Verkezinge Wikimedia Foundation 2013
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The election ended 22 June 2013. No more votes will be accepted. The results were announced on 24 June 2013. |
The 2013 Wikimedia Foundation elections will be held from 8 to 22 June 2013. Members of the Wikimedia community have the opportunity to elect candidates for three positions:
- Three candidates for the Board of Trustees to serve a two-year term which will expire in 2015. The Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.
- Two candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee of the Board to serve a two–year term.
- One candidate as the Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson to serve a two-year term.
The elections are held securely using SecurePoll software. Votes are secret, and no one from the Election Committee, the Board, or anyone on the Wikimedia Foundation staff has access to them. The encryption key for the election is held by an independent third party; once activated, the election is halted. Some personally identifiable data on voters (for instance, IP address, user agent, and other data that is substantially similar to that obtained by the Checkuser tool) is viewable by a select few persons who audit and tally the election (the election committee). Voters submit votes using a Support/Neutral/Oppose system. The votes will be tallied and the candidates will be ranked by percentage of support, defined as the number of votes cast in support of the candidate divided by the total number of votes cast for the candidate ("neutral" preferences are not counted, so this is the sum of support and oppose votes). The candidates with the highest percentage of support will be recommended to the Board of Trustees for appointment.
The election committee will announce the results on or before 28 June 2013. Detailed results will be available.
Informaasje veur stummers
- Bewirkers
Doe maags sjtumme mit edere willekäörig geregistreerdjen account op 'ne Wikimediawiki. Doe maags mer eine kieër sjtumme, óngeach 't aantaal accounts det se haes. Óm dich te kwalificeren óm te moge sjtumme mót dezen account:
- neet op mieër es ei perjèk geblokkeerdj zeen; en
- neet geblokkeerdj zeen op 't perjèk wovanoet se sjtums; en
- geine botaccount zeen; en
- mèndestes 300 bewirkinge gedaon höbbe veur 15 april 2013 op Wikimediawikis (bewirkingen op versjillige wiki's kónne gekombineerdj waeren es dien accounts toet eine wikiwiejen account zammegeveug zind); en
- mèndestes 20 bewirkinge gedaon höbbe tusje 15 dieëtsember 2012 en 30 april 2013.
- Systeemóntwikkeleers
Systeemóntwikkeleers moge sjtummen es zie:
- Wikimediaserveradminstrator mit shelltougank zind; of
- Committougank höbben en mèndestes eine zammegeveugdje commit in git gemaak höbbe tusje 1 mei 2012 en 30 april 2013.
- Personieël en kóntraktantje
Personieël det huuj bieje Wikimedia Foundation wirk en kóntraktantje kwalificere zich óm te sjtummen es ze wirkzaam zind bieje Foundation vanaaf 30 april 2013.
- Besjtuursleden en adviserendje besjtuurslede
Hujige en veurmaolige lede vanne Board of Trustees en 't Advisory Board moge sjtumme.
Informaasje veur kandidaote
All candidates must meet the requirements for voters, as well as role–specific requirements. Multiple candidacies are not permitted.
- 24 April – 17 May 2013: candidate submissions
- 17 May 2013: deadline to send proof of identity (late or missing submissions will be disqualified)
- 8–22 June 2013: elections
- 23–25 June 2013: vote-checking
- 25–28 June 2013: publication of results