Carta del Movimiento/Consulta a la Comunidad
April 26, 2024 Movement Charter Ask Me Anything session

Esta página está dedicada a las consultas a la comunidad sobre el contenido de la Carta del Movimiento, que está siendo redactada por el Comité de Redacción de la Carta del Movimiento (MCDC).
Monthly drop-in sessions
Between October 2023 and May 2024, MCDC hosted monthly drop-in sessions that are open to everyone to help us think through various topics and open questions. These sessions aimed to allow better connection and engagement with interested individuals and various communities willing to share input in the drafting of the Charter. The topics of each session and the necessary information to read was shared ahead of time.
Completed sessions
Movement Charter Launch Party was held on June 20.
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Please register for the event in the event page.
Please sign-up below to receive an invitation to join the call. If you need interpretation support, please share what language by Wednesday, April 24, and we will try to provide it. |
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December 7, 2023 at 15.00 UTC (click to see your local time)
- Session topic: The purpose of the Global Council
- Watch the session recording on YouTube
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- Session topic: The structure of the Global Council
- Watch the session recording on YouTube
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October 5, 2023 at 16:00 UTC (click to see your local time)
- Session topic: The structure of the Global Council
- During the session, participants will work in 3 breakouts: 1) one focusing on the “No Global Council” idea, 2) on the General Assembly model, 3) on the Small Committee model.
- After the breakout session, participants will reconvene to collectively analyze the pros and cons of different models.
- Optional reading: The Global Council draft.
- Watch the session recording on YouTube
April 2024 consultation
The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) shared the full draft of the Movement Charter on April 2, 2024. The MCDC collected feedback from the communities and stakeholders until April 30, 2024.
How to share your feedback?
- read the Wikimedia Movement Charter text on Meta;
- share your message or question on the Movement Charter Talk page in any language;
- attend the community drop-in session on April 4 at 15.00-17.00 UTC;
- attend community calls organized by the Movement Charter Ambassadors;
- or email movementcharter
Wikimedia Summit 2024
The Movement Charter Drafting Committee attended the Wikimedia Summit in Berlin on 19-21 April 2024.
Ambassadors-organized conversations
Consulta de Julio a Septiembre de 2023
The feedback report for this round of consultation is now available. |
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El Comité de Redacción de la Carta del Movimiento (MCDC) compartirá los siguientes borradores de la misma en julio de 2023.
El MCDC recogerá feedback de las comunidades e interesados hasta el 1 de septiembre de 2023. Sugerimos que los interesados se hagan familiares con los borradores antes de la reunión. El MCDC compartirá abiertamente preguntas para que conteste la comunidad. Serán bienvenidas aclaraciones y preguntas adicionales. For the regional conversation hours, please observe the following points:
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to your Regional Movement Communications Specialist. SWAN July 2023
Regional conversation: South Asia
=== Pregúntame lo que quieras #3: [$AMA3 América del Norte y América del Sur/Europa Occidental] ===
Sign up to receive an invitation to join the call:
Regional conversation: Latin America and the Caribbean
Sign up to receive an invitation to join the call: Wikimania 2023
Regional conversation: Middle East and North Africa
September-December 2023 events
The feedback report for this round of consultation is now available. |
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From September to December 2023, Movement Charter conversations will continue at various regional events as listed below. There will also be conversations organized by individuals or groups from different communities within the frame of the Movement Charter community conversations support grants available for under-resourced communities. We encourage everyone attending the regional events to talk to Movement Charter Drafting Committee members present at the events, ask your questions, and share feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the regional specialists of the Wikimedia Foundation's Movement Communications team who will be able to assist you. Regional events and conferencesAmbassadors-organized conversations |
Past consultations
Recibe un recordatorio vía correo wiki/página de discusión
- Wikimedia Summit conversations (September 2022)
- Preamble, Values & Principles and Roles & Responsibilities chapters community consultation (November–December 2022):
- Ahora, y antes de avanzar en la redacción de la Carta, el MCDC quiere conversar con las comunidades y recabar opiniones sobre los borradores de las tres secciones: Preámbulo, Valores y Principios, y Roles y Responsabilidades (declaración de intenciones). Los borradores de estas secciones estarán disponibles en la página de Meta aquí el 14 de noviembre de 2022.
- = consulta noviembre-diciembre 2022 =