Steward/Elezzione 2014

This page is a translated version of the page Stewards/Elections 2014 and the translation is 97% complete.
The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.
  • New stewards are elected roughly once per year. Stewards perform technical tasks on all Wikimedia wikis based on community consensus and on the Stewards policy: changing user access, viewing user information in cases of abuse, and so on (see details).
  • For more information on voting, translating, or being a candidate, read the guidelines. You can automatically check your eligibility to vote.
  • Candidate submissions are open from 15 January 2014, 00:00 (UTC) until 28 January 2014, 23:59 (UTC). Questions to the candidates can be submitted until the election concludes.
  • The voting will begin on 08 February 2014, 18:00 (UTC) and end on 28 February 2014, 17:59 (UTC). Candidates must meet the criteria and obtain at least 30 votes in favor with an 80% support ratio. You can track the results with collected statistics.
  • The confirmation process of the current stewards is being held in parallel.


Cannidato     No   Neutrale Dumanne Risultato
Ajraddatz Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Cekli829 Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
Hoo man Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Meno25 Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Rschen7754 Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Savh Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Shanmugamp7 Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
SPQRobin Yes No Neutral Questions Elected
Tar Lócesilion Yes No Neutral Questions Not elected
TBloemink Yes No Neutral Questions Elected


'E seguente candidate hanno retirato 'a prupria cannidatura:

Cannidato     No   Neutrale Dumanne Risultato
Risker Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn
RoySmith Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn
Techman224 Yes No Neutral Questions Withdrawn

Nun qualificate

'E seguente cannidate nun soddisfano 'e requisite definite dint'ê linee guida e ppetanto song state squalificate.

Cannidato Risultato
ציון הלוי Disqualified
Raafat Disqualified

Cummissione elettorale

'E Steward se organizzano 'e elezzione da sole. 'O Board of Trustees decise dint'ô 2009 ca se sarebbe astenuto 'e ll'ntervenire ppe cunfermà 'o risultato d"e nove elezzione. Ppetanto, 'e steward hanno deciso 'e costituire 'nu cumitato elettorale furmato 'e vuluntare ppe 'e seguente esigenze:

  • Chiudere 'e elezzione steward;
  • Certificà 'o risultato d"e elezzione, doppo 'a verifica 'e ll0effettiva validità 'e tutte 'e vote ppe tutte 'e cannidature;
  • Numinà 'e cannidate alette;
  • Chiudere 'e ricunferme d"e steward;
  • A seguito d"e discussione, valutà 'o cunsenso d"e cummunetà e d"e steward e decidere se cunfermarle o meno.


Ppe ajùta dint'â gestione d"e elezzione 2014 ppe steward, vede 'a relativa paggena 'e coordinamiento.
Se tene bisogno 'e ajùto, sentite líbbero 'e chiedere dint'ô canale IRC #wikimedia-stewards-electionsconnect o dint'â paggena 'e chiàcchierate.


Results: The following candidates were elected as stewards:

  1. Ajraddatz (talk · contribs · CA)
  2. Hoo man (talk · contribs · CA)
  3. Meno25 (talk · contribs · CA)
  4. Rschen7754 (talk · contribs · CA)
  5. Shanmugamp7 (talk · contribs · CA)
  6. SPQRobin (talk · contribs · CA)
  7. Savh (talk · contribs · CA)
  8. TBloemink (talk · contribs · CA)

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