
This page is a translated version of the page Grants:Project/Rapid and the translation is 1% complete.
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Individuals, groups, Wikimedia affiliates or organisations from Wikimedia movement


For short-term, low-cost projects with Wikimedia focus (1-12 months)


2 months processing time, 1 round in every two months

How much?

500 - 5,000 USD

  1. Read about what we fund and who can apply below.
  2. Go to Wikimedia Foundation Grantee Portal (Fluxx) and log in.
    • If you do not have an account, click Register Now and provide the requested information. You will receive confirmation of your registration within two working day.
  3. Select the Apply for Rapid Fund button on the main page. Click Save and Continue or Save and Close to save the application.
  4. Follow the instructions on the application form. You will need to give information about your project and upload several documents.
  5. Click Submit to submit the application for review.

  • We accept applications in any language. We will support translation for applications and discussions as needed.
  • Applications will be published to Meta-Wiki automatically within two days. This is done for community review and feedback.
  • You can prepare the application offline. Make a copy of the application form, answer the questions and copy the text to Fluxx.
Rapid Fund Application Form (Google Docs)
Rapid Fund Budget Template (Google Sheets)

What we fund

Your project should support the achievement of Wikimedia's mission and strategic direction. And it should aim at improving one or more of Wikimedia projects.

Examples of projects we fund
  • Individuals coordinating local events related to a global campaign in their community.
  • Informal and formal community meetup
  • Wikimedia editathons and workshops
  • Strategic and annual plans from Wikimedia affiliates
  • Education projects, for example, reading or editing training on Wikipedia, Wikidata or other Wikimedia projects
  • Cultural and heritage projects that support contribution of content, curation of the content and promote accessibility of that content.
  • Gender and diversity projects, for example, bringing in and training women and gender diverse participants and editors. Also, creating content about women, gender diverse groups, underrepresented communities and their knowledge.
  • Small-scale software development projects
Examples of expenses we support
  • Working space, services, prizes, outreach, and other common costs needed to support edit-a-thons, contests, photowalks, and promotional campaigns.
  • Data costs to support access to online events
  • Project-related travel for organizers
  • Compensation for well-defined roles that do not replace volunteer activities, including (but not limited to) graphic design, training, childcare services, translation, project management, and Wikimedian-in-Residence roles.
Funding travel and equipment
  • No funding for travel scholarships or conference participation. Rapid Funds are project-based resources and only fund travel related to the direct implementation of the project.
  • Equipment purchase is allowed for groups, organizations and affiliates. Equipment-based grants need to clearly demonstrate how the equipment will be shared with other community members. An equipment log or list must be publicly available for community members and included in the application. Examples of equipment funded with Rapid Funds are: laptops, cameras and projector, routers, external drives.
Funding software development
  • Smaller-scale software development projects may be eligible for funding pending review from Community Resources and Technology department staff.
  • Project code must be publicly available and published under a free software license compatible with relevant Wikimedia projects.
  • A documentation plan should be incorporated as a part of the proposed activities.
  • Proposals that depend on multiple or continuous Rapid Funds for long-term maintenance or development goals are generally ineligible.
Funding research
Examples of funded applications

Eligibility requirements

This fund is for you if you:

  • Are applying for funds between 500 - 5000 USD or its equivalent in another currency at the time of the application. Funds are distributed in your local currency.
  • Are a Wikimedia community member, or part of a group or organisation from the Wikimedia movement.
  • Have a 1-12 months long project in mind. Projects must be for future, planned work.
  • Are an individual who does not have any other open Rapid Funds. Before applying for a new Rapid Fund you will need to submit the report for the open Rapid Fund. In some cases, the Program Officer may request to review the report before applicant is able to submit a new grant request.
    • The total fund amount an individual can access per fiscal year (e.g. July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) is up to USD 10,000.
  • Are an organisation or group with less than 2 open grants at any given time.
    • The total fund amount an organisation or group can access per fiscal year (e.g. July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) is up to USD 10,000. You are encouraged to have access to a joint bank account.
  • Have current contribution history and experience on the target Wikimedia project(s) mentioned in your grant application. You also need to have organizing experience or training experience. For example, if you are planning to train newcomers on Wikidata, you must demonstrate editing and training history on Wikidata.
  • Have informed the team members about your grant and involved the community in discussing the proposal.
You are not eligible for funding if:
  • The project you have in mind aims to improve third-party websites.
  • The project includes lobbying activities, as per United States Internal Revenue Service definitions. [1]
  • Works and contributions are not published under ethical, open access agreements.
  • You are from a country that cannot legally receive funding for the described activities and expenses, based on laws on sending and receiving funds in the United States and your country.
  • You are not in compliance with all requirements and in good standing for any current activities funded through the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • You are listed on the United States Department of Treasury Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List (SDN).
  • You are a Wikimedia Foundation staff member or contractor.
  • You are a General Support Fund grantee partner.
  • You are a board member, leader (contacts submitted to AffCom), president, bank account signatory[2], executive director, or other paid staff or contractor of a Wikimedia affiliate/group/organisation with existing Wikimedia Foundation Fund awards (General Support Fund, Rapid Fund, Research Fund, Conference Fund, Movement Strategy Implementation Grants).
    • When there is no significant overlap between the volunteer role (especially board members), group activities, and individual grant, the Program Officer may make exceptions to this criterion.
  • You are an individual applying on behalf of different groups or organisations.
  • You do not provide all information and documents needed to receive the funding from Wikimedia Foundation.
Behavioral requirements

We take all applicants through a due diligence process. This means you need to be in ethical good-standing, (e.g. Wikimedia behaviour, social behaviour, financial behaviour, legal behaviour, etc.).

