Sunday March 21 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Community as a hand-carved gem.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, and February SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Grants relaunch, Universal Code of Conduct/Discussions, Wikimedia Enterprise / OKAPI, Community Board seats, Interim Global Council + Movement Charter, and WMF Executive Transition

This month we are meeting on Sunday March 21, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 19:38, 17 March 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday April 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swanlings grow up together.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, and March SWAN meetings and June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Interim Global Council + Movement Charter, WMF Resolution about the upcoming Board elections, Community Resilience and Sustainability role in Movement Strategy coordination, Grants Strategy Relaunch, and WMF Executive Transition

This month we are meeting on Sunday April 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(Note that the UTC times of and are the same as before, although some places may have had daylight savings time changes since our last meeting).--Pharos (talk) 04:16, 23 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday June 6 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan of healing.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, and April SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Movement Strategy/Events, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.

This month we are meeting on Sunday June 6, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 20:46, 3 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 25 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

The swan or the egg?

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 25, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call an hour earlier in UTC time due to popular demand and to accomodate daylight savings*.)--Pharos (talk) 15:06, 22 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday September 26 SWANniversary Party and All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting

Celebrate our first anniversary with SWAN-shaped desserts!

Join the SWANniversary on September 26 as we mark the first year of the Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network!

We will have the regular All-Affiliates Strategic Meeting, to be followed by a SWANniversary Party in the after hours session, likely through spatialized chat on WorkAdventure.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, June, and July SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, we'll look together at strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter + Drafting Committee, WMF Board elections, Wikimania 2021, and Grants Regional Committees.

This month we are meeting on Sunday September 26, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and .)--Pharos (talk) 18:09, 22 September 2021 (UTC)Reply

Invitation as guest speaker to Episode 7 of WikiAfrica Hour (WikiIndaba 2021 special edition)


Dear User:KEchavarriqueen (WMF)

I hope this meets you well.

My name is Ceslause Ogbonnaya, from Wiki In Africa.

Six months ago we launched the WikiAfrica Hour with our first ever episode featuring outgoing Wikimedia Foundation CEO, Katherine Maher. You can watch it here.

Since its launch, WikiAfrica Hour has been instrumental in informing, discussing and unpacking issues at the global level with the African Community and vice versa. Each session imparts vital information about issues that affect the community globally, always ensuring they are seen from the perspective, interest and benefit of the African community. We have also made sure that issues, events and projects that are core to the African community are given just as much weight.

Previous episodes have foregrounded the roles photography (episode 2) and events (episode 4) play in the Wikimedia movement. There have been interviews with previous and aspirant board members (episode 3), a discussion with Wikimedia community members as to the importance of this forum (for Wikimania edition), interviews with Wiki Loves Africa 2021 winners on the role photography plays in changing the visual narrative of Africa, and the team handling Universal Code of Conduct and WikiIndaba 2021 scholarship. You can catch all our previous episodes.

Be a guest on the next episode.

We wish to invite you as guest speaker to the WikiAfrica Hour episode 7 (WikiIndaba 2021 special edition) titled “What the changes at WMF Community Resources mean for you”.

With the reforms that have recently taken place at the Community Resources arm of the Wikimedia Foundation, we believe bringing related discussion on the next WikiAfrica Hour will help a lot of people understand what these specific changes are, and how these changes affect the works they do as wikimedians. As the Director of Community Investment, it'll be interesting to have you as one of our special guests.

This episode is confirmed to be held during the WikiIndaba 2021 virtual conference happening between 5th and 7th November 2021, but the exact date and time is yet to be communicated to us.

The episode will remain for viewing on Wiki In Africa YouTube channel after the WikiIndaba 2021 virtual conference.

We look forward to hearing from you, and confirming your availability.

NB: Be informed that accepting to feature in WikiAfrica Hour episodes/sessions denotes consent to all the terms and conditions of CC BY-SA 4.0 license.


Ceslause Ogbonnaya

Dear Ceslause,

I can't wait to join the office hour. Thank you for the invitation. All the best, KEchavarriqueen (WMF) (talk) 20:01, 19 October 2021 (UTC) ____________________Reply

More about WikiAfrica Hour

Wiki In Africa started WikiAfrica Hour, a monthly vodcast, to build the community of Wikimedians across Africa by:

Interacting with guest(s) and ask questions from the context of and relating to African Wikimedians; Providing a platform for Wikimedians to discuss topics, issues, projects and collaborations to promote synergy and more advanced knowledge within the Wiki communities across Africa, and Sharing current updates, and highlights of Africa Wikimedians activities undertaken by Africa Wikimedians with the African audience, and those globally who are interested, You can catch all our previous episodes here.

WikiAfrica Hour is activated by Wiki In Africa in support of Wikimedia user groups across the WikiAfrica movement. It has been initiated and facilitated by Wiki In Africa's Ceslause Ogbonnaya (User:Ceslause), Florence Devouard (User:Anthere) and Isla Haddow-Flood (User:Islahaddow).

> Meta:

Invitation as guest speaker to Episode 7 of WikiAfrica Hour (WikiIndaba 2021 special edition)


Dear User:KEchavarriqueen (WMF)

I hope this meets you well.

My name is Ceslause Ogbonnaya, from Wiki In Africa.

Six months ago we launched the WikiAfrica Hour with our first ever episode featuring outgoing Wikimedia Foundation CEO, Katherine Maher. You can watch it here.

