Wikimedia Hong Kong/籌備委員會/第二十次會議
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2014年會章修訂議案 ※ Constitution Amendments Bill 2014 |
日期:2007年5月26日 (六)
時間:18:30 HKT
集合地點:香港城市大學康樂樓5樓城大食坊 City Express
edit- 協會成立大典事宜
- Stewart~惡龍報告
- 協會籌款事項
- 臨時籌款事務專員Wrightbus報告
edit- 討論協會成立慶祝活動:
- 討論協會成立典禮的地點;
- 討論協會成立慶祝晚宴的地點;
- 討論協會成立慶祝活動的工作安排。
日期:2007年5月26日 (六)
時間:20:25 (HKT)
出席者:encyclopedist(主席)、Jerry~雨雨(代理秘書職務)、Wrightbus、Cehk、黑武士仲尼、W.F. Siu、TYC、Keroro、Stewart~惡龍、Railhk0512、仁心文術
列席者:Simon Shek、Ray1118x、Deryck Chan
edit- 籌備委員第十九次會議紀錄獲得通過
edit- 主席及惡龍報告可舉辦會員大會成立大典的場所
- 中大范克廉樓美國三明治公司
- 價錢比較彈性,若人數達100人以上,每人只需付約45-55港元
- 有互聯網連線提供,唯質量較差
- 准許飲用香檳
- 優點:場景不錯、場地較大、人流較少、熟悉的場地、不需額外10%服務費
- 缺點:交通不方便,需額外1港元的校巴車費;聊無新鮮感;需預繳50%訂金;氣氛並不適合慶典
- 浸大聯福樓海鮮酒家
- 預算約需1000港元左右
- Wi-Fi網絡狀況不清楚,但負責人不建議在內上網
- 准許飲用香檳
- 優點: 位置不錯;交通挺方便,雖不接近地鐵站
- 缺點: 不熟悉的場地;需額外10%服務費
- 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 (灣仔)
- 主席引述費勒姆前次之報告
- 租金每小時300至400港元不等,但不包括食物
- 需額外50港元左右的上網費用
- 准許享用香檳和西餅
- 優點:地點不錯,接近電車站,地鐵站和警察總部附近;氣氛較正式嚴肅;有投影器提供
- 缺點:價錢較貴;沒有食物供應,要自備西餅、香檳等
- 中大范克廉樓美國三明治公司
- 協會籌款事項
- Wrightbus報告現時籌得款項總數
edit- 成立大典事宜
- 會議決定將會邀請向映晴出席慶典
- 會議決定通過投票決定成立大典的地點,中大范克廉樓飯堂獲選為慶典舉辦地點
- 會議預定將有50人出席成立典禮,但預料工作人員會無暇食用,因此只會預訂33人食物的分量
edit- 司儀人選
- 有委員認為司儀能以兩文三語表達
- 有委員認為Deryck Chan和Charlotte1125可擔任司儀
- 會議初步計劃成立典禮將設司儀二人,一男一女
- 會員資料處理
- 會議表達了負責處理會員資料人士理應年滿18周歲
- 有委員提議Wrightbus、TYC、W.F.Siu、費勒姆等人擔任
- 主席委任W.F.Siu為臨時會員登記專員,專責處理會員資料
- 成立註冊後的協會名冊將暫時存放於該專員的家中
- 動議Ray1118x為籌委會正式委員
- CEHK動議Ray1118x為籌委會委員,TYC和議
- 議案獲一致通過,Ray1118x自下次會議起正式擔任籌委會委員
edit- 下次會議定於2007年6月2日下午6時30分
Official Report of proceedings
editThe 20th Meeting
Preliminary Committee, Wikimedia Hongkong
Saturday, 26th May, 2007
The committee met at 20:25 HKT,
in Rm G5-308, Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
edit- Encyclopedist, the President
- Jerry~Yuyu, Secretary pro tempore
- Wrightbus
- Cehk
- 黑武士仲尼
- W.F. Siu
- Keroro
- Stewart
- Railhk0512
- Universehk
editIn Attendance
edit- The President welcomed Deryck Chan for his debut in the Committee meeting
- The President also welcomed Simon Shek for his first reappearance in the Committee meeting
editThe minutes of the 19th meeting of the Committee were confirmed.
editthe Establishment Ceremony
- Reported by the President & Stewart
Suggested venue I
the canteen in Benjamin Franklin Center, CUHK (中大范克廉樓)
- Stewart consulted Ben (Chpapa) for the venue
- The price is flexible. If there's more than 100 attendees, the price can be down to HK$ 45 - 55 per person
- Internet access is available
- Champagne is allowed
- Pros
- Nice view
- Enough space for the ceremony
- less crowd around
- a familiar venue
- no extra charge
- Cons
- inconvenient location, an extra dollar of bus fare required
- lack of novelty
- 50% of prepayment
- the environment seems not suitable for a ceremony
Suggested venue II
Renfrew Seafood Restaurant, HKBU (聯福樓海鮮酒家)
- Stewart contacted with the Managers there
- The budget will be about HK$1000
- The status of Wi-Fi connection is not clear, but
- Champagne is allowed
- Pros
- Convenient location though the place is not near to any MTR Stations
- Cons
- an unfamiliar venue
- an extra 10% service charge applies
Suggested venue III
The Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, Wan Chai (溫莎公爵社會服務大廈)
- The President reported Flamelai's previous statements
- HK$ 300 - 400 an hour, & food is not included
- An extra HK$ 50 for internet connection
- Champagne & cakes are allowed
- Pros
- convenient location, the venue is near to tram stop, MTR station & the headquarters of the Hong Kong Police
- the environment is good for serious ceremony
- projectors are available
- Cons
- expensive rent
- no food supplies & only champagne & cakes are allowed
the Funding
- Wrightbus reported the amount of funds he had collected.
editthe Establishment Ceremony
- The committee will invite Ms Yuugikiseki (向映晴) to attend the establishment ceremony
- Venue
- The committee decided to have a vote to confirm the venue of the ceremony
- With most of the members' support, the canteen in Benjamin Franklin Center, CUHK was selected the venue for the ceremony
- The Host
- Some members suggested that the host should have fluency in both Cantonese, Mandarin/Putonghua & English
- Some suggested that Deryck Chan & Charlotte1125 can be the host of the ceremony
- The committee expressed the initial consensus to have two hosts for the ceremony, a lady & a gentleman
- The committee estimated that about fifty guests will attend the ceremony, & confirmed that will book the food for thirty-three attenders only.
Membership data
- The committee decided that there should be a member of committee to handle the Membership data
- This member should be over eighteen years old
- Some sugeested Wrightbus, TYC, W.F.Siu or Flamelai can be the one.
- The President appointed W.F.Siu to be the commissioner for the membership registration
- When WMHK is established, the name list of the membership will be stored in the residence of the the commissioner for the membership affairs
New Member
edit- CEHK moved the nomination of Ray1118x's membership of preliminary committee
- The motion was seconded by TYC
- The nomination was confirmed by common consent
- Ray1118x will be the de jure committee member when the committee meets again
Conclusion & Next Meeting
edit- Next meeting will be scheduled on 2nd June, 2007
- In the next meeting, membership cards, banking & finance affairs will be discussed
- Meeting was concluded in 22:17 HKT
上次會議: 2007年5月19日 |
WMHK籌委會第二十次會議 2007年5月26日 |
下次會議: 2007年6月2日 |