Grants:Project/UG BAK/Event Planning for Q1 2017
This project is funded by a Project Grant
proposal | people | timeline & progress | finances | midpoint report | final report |

Project idea
editWhat is the problem you're trying to solve?
editExplain the problem that you are trying to solve with this project or the opportunity you’re taking advantage of. What is the issue you want to address? You can update and add to this later.
- en: The group of Bashkortostan Wikimedians (Bashkortostan UG) is small in number; we need to attract new users and motivate the existing users to stay. We need to study experiences of other language communities and apply them in Bashkir volunteers' practices.
- ru:Группа викимедийцев Башкортостана малочисленна, требуется постоянное привлечение новых и закрепление ранее привлеченных участников. Требуется изучение опыта деятельности других языковых сообществ и применение его в практике башкирских волонтеров.
What is your solution?
editIf you think of your project as an experiment in solving the problem you just described, what is the particular solution you're aiming to test? You will provide details of your plan below, but explain your main idea here.
- en: We propose that we do regular activities to attract new users and motivate existing users to stay; meet to review the results of our volunteering activities, marathon contests, and competitions held in each past period; organize wiki-meetups, seminars and training sessions; participate in regional and international seminars and conferences.
- ru:Регулярно проводить мероприятия по привлечению новых и закреплению ранее привлеченных участников. Подводить итоги волонтерской деятельности, участия в марафонах и конкурсах за предыдущий квартал. Организовывать вики-встречи, семинары, тренинги. Участвовать в региональных и международных семинарах и конференциях.
Project goals
editExplain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant.
- Develop and further wiki projects in the Bashkir language, including Bashkir Wikipedia.
- Plan, organize and coordinate the activities of the Bashkir community volunteers.
- Increase the quantity and improve the quality of Bashkir-language free knowledge content.
- Popularize Bashkir-language wiki projects in the Republic of Bashkortostan and in other regions with Bashkir presence.
- Promote free knowledge about the culture of the Bashkir people in the global information space.
Project plan
editTell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing? What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?
Community / Берләшмә / Сообщество
- Contests / Конкурстар / Конкурсы
- en: We conduct Bashkir wiki-marathons, regularly participate in international Wiki-events and reward the winners after such activities. In Q1 2017, we need to review and announce the results of Bashkortostan Wikimedians' participation in the Wiki-marathons "Wiki Loves Monuments" (September 2016), "The Bashkortostan Month 2016" (September 11 — October 11 2016), "Wiki-Urals 2016" (September 15 — December 15, 2016), "The Asia Month 2016" (November 2016), "Bashkortostan 100" (first stage, September 11 — December 20, 2016).
- ru: Мы проводим башкирские викимарафоны, регулярно участвуем в международных мероприятиях и поощряем победителей после завершения событий. В первом квартале 2017 года необходимо подвести итоги участия викимедийцев Башкортостана в викимарафонах "Вики любит памятники" (сентябрь 2016), "Месяц Башкортостана 2016" (11 сентября - 11 октября 2016), "Вики-Урал 2016" (2016), "Месяц Азии 2016" (ноябрь 2016), "Башкортостан 100" - (первый этап, 11 сентября - 20 декабря 2016).
- Meetings / Осрашыуҙар / Встречи
- en: We arrange monthly meetings, each 2-3 hours long, during which we socialize, make presentations, do training and editing. These meetings take place in Ufa and other cities in the Republic of Bashkortostan. 6 such meetings meetings are planned for the Q1 2017. At the meetings, at least 50 people will take part. A total of no less than 50 people will participate in these meetings.
- ru: Мы обеспечиваем ежемесячные встречи продолжительностью 2-3 часа для общения, презентации, обучения, редактирования. Встречи проходят в Уфе и других городах Республики Башкортостан. На первый квартал 2017 года запланировано 6 встреч. Во встречах примут участие не менее 50 человек.
- Seminars (for experienced and leading users) / Семинарҙар (тәжрибәлеләр һәм әйҙәүселәр өсөн) / Семинары (для опытных и ведущих)
- en: We hold 2-3 seminars a year for experienced users who are leaders of separate Wiki-activity areas, such as organizing competitions, lectures for beginners, organizing Wiki-meetups, Wiki-expeditions etc. Given our 2016 experience of conducting similar activities, it is practicable to limit the participants' numbers to 12, and the seminar duration to 3 days. However, for certain seminars with specific topics, it may be possible to invite more users and/or plan for longer duration. In Q1 2017, we plan to conduct one 3-day seminar in face-to-face format.