Since its launch, WikiAfrica Hour has been instrumental in informing, discussing and unpacking issues at the global level with the African Community and vice versa. Each session imparts vital information about issues that affect the community globally, always ensuring they are seen from the perspective, interest and benefit of the African community. We have also made sure that issues, events and projects that are core to the African community are given just as much weight.

Previous episodes have foregrounded the roles photography (episode 2) and events (episode 4) play in the Wikimedia movement. There have been interviews with previous and aspirant board members (episode 3), a discussion with Wikimedia community members as to the importance of this forum (for Wikimania edition), interviews with Wiki Loves Africa 2021 winners on the role photography plays in changing the visual narrative of Africa, and the team handling Universal Code of Conduct and WikiIndaba 2021 scholarship. You can catch all our previous episodes.

Be a guest on the next episode.

We wish to invite you as guest speaker to the WikiAfrica Hour episode 7 (WikiIndaba 2021 special edition) titled “What the changes at WMF Community Resources mean for you”.

With the reforms that have recently taken place at the Community Resources arm of the Wikimedia Foundation, we believe bringing related discussion on the next WikiAfrica Hour will help a lot of people understand what these specific changes are, and how these changes affect the works they do as wikimedians. As the Director of Community Investment, it'll be interesting to have you as one of our special guests.

This episode is confirmed to be held during the WikiIndaba 2021 virtual conference happening between 5th and 7th November 2021, but the exact date and time is yet to be communicated to us.

The episode will remain for viewing on Wiki In Africa YouTube channel after the WikiIndaba 2021 virtual conference.

We look forward to hearing from you, and confirming your availability.

NB: Be informed that accepting to feature in WikiAfrica Hour episodes/sessions denotes consent to all the terms and conditions of CC BY-SA 4.0 license.


Ceslause Ogbonnaya


More about WikiAfrica Hour

Wiki In Africa started WikiAfrica Hour, a monthly vodcast, to build the community of Wikimedians across Africa by:

Interacting with guest(s) and ask questions from the context of and relating to African Wikimedians; Providing a platform for Wikimedians to discuss topics, issues, projects and collaborations to promote synergy and more advanced knowledge within the Wiki communities across Africa, and Sharing current updates, and highlights of Africa Wikimedians activities undertaken by Africa Wikimedians with the African audience, and those globally who are interested, You can catch all our previous episodes here.

WikiAfrica Hour is activated by Wiki In Africa in support of Wikimedia user groups across the WikiAfrica movement. It has been initiated and facilitated by Wiki In Africa's Ceslause Ogbonnaya (User:Ceslause), Florence Devouard (User:Anthere) and Isla Haddow-Flood (User:Islahaddow).

> Meta:

Sunday October 31 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

A swan reflects.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

Following up on the August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and June, July, and September SWAN meetings, as well as last June's All-Affiliates Brand Meeting, as well as strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter Drafting Committee Set Up Process, Next Steps for Brand Work, 2021, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday October 31, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and *Note that we have shifted the second call a half-hour later in UTC time due to WikidataCon*.)--Pharos (talk) 01:41, 29 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Chart a new course on the swan ferry.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Hubs Workshop, Movement Charter+Drafting Committee, WMDE's 'Future of Wikimedia Governance' proposal, Wikipedia Asian Month 2021, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday November 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 15:54, 25 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Sunday February 27 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

To dance is to fly.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Hubs+Dialogue, Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct+Enforcement Voting, Brand, International Women's Day+Gender Gap and WikiForHumanRights campaigns, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday February 27, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).----Pharos (talk) 03:17, 24 February 2022 (UTC)Reply

Campaigns Product Update #3


Hello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!

We are excited to share our updates:

  • Proposal to create new namespaces: We have proposed to create two namespaces, which are “Event” and “Event talk.” This way, we can easily create an Event Center that pulls data from event pages. This Event Center may include tools to create event pages with registration support, a calendar of events, and event statistics, among other features. More importantly, the Event Center will highlight organizing as an essential part of the Wikimedia movement. Please give us feedback on Phabricator or Meta about our proposal to create two new namespaces.
  • Engineering updates: We are excited that we have finished hiring for our engineering team! Three engineers and an engineering manager have joined our team since our last update. In the last few months, they have conducted technical planning and launched the building phase of the project. They are now building the registration tool. You can see the updated team on meta.
  • Design updates: We conducted usability tests with a small group of testers for early feedback on the desktop wireframes. After collecting this feedback, we have developed a new version for desktop wireframes, which will be ready to share in the next few weeks. These desktop wireframes display the user flow of two experiences: one for organizers who want to add registration to their event pages, and another for participants who want to register for an event. Additionally, the design team is also currently working on the first version of mobile wireframes, which will be shared during the next office hour.
1. View the latest desktop wireframes in Figma for Campaign Organizer Prototype and Participant Registration Prototype.
2. Leave us some feedback on the desktop wireframes. Note that we haven’t posted the newest version of the desktop wireframes on the project page yet, but we will soon (and you can feel free to add feedback on any version you have seen).
  • Ambassador updates: Three product ambassadors for the Arabic, French and Swahili communities have now joined our team! They will help us collect feedback from Wikimedia communities about the project and understand the needs of organizers, through gathering first-hand information. These ambassadors are immersed as actual members of these communities, so they will also help us identify the needs of the organizers in our pilot communities. The ambassadors are: M. Bachounda for Arabic communities, Georges Fodouop for French communities, and Antoni Mtavangu for Swahili communities.

What is next?

