System Design for Increasing Adoption of AI-Assisted Image Tagging in Wikimedia Commons
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Developing Wikimedia Impact Metrics as a Sociotechnical Solution for Encouraging Funder/ Academic Engagement
- Programs/Wikimedia Research Fund/Addressing Wikipedia’s Gender Gaps Through Social Media Ads
We invite you to schedule 1:1 consultations with us to ask questions about the Research Fund program or the relevance of your proposed work. Schedule a session with Kinneret Gordon or schedule a session with Leila Zia. When scheduling your appointment, please provide a description of your proposed research topic or question.
請將問題直接發送至 research_fund 。
- Benjamin Mako Hill (華盛頓大學)
- Leila Zia (維基媒體基金會)
- Aaron Shaw (西北大學)
- Miriam Redi (Wikimedia Foundation)
- Kinneret Gordon (維基媒體基金會)
Reviewers (FY 2023-24)
- Pablo Aragón (Wikimedia Foundation)
- Akhil Arora (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne)
- Pablo Beytía (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
- Hannah Brueckner (New York University Abu Dhabi)
- Ana María Castillo Hinojosa (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
- Kaylea Champion (University of Washington)
- Giovanni Colavizza (University of Bologna)
- Gianluca Demartini (University of Queensland)
- Djellel Difallah (New York University, Abu Dhabi)
- Shani Evenstein Sigalov (Tel Aviv University)
- David Garcia (Universität Konstanz)
- Martin Gerlach (Wikimedia Foundation)
- Kristina Gligoric (Stanford University)
- Jérôme Hergueux (CNRS)
- Dariusz Jemielniak (Kozminski University)
- Isaac Johnson (Northwestern University, Northwestern University)
- Steve Jankowski (University of Amsterdam)
- Lucie-Aimée Kaffee (Hugging Face)
- Isabelle Langrock (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po))
- Amanda Lawrence (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
- Florian Lemmerich (Universität Passau)
- Daniele Metilli (University College London, University of London)
- Jonathan T. Morgan (CrowdStrike)
- Animesh Mukherjee (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
- Sneha Narayan (Carleton College)
- Tiziano Piccardi (Stanford University)
- Paolo Papotti (Eurecom)
- Diego Sáez Trumper (Wikimedia Foundation)
- Cristina Sarasua (Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, University of Zurich)
- Rossano Schifanella (University of Turin)
- Nicole Schwitter (Universität Mannheim)
- Elena Simperl (King's College London)
- Markus Strohmaier (Universität Mannheim)
- Nathan TeBlunthuis (Northwestern University)
- Jacob Thebault-Spieker (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Carla Toro (Universidad de Chile)
- Houcemeddine Turki (Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia)
- Nicholas Vincent (Simon Fraser University)
- Andreas Vlachos (University of Cambridge)
- Katrin Weller (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
- Jisung Yoon (Northwestern University)