- ru: Мы проводим 2-3 семинара в год для опытных участников, ведущих отдельные направления вики-деятельности, таких как организация конкурсов, лекции для начинающих, организация вики-встреч, вики-экспедиций и т.д. Исходя из опыта аналогичных мероприятий 2016 года, количество участников целесообразно ограничить до 12 человек, продолжительность семинара - 3 дня. В зависимости от тематики семинара возможно увеличение как количества участников, так и продолжительности. В первом квартале 2017 года планируется провести 1 семинар продолжительностью 3 дня в очной форме.
- Organizing Wiki-club activities in Bashkortostan cities and locations / Организация работы вики-клубов в районах и городах Республики Башкортостан.
- en: Our User Group has begun to organize Wiki-clubs in cities and rural locations across Bashkortostan where there are experienced and active Wikipedians, namely Айсар in the city of Neftekamsk, Ләйсән in Sibay, Мухамадеева in Beloretsk, Аҡҡашҡа in the Dyoma district of Ufa, Һәҙиә in the Burzyansky District and З. ӘЙЛЕ in the Ufimsky District. For the wiki-clubs to run effectively, we need to purchase laptops and Wi-Fi routers.
- ru: Наша юзер-группа начала организацию вики-клубов в районах и городах Республики Башкортостан, где есть активные и опытные википедисты Айсар - город Нефтекамск, Ләйсән - город Сибай, Мухамадеева - город Белорецк, Аҡҡашҡа - Демский район города Уфы, Һәҙиә - Бурзянский район и З. ӘЙЛЕ - Уфимский район. Для полноценной работы вики-клубов необходимо приобрести ноутбуки и роутеры.
editHow you will use the funds you are requesting? List bullet points for each expense. (You can create a table later if needed.) Don’t forget to include a total amount, and update this amount in the Probox at the top of your page too!
- en: Budget details are available on the page Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group/Current plan#Q1 2017 / 2017 йылдың 1 кварталы
- ru: Детализация бюджетных расчетов на странице Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group/Current plan#Q1 2017 / 2017 йылдың 1 кварталы
No. / № пп | Item / Пункт | Description / Описание | Unit / Ед.изм. | No. of units / Кол-во единиц | Amount per unit / Цена | Total amount / Итого | Currency / Валюта | Notes / Заметки |
Community / Берләшмә / Сообщество | ||||||||
1 | Contests / Конкурстар / Конкурсы | Announce the results for activities and participation in Wiki-marathons and competitions / Подведение итогов деятельности и участия в викимарафонах и конкурсах Расходы:
- - Cost of prizes per each competition / Призы на один конкурс - 13860 RUB / USD 231, -- Mailing and Internet expenses per each competition / почтовые расходы и связь на один конкурс - 3753.33 RUB / USD 62.55, - Subtotal expenses per each competition /общий расход на один конкурс - 17613.33 RUB / USD 293.55 |
event / мероприятие | 3 | 17613.33 /293.55 | 52840 / 880.66 | RUB / USD | |
2 | Meetings / Осрашыуҙар / Встречи | Organize Wiki-meetups / Организация вики-встреч.
