Members of the nine working groups concluded their task of drafting recommendations for structural changes on November 1, 2019. A first iteration of the draft recommendations was shared in August 2019 for community feedback and reflection. This feedback from online movement stakeholders as well as in-person events prior to, during, and after Wikimania, including many strategy salons and two regional summits, helped the working groups shape the second iteration of their recommendations, which you can access below. The focus over the next few months will be on synthesizing these 89 recommendations to develop one set, a product that is concise, coherent, and accessible. To do this work, new roles have been discussed and a new working group is currently being formed, composed of thematic area working group members interested and able to continue contributing. |
Synthesis Groups

Between November 2019 and March 2020, the main focus of movement strategy will shift to synthesizing the recommendations produced by the nine working groups into one coherent set. Movement perspectives and feasibility assessments will then be gathered as a basis for creating the final and approved product. The immediate next steps will involve working groups ranking and refining their recommendations (if they wish to) and concluding their duty as thematic area groups. A new working/writing group with those members who are keen and available to continue working will help develop the final product.
Writers will do the actual sense-making and synthesis of the recommendations into one coherent set and finalize the end product, taking incoming information from the connectors (like community conversations, research, feasibility assessments) into account. Writers will use the overlaps that have been identified in the recommendations to synthesize multiple recommendations and outline where changes could be made that would address these.
Connectors will help the writers digest, reference, and (where applicable) use existing material, research, input from community conversations (incl. existing material and active participation in upcoming conversations with organized groups and online contributors).
They will go through the material, and bring together the main points to present to the writers. This might be in the form of summaries to the writers or, where necessary, targeted info that might be relevant to a specific recommendation. The goal of this will be to support the writers in integrating the material into the final product.
Reviewers will bring in specific, additional perspectives, expertise, contexts, and advice at different times of the process. This could range from weekly/monthly reviews of specific issues to only one review of the draft before it is finalized.
The goal here would be to ensure that:
- the output of the nine working groups is reflected in the final product;
- a diverse range of perspectives and contexts are accounted for;
- input from phase 1, research and community conversations is well integrated;
- the recommendations are relevant and meaningful to the wider movement.
Working Groups timeline
The timeline for the process takes into account movement events (e.g. Wikimania, Wikimedia Summit) as well as general planning procedures in our movement. All Working Groups are expected to tweak the timeline according to their own needs and expectations.
- June-July 2018: Call for Working Group members.
- August–November 2018: Working Groups set-up, agreement on working mode, definition of support needs, and first steps on content exploration.
- By March 2019: Working Groups develop the scope of their work, define guiding questions and engage in community conversations for refinement.
- Wikimedia Summit (end of March 2019): The scope of their work is reviewed and revised, bringing many different perspectives in, so that they can then move into analysis.
- April-August 2019: Analysis of data, research, and outputs of community conversations; development of recommendations.
- Wikimania 2019 (August 2019): First draft of the recommendations is published online and presented during working group sessions at Wikimania. Feedback and input gathered in person and online is used to refine the recommendations.
- September–October 2019: Refine draft recommendations using input from research and community conversations. Start identifying and mapping overlaps in each of the nine groups' work. Put finishing touches on recommendations, rank recommendations. Working groups dissolve (by 1 November).
- November-December 2019: New working group established to begin synthesizing recommendations and develop one coherent, comprehensive set.
- February-May 2020: Synthesized recommendations presented to Board of Trustees. Finalization of recommendations. Working group engagement officially concludes.
- 2020: Implementation begins; implementation structure and support set-up.
The timeline is subject to change depending on the progress of the conversations and workstreams. Steps in the process will not happen simultaneously for all Working Groups. Some might be faster, and some might need more time, especially if they have strong interdependencies with other groups.
2018年7月,我们来自全球社区的90名成员成立了九个工作组。这些工作组处于我们流程的核心,他们是变革的推动者。每个工作组都致力于运动的九个重要主题领域之一,成员们对其进行深入严谨的探究,探索其在 2030 年的发展状况并最终确定指导问题合集。这些问题的答案已成为结构变革建议的基础,以便我们强而有力地成功朝着战略方向推进。
- 各工作组致力于以下工作:
- 范围 - 利用多年来收集的所有数据(必要时进行进一步研究),确定主题领域的现状、阻碍和机遇。确定所需的变革,并创建案例来解释为什么这些变革有助于我们在战略方向上取得进展。
- 建议草案 - 确定适用于这些变革的可能战略,并就如何批准和实施这些变革提出具体建议。
- 实施 - 根据建议草案,就变革提出看法并进行迭代。
- 工作组可补充现有运动结构,且不会重复工作。工作组本身并不是决策机构,但可提出建议,用作决策的基础。
- 每个团队都代表运动的多样性,以及在各自主题领域工作所需的技能和经验的多样性。
- 工作组之间的联系和协作至关重要。工作组协调员将确定协作需求和机会,并通过指导团队积极维护各组之间的协作。
- 核心团队将建立雏形,并在我们使用工作组方法时对其进行改进,从而符合运动的需求和文化。随时欢迎反馈。
2018年6月,指导委员会支持核心团队选择工作组成员,并于 2018 年 6 月至 9 月成立了各团队。工作组成员的行为需出于运动的利益,而非其自身组织和社区的利益。
每个工作组可决定如何组织其工作,而核心团队在流程方面提供指导和支持。理想的团队规模是 10-15 名成员,这些成员必须在我们的运动中代表不同的观点和角色。我们的团体成员包括有组织群体中的员工和董事会成员,以及团体中的个人贡献者。歡迎新申請在流程中加入為工作組成員,具体取决于每个团队不断变化的需求。
主题领域 | 草案说明 | 邮件列表 |
wg2030-advocacy wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-capacitybuilding wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-communityhealth wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-diversity wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-partnerships wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-productandtechnology wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-resourceallocation wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-revenuestreams wikimedia.org | |
wg2030-rolesandresponsibilities wikimedia.org |
1 在 2018 年维基媒体会议期间,“角色和责任”工作组提出了“权力动态”作为标题。由于权力只是关于全球性、地区性和地方性责任和角色的更广泛会谈内容中的一部分,我们不希望该小组只关注这方面,因此“战略核心团队”决定保留原始名称。
2 在 2018 年维基媒体会议上,该工作组命名为“技术”,但在对该团体的广泛范围进行考虑之后,核心团队决定将该团体重命名为“产品与技术”。