  • Applicant must follow the Universal Code of Conduct and Friendly Space Policies.
  • Applicants should be in good standing in regard to ethical behavior within the community (e.g. social behavior, financial behavior, legal behavior, etc.), as determined through the due diligence process of the grant program.
  • Within the last year, applicants have not been blocked, banned, or otherwise flagged by Wikimedia Foundation staff or another affiliate for violations of Universal Code of Conduct and Friendly Space Policies, or for other types of violations or conduct issues. If such issues have occurred in the past, the applicant is required to demonstrate learning and understanding in regard to the cause for the issue, such that they are ready to serve as a role model for others as a grantee.
  • Within the last year, applicants have not been repeatedly blocked or flagged for the same issue and/or have not been banned on the Wikimedia Projects. If a block/ban is recorded in the applicant's account history, the applicant is required to demonstrate learning and understanding in regard to the cause for the block, such that they are ready to serve as a role model for others as a grantee.
  • Applicants are not eligible for funding if indefinitely blocked on any Wikimedia project, even if the proposed work is independent from that Wikimedia project.
Youth Safety

Youth Safety Policy must be in place for any activity that involves underage community members.

  • If the proposal indicates direct contact with children or youth, it also outlines compliance with international and local laws for working with children and youth, and provides documentation of the local laws in the annex.
  • The proposal demonstrates how they will ensure the safe engagement of young people in all of the project’s activities.
  • The proposal demonstrates that any adults who will be working in close contact with young people have been properly vetted and trained.
  • The proposal outlines an action protocol in the case that incidents occur relating to the physical and psychological safety of young people.

Additional note: We recommend applying for micro-funding programs and other similar opportunities in local communities where they are available, and where you can coordinate and work with other groups in your geography.

Application process

After submission, the application will be processed according to the following steps:

Initial review (7 days)

  • Pre-screening eligibility check by Program Officer
  • Outreach to relevant groups and communities for feedback

Review (28 days)

Decisions and agreement (18 days)

  • Decisions are announced by Program Officer
  • Grant agreement is signed between you and the Wikimedia Foundation
  • Grant payment is made

Project starts

  • Project start date should be after all described steps are completed

Reporting (30 days after the project end date)


Cycle 6 (Deadline: 2024. június 1.) (2023-2024)

Cycle 6

2024. június 1.

Submission deadline

június 2. – 2024. június 27.


2024. július 1.

Decision announced

július 1. – 2024. július 15.

Grant processing and payment

2024. július 16.

Earliest project start date

Cycle 1 (Deadline: 2024. augusztus 1.)

Cycle 1

2024. augusztus 1.

Submission deadline

augusztus 2. – szeptember 5.


2024. szeptember 13.

Decision announced

szeptember 14. – szeptember 27.

Grant processing and payment

2024. szeptember 30.

Earliest project start date

Key campaigns applying in this cycle: Wiki Loves Monuments, WikiVibrance International & Africa Youth Day, She Said - Wiki Loves Women, Wikipedia Asian Month.

Cycle 2 (Deadline: 2024. október 1.)

Cycle 2

2024. október 1.

Submission deadline

október 2. – november 8.


2024. november 15.

Decision announced

november 16. – november 29.

Grant processing and payment

2024. november 29.

Earliest project start date

Key campaigns applying in this cycle: Art+Feminism, Visible Wiki Women, 1Lib1Ref.

Cycle 3 (Deadline: 2024. december 1.)

Cycle 3

2024. december 1.

Submission deadline

2024. december 2. – 2025. január 10.


2025. január 24.

Decision announced

január 25. – február 7.

Grant processing and payment

2025. február 7.

Earliest project start date

Key campaigns applying in this cycle: Wiki Loves Folklore, African Film & Cinema. Those applying for activities related to Women's Month and International Women's Day (8th March) will need to apply in Cycle 3.

Cycle 4 (Deadline: 2025. február 15.)

Cycle 4

2025. február 15.

Submission deadline

február 16. – március 21.


2025. március 28.

Decision announced

március 28. – április 11.

Grant processing and payment

2025. április 11.

Earliest project start date

Key campaigns applying in this cycle: Celebrate Women, CEE Spring, Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki for Human Rights, Africa Wiki Challenge, 1Lib1Ref.

Cycle 5 (Deadline: 2025. május 1.)

Cycle 5

2025. május 1.

Submission deadline

május 2. – június 6.


2025. június 13.

Decision announced

június 14. – június 27.

