Sproglig mangfoldighed på Wikimedia
Wikimedia Indigenous Languages (WIL) er det koordinerende organ for fremme og udvikling af oprindelige sprog på Wikimedia-projekter.
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Sproglig mangfoldighed på Wikimedia
A project to support indigenous, minority, marginalized, less-resourced and other underrepresented language communities to have access to their at-risk knowledge |

Visionen for Wikimedia Indigenous Languages er at se summen af al viden tilgængelig for alle på deres eget sprog og til at dele den viden fra disse sprog selv. Det vil opnå dette ved at:
- række ud til folk der taler oprindelige sprog, med det mål at udvikle Wikimedia-projekter på deres sprog
- etablere arbejdende samarbejde med eksterne organisationer involveret i fremme af oprindelige sprog
- dele erfaringer og give feedback til hinanden med et syn mod at inspirere og berige hinandens arrangementer og programmer
- oprette og udvide Wikimedia-projekter på alle oprindelige sprog
- støtte Wikilang som et projekt der skal dokumentere alle sprog
- handle sammen for at give udtryk for almindelige bekymringer og interesser indenfor Wikimedia bevægelsen
I forbindelse med dette projekt, er et "oprindeligt sprog" et sprog, der er hjemmehørende, eller aboriginal til en region og tales af oprindelige folk, men er blevet reduceret til status af et mindretalssprog. I nogle tilfælde kan dette omfatte en ø af talere fjernet fra deres sprogsamfund med traumer og diaspora. Synonymer er "små sprog", "truede sprog" og "autoktone sprog"; nogle regioner bruger også "indfødte sprog". Wikimedia oprindelige sprog fokuserer på sprog, som er underrepræsenteret på Wikimedia-projekter.
The status of these languages and language communities in Wikimedia may vary greatly from one case to the other, ranging from the most under-represented to those more developed and ranking on the middle-upper end of Wikimedia projects overall. All share a feeling of treading common ground from their lesser-used status, aspiring to both make universal knowledge available to everyone and local knowledge become universal, in close connection with each language's community.
Hvorfor er det vigtigt?
Languages are the pillars of cultures and the vehicles of oral traditions. They are an essential part of people's identities and an important heritage to preserve. Each language is a unique way of thinking and structuring a view of the world. Each loss of a language represents the loss of centuries-old knowledge, heritage, and history for ever. Cultures are greatly weakened by the loss of their languages and often vanish with it or soon after.
According to UNESCO, 43% of the languages spoken in the world today are vulnerable or in danger of extinction. A language becomes vulnerable when its youth no longer learns it.
Wikimedia Indigenous Languages's rolle er at støtte og fremme bestræbelser på konkrete projekter til udvikling af Wikimedias projekter i små og truede sprog. Det vil fungere som et internationalt organ til at indsamle og udveksle bedste praksis, erfaringer og metoder til at udvikle små sprog Wikimedia-projekter og bevare truede sprog. Det vil også tilbyde støtte til folk interesseret i at udvikle initiativer og nye projekter. Det vil også blive kontaktpunkt til at etablere samarbejde med andre organisationer, der arbejder hen imod de samme mål, og vil også aktivt søge sådanne samarbejdsmuligheder.
Many lesser-used languages operate at a regional level, often relying on a lingua franca for communication and a referential larger culture; it is the aim of this resource to establish common bonds, as well as cooperation, beyond these areas. Becoming a meeting point opens the opportunity to provide and receive assistance and feedback to learn from each other's experiences with events, programmes and/or helpful technical inventions, and to use information as a way to showcase one's own initiatives. The main language of communication is English, but any other languages are welcome; the goal is to make news and messages as communicative and far-reaching as possible.
LinguaLibre-Surui training session with Surui chief Almir Surui, Paris.
- Websted: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Language_Diversity | https://w.wiki/7ME
- E-mail / Mailing liste: languages@lists.wikimedia.org
- Diskussionsside: Talk:Wikimedia Language Diversity
- IRC Channel: #wikilangtilslut
- Facebook: Wikimedia Indigenous Languages on Facebook
- Telegram group:[n 1]: https://t.me/joinchat/EOHX3_N47Fzz_3ZR
- Næste møde: Mangler at blive planlagt.
- Sidste møde: 16. september (læs minutter).
Folk som er interesseret
Please add your name to the list (by clicking here) if you are interested in participating in Wikimedia Language Diversity or one of its projects. You are also welcome to join the Wikimedia languages mailing list which is also be used by WIL.
- Gozaimasu Stone (Australia)
- Bpangerang (Australia)
- Amqui (Canada)
- Ebe123 (Incubator, Canada)
- SPQRobin (Incubator/LangCom)
- MF-Warburg (Incubator/LangCom)
- Hydriz (Incubator, can help with Southeast Asia's languages)
- moyogo
- Osiris
- ProtoplasmaKid
- CasteloBrancomsg
- Marrovi
- Djembayz
- B1mbo (Chile and Argentina)
- Maor X (LangCom; WMVE, WMIL)
- Fhaidel (WMVE)
- ✒ Bennylin (I started the Southeast Asia project and currently active in Javanese projects, working with ꦲꦏ꧀ꦱꦫꦗꦮ)
- jduranboger/mallku (Bolivia)
- Kaiyr (Former USSR)
- A12n (with particular interest in: African languages; dominant themes across world regions; learning & best practices)
- Jon Harald Søby (LangCom, Wikimedia Norge)
- Pras (Javanese Wikipedia)
- Wilfredor (Maracaibo, Venezuela)
- Soul Train (Moscow, Russia)
- Baba Tabita (LangCom; WMKE)
- Jagwar grrr... (from Madagascar).
