Ombuds Kommissjuhn
For legal and security reasons, the Wikimedia Foundation has decided to require two-factor authentication for this role. |
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About the commission — Make a report — Email the commission — Discuss the commission |
Activity reports: 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • Earlier Published decisions |
De Ombudsmänner Kommissjuhn es doför doh, offizjäll för de Vörschtänd vun de WikiMedia Shtefftung Beschwerde övver de Verlezunge vun Räjelle övver der Daateschoz uß alle Wikis ze beärrbeide, un dänne nohzejonn, besöngisch wann et CheckUser Werrekzüsh jebruch weedt. Wä sesch övver jät beshweere well, dä schriif enem Ombudsmann päsöönlesch.
Zohsäzlesch zom offizjälle Ongersöhke, donn se vermeddelle zwesche däm, dä sesch beklaach, un dämm Ander. Dä es fö jewööhnlesch ene CheckUser, Bürrokraat, Wiki-Köbes, udder einer uss em Vermeddelungs_Kummiteh. Wann nüüdesch, deiht dä Ombudsmann dä Aanwalt udder rääschlesche Berooder vun de Shefftung, un däm Jeschääfßföhrer vum Vörshtand, derbei ongershtöze, met dä Saach ömzejonn.
Wan esu jät vör et Jereesch jeiht, udder jonn künnt, dann hät dä Ombudsmann de CheckUsers, udder wäät söns, ööver de Rääjelle vun de Shteftung för de Metmaacher ier Privatsfeer opzeklääre. Wann jääje de Rääjel jehandelt wood, sullt dat de Ombudsmänner Kommissjuhn aan dä Jeschäffßföhrer vum Vörshtand mellde, un ene Vörschlaach maache, wi domet ömzejonn wöhr. Dat künnt zem Beijshpöll bedügge, dat ene Metmaacher der Zohjang zom CheckUser-Werkzüsh fottjenumme kritt. Ußerdämm künnt de Kommissjuhn Vörschääsch maache, Räjelle udder Projramme ze verbessere.
Enem Ombudsmann sull onpatteijesch, fäär, un onaffhängesch ongersöhke, wat Saach es, nu sesch och jenou esu benämme. Jrundsäzlesch moß hä esu wigk wi et jeiht vermeide, dat hä en ene Kumflik erin jetrocke weet, udder sellver em Kumflik met singe eije Inträße kütt. Dröm sull hä sellver kein nommaale Checkuser Aufträäsch maache, un nit en dä Projäkte als Ombudsmann werke, woh hä sellver ene Aktiive es. Ävver de Saache, di Saaache, di vör de Kummißjuhn kumme, sin nit en alle Fälle janz kloh, unde Shprooch un de Kultuur vun de ville Projäkte künne för Frembde ärsch henderlesch sin. Esu jesinn, es dat, wi de Kummißjuhn met jeedem einzelne Fall un jeede einzelne Beschwerde ömjeiht, dä ier Metjeeder sellver övverlohße.
Metjleeder en de Ombudsmänner-Kummisjuhn wääde vun Ofizjälle vun de Wikimedia Shtefftong us de Wikimedia-Jemeinschaff, allsuh alle Metmaacher, ußjesöhk. Et jit kei Wahle un keine Oproofe för Freiwellijje. Wä zohshtemmp weet för zirka e Johr verflėsh. Jeede Ombushmann un -frou moß singe udder iere rehschtijje Naame bejm Notaa udder Aanwalt vun de Shteftung bėkannt jävve.
De aktoälle Ombudsmänner un -froue
User | Home wiki(s) | Language spoken | IRC nick | Term expires |
だ*ぜ (CA) | zhwiki | zh, yue, wuu, lzh, en-4, ja-3 | Dasze
2026 |
Ameisenigel (CA) | dewiki, wikidatawiki | de, en-4, nds-2, fr-1, tlh-1 | Ameisenigel
2026 |
Arcticocean (CA) | en, sco-3, es-2, gd-1 | 2026 | ||
Emufarmers (CA) | enwiki | en, la-2 | Emufarmers
2026 |
Faendalimas (CA) * | wikispecies | en, pt-3, it-2, fr-1 | faendalimas
2026 |
Galahad (CA) | eswikivoyage | es, en-2 | baskerville
2027 |
Nehaoua (CA) | arwiki, frwiki | ar-n, fr-4, en-2 | 2026 | |
Renvoy (CA) | ukwiki | uk, ru-4, en-3, pl-3, lt-1 | 2026 | |
Revi C. (CA) | kowiki, commonswiki, metawiki | ko, en-3 | revi
2027 |
RoySmith (CA) | enwiki | en | roy649
2026 |
Teles (CA) | ptwiki | pt, en-3, es-2 | 2027 | |
Vermont (CA) ‡ | enwiki, metawiki, simplewiki | en, ru-2, es-1 | Vermont
2026 |
Zafer (CA) | trwiki | tr, en-3, az-2, ru-1, kk-1 | 2027 |
† Advisory member; ‡ Steward-Observer; * Chair, terms expire in February of listed year
For previous members, see here.