Next Office Hour: We will be holding an office hour on March 31, 2022 at 15:00 UTC, which will be conducted via Zoom. We invite everyone to attend, and we really hope to see you! The focus will be on the Registration Tool. The team will also be providing community updates on the usability test findings and design highlights for the wireframes. We will also share our current Project timeline and answer any questions you may have. Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!
In a few months, we are expecting to have the early testable version of the tool. By then, the team will be doing the first round of general testing and gathering feedback. We are looking forward to adding more features on the tool such as communication support, potentially by the end of this year. If you know other organizers that might be interested in following these developments, please recommend that they subscribe to the newsletter. We want to receive as much feedback as we can.

Thank you!

The Campaign Product Team

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:26, 22 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday April 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Bots in precious metals are part of our community too.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including UCoC Voting, Hubs Global Conversation held + CEE Hub update, Movement Charter + Leadership Development Working Group, Desktop Improvements, Celebrate Women in March + International Women's Day, Wikimania 2022 survey concluded + Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday April 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 12:44, 30 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Campaign Product Team Office Hour - March 31, 2022


Hello Campaign Product Newsletter subscribers!

The Campaign Product Team will be hosting the next office hour to share exciting updates on the Registration Tool and new proposed namespaces for events. We will also be sharing community updates on the usability tests and design highlights of the latest mobile and desktop wireframes.

Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!

Date: March 31, 2022
Time: 15:00 UTC
Zoom Link:

You may also watch Campaigns Office Hour: Introducing the Campaigns Product Team to learn more about the Team and the previous wireframes.

Feel free to send a message to if you want to receive an email reminder for this meeting.

Thank you.

The Campaign Product Team

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:37, 30 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday May 8 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swans are musical creatures.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including 2022 Board of Trustees Call for Candidates, Movement Charter/Content preliminary narrative, Human Rights Policy Community Conversations, Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Feedback, IP blocking and Open Proxies discussion, Wikimedia Hackathon 2022 May 20-22 + local events, and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday May 8, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and , note that some areas recently experienced daylight savings time changes).--Pharos (talk) 18:57, 4 May 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday June 5 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan impressions.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation this June, WMF Proposal for Movement Strategy Forum, New rounds of WMF Conference Funds including in-person events, WMF Proposal for Sound Logo Contest, WMF Elections Analysis Committee selection, wikimania:Program submissions due June 10 (scholarship and local event grants due June 3) and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday June 5, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:19, 1 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 3 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

Swan celestial.

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Movement Charter, Hubs Global Conversation last week, Affiliate voting period to shortlist WMF Board candidates (July 1-15), Wikimania updates, Desktop improvements, Wikimedia Enterprise first customers, Call for program submissions and updates for a global diversity of regional/linguistic Wiki-Conferences, Wikidata:Wiki Mentor Africa and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 3, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and ).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:57, 30 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

Event Registration Tool: Demo and Invitation to Test


Hello Subscribers!

The Campaigns Product Team from the Wikimedia Foundation will be hosting two office hours to demo the new Event Registration Tool, and train organizers how to use it. In these office hours, you will learn how to:

  • Create an event page in the new event namespace (as an event organizer)
  • Enable registration on your event page (as an event organizer)
  • Collect data on who registered for your event (as an event organizer)
  • Register for an event on the event page (as an event participant)

You can attend one office hour or both, depending on your availability on the following dates:

  • Session 1: Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 5:00 PM UTC
  • Session 2: Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 12:00 PM UTC

These events will be multilingual, with live interpretations in Arabic, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese, and Swahili. Note that Portuguese will be available on the 21st, but not the 23rd. We strongly encourage you to join and share your feedback on the tool. Your feedback will help us improve the tool so that Wikimedians can have a better event experience. To register, please reply to this email or sign-up to our page, by adding your signature.

Thank you!

IBrazal (WMF) (talk) 06:31, 18 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Campaign Product Team Office Hour - July 21, 2022


Hello Campaign Product Newsletter subscribers!

The Campaign Product Team will be having an office hour today, July 21, 2022 at 17:00 UTC via Zoom to demo the first release of the Event Registration Tool.

You may join the office hour using this meeting link.

We look forward to your participation.

Thank you.


The Campaign Product Team

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:46, 21 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Campaigns Product Update #4


Hello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!

We are excited to share our updates:

  • Event Registration v0
We have successfully launched Event Registration tool V0 on beta cluster and collected feedback from the first batch of testers. This tool is part of a more comprehensive organizing solution, the Event Center, which hopes to support movement organizers. Through this registration solution, organizers can collect useful data on campaign participants and their needs while respecting participant privacy.
Testing update. In our first round of feedback collection, testers were composed of different types of organizers around the movement with a language focus on Arabic, French, English, and Swahili communities. Most of the testers successfully created their test event registrations and signed up for a test event registration created by other organizers. Simple, easy to use, and aids in managing event participants were the common feedback we received from first-time users. In contrast, access and proper localization of the tool were the points for improvement identified. We are working on V1, which will include communication support and integration with the Programs and Event Dashboard. This will be released on Meta-Wiki soon. We hope to address accessibility during this launch and improve localization problems once the tool has been deployed in local wikiprojects.
The tool is still available for testing on the beta cluster. Feel free to leave feedback on our project talk page or this form.
  • Organizer Lab
    Looking for a way to learn how to effectively organize around sustainability? Join the beta version of the Organizer Lab on WikiLearn to understand how to effectively organize a global campaign around sustainability and climate change! Applications are open from September 22 - October 19, 2022. The Organizer Lab will be a 9-week online learning experience from the end of October until mid December that prepares participants to obtain knowledge about the topics that they wish to create, a call to action for strategic knowledge gaps, as well as more generalized Wikimedia organizing and campaign/event design skills.
Read more about the program!

