Wikimedia CEE Hub/CEE Hub group
Regional hub covering Central and Eastern Europe
In addition to the Steering Committee members and special advisers, members of the CEE Hub group are also invited to monthly status and monthly strategic meetings. This group (formerly known as wider group) is open to anyone who is interested to follow the work and development of the CEE Hub. The members of this group have the same access to information, documentation and meetings as the Steering Committee does.
Currently (January 2025), this group is composed of fourteen (13) members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact staff members.
CEE Hub group members (13):
- Käbi Laan (Estonia)
- Tadeáš Bednarz (Czech Republic)
- Farhad Fatkullin (Russia)
- Mykola Kozlenko (Ukraine)
- Tomasz Wszeborowski (Poland)
- Miroslav Loci (Serbia)
- Greta Doçi (Albania)
- Mehman Ibragimov (Georgia)
- Arshak Shahinyan (Armenia)
- Vyollca Merdani (Albania)
- Anton Protsiuk (Ukraine)
- Tisza Gergő (Hungary)
- Michał Buczyński (Poland)