Regional hub covering Central and Eastern Europe

Staff members in Tallinn (2024)

As of November 2023, the Wikimedia CEE Hub has a two (2) staff members:

  • Regional CEE Hub Coordinator: Barbara Klen (
  • Program Officer: Toni Ristovski (
  • Community and Communication Specialist: Karolina Gruszczyk (

Regional CEE Hub Coordinator



Barbara Klen

The Wikimedia CEE region currently encompasses more than 35 Wikimedia affiliates and communities, many of which are funded by the Wikimedia Foundation, the organisation that hosts the Wikimedia projects, including Wikipedia. The CEE Hub is a new entity that aims to further develop the goals of the Wikimedia movement generally and more specifically implement the goals of the 2030 Wikimedia Strategy.

The Regional CEE Hub Coordinator is the main leading and driving force behind building up a support structure for the Wikimedia affiliates and communities of the CEE region. The coordinator's main task involve designing and managing an organisation that will bring more equity to the region. This entity will aim to implement a subsidiarity model that will bring more self-determination to the staff and volunteers who bring the Wikimedia projects to life.

Regional CEE Hub coordinator reports to the Steering Committee of the Wikimedia CEE Hub (made up of affiliate staff and volunteers) and leads a team that delivers the three pillars of the Wikimedia CEE Hub programme to the communities of CEE.

Key accountabilities/primary responsibilities

  • Leading the implementation of the CEE Hub programme
  • Managing a team of other staff members (and freelancers) to implement the three pillars (Administration, Communication and Programmes) of the CEE Hub programme
  • Reporting to the CEE Hub Steering Committee on a regular basis
  • Connecting and coordinating Wikimedia affiliates, volunteers and like-minded organisations
  • Communicating the development of the CEE Hub within the region as well as across the international Wikimedia movement
  • Connecting with similar hub projects in other regions of the world
  • Designing the next grant proposal by iterating on the current programme and taking the next step in a building a regional Wikimedia organisation

Program Officer



Toni Ristovski

Program and grant making support is responsible for delivering part of the project grant of the CEE Hub in its first year, specifically supporting communities in their endeavours around program and grant-making and CEE-wide projects. The aim of this support is to implement a subsidiarity model that will bring more self-determination to the staff and volunteers who bring the Wikimedia projects to life.

Program and grant making support reports to the CEE Hub Coordinator and works closely together with affiliates and communities from across the region to deliver parts of the three pillars of the Wikimedia CEE Hub programme. Because this is a pilot project Program and grant making support is also responsible for determining the best approach for the specified tasks and needs to be flexible in the way of providing support to different communities with different cultural backgrounds.

Key accountabilities/primary responsibilities

  • Identifying and suggesting relevant calls for grant proposals
  • Supporting creation of projects and grant applications
  • Supporting affiliates and communities from across the region during implementation of their programs/activities
  • Creating templates and instructions which can be used to simplify reporting/writing grant application
  • Supporting grant reporting process of affiliates and communities
  • Supporting the development of new programs / projects of affiliates and communities
  • Supporting the development of international / inter-group cooperation