This page is outdated, but if it were updated, it might still be useful. Please help by correcting, augmenting and revising the text into an up-to-date form. Note: Consider visiting Meta:Translate extension and Help:Preparing a page for translation for similar and more up-to-date information on Meta-Wiki translation and newer translation tools. |
Other languages: عربي | Català | Čeština | Deutsch | English (latest) | Español | Français | Interlingua | Bahasa Indonesia | Македонски | Occitan | فارسی (Persian) | 日本語 (ja) | 한국어 (ko) | پښتو | Русский | Română | Türkçe | 中文(zh) +/- What this page is abouteditThis page addresses translation within Wikimedia projects, introduces the translators' list, pages for messages, and pages that need translating into every language, and introduces translators' communication channels. See also Translation subcommittee. Related general information can be found at translation process and multilingualism. Contacts with language/theme-oriented projects are also listed at Wikimedia embassy and Wikipedia languages.
Despre traducere în WikimediaeditSunt mii de editori în mai multe limbi care fac parte din comunitatea Wikimedia. Cei mai mulți își petrec timpul în local wikis, independent de alte comunități. În Meta-Wiki, sunt de asemenea cereri pentru traducere care se referă la traducere simultană în mai multe limbi. La scurt timp după ce am înființat Wikimedia, în August/Septembrie 2004, într-un interval de cinci zile, am emis internațional un comunicat de presă în 12 limbi. Din 2006, Transcom (subcomitetul oficial pentru traduceri) este responsabil de traducerea informațiilor vehiculate de Fundația Wikimedia . Ei se ocupă de cererile de traducere a paginilor și a altor canale de comunicare. Pentru un suport mai puternic, necesar problemelor de comunicare în diferite limbi în cadrul Fundației, este planificată înființarea unei echipe de coordonatori de traducere în fiecare limbă. Pentru a vă exersa abilitățile specifice limbii relativ la un text scurt și plăcut, vă rugăm să mergeți la Traducerea săptămânii. Proiectele surorii lui Wikipedia oferă de asemenea exemple similare oportunități de traducere coordonate la nivel global. How to translate a Meta articleeditTo translate an article on Meta, see Help:Preparing a page for translation. To translate an article on a particular project (Wikipedia or its sister projects), go to the appropriate-language domain (e.g., for Wikipedia article into French) and create the translated page there; then add Wikipedia Interlanguage links to both the original and the translated articles. Translators on metaeditThe past list since August 2006 is available at Translation/list.
Would you like to find a translator from a certain language to another? You may find translators by language at Translator in the following language combinations. Translators are sorted into categories by combinations of the two languages, thanks to the Transbabel template. Their competence in both languages may be found in the Babel templates on their user pages. Would you like to join the Wikimedia translator team? Put Transbabel template(s) on your meta user page to let other Wikimedians know which languages you can help them with. Visit our translation request pages to seek out a place where you can help. We Wikimedia translators always appreciate your offers of help, and hope you will enjoy working with us! Translation requestseditAs a center of project coordination, Meta offers you several translation requests. Most of the requests are for translation into several core languages, but ideally into every language. Current requests may be found at Translation requests. Requests on that page are mostly related to Wikimedia Foundation issues. However, if local projects have a request for translation, either multilingual or single-language, they are invited to submit their requests at that page. You may request mail translation on translators-l, too. Subscribers may forward the mail needing translation, along with a note saying which language(s) you need and what the destination should be. If you would like to get a copy of the translation, please set Reply-to: to your own address and note that. If you would like the translators to disseminate the translated message to other Wikimedia mailing lists, please say so in your message. For article content translation, most local projects have pages dedicated to translating their contents. For example, Traductions en cours on the French Wikipedia, Translations into English on the English Wikipedia, and others. If you are interested in content translation in general and its global promotion, you may wish to join the content translation group. Communication channelseditBabylon is the Wikimedia translators' center. It provides both latest news on Wikimedia translations and wiki-based communication opportunities with other translators. Be sure not to confuse it with Babel, the general discussion page on Meta. For more involved discussions, you may wish to use other channels;
See alsoedit
my: Avancée
af: Algemene inligting oor vertaling in Wikimedia projekte.
bn:উইকিমিডিয়া প্রকল্পের মধ্যে অনুবাদ সম্পর্কে সাধারণ তথ্য।
hi: विकिमीडिया प्रोजेक्ट्स में अनुवाद की सामान्य जानकारी.