What's Next:

  • Organizer User Rights. We are reaching out to a pool of administrators from Arabic, French and Swahili communities to collect feedback on what is the best way to define organizer user rights, what privileges to give to community organizers, and what are the limitations of these privileges. Feel free to reach out to our product ambassadors or send an email to if you are interested to be part of these conversations.

Community Feedback:

"Participants have been always asking the organizers are asked by participants whether they are registered, now participants will just look directly if they are registered, Thank you for creating the system"
- French Organizer

“I think that the platform will facilitate the process of promoting events and searching for participants”
- Arabic Organizer

Thank you!

The Campaigns Product Team

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:30, 21 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

New Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions updates are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On October 14, we welcomed Stef Dunlap in our team as Quality and Test Engineer.

On October 20, an update regarding a new Wikifunctions demo (also available here) has been published.

On October 27, we shared a summary of what we achieved thanks to the efforts of six Google Fellows, whose fellowship has come to an end.

Enjoy the reading!

Subscribe · Translate this message

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 11:17, 28 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sunday November 13 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting

bestiary (Q830560)compendium (Q1459574)reference work (Q13136).

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimedia Research Fund, 2023 Ombuds commission and Case Review Committee appointments process, feedback on consultation and community session of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, various Wikimania topics: (ideas/suggestions for Wikimania 2023, expressions of interest for Wikimania 2024 and beyond, expressions of interest to join Wikimania Steering Committee), and other ongoing activities.

This month we are meeting on Sunday November 13, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

(UTC meeting times are and
UTC times are different from before, and also note that some areas may have recently experienced daylight savings time changes.).--Pharos via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:59, 9 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

New Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions updates are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On November 4, an essay from Denny about the possible evolutions of natural language generation tasks on Wikifunctions was published.

On November 9, an update about a new browser-based tool, Form Checker, was published (instructional video available here).

Also, we have a new channel on IRC, called "wikipedia-abstract-tech", which is also bridged with Telegram. Find out more about (and maybe join) our official channels here.

Enjoy the reading!

Subscribe · Translate this message

--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:19, 11 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

New Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions updates are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On November 17, we announced the beginning of the consultation about Wikifunctions' Code of Conduct. You are invited to express your opinions in the talk page.

On November 23, we posted a brief newsletter announcing the interview to former Google Fellow and returning Wikipedian Ori Livneh. You can read his full interview on the Diff blog.

Also, we remind you that we have a new channel on IRC, called "wikipedia-abstract-tech", which is also bridged with Telegram. Find out more about (and maybe join) our official channels here.

Enjoy the reading!

Subscribe · Translate this message

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:11, 28 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Campaigns Product Team Office Hour - December 2022


Hello Campaigns Product Newsletter subscribers!

The Wikimedia Foundation Campaigns Team invites you to join our upcoming office hours. In each session, we will introduce V1 of Event Registration Tool, so you can begin using it for real events on Meta-wiki.

In V1, the following new features will be includedː

  • Support for the organizer to specify an event timezone
  • Automatic confirmation emails after participants have registered
  • Private registration: the option for participants to register and only display their registered username to organizers of the event and we will teach you how you can use it yourself.

Office Hour Sessions:

  • 1st Session: December 5, 2022 @ 18:00 UTC via Zoom
  • 2nd Session: December 10, 2022 @ 12:00 UTC via Zoom
Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!

These office hours will be multilingual, with live interpretations in Arabic, English, French, and Swahili. Email us @ or sign-up here if you want to receive a reminder for this meeting.

Thank you.

The Campaigns Product Team

A new Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions update is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: news about Natural Language Generation (NLG) meetings, a new Mastodon account for the project, and the latest development updates.

Also, we remind you that:

Enjoy the reading! -- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:11, 3 December 2022 (UTC)Reply

Subscribe to the newsletter

New Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions updates are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On December 19, 2022, our last update of 2022 included the detailed evaluation of Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia from our former Google Fellows, as well as the response from our team.

On January 11, 2023, former Google Fellow Sandy Woodruff shared her thoughts and experiences as a co-owner of UX Design and Research.

On January 19, 2023, we celebrated our 100th update with a general overview of the status of the project from Denny.

Enjoy the reading!

Subscribe · Translate this message

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 12:57, 21 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

A new Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions update is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: we say goodbye to the Google Fellows and we thank our Senior Technical Program Manager for her work; we talk about the recent Between the Brackets podcast (you can find the notes here, courtesy of User:Waldyrious; and we discuss the latest development updates.

Enjoy the reading!

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:08, 28 January 2023 (UTC)Reply

A new Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions update is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: the completion of Goal 4 about improving the function definition experience, a new tool to decode ZObjects, and the latest development updates.

Also, we remind you that, if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on Monday 6 February, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting)

Enjoy the reading!

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:54, 3 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

A new Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions update is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: more thoughts about the Google Fellows evaluation of our projects, a discussion about the name of our internal process for improvement, and the latest development updates.

Enjoy the reading!

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 11:30, 10 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

We need your feedback on a tool from the Wikimedia Summit

Reminder: the guide to using Baserow, presented during the Wikimedia Summit.

Hi! I'm contacting you as one of the participants in the Wikimedia Summit 2022, to kindly ask for your feedback through a 5-10 minute survey to evaluate 'Baserow' (note: the survey is on a Google form).

