
< Stewards‎ | Confirm‎ | 2015

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages: fr, en-3
  • Personal info: As always, my activity (that has remained moderate but consistent for the past few years) was mainly about inhibiting activity from long-term abusers and spambots. With your approbation, I would like to carry on for a 4th year. Elfix 18:57, 20 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Langues: fr, en-3
  • Renseignements personnels: Comme toujours, mon activité (laquelle est certes restée modérée mais régulière ces dernières années) a principalement consisté à bloquer les vandales de longue durée et les spambots. Avec votre approbation, je souhaiterais continuer pour une 4e année. Elfix 18:57, 20 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Idiomas: fr, en-3
  • Información personal: Como siempre, mi actividad (que por cierto ha sido moderada pero constante en los últimos años) consistió principalmente de bloqueos a vándalos recurrentes y spambots. Con su aprobación, me gustaría continuar por un cuarto año. Elfix 18:57, 20 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Lingue: fr, en-3
  • Informazioni personali: Come sempre, il mio lavoro (che tra l'altro è stato moderato ma costante negli ultimi anni) ha riguardato principalmente il blocco di vandali ricorrenti e spambot. Con la vostra approvazione, vorrei continuare per un quarto anno.
  • Языки:
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