Wikimania 2005 feedback

Wikimania 2005
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  • de: Da das wikimania wiki, abgesehen von den allgemeinen Seiten, für interne Organisation und folglich nicht öffentlich editable verwendet wird, lassen Sie bitte hier alle Anmerkungen, Fragen, die Sie über die Konferenz haben. Sie können zu ihnen pro Post an auch melden. Wir versuchen, so bald wie möglich zu antworten.

  • en: Since the wikimania wiki, apart from the public pages, is used for internal organisation and therefore not publicly editable, please leave here all comments, questions you have about the conference. You can also address them per mail to We'll try to answer as soon as possible.

  • fr: Le site de Wikimania, n'étant pas éditable car utilisé pour des questions internes d'organisation, merci de nous laisser ici vos commentaires et questions sur la conférence. Vous pouvez aussi nous joindre par email à Nous essaierons d'y répondre dans les meilleurs délais.

  • it: poiché il wiki wikimania, escluse le pagine pubbliche, viene usato per l'organizzazione interna e dunque non è modificabile da tutti, per favore lasciate qui tutti i commenti e le domande a proposito della conferenza. In alternativa potete anche indirizzarli via mail a Cercheremo di rispondere il prima possibile.

  • ja: ウィキマニアについてのご感想・ご意見・ご質問はこちらのページにお願いします(ウィキマニア・サイトの編集は、運営スタッフ専用となっております。ご了承ください)。またメールでwikimania-info@wikimedia.orgまでご感想等をお寄せいただくこともできます。

  • es: Debido al wiki de wikimania, no es parte de las páginas públicas, sólo es utilizable por la organización. Por tanto no es editable por el público. Por favor todos los comentarios y preguntas que dese formular sobre la conferencia tratelas por correo a Intentaremos contestarle, lo más pronto posible.

  • zh (简体): 由于wikimania维基已经与公共页分离,专门用于组织内部,因此不能公开地修改,请在这里留下您关于大会的评论和问题。您也可以通过发送电子邮件到wikimania-info@wikimedia.org提交您的评论和问题。我们将尽可能快地回复。
  • zh (繁體): 由於wikimania维基已經與公共頁分離,專門用於組織内部,因此不能公開地修改,請在這裡留下您關於大會的評論和問題。您也可以通過發送電子郵件到wikimania-info@wikimedia.org提交您的評論和問題。我們將盡可能快地回覆。


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Little error on menubar


the main page link on this page : isn't working for me, because it's sending to /Main%20Page where the correct link would be /Main_Page.

Big picture


I would like to have a big photo as a poster with all people helping and editing the wikimedia projects. In addition, it would be great if almost everybody would wear a wikipedia shirt or baseball cap or somthing like this.

Maybe a newspaper will print this picture for free? :) -- MichaelDiederich 16:51, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

This is an excellent idea, will be added to to-plan tasks and see feasability. Thanks for the input :) notafish }<';> 08:41, 31 Mar 2005 (UTC)

How about Games?


It may sound strange, but sometimes it seems to me that you can also get to meet people really good by having some fun together, playing a game, not discussing all the time too seriously. I think a real game (no computer!) between the Wikipedia-workshops could be fun. I could bring along some (table or card)-games, where even the language is not important ;-) Fantasy 22:07, 12 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Harrharr, that sounds like a cool idea. I have quite a few boardgames to bring, and they are a good way to spend the night (besides sleeping)...Imagine, we'll play Diplomacy for seven hours straigt...Hooray!
--Florian Prischl (formerly Capnez) 18:08, 10 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Visa information


On page on meta about m:Translation requests/Wikimania I found on the section of Visa Information the italian language among the others in the line moved. Dispeti the others of the same line the it link is in red and the Translation requests/Wikimania/Visum/It page does not exists. I could not know if it was, anyway, moved to the Wikimania site, since I have no access on it. But I could traslate for you if you need. AnyFile 20:54, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I have traslated it anyway at Translation requests/Wikimania/Visum/It. By the way there is not a direct link to Visa Information from the main page of Wikimania. AnyFile 21:07, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Cantonese version


