Univerzalni kodeks ponašanja/Koordinirajući komitet/Izbori/2024

This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 and the translation is 41% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C)

Ova stranica pokriva izborni proces za Komitet za koordinaciju Univerzalnog kodeksa ponašanja u 2024. Ovaj izborni proces je planiran da se dogodi između marta i maja 2024.

Vremenska linija

5. mart 2024. Najava izbora U4C
5. mart – 8. april 2024., End of Day, Anywhere on Earth[1] Poziv za U4C kandidate
10. april 2024. – 24. april 2024. Pitanja zajednice za kandidate
25. april 2024. – UTC Period glasanja
10. maj 2024. Results announced

Poziv za kandidate

Komitet za koordinaciju univerzalnog kodeksa ponašanja (U4C) je globalna grupa posvećena pravednoj i doslednoj provedbi UCoC-a. Članovi Zajednice pozvani su da podnesu svoje zahtjeve za U4C.

Kao što je navedeno u dijelu 2.1 U4C povelje, svaki član i kandidat moraju biti:

  • U skladu sa UCoC.
  • Imati najmanje 18 godina i potpisati ugovor o povjerljivosti za informacije koje nisu javne (NDA) sa Wikimedia fondacijom nakon što budu izabrani.
  • Niste bili blokirani ni na jednom Wikimedia projektu niti imate aktivnu zabranu u posljednjih godinu dana. Kandidati koji su blokirani mogu se žaliti Izbornoj komisiji, koja može napraviti izuzetak.
  • Javno se identificiraju sa svojim matičnim wikijima i regionom iz kojeg su.
  • Ispunjavaju sve druge uslove koji su utvrđeni tokom izbornog procesa.
  • Biti registrovani član barem jednog Wiki projekta najmanje 365 dana i imati najmanje 500 uređivanja do 5. marta 2024. u 12:00 UTC.

Prema poglavlju 2 U4C povelje, postoji 16 mjesta u U4C: osam mjesta u zajednici i osam regionalnih mjesta, kako bi se osiguralo da U4C predstavlja raznolikost pokreta. Ne mogu se birati više od dva člana U4C sa istog matičnog wikija.

Prema regionalnom pristupu Wikimedia fondacije, regionalna distribucija će biti sljedeća:

  • Sjeverna Amerika (SAD i Kanada)
  • Sjeverna i Zapadna Evropa
  • Latinska Amerika i Karibi
  • Srednja i Istočna Evropa (CEE)
  • Podsaharska Afrika
  • Bliski istok i Sjeverna Afrika
  • Istočna, Jugoistočna Azija i Pacifik (ESEAP)
  • Južna Azija

While U4C membership is for a two-year term, during the first election, regional representatives will fulfill two-year terms and the community-at-large representatives will fulfill one-year terms.

Questions for candidates

Eligible voters can ask questions to all candidates on the Questions page. Voters are asked to post no more than 2 (two) relevant questions per candidate (in total; i.e. all questions a candidate needs to answer are counted), and keep them as concise and relevant as possible. Candidates are asked to answer as briefly and simply as possible.

Campaigning rules

Candidates are asked to review and comply with the campaigning rules throughout the election.


Please visit the candidates page to nominate yourself for the U4C.


Voter eligibility

Please review the voter eligibility criteria to find out whether you are eligible to vote.

The AccountEligibility tool can be used to quickly verify basic editor voting eligibility.

If you are eligible to vote:

  1. Read the candidates’ information.
  2. Decide which candidates you will support.
  3. Go to the SecurePoll voting page.
  4. Follow the instructions on that page.

Voting process

  • Voting is conducted by secret ballot, with voters leaving support, oppose and neutral votes for each candidate.
  • Voters are able to vote for candidates from all regions.
  • Neutral votes will not count.
  • Voter eligibility will be decided by the Elections Committee.
  • The candidate must have 60% or higher of votes as calculated by support/(support + oppose). After this qualification:
    • For each candidate the number of opposes will be subtracted from the number of supporters. The candidates with the highest difference will be elected to each seat.
    • If two candidates have the same difference then the percentage calculated by support/(support + oppose) will be used as a tiebreaker.


Regional seats (two-year term):

  • Northern and Western Europe
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • East, South East Asia and Pacific (ESEAP)

Community-at-large seats (one-year term):


A community evaluation phase for the election processes is open. Please post your feedback directly to this page.


  1. Prvobitno zatvoreno u 1. april 2024., produženo za jednu sedmicu po odluci EK-a.