Expenses / Расходы: - Food and drink per 1 event / Еда и напитки на 1 мероприятие - 5000 RUB / USD 83.33 - Travel and accommodation per 1 event / Проезд и проживание на 1 мероприятие - 2500 RUB / USD 41.67 - Internet access per 1 event / Доступ к интернету на 1 мероприятие - 250 RUB / USD 4.16 - Gifts to participants (pen, calendar, notebook etc.) per 1 event / Презенты участникам (ручка, календарь, блокнот и т.д.) на 1 мероприятие - 2500 RUB / USD 41.67 - Subtotal expenses per 1 event / Общий расход на 1 мероприятие - 10250 RUB / USD 170.83 |
event / мероприятие | 6 | 10250 / 170.83 | 61500 / 1025 | RUB / USD | |
3 | Seminars (for experienced users and leading members) / Семинарҙар (тәжрибәлеләр һәм әйҙәүселәр өсөн) / Семинары (для опытных и ведущих) | Conduct the seminar / Проведение семинара
Expenses / Расходы: - Food and drinks: 12 people * 3 days * 750 RUB =27,000 RUB / USD 450 Еда и напитки, 12 человек * 3 дня * 750 рублей = 27000 RUB / USD 450 - Accommodation 12 people * 3 days * 1750 RUB = 63,000 RUB / USD 1050 , Проживание 12 человек * 3 дня * 1750 рублей = 63000 RUB / USD 1050 - Travel expenses: 9 participants * 1,000 RUB = 9,000 RUB / USD 150, Проезд участников, 9 человек * 1000 рублей = 9000 RUB / USD 150 - Travel expenses for an invited speaker from Moscow: 1 person * 12,000 RUB = 12,000 RUB / USD 200 Проезд спикера из Москвы, 1 человек * 12000 рублей = 12000 RUB / USD 200 - Stationary for the participants, 12 people * 550 RUB = 6,600 RUB / USD 110, Канцтовары участникам, 12 человек * 550 рублей = 6600 RUB / USD 110. - Total expenses / Общий расход - 117600 RUB / USD 1960 |
event / мероприятие | 1 | 117600 / 1960 | 117600 / 1960 | RUB / USD | |
4 | Equipment for Wiki-clubs/ Оборудование для вики-клубов | Organizing Wiki-clubs in cities and locations: Expenses / Расходы: - Purchase laptops for 2 Wiki-clubs * 25,000 RUB = 50,000 RUB / USD 833 / Покупка ноутбуков для 2 вики-клубов * 25000 рублей = 50000 RUB / USD 833 - Purchase routers for 2 Wiki-clubs * 3,500 RUB = 7,000 RUB / USD 117 / Покупка роутеров для 2 вики-клубов * 3500 рублей = 7000 RUB / USD 117 - Total expenses 57000 RUB / 950 USD / Общий расход 57000 / 950 |
Wiki-club/вики-клуб | 2 | 28500 / 475 | 57000 / 950 | RUB / USD | |
Administration / Ойоштороу / Администрирование | ||||||||
5 | Оperating costs / текущие расходы | Operating costs / Текущие расходы
expenses that are not projected in the budget but may still occur / расходы, которые не проецируются в бюджет, но все же могут произойти |
12000 / 200 | RUB / USD | ||||
Personal Income Tax | Personal income tax / НДФЛ | 44968.05 / 749.47 | RUB / USD | |||||
Total | 345908.05 / 5765.13 | RUB / USD |
Community engagement
editHow will you let others in your community know about your project? Why are you targeting a specific audience? How will you engage the community you’re aiming to serve at various points during your project? Community input and participation helps make projects successful.
- en: Information about our activities is published on the Bashkir Wikipedia's general forum, on the Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group vurrent planning page, at Vkontakte social media page, via newspapers Bashkortostan and "Kiske Ofo" ("The Evening Ufa"), Bashinform Information Agency.
- ru: Информация о мероприятиях сообщается на общем форуме Башкирской Википедии, на странице текущего планирования Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group, в социальной сети в Вконтакте, через газеты «Башкортостан» и «Киске Өфө», информационное агентство «Башинформ».
editWhat do you expect will happen to your project after the grant ends? How might the project be continued or grown in new ways afterwards?
- en: Announcing the results for the finished periods of time, organizing new activities, such as Wiki-meetups, seminars, travel to international conferences will promote a dynamic development of the Bashkortostan Wikimedia community, help attract new members and and motivate the existing members. This will help improve the quality of articles in the Bashkir Wikipedia, create more new articles. Opportunities will arise to promote such Wiki projects and Wiki-library, Bashkir Wiktionary, integrate the Bashkir language into Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata.
- ru:Подведение итогов за предыдущий период работы, организация новых мероприятий в виде вики-встреч, семинаров, поездки на международные конференции будут способствовать динамичному развитию сообщества викимедийцев Башкортостана, привлечению новых и закреплению ранее привлеченных участников. Это позволит улучшить качество статей Башкирской Википедии, создать больше новых статей. Появится возможность для развития вики-проектов Викикитапхана, Викисловарь на башкирском языке, интегрирования башкирского языка в Викисклад и Викиданные.
Measures of success
editHow will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include specific, measurable targets here.