Baserow was a tool through which participants in the Summit co-created a database of Movement Strategy activities. We hope to learn from you how useful it may be to keep using it in the future to help document and connect on Movement Strategy work.

You are welcome and encouraged to fill out the survey in any language. Your feedback would be very appreciated --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 15:37, 16 February 2023 (UTC).Reply

A new Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions update is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: an essay from Denny about calculations, the next two appointments with the community, and the latest development updates.

About the appointments with the community, we remind you that:

  • Stef Dunlap, a software engineer in Test Engineering embedded in the Abstract Wikipedia team, is working on running end-to-end tests on per-patch ephemeral test environments. Stef will present her work on February 21, at 17:00 UTC on Google Meet (link to the meeting, the presentation will be recorded).
  • the next Natural Language Generation workstream public meeting will be held on February 21, at 16:30 UTC on Jitsi (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading!

-- MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:15, 20 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

A new Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions update is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: the latest changes in our development team, info about our participation at the latest Conversation with Trustees, links to the recordings of our last week's meetings, and the latest development updates.

Enjoy the reading!

-- User:Sannita (WMF) 11:28, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #106 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: an essay from Denny about deconstructing narratives around functions, links to the recordings of our last presentations, and the latest development updates.

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held today at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading!

-- User:Sannita (WMF) 09:21, 6 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #107 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: an essay from Denny about where to store objects for Abstract Wikipedia (and relative problems with such issue) and the next appointment with the community.

About the last point, we remind you that the next Natural Language Generation workstream public meeting will be held on March 21, at 16:30 UTC on Jitsi (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading!

-- User:Sannita (WMF) 11:02, 17 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #108 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue we announce a new paper about Natural Language Generation by Aarne Ranta, member of the Abstract Wikipedia NLG Special Interest Group and professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The paper is also accessible as a pre-print here.

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on April 3, 2023 at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading!

-- User:Sannita (WMF) 10:50, 24 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #109 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: a reflection about implementation of functions, a reflection on Abstract Wikipedia from Prof. Maria Keet, and a reminder about an in-person talk about Abstract Wikipedia in Sweden.

Also, we remind you that the next Natural Language Generation special interest group public meeting will be held on April 25, 2023 at 16:30 UTC on Jitsi (link to the meeting). Special guest of the meeting will be Oleg Parashchenko, who will share his experience and thoughts about implementing a multilingual NLG system.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) 09:11, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #110 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: Wikimedia Endowment finances development of the project, and the team has published its manifesto, Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and communications principles.

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on May 8, 2023 at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:54, 2 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement Charter Drafting Committee's monthly newsletter



  • Charter Ratification Methodology proposal conversations: The Movement Charter Drafting Committee recently held the first conversations regarding the ratification methodology for the Movement Charter. The MCDC has received valuable feedback from different communities and the Committees during the community input period. The report of the community input will be shared in May, while the updated version of the ratification methodology will be presented between September and November 2023.
  • Communication evaluation: The Communications sub-committee of the MCDC together with the support staff conducted an evaluation of the communications. The Communications sub-committee appreciates the time and input of the community members who shared their opinions during the interviews. Several recommendations are going to be implemented in the upcoming period based on the valuable input.
  • Learn about the MCDC’s work in April: The MCDC continues to draft additional chapters: The Global Council, Hubs, Decision-making and Roles & Responsibilities. Alongside the drafting work, the MCDC is planning their in-person meeting scheduled for 2-4 June in Utrecht, Netherlands with the aim of advancing the charter's content.

What’s coming up?

Subscribe to this newsletter on Meta wiki

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #111 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: a new full stack software engineer joins the development team, and a presentation of a paper co-authored by Denny about the history of Wikidata.

Enjoy the reading! -- Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:04, 15 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletters #112 and #113 are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On May 17, 2023, we thanked Julia for her work and we wished her well for her new work with the Trust & Safety team.

On May 25, 2023, we presented our new viewing and editing experience for Wikifunctions.

Want to catch-up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:58, 26 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #114 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue: a very brief note about the Wikimedia Hackathon in Athens.

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on June 5, 2023 at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Note: since last time we've had some network problems with Jitsi, in case of new malfunctions during next meeting we will provide on short notice a Google Meet link to the participants. Thanks for your understanding.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 07:08, 3 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #115 is out


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue we present the new interface for multilingual editing, and we discuss the results of our "fix-it week".

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 08:35, 9 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletters #116 and #117 are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On June 22, we summarised the results of our annual in-person meeting in Delft, The Netherlands.

On June 28, we thanked Cai and Allan for their work and we wished them well for their new endeavours.

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 10, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:02, 4 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 16 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Global Council focus, now available in ar, es, fr!)

SWAN: The Next Generation

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas on the Wikimedia 2030 strategy process. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for a future Global Council.

We'll focus on strategic and outreach topics of mutual concern to all affiliates including Wikimania Singapore, Future of SWAN, Movement Charter/Content new sections (particularly Movement Charter/Content/Global Council), other activities you submit, and we will top it all off with a grand finale AI Happy Hour / Doom Hour!

This month we are meeting on Sunday July 16, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and
Note that we are now meeting on Zoom, with interpretation in the 2nd session in (Arabic) (Spanish) (French)--Pharos (talk) 02:44, 12 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletters #118 to #121 are out


There are new updates for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions! Please, come and read them!