ml:വിക്കിമീഡിയ പദ്ധതികളിലെ പരിഭാഷ സംബന്ധിച്ച പൊതുവിവരങ്ങൾ.
ar: معلومات عامّة حول الترجمة المتعلقة بمشاريع ويكيميديا.
be: Агульныя звесткі аб перакладах у межах праектаў ВікіМедыя.
be-tarask: Агульныя зьвесткі пра пераклады ў межах праектаў Вікімэдыі.
br: Titouroù dre vras war an treiñ e raktres Wikimedia.
ca: Informació general sobre traducció dins del projecte Wikimedia.
cs: Souhrnné informace týkající se překládání projektů Wikimedia.
da: Generel information om oversættelser i Wikimedia projekter.
de: Allgemeine Informationen über Übersetzungen innerhalb von Wikimediaprojekten.
el: Γενικές πληροφορίες για μεταφράσεις έργων στα πλαίσια του Wikimedia.
en: General information about translation within Wikimedia projects.
eo: Ĝeneralaj informoj rilate tradukadon interne de projektoj de Wikimedia.
es: Información general sobre traducción dentro del proyecto Wikimedia.
et: Wikimedia projektide tõlkimise üldteave.
fa: اطلاعات عمومی در مورد ترجمه در درون پروژههای ویکیمدیا
fi: Yleistä tietoa käännöksistä Wikimedian projekteissa.
fr: Informations générales à propos des traductions aux sein des projets Wikimedia.
gl: Información xeral acerca das traducións nos proxectos da Wikimedia.
gsw: Allgmeini Informatione zue Ibersetzige in Wikimediaprojäkt.
he: מידע כללי בנוגע לתרגום בפרוייקט ויקימדיה.
hr: Opće informacije o prevođenju unutar Wikimedia projekata.
ia: Informationes general super le traduction intra le projecto Wikimedia.
id: Informasi umum mengenai terjemahan dalam proyek-proyek Wikimedia.
it: Informazioni generali sulla traduzione nell'ambito del progetto Wikimedia.
ku: Agahiyên giştî yên di derbarê wergerên naveroka projeyên Wikimedia de.
ja: ウィキメディアプロジェクト内での翻訳に関する総合情報。
ko: 위키프로젝트 내의 번역에 관한 일반 정보
lv: Vispārīga informācija par tulkošanu Wikimedia projektā.
mk: Општи информации за преводите во проектите на Викимедија.
ne:विकिमीडिया परियोजनाभित्र अनुवादका निम्ति सामान्य जानकारीहरु।
ms: Maklumat umum tentang penterjemahan dalam projek-projek Wikimedia.
nl: Algemene informatie over vertaling in Wikimedia projecten.
nb: Generell informasjon om oversettelser i Wikimedia projekter.
no: Generell informasjon om oversettelser i Wikimedia projekter.
oc: Entresenhas generalas a prepaus de las traduccions al dintre dels projèctes Wikimèdia.
pl: Ogólne informacje na temat tłumaczeń w projekcie Wikimedia.
pt: Informação geral sobre a tradução dentro do projecto Wikimedia.
ro:Informatii generale referitoare la traducere in proiectul Wikimedia.
ru: Общие сведения о переводах в проектах Викимедиа.
sw: Maelezo kuhusu kutafasili kwenye miradi ya Shirika la Wikimedia .
sv: Allmänn information om översättningar inom Wikimedia-projekten.
suk: nimu go bugalucha bo shomi ku Wikimedia.
ta: விக்கிமீடியா செயல்திட்டங்களுக்குள்ளான மொழிபெயர்ப்பு குறித்த பொதுவான தகவல்கள்.
th: ข้อมูลทั่วไปเกี่ยวกับการแปลภายในโครงการวิกิมีเดีย
tr: Wikimedia projesi içeriğinde yapılacak çeviriler hakkında genel bilgiler.
tt: Wikimedia proyektı eçendä yasalaçaq tärcemälär turında ğomumi mäğlümatlar
ur:وکی میڈیا کے پروجیکٹس کے اندر ٹدانسلیشن کے لیے عام معلومات
uk: Загальні відомості про переклад у проектах Вікімедіа.
vi: Thông tin chung về vấn đề biên dịch trong các dự án Wikimedia.
yi: אלגעמיינע אינפארמאציע וועגן איבערזעצונגען אין וויקימעדיע פראיעקטן.
zh-hant: 關於維基媒體計劃中的翻譯的一般資訊。
zh-hans: 关于维基媒体计划中的翻译的一般资讯。