I have translated the page into a Cantonese version. CantoneseWiki 09:31, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Typographical error


"Accommodation(s)" misspelled (at least twice) on sidebars of Main Page of Wikimania site. Thanks. KJ Sam 05:27, 29 Apr 2005 (UTC)

An Invitation to members of the forks


We should make a point to extend the invitations to members of Enciclopedia Libre Universal en Español, Wikinfo, and any other forks. While Wikinfo does have real policy differences, it seems like it would be beneficial to talk with Enciclopedia Libre about maybe merging. And regardless, having people from other projects here will help ideas cross-polinate. --Luke Bales Stodola, 8 May 2005

According to the program, there will be a talk about Enciclopedia Libre ([1]). --zeno 12:25, 1 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Accomodation --> Accommodation


Please correct everywhere.



Why is completely in Italian? I believed I was going to get an English page.

Also note that the link to the German foreign office contains a grammatical error, it should be Auswärtiges Amt Deutschland, not Auswärtigen Amt Deutschland.

Registration deadline ?


Is there a certain deadline for the registrations? -- 14:32, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Does someone know this? Anybody? -- 08:44, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)
After mid-July, you won't be able to register under the current scheme with guaranteed rooms. Registration costs may go up slightly, and you may have to find accomodations away from the hostel. (There are hotels close nearby, but they are significantly more expensive.) +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 07:14, 27 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Wikimania / wiki-Woodstock


MattisManzel 10:27, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC): wiki-Woodstock is the geek's repetitive online happening for everybody. The idea is four weeks young, we had a first little 0.1 wiki-Woodstock last weekend. It seems to be a good idea to make the next one parallel with wikimania. To support each other - there is no whatsoever concurrence between the two events! wiki-Woodstock is mainly based on collaborative editing of text (+ painting, + music, + ...). The open source collab-editor Gobby was released a few days ago and works fine. We have been using MoonEdit (not open) on our tings (regular meetings twice a week since Feb. 05) and use an extension to include the text in a wiki-page (ting-wiki).
Somehow article-tings on wikipedia are imagineable, n'est pas?



If you'd like to have a look at the Program try the Proceedings it's a draft and help is welcome to create real proceedings out of it! -- Nichtich 00:55, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Which are the Hacking Days?


Which day is which on the page ? It says the hacking days are July 30th to August 3rd, but that is five days (30, 31, 1, 2, 3) and the list mentions "day 1" to "day 4". This is very confusing. --LA2 04:34, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Could the hacking days please link to a page at Meta which is editable by anyone? I would like to find out if there is interest in Symbian/Java/mobile phone hacking... And possibly other things. Guaka 01:23, 3 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Geography / Maps / Geocaching


Are there any attendees who are interested in subprojects such as wikimaps/wikiatlas/geowiki, free geographic information systems or data sources, or who participate in the sport of geocaching? (There are several caches in Frankfurt.) Would it be interesting to get together and talk (or walk) about these topics before, during or immediately after the conference? Below are some highlights from the conference program. --LA2 04:07, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)

broadcasting wikimania 2005


is it possible to broadcast wikimania in order to wikipedians can assist? --Vev 08:37, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Good question. Apple, among others, is helping make sure we have audio and other? broadcasting of the sessions. I don't know how many simultaneous broadcasts we will have, or what the details are; or even whether they will be available later as podcasts. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 07:12, 27 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Been looking for the broadcasts, [2] does not work as advertised, as it serves up a 404. I'd like to hear the talks but cannot come to Frankfurt....



