Alan Ang
Alan Ang, Senior Partner Manager
Alan Ang
Senior Partner Manager, Wikimedia Deutschland

About me

Hello there! My name is Alan (he/him). I am a Partner Manager at Wikimedia Deutschland and I use this account for activities related to my role. Apart from my full-time role at Wikimedia Germany, I am passionate about building up the Wiki community, Open Government projects and promoting the linked open data web across the world, especially Singapore.

Prior to joining Wikimedia Deutschland, I was the Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic (pro-bono) from 2019-2020.

As an enthusiast of continuous education and lifelong learning, I have achieved an MBA, M.A. (International Economics) and M.A. (International Business). Physically, I am currently pursuing interests in calisthenics, Aikido and Kenjutsu.

My work

As a partner manager within the Software Communication team in the software development department at Wikimedia Deutschland, I work on data partnerships related to Wikidata and Wikibase. The data partnerships team works with a range of institutions from the GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums), science, research and government sectors. We talk to partners about setting up their own Wikibase instance or contributing to Wikidata. We are also the point of contact for commercial partners in their linked open data projects with Wikidata and Wikibase.

To learn more about the work of the data partnerships team at Wikimedia Deutschland, take a look at the Data Partnerships Model and our Joint Vision for Linked Open Data. To get in touch with us, email us at

Disclaimer: This account is used for my work at Wikimedia Deutschland. Please reach out to me separately if you would like to learn more about my volunteer account.

Contact me


User language
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
zh-5 这位用户的中文达到专业水平
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
vi-3 Người dùng này biết tiếng Việt với trình độ tốt.
ja-0 この利用者は日本語分かりません (または理解するのがかなり困難です)。
Users by language

Current Engagements/ Projects


I am currently involved/ engaged in these projects (volunteer/ as WMDE):

Upcoming Events


Here are some of my upcoming events:


Past Events/ Engagements

Other Notable Events/ Groups/ Materials


These are some of the notable events/ groups/ materials that I was not involved in:

Useful Content


This section will list out some subpages aim to provide useful and relevant content to new users and community members. These will continue to be updated over time.

  • How to: Wikidata Subpage for new users (individual/ institutional) to get onboard Wikidata.
  • Data Partnerships Subpage on data partnership & learnings with institutional partners.

Other News & Topics

Positions of the F5 alliance on the 2024 EU elections
  • Software Collaboration for Wikidata - the project aims to create a prototype of a collaboration with the purpose of enabling them to contribute to the software development of Wikidata and Wikibase in a sustainable and scalable way... creating a long term, sustainable environment for the lexicographical data part of Wikidata with local community groups that are connected to under-resourced and/or under-represented languages.

Linked Open Data and Cultural Heritage

  • What benefits Linked Open Data has for cultural heritage- Thanks to Linked Open Data (LOD), cultural institutions are opening up new opportunities to bring their collections into contact with the world. Wikidata, the free knowledge database from Wikimedia, represents this potential.

Interesting WikiProjects


Interesting Reads


Interesting Phabricator Projects/ Tickets


Past Presentations/ Materials


Here are some of my past presentation materials:

Some Lovely Presentation Templates/ Visuals