- Activity Wikipedians / Активность википедистов
- en:
- A = Number of Wikipedians who have done 10 or more edits since there registration: 150 in August 2016 / no less than 160 in March 2017
- C = Number of Wikipedians who have done 5 edits this month: 17 in August 2016 / no less than 20 in March 2017
- D = Number of Wikipedians who have done 100 or more edits this month: 8 in August 2016 / no less than 10 in March 2017
- ru:
- A = Википедисты, сделавшие минимум 10 правок с момента регистрации — Август 2016 = 150 / Март 2017 = не менее 160
- C = Википедисты, сделавшие 5 правок в этом месяце — Август 2016 = 17 / Март 2017 = не менее 20
- D = Википедисты, сделавшие 100 и более правок в этом месяц — Август 2016 = 8 / Март 2017 = не менее 10
- en:
- Number of events:
- en:We will conduct ~6 meetings.
- ru:Мы проведем ~6 встреч
- Number of total participants:
- en:We will invite ~50 people to these meetings.
- ru:Куда пригласим не менее ~50 человек.
- Number of new registered users
- en:And we will train ~6 new editors.
- ru:И научим ~6 новых редакторов.
- Number of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
- en:We will create
~100~300 new articles. - ru:Мы создадим
~100~300 новых статей.
- en:We will create
- Number of people who will help organize the event:
- en:The meetings will be organized by experienced edtors: Рөстәм Нурыев, Ләйсән, З. ӘЙЛЕ, ZUFAr, Айсар, Мухамадеева, YANBEK, Borovi4ok, Dina1965.
- ru:Встречи организуют опытные редакторы Рөстәм Нурыев, Ләйсән, З. ӘЙЛЕ, ZUFAr, Айсар, Мухамадеева, YANBEK, Borovi4ok, Dina1965.
Get involved
editPlease use this section to tell us more about who is working on this project. For each member of the team, please describe any project-related skills, experience, or other background you have that might help contribute to making this idea a success.
- Volunteer Рөстәм Нурыев — Hi, my page is Рөстәм Нурыев, you can call me Röstäm Aqa or Röstäm Bеy. I'm the organizer and coordinator of the events at Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group. I have been a volunteer and administrator of the Bashkir Wikipedia since 2006. Рөстәм Нурыев (talk) 17:51, 26 September 2016 (UTC)
- Volunteer Borovi4ok — Hi everyone! My name is Rishat, I am a member of the Bashkortostan User Group. I have participated in Wikimania 2016 and CEE 2016 (in Armenia). Please feel free to contact me in English regarding any UG-related activities or issues. Borovi4ok (talk) 09:50, 27 September 2016 (UTC)
- Volunteer I am the user group's treasurer, ensuring that the allocated funds are spent for intended and appropriate purposes. // Я казначей юзер-группы, обеспечиваю целевое использование выделенных финансовых средств. Dina1965 (talk) 14:12, 4 October 2016 (UTC)
- Volunteer I am the user group's treasurer, ensuring that the allocated funds are spent for intended and appropriate purposes. // Я еще один казначей юзер-группы, обеспечиваю целевое использование выделенных финансовых средств. -- З. ӘЙЛЕ (talk) 11:16, 10 October 2016 (UTC)
Community notification
editYou are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a Village Pump, talk page, mailing list, etc.--> Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?
- en:Information is published on Bashkir Wikipedia's general forum and at the User Group's current planning page.
- ru: Информация на общем форуме Башкирской Википедии и на странице текущего планирования Wikimedians of Bashkortostan User Group
editDo you think this project should be selected for a Project Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).
- Support.--Ryanag (talk) 13:06, 4 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support — Niklitov (talk) 19:32, 9 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --ZUFAr (talk) 16:55, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Ләйсән (talk) 16:59, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Аҡҡашҡа (talk) 22:09, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Айсар (talk) 17:10, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Һәҙиә (talk) 22:13, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support--Мухамадеева (talk) 17:46, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support--Таңһылыу (talk) 23:21, 12 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --З. ӘЙЛЕ (talk) 04:12, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --YANBEK (talk) 05:04, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support -- 08:19, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Тутыйғош (talk) 16:47, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Зөлхизә(talk) 17:05, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support --Рәшиҙә Ғизәтуллина(talk) 20:05, 13 October 2016 (UTC)
- Support: Bashkir colleagues are setting example for all Wikipedia communities in various regional and aboriginal languages of Russia. Frhdkazan (talk) 19:52, 30 October 2016 (UTC)