Grant processing and payment

2025. június 27.

Earliest project start date

Key campaigns applying in this cycle: WPWP, Wiki Loves Monuments 2025, WikiVibrance International, and Africa Youth Day.

Full timeline for all rounds

Cycle 1 - 2024. augusztus 1. – 2024. szeptember 30.
Due Date Activity Duration
2024. augusztus 1. Submission deadline of applications in Cycle 1
2024. augusztus 8.
  • Pre-screening eligibility check by Program Officer
  • Reaching out all relevant groups, organizations, communities, and teams for initial feedback by Program Officer
1 week
2024. augusztus 22. 2 weeks
2024. szeptember 5.
  • Applicant receives and engages with feedback of proposal, making adjustments
2 weeks
2024. szeptember 13.
  • Decisions announced
1 week
2024. szeptember 27.
  • Grant processing, signing agreement, and making grant payment by Grant Admins
2 weeks
2024. szeptember 30.
  • Earliest project start date
2024. október 1.

Submission deadline for the next cycle

Cycle 2 - 2024. október 1. – 2024. november 29.
Due Date Activity Duration
2024. október 1. Submission deadline of applications for Cycle 2
2024. október 11.
  • Pre-screening eligibility check by Program Officer
  • Reaching out all relevant groups, organizations, communities, and teams for initial feedback by Program Officer
1 week
2024. október 25. 2 weeks
2024. november 8.
  • Applicant receives and engages with feedback of proposal, making adjustments
2 weeks
2024. november 15.
  • Decisions announced
1 week
2024. november 29.
  • Grant processing, signing agreement, and making grant payment by Grant Admins
2 weeks
2024. november 29.
  • Earliest project start date
2024. december 1. Submission deadline for the next cycle
Cycle 3 - 2024. december 1. – 2025. február 7.
Due Date Activity Duration
2024. december 1. Submission deadline of applications for Cycle 3
2024. december 9.
  • Pre-screening eligibility check by Program Officer
  • Reaching out all relevant groups, organizations, communities, and teams for initial feedback by Program Officer
1 week
2024. december 23. 2 weeks
2025. január 10.
  • Applicant receives and engages with feedback of proposal, making adjustments
2 weeks
2025. január 24.
  • Decisions announced
2025. február 7.
  • Grant processing, signing agreement, and making grant payment by Grant Admins
2 weeks
2025. február 7.
  • Earliest project start date
2025. február 15. Submission deadline for the next cycle
Cycle 4 - 2025. február 15. – 2025. április 11.
Due Date Activity Duration
2025. február 15. Submission deadline of applications for Cycle 4
2025. február 21.
  • Pre-screening eligibility check by Program Officer
  • Reaching out all relevant groups, organizations, communities, and teams for initial feedback by Program Officer
1 week
2025. március 7. 2 weeks
2025. március 21.
  • Applicant receives and engages with feedback of proposal, making adjustments
2 weeks
2025. március 28.
  • Decisions announced
1 week
2025. április 11.
  • Grant processing, signing agreement, and making grant payment by Grant Admins
2 weeks
2025. április 11.
  • Earliest project start date
2025. május 1. Submission deadline for the next cycle
Cycle 5 - 2025. május 1. – 2025. június 27.
Due Date Activity Duration
2025. május 1. Submission deadline of applications for Cycle 5
2025. május 9.
  • Pre-screening eligibility check by Program Officer
  • Reaching out all relevant groups, organizations, communities, and teams for initial feedback by Program Officer
1 week
2025. május 23. 2 weeks
2025. június 6.
  • Applicant receives and engages with feedback of proposal, making adjustments
2 weeks
2025. június 13.
  • Decisions announced
1 week
2025. június 27.
  • Grant processing, signing agreement, and making grant payment by Grant Admins
2 weeks
2025. június 27.
  • Earliest project start date

How to submit report

If your Rapid Fund is approved, you will need to send a report. Send the report within 30 days after you complete the project.

  1. Go to Wikimedia Foundation Grantee Portal (Fluxx) and log in.
  2. Find the Reports section on the left sidebar. Select the Upcoming link and you will see all upcoming reports.
  3. Select the Rapid Fund report and click Edit. Answer the questions in the form. You can write it in any preferred language.
  4. When your report is complete, click Submit to send it for review.
  • You can prepare the report offline. Make a copy of the report form, answer the questions and copy the text to Fluxx.


Recommendations for developing fund proposals
Other grants

Contact us

Contact the Program Officer in any preferred language:

Region Regional Program Officer Email address
Közel-Kelet és Észak-Afrika Farida El-Gueretly mena_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
Fekete-Afrika Veronica Thamaini ssa_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
Dél-Ázsia Jacqueline Chen sa_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific Jacqueline Chen eseap_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
Latin America & Caribbean Mercedes Caso lac_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
Észak-Amerika Chris Schilling na_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
Northern & Western Europe Agnes Bruszik nwe_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org
Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia Chris Schilling ceeca_rapid(_AT_)wikimedia.org


  1. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/lobbying.
  2. Individuals who have access to the organizational bank account.