Apreciados amigos, mi nombre es Alejandro Sal y Rosas Sánchez y represento a la SOCIEDAD INFORMATICA DEL NORTE, de la ciudad de Trujillo - Peru, estoy registrado con el Nick sinforperu. . Quisiera consultarles si es posible que se me extienda una Carta de Invitación a fin de gestionar el visado correspondiente en la Embajada Alemana en Lima. Quedan pocos dias y requiero este documento. Agradecere se me informe al respecto. Gracias -- 23:09, 22 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]



During Wikimania, the participants cooperates on expanding the Frankfurt article (in English or their own language) to show what the community is capable of. Could this be included in some way in the program/Wikimania site?

August the 8th


What happens at August the 8th. Its written everywhere that Wikimania ends at that day, but the last event is on sunday. -- 13:21, 31 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Monday's outings are tours in Frankfurt or around the countryside (I think). ✏ Sverdrup 11:50, 5 August 2005 (UTC) (onsite, yay!)[reply]

Pictures and updates from Wikimania


There are a lot of Wikipedians who are not attending the Wikimania conference, and who would really appreciate more photos and impressions from the conference.

Wikis is about sharing with others. Those who are in Frankfurt are strongly encouraged to make use of their cameras and upload at commons (see the Wikimania category) and help updating the Wikimania Blog (a separate German version is welcomed too!)

why keep differents entities


i dont understand why u are separating theses differents entities (Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikispecies), it s a mistake for me. WP is not only an encyclopedia for me, it s more. one argument is; we need internals links to brighten up article sense easely. please talk about this. --Vev 14:01, 7 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

It's much about the different styles, rules and guidelines that are neccessary (depending on your view) for different types of content. It's been split this way to bring order to the wiki. ✏ Sverdrup 17:04, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Chapter meeting exclusionism


I'm feeling a bit surprised and agitated. I was just asked to leave the local chapter meeting. I thought it would have been quite useful to attend, but then it was brought up that only people actually taking part in the chapters were allowed to stay. I was the only person asked to actually leave, whereas at least one other person wasn't part of a chapter. I wonder where this exclusionism comes from. Ciao, 08:36, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

though I do not know who you are, stay assured that more than one person was asked to leave. Two non members participated, but had been explicitely authorized. One was WMF grant coordinator, and the other one is taking care of much of the paper work of the Foundation. Both absolutely made sense since our meeting was meant to discuss a grant. Anthere
It doesn't really matter who I am. Neither does it matter that more persons were asked to leave. It matters that persons were asked to leave in the first place. Without giving any reasons. It also matters that the organizations are apparently not as open as I thought they would be.
Oh, and the two you mention weren't the only non-members who attended... I also think it would have made sense if I attended, for several good reasons, though I didn't feel like arguing about that and completely ruin the atmosphere - I'm not angry very often, but when I am I can be very efficient... Ungenannt 11:07, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Why were people asked to leave? Dan100 21:01, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

You refer to which meeting? Sunday or monday? Sorry, these meetings were never announced to be public, but they were for the board members of the existing chapters to get to know each other and to discuss problems in a private atmosphere. --Elian 12:07, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Does it matter whether they were announced to be public or not? Why were non-members sent away in an apparently random fashion? Ungenannt 13:08, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Fotogallerie -> Fotogalerie


Bitte auf der deutschsprachigen Hauptseite korrigieren -- 13:27, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]



One of the best volunteer run conferences I've been to. Could barely tell it was organized by volunteers! What an amazing community you have built. Thank you for having me. Rossmay

French translation


The French translation of the Wikimania site (and possibly others) is still in future tense even though the conference has finished. Andrewmackinnon 01:22, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

German translation


The German translation of the main page is even worse: It is neither past tense nor future - at least as far as the first sentence is concerned... -- 10:00, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Another comment: Could somebody please change the phrase "Während dem Verlauf..." on the German "programme page" to "Während des Verlaufs..."?? -- 11:07, 25 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Dutch translation


It still looks like if the Wikimania conference has yet to come. I want to edit and update this page, so everyone can read the event had taken place already, but unfortunately there is no edit-tab to be found. Would you be so kind to do alterate that on the Dutch page. Thanks -- 00:08, 12 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]