On July 20, we shared an update on our plans for the initial deployment of Wikifunctions in the next few weeks, what will be possible, and changes to the development in the last few weeks. Also, a request for suggestions on what should be the very first Function to be created in Wikifunctions.

On July 17, we announced a grant from

On July 12, we announced a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation.

On July 7, we welcomed a new Director of Product to the team.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 21:38, 20 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement Charter Drafting Committee's monthly newsletter


This newsletter combines content from both June and July, due to a delay in sharing out the previous newsletter.


  • Learn about MCDC’s work in May & June: as usual, the update includes information about the meetings held by the Committee in this month, as well as about the work that was completed and the ongoing work & discussions.

What’s coming up?

Subscribe to this newsletter on Meta wiki

--12:25, 30 July 2023 (UTC).

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #122 is out: Wikifunctions is live!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we announce that is live (in read-only mode), we welcome a new member of the team, and we announce a new job opening.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 16:02, 31 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Movement Charter Drafting Committee's monthly newsletter: August 2023



  • Community consultation: The community consultation on the Global Council, Hubs, and the Glossary drafts is ongoing. We value your input, if you have not already, please take a moment to review the draft chapters and share your thoughts with the MCDC. We’ve posed open questions we would like your opinion on. Feel free to engage in a way that is most comfortable for you and your community. Learn more on our Diff blogs about the Global Council and Hubs.
  • Launch Party: On July 30 we hosted a Launch Party to share the Global Council and Hubs draft chapters. It was an inspiring event where we had the opportunity to listen to your feedback and address some of your questions. If you missed it, you can catch the recording on YouTube.
  • Community Conversations: We want to hear from as many people as possible. On July 16, the SWAN meeting opened its doors and offered an opportunity to interact with the MCDC members regarding the new drafts of the charter. Notes are available here. On July 28, a regional conversation with the Francophone community was held. Here comes a short summary here in English and French. Additionally, on August 2 we had a fruitful conversation with the LATAM region.
  • MCDC’s Work in July: As usual, the update includes information about the meetings held by the Committee in this month, as well as about the work that was completed and the ongoing work & discussions.


Subscribe to this newsletter on Meta-wiki

MCDC Support Team, 23:53, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #125 is out: Wikimania digest, CoSMo language, GFpedia demo, CCKS keynote


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we recap what happened at our sessions at Wikimania 2023, we talk about some new updates regarding our Natural Language Generation special interest group (NLG SIG), and we briefly speak about Denny's most recent keynote speech.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 10:35, 1 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #126 is out: Let's start building morphological paradigms!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, Denny proposes a call for action for creating morphological paradigms on Wikifunctions.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 19:25, 10 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #127 is out: Renderers and parsers for types


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, Denny introduces a discussion about how to represent integers on Wikifunctions and its related challenges.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 08:07, 22 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Organizer Tools Office Hours & Event Discovery Project


(Lire ce message en français); (Ver este mensaje en español); (Angalia ujumbe huu kwa Kiswahili); (إقرأ هذه الرسالة بالعربي) Please help translate to your language .

The Campaigns team at the Wikimedia Foundation has some updates to share with you, which are:

We invite you to attend our upcoming community office hours to learn about organizer tools, including the Event registration tool (which has new and upcoming features). The office hours are on the following dates, and you can join one or both of them:

  • Saturday, October 7 at 12:00 UTC (Register here)
    • Languages available: Arabic, English, French, Swahili
  • Tuesday, October 10 at 18:00 UTC (Register here).
    • Languages available: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili

We have launched a new project: Event Discovery. This project aims to make it easier for editors to learn about campaign events. We need your help to understand how you would like to discover events on the wikis, so that we can create a useful solution. Please share your feedback on our project talk page.

Thank you, and we hope to see you at the upcoming office hours!

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:54, 24 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

You are receiving this message because you subscribed to this list

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #128 is out: Serializers and deserializers for types


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, Denny introduces a discussion about how to make types easier to use, by discussing serializers and deserializers, and their role in Wikifunctions.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 16:47, 29 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #129 is out: Arguments made easier


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the recent improvements that made it easy to reference arguments in functions.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:58, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #130 is out: Running on WebAssembly


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our decision of rewriting the evaluator encapsulation service, in order to make it run on WebAssembly.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:31, 27 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #131 is out: Python on WebAssembly; Improved Object selector; Next volunteer's corner


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our latest technical improvements on Wikifunctions.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on November 13, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:16, 6 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #132 is out: Wikifunctions, the library of functions that anyone can use and edit


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we finally announce that Wikifunctions is on general availability, and that functions can be run also by non-logged in users!

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on November 13, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:50, 10 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #133 is out: What types next?


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss which new types of functions should we support and the latest changes to the software.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 15:10, 18 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #134 is out: Welcome, Grace and Miguel! Appointing Functioneers now by community


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present two new members of the team, we discuss the latest changes in software, and we announce that Functioneer right will be now assigned by the community.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on December 4, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:01, 1 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #135 is out: Announcing Wikifunctions on the Wikimedia Foundation blog. Looking for feedback on the Function page proposal


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present the latest blogpost about us on WMF blog, and we invite you to share your feedback at the Wikifunctions' Project chat on the new proposed designs for the Function page.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 19:06, 7 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #136 is out: Looking back at 2023


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we look back at all the accomplishments that we achieved in 2023 and we thank you all for your help in achieving them. Also, we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

This will be the last newsletter for 2023, so see you again in 2024!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 11:49, 15 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #137 is out: Introducing our first new type: Lists