Loor och hee: Special:GlobalUsers/ombuds. This list is generated from the global ombudsman user group. This grants commission members the following rights on all Wikimedia wikis:
- Verschtoche Enndrääsch em Logbohch vum Meßbruchsfelter belohre (abusefilter-hidden-log)
- De Meßbruchsfeltere ier Logbooch lesse (abusefilter-log)
- En de Meßbruchsfeltere ierem Logbooch de Einzelheite beloore (abusefilter-log-detail)
- As „$prevaat“ makeete Endrääsch em Logbooch beloore (abusefilter-log-private)
- En de Meßbruchsfeltere ierem Logbooch de private Einzelheite beloore (abusefilter-privatedetails))
- Das Missbrauchsfilter-Private-Einzelheiten-Zugriffs-Logbuch ansehen (abusefilter-privatedetails-log)
- Anzeigen von Logbüchern zum Zugriff auf geschützte Variablenwerte (abusefilter-protected-vars-log)
- Meßbruchsfeltere aanloore (abusefilter-view)
- Privaate Meßbruchsfelter aanloore (abusefilter-view-private)
- Noh fottjeschmeße Sigge söhke (browsearchive)
- IP-Adräße un ier Bezösch zo de aanjemäldte Metmaacher övverpröhfe, un de Metmaacher ier Dahte aanlohre (checkuser)
- En et Logbohch fum Övverpröfe fun IP-Adräße un ier Bezösch zo de aanjemeldte Metmaacher lohre, un esu wigger (checkuser-log)
- Das Protokoll des Zugriffs auf temporäre Konto-IP-Adressen anzeigen (checkuser-temporary-account-log)
- Anzeigen der von temporären Konten verwendeten IP-Adressen, ohne die Einstellungen aktivieren zu müssen (checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference)
- Fottjeschmeße Versione vun Sigge opleßte lohße — dat zeich ävver nit der Tex aan (deletedhistory)
- Fotjeschmeße Täx un Ungerscheid zwesche de verschtoche Versione aanloore (deletedtext)
- Ein Protokoll der Zugriffe auf IP-Informationen einsehen (ipinfo-view-log)
- Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren (oathauth-enable)
- De private Logböcher aanloore (suppressionlog)
- Beloor de Väsjohne, di vun jeedem verschtoche sin. (viewsuppressed)
Aanfroore aan Ombudsmänner määt mer övver di Addräß vun de e-mail:
- To use the form, access this link: Special:Contact/ombudscommission
- To write an email, access this link: Special:EmailUser/Ombuds commission
Both ways will send message directly to OC mailing list.
Please follow these guidelines when submitting an inquiry to the commission:
- Be concise: Lengthy emails with unnecessary information make it harder for the commission to process the case in a timely manner.
- Be objective: Avoid making inquiries based on speculations or subjective judgements.
- Provide evidence: Please provide us with diff links and/or permanent links when possible.
- Be specific: Specify what part of which policy has been violated.
- Please inform us if your wiki has an Arbitration Committee (or a similar committee) and if you have reached them (or used other dispute resolution procedure customary to your community) before reaching the ombuds commission. Provide a link to the relevant case page if appropriate.
Cases brought to our attention will be processed the following way:
- Confirmation of the request: We will send a notice of confirmation to the requester, and if necessary ask for further information.
- Scope: If the request is within the scope of the ombuds commission, we will do the investigation, if not we will decline the request and try to direct the complainant to a better place to get help for their individual problem.
- Investigation: We do whatever is necessary to find out whether or not there was a breach of the policies or a non-compliance or conflict of local policies with the global ones.
- Result: We give the result of our investigation to the requester, and if there was indeed a breach of the privacy policy, we will inform the user who was investigated and if necessary inform the Board of Trustees and if necessary recommend removing OS, CU or steward rights from the user breaking the policy.
Past decisions
Where the Commission has reached a decision which has significance for the wider community, it may publish it publicly. The decisions currently published are:
- IP block exemptions (2016/42).
- Disclosure of information (2019/125) (2019/122) (2019/121) (2019/138) – this decision outlined the circumstances where a checkuser may disclose information they have obtained through their privileged access.
- Functionaries banned on other projects (2024/230) – dealing with a scenario where a volunteer banned from one wiki (or otherwise becoming untrusted) continues to have access rights on another wiki.
- French Wikipedia Nominations Committee (2019/129) (2020/160) (2021/173).
Reference numbers (in brackets) are given for the convenience of commissioners – they are the internal reference numbers of the case which led to the decision. Some published decisions will resolve several cases.
Activity reports
- in 2013: February–June, July–December.
- in 2014: January–June, July–December.
- in 2015: January–June, July–December.
- in 2016: January–June, July–December.
- in 2017: January–June, July–December.
- in 2018: January–June, July–December.
- in 2019: January–June, July–September, October–December.
- 2020 Commission: January-March, April-January 2021.
- 2021 Commission: February-April, May-July, August-October, November-January 2022.
- 2022 Commission: February-April, May-July, August-October, November-January 2023.
- 2023 Commission: February-April, May-July, August-October, November-January 2024.
- 2024 Commission: February-April, May-July, August-October, November-January 2025.
Loor och hee
- Board resolutions: Ombudsperson Checkuser (July 2006) — Wikimedia Committees (minutes of presentation on Ombudsman Commission; January 2009) — Amending the Scope of the Ombudsman Commission (November 2015)
- Requests for comment: Scope of Ombudsman Commission (May—December 2013)
- Announcement Ombudsman commission wider scope (January 2016)
- New commission announcements: 2007 — 2009 — 2011 — 2012 — 2013 — 2014 — 2015 — 2016 — 2017 — 2018 — 2019 — 2020 — 2021 — 2022 — 2023 — 2024 — 2025
- Information on the ombuds global user group:
- Ombudsperson: global permission · global groups (toolforge) · member list · group changelog
- Global groups
- 2021 workflow updates
- What do you know about the Ombuds Commission? (December 2023) by Faendalimas (the Chair of the Ombuds Commission)