Викимедиа 2030
Нәрсә ул - 2030 стратегиясе?
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Following a broad consultation in 2017, the first phase of the Movement Strategy process produced a Strategic Direction to guide the movement towards the future. Recommendations were drafted in the second phase to help guide us towards our strategic direction and strive for Knowledge Equity and Knowledge as a Service. Close to 100 Wikimedians came together in nine working groups to draft these recommendations. After multiple iterations and consultations with communities, the final ten recommendations and principles were published in May 2020, thus concluding the second phase of the process.
From October to December 2020, Wikimedia communities, affiliates and the movement Strategy Support Team organized about 50 events to prioritize the recommendations. As a result of those, as well as the Global Conversations event, eight major initiatives and initiative clusters (a grouping of several initiatives) were chosen as the priorities for the implementation. During December 2020 to February 2021, the top eight initiative clusters, nicknamed from cluster A to H, were further discussed in a series of “follow-up events”. The results of the follow-up discussions were published in detailed reports on Meta. Now the implementation has begun. Information on the current state of affairs can be found here.
Стратегия өстендә кем эшли?
Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy has been an open and participatory process. While supported by Wikimedia Foundation staff, Strategy has been based on a series of movement-wide consultations and high volunteer participation. In its first phase, over 1,800 statements from about one hundred communities were combined to create the Strategic Direction. In its second phase, more than a hundred volunteers, from various communities and affiliates, created together the recommendations and principles, informed by extensive movement feedback.
The process aims for even more openness and participation across the movement to shape our future, especially from project communities and underrepresented groups. In late 2020, a diverse groups of Wikimedians, with on-wiki engagement and guidance, created an outline for the online transition events. Later, hundreds of Wikimedians from diverse backgrounds joined the Global Conversations to prioritize the recommendations and initiatives.