- Millosh (LangCom, Wikimedia Serbia)
- Maunus
- HalanTul (Nikolai Pavlov) (Sakha, Russia)
- SereinWMfr (Adrienne Alix), (Wikimédia France)
- KSRolph (talk) 15:32, 5 September 2012 (UTC) Americas' languages - Peru
- Tadiranscopus (Turkey), (Azerbaycan)
- Holder (with particular interest in small languages in Europe)
- Alolitas (WMF Internationalization engineering team; Language Committee Observer; Interest in building tools for reading and writing in indigenous languages)
- Hendra Prastiawan (Committee Trainer at Wikimedia Indonesia, Indonesian Wikipedia)
- Richard Symonds (WMUK) (talk) (Wikimedia UK)
- Anna Paparizou (Athens, Greece)
- Tanvir Rahman
- Paola Granado Bolivia
- A R King (Basque (Spain, France); Pipil/Nawat (El Salvador); interest in other minority languages; see especially the Nawat Wikipedia)
- Kanon6996 (Lima, Peru)
- John Vandenberg (Australia; Indonesia)
- Ansuman (India)
- Awkiku (France ; Ecuador), French native speaker, contributing to the Wikipedia in kichwa language on the incubator.
- Eukesh (Nepal) Nepalbhasa native speaker.
- Rajesh Deoli(India) Garhwali language
- With Wikimedia Cascadia I support efforts to preserve indigenous languages in the Pacific Northwest. I also work with linguistic research organizations in Uttar Pradesh in India. Blue Rasberry (talk) 14:32, 9 December 2012 (UTC)
- Carliitaeliza currently working on Meta Babylon:Translate
- Cekli829 (Sumqayıt, Azərbaycan)
- Yupik (bureaucrat on the Northern Saami Wikipedia)
- Xuacu (Spain) Translation in Asturian language of Mediawiki and Meta messages
- Francis Tyers (talk) (Europe, the former Soviet Union and Latin America)
- --Netha Hussain (talk) 16:41, 16 August 2013 (UTC) (India)
- Enock4seth (Member of Planning Wikimedia Ghana from Ghana improving Eυe Wikipedia)
- Neljack (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
- Subhashish Panigrahi (Odisha, India)
- Guaka (talk), started and helped developing Wikipedia in Bambara, Peul and Limburgish, also worked a little bit on Quechua. Interested in indigenous languages across the world.
- Kaganer (Russia)
- — revimsg (Korean, Jeju - though I don't know jeju.)
- Pgallert (Namibia)
- Gloria sah (Emilia-Romagna, Italy)
- Diana rz (México)
- frhdkazan (Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation)
- Satdeep Gill (Patiala, Punjab, India)
- Pusle8 (developing an application to assist article translation with a focus on smaller languages Minority Translate, gathering practical knowledge on language revitalization)
- Jaqi-Aru (Aymara nation
- Benoit Rochon (Canada)
- Kiackw (Germany, can help with projects in Francophone, Lusophone [Portuguese], Anglophone and Germanophone countries)
- Sahaquiel9102, interested in the develop of Wikimedian projects in Colombia.
- Michael junior obregon pozo ,intereses in the develop of Wikimedia project in Peru.
- Deborahjay, helping on the Zulu WP, somewhat on the Ladino WP
- R12ntech (talk), assisting with Lakota Wikipedia (in Incubator) and Cherokee Wikipedia, curating writing on tech and LR at r12n
- Gutemonik, I'm linguist I am interested in leading projects for the inclusion of languages spoken in Central and South America.
- marcmiquel, I am interested in Wikimedia Indigenous Languages as it shares a common interest with the project Wikipedia Cultural Diversity Observatory (Catalonia)
- Erzianj jurnalist (Andrey Petrov) (Erzya, Russian Federation)
- The Living love (Hausa, Nigeria)
- Tofeiku (Wiktionary, Borneo)
- R Ashwani Banjan Murmu (Baripada, Odisha, India)
- Filipinayzd (Philippines)
- Reda Kerbouche (talk) 14:31, 22 August 2019 (UTC) (Wikimedians of Tamazight User Group, Algeria)
- ShiminUfesoj 14:36, 22 August 2019 (UTC) (Philwiki Community, Philippines)
- Reda benkhadra (talk) 02:57, 23 August 2019 (UTC) (Morocco)
- Vahidmasrour (talk) 04:12, 23 August 2019 (UTC)
- Gnangarra Nyungar, and 300+ Indigenous Australians languages yet to be covered
- Manik Soren (Bangladesh)
- Elwin Huaman (Runasimi or Quechua)
- NinjaStrikers (Myanmar aka Burma)
- Ilham.nurwansah (talk) 03:53, 2 September 2019 (UTC) (Sundanese - West Java, Indonesia)
- John Samuel
- Llywelyn2000 (talk) 15:50, 13 September 2019 (UTC)
- Born2bgratis (talk) 02:