Stewards/Confirm/2025/Wim b

logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement

  • Languages:
  • Personal info: I have been a Steward since 2019 and this year, despite some difficulties, I managed to help although not as I would have liked because fortunately for the community the requests were processed in a very short time, but I always put maximum effort and passion into what I did. Despite a drop in my statistics in the last year, I remained active, especially on external channels, for emergency actions, help to local admins and CUs, to compare data and fight vandalism and LTAs. I hope to continue to count on the trust of the community to continue fighting spambots and LTAs, and for other tasks.
  • ভাষা:
  • ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
  • Sprachen:
  • Informationen zur Person: translation needed
  • Idiomas:
  • Información personal: translation needed
  • Nyelvek:
  • Személyes információk: translation needed
  • Lingue:
  • Informazioni personali: Sono uno Steward dal 2019 e quest'anno, nonostante alcune difficoltà, sono riuscito a dare una mano anche se non come avrei voluto perché fortunatamente per la comunità le richieste venivano gestite in pochissimo tempo, ma ho sempre messo il massimo impegno e passione in quello che ho fatto. Nonostante un calo delle mie statiche nell'ultimo anno, sono rimasto attivo, soprattutto su canali esterni, per azioni di emergenza, aiuti ad admin e CU locali, per confrontare i dati, combattere i vandalismi ed LTA. Spero di poter continuare a contare sulla fiducia della comunità per continuare a combattere spambot e LTA, e per gli altri compiti.
  • Taalvaardigheid:
  • Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
  • Языки:
  • Личная информация: translation needed
Tiếng Việt:
  • Ngôn ngữ:
  • Thông tin cá nhân: translation needed
  • 可说语言:
  • 个人资料: translation needed
  • 可說語言:
  • 個人資料: translation needed

Comments about Wim b

Sorry, but I'm going to have to change to   Remove after what Ferien brought up. //shb (tc) 22:26, 6 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]