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce our newest and much requested type of function, list. Also, we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on January 8, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 10:37, 5 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #138 is out: The Joy of Collaboration; Introducing the Function of the Week: reverse string


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present you an essay from Denny and we introduce a new section of the newsletter, dedicated to the "function of the week". Also, we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

We also wanted to note that we are in the process of moving the Updates from Meta to Wikifunctions. We'll keep you updated about it.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:27, 12 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #139 is out: Refreshing the Function page; Function of the Week: ROT13


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we announce a redesign and rewrite of the Function page and we present our first "function of the week". Also, we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:05, 19 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #140 is out: Getting debug information from code; Function of the Week: Wrap string


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss debugging in implementations and we present our new "function of the week". Also, we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 10:54, 26 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #141 is out: The Igbo Imperative!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we focus on language functions in Igbo, a language spoken by more than 44 million people in South-Eastern Nigeria. Also, we take a look at the latest software developments.

Starting from this issue, the status updates will be hosted on Wikifunctions, instead of Meta. One more step towards maturation of the project!

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive (on Meta)!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on February 5, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:14, 2 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #142 is out: Quarterly planning. Thank you, Nick! Function of the Week: is permutation


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss about the results of our last internal planning meeting, whose objective was to define what we will work on in this quarter. Also, we take a look at the latest changes in the team and the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive on Wikifunctions and also on Meta.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 16:22, 8 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #143 is out: Fix-it week


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we take a look at the latest software developments, after our monthly "fix-it week", where we work on technical debt and other issues that pile up in our daily work.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive on Wikifunctions and also on Meta.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 18:19, 16 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #144 is out: Updating the function model


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present the new documentation about our function model and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:55, 23 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #145 is out: Type proposal for natural numbers


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our progresses with the new natural numbers type, we talk about events we are taking part to, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on March 4, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 11:40, 1 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #146 is out: Introducing our second new type: Natural numbers


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the launch of the new natural numbers type, we talk about events we are taking part to, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:58, 8 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #147 is out: On identity


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the notion of identity and present our latest document about how we represent it, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 15:27, 14 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #148 is out: On the way to internationalizing numbers


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our progresses with the implementation of renderers and parsers for natural numbers, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 14:11, 22 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #149 is out: Creating tests is now much easier!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our progresses with tests and how it is easier to make them, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:22, 29 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #150 is out: Product Update on Diff and Upcoming API Improvements


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our latest blog post on Diff, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on April 8, at 22:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 10:23, 4 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #151 is out: New API for calling Wikifunctions and celebrating 1000 functions


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the new API for calling Wikifunctions, we celebrate our first 1,000 functions, and we take a look at the latest software developments. Also, there's a job opening for joining our team!

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:57, 12 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #152 is out: Welcome, Sharvani!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 17:14, 22 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Reminder to vote now to select members of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedian,

You are receiving this message because you previously participated in the UCoC process.

This is a reminder that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) ends on May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 22:53, 2 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #153 is out: Team meeting and Quarterly plan


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the results of our team meeting held in San Francisco, USA, as well as presenting the objectives that we will pursue in the next months.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:57, 4 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Next Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Volunteer's Corner is on May 6


We remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on May 6, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Apologies for the reaching out to you with a separate message.

See you at the meeting! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:12, 4 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #154 is out: Flagship type for enumerations: Months of the Gregorian calendar


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our first proposal for a new type for enumerations and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:22, 13 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #155 is out: Call for Functions: Spell out the number!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we call on you to help us doing new language functions about numbers and we also take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 18:01, 16 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #156 is out: New type - Gregorian calendar months


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we announce our initial enumeration Type, Gregorian calendar months, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive.

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:18, 23 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #157 is out: A single singular or a plurality of plurals?


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the various implications of linguistic functions about singulars and plurals, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on June 3, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:17, 31 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #158 is out: New Type: Sign


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce a new enumeration type, Sign, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

We are also looking for feedback for our next new types. See the announcement at the Project Chat for more information.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 11:59, 7 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #159 is out: New Type: Igbo calendar months


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce a new enumeration type, this time for the thirteen months of the Igbo calendar, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 16:21, 14 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #160 is out: New Type: Integers


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we are happy to announce that we introduced another new type, integers, that will increase our coverage of mathematical functions. Moreover, we take a look at the (many!) software developments we introduced in the last week.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 11:07, 21 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Sunday June 23 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (WMF BoT statement on Movement Charter ratification)

A group of SWANs heading to the meeting

Hello everyone!

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.

At this meeting we will focus on the recent statement by the WMF Board of Trustees liaisons statement on the Movement Charter in which the liaisons stated that they will be recommending the Board of Trustees not to ratify the final draft of the Movement Charter. The community and affiliate votes on the ratification are supposed to start on Tuesday, 25 June. This meeting offers a venue to discuss the situation and formulate the "next steps".

This month, we are meeting on Sunday, June 23, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and

Nadzik (talk) 16:35, 22 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #161 is out: Welcome, Daphne!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team, we ask for feedback about our "About" widget designs, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 1, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:20, 27 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #162 is out: Quarterly planning


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present our objectives and lines of work for this quarter, we remember to give your feedback about our "About" widget designs, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 8, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 12:59, 5 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #163 is out: Type proposals for accessing Lexemes


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our current draft about Type proposals for accessing Lexemes, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 10:21, 12 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Sunday July 28 Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network meeting (Results of Movement Charter ratification)

SWANs gathering for a conversation

Hello everyone!

The Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network (SWAN) is a developing forum for all Wikimedia movement affiliates to share ideas about current developments in the Wikimedia Movement. It expands on the model of the All-Affiliates Brand Meeting to help lay some of the groundwork for further Wikimedia 2030 strategy process work.

At this meeting we will focus on the results of the Movement Charter ratification. We will also discuss the aftermath of the Board of Trustees' decision to veto the Movement Charter, including their recent proposals. We will also cover updates about upcoming Wikimania 2024.

This month, we are meeting on Sunday, July 28, and you are all invited to RSVP here.

UTC meeting times are and

Nadzik (talk) 19:55, 18 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #164 is out: Research report on integrating Wikifunctions from Wikipedia


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present you the results of a research about how to integrate Wikifunctions and Wikipedia, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:33, 19 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #165 is out: Wikimania 2024 coming soon!


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our upcoming Wikifunctions events at Wikimania 2024, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 14:13, 29 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #169 is out: Limits on Name and Description Lengths


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the introduction of more stringent limits on the length of object names, input names, and descriptions, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive! You might be interested in the launch of our "About" widget, a summary of our experience at Wikimania 2024, or the refinement of WasmEdge.

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on September 2, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 08:04, 30 August 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #171 is out: Dagbani Wikipedia will be our first wiki for Wikifunctions integration


There is a new update for Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce Dagbani Wikipedia as our first wiki for Wikifunctions integration, discuss the recent stability challenges we've had in the past few days, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:51, 13 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #172 is out: Introducing focus topic areas


There is a new update for Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce focus topic areas for generating natural language texts and we update you on last week's site incident.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 11:30, 21 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #173 is out: Quarterly planning for October–December 2024


There is a new update for Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we give you an overview of what we will focus on in the next three months, we discuss our presentation at Celtic Knot conference 2024, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 15:42, 26 September 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #174 is out: Focus topic: food


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss one of our next topics we will focus on for our work: food. We hope you have a good appetite for discussion. :)

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on October 7, at 17:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 08:42, 4 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #175 is out: Wikidata Lexemes in Wikifunctions are coming soon


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present a preview of our planned support for Wikidata lexemes in Wikifunctions, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 15:53, 11 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #176 is out: What could abstract content look like?


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present some thoughts by User:Mahir256 about how abstract content could look like in the future, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 14:12, 17 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #177 is out: Our goal for this Quarter: Agreement


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss our goal of building up phrases from Lexemes using linguistic agreement, i.e. accordance to number and gender when constructing a phrase.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 16:32, 25 October 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #178 is out: Rewriting the backend


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss how the team is working hard to rewrite Wikifunctions' backend, to overcome some of the limits we encountered with the current language.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on November 4, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 13:19, 2 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #179 is out: The dream of a Universal Language


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we talk about several presentation in and around the topics of languages and our work, we discuss the current refactoring of our functions catalogue and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 22:50, 7 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #180 is out: New type: Rational numbers


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present you our newest Type, rational numbers, as well as the new renderer and parser for natural numbers, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 09:40, 14 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #181 is out: New special page for missing labels, new type for Gregorian years, and much more


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we introduce a new special page for objects with a missing label, we present two new types (Gregorian year and Wikidata statement rank), we showcase several contributions made by you volunteers, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 18:23, 22 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #182 is out: WordGraph release; New Special page: list functions by tests; new type for day of the year, and much more


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss the implications of the release of Google Zurich's WordGraph dataset, we introduce a new special page, support for other Wikidata statements and a new type (day of Roman year), and finally we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 15:03, 28 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

Next Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Volunteers' Corner will be on December 9


Hi, we remind you that, if you have questions or ideas to discuss about Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia, you can participate to the next Volunteers' Corner, that will be held on December 9, at 15:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

We hope to see you there! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 14:46, 6 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #183 is out: Sketching a path to Abstract Wikipedia; Team offsite in Lisbon; and much more


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we discuss how natural language generation for Abstract Wikipedia might develop, and we share news on tools and types on Wikifunctions.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 18:52, 16 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #184 is out: Function of the Week: age; Intros for year articles; New Type: Floating-point number


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In the last issue for 2024, we discuss functions to create introductions for articles about years, we showcase one of the 23 functions with the Gregorian year type, we introduce a new type, and finally we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 22:06, 19 December 2024 (UTC)Reply

Next Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Volunteers' Corner will be on January 13


Hi, we remind you that, if you have questions or ideas to discuss about Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia, you can participate to the next Volunteers' Corner, that will be held on January 13, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

We hope to see you there! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 17:44, 10 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #185 is out: Happy Wikipedia day! Quarterly planning


The first update of 2025 for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions is out. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present our plan for the upcoming quarter (January-March 2025), we suggest changes to our "Function of the week" section, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 18:34, 17 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #186 is out: Welcome, David! Naming conventions recommendations


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we welcome a new member of the team, we introduce our current discussion on naming conventions recommendations, we introduce a new section dedicated to the newest functions created, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 16:36, 23 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #187 is out: With 2000 Functions into the new year: time for stats


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present some statistics about where we are as a project, we give some updates about our Types, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on February 3, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 14:05, 30 January 2025 (UTC)Reply

Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #188 is out: Invitation to the Natural Language Generation Special Interest Group


There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!

In this issue, we present a proposal to restructure our Natural Language Generation Special Interest Group (NLG SIG) meeting, we announce the creation of a new type, and we take a look at the latest software developments.

Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!

Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 17:17, 6 February 2025 (UTC)Reply