Latest comment: 18 years ago by Mingwangx in topic 收集身份證影本西部幹線之旅暨台灣維基人西部幹線聚會
- 方便籌備事宜聯繫
- 居住地區(非戶籍地,而是平常出沒的地區)
- 發起人名冊需要資料
- 姓名
- 性別
- 出生年月日
- 身分證統一編號
- 簡歷
- 現職
- 學歷(學校科系所)
- 聯絡電話
關於身份證要怎麼收集,還有發起人名冊上的簽章要怎麼簽,我會進一步通知大家。如果對個人資料的提供有疑慮,請先不要寄給我,先把email和居住地區告訴我,我好安排發起人名冊製作事宜。--mingwangx (talk) 16:08, 13 April 2006 (UTC)
Wikimedia Taiwan模板
edit我暫時把Template:Wikimedia Taiwan拿來當公佈欄(以後要改回正常的用途),通知各位要開第一次發起人會議的事情:
中文(Chinese) 英文(English)
- The official Chinese name of Wikimedia Taiwan is been chosen as "中華民國維基媒體協會" by voting.
- The draft bylaws of Wikimedia Taiwan is been discussed in Taiwanese Wikipedian 2006 Summer Meetup in June 24 (Saturday). Please do not edit the draft bylaws anymore and please help to verify if the draft bylaws are the same as the result of the discussion. If you have any concerns please leave your opinions in the talk page.
- The registration form for registering a national association is been submitted to the Taiwanese government in September 9, 2006.
- Mingwangx has briefed the status of the set up process of Wikimedia Taiwan in Taiwanese Wikipedian 2006 Autumn Meetup and you can download the powerpoint file (in Chinese) from here.
- Status Report for the Set Up has been translated into English.
- The draft bylaws of Wikimedia Taiwan have been translated into English.
也請麻煩您有機會時將這個訊息傳播出去,使想要參與協會發起的其他維基人得知。--mingwangx (talk) 15:39, 4 July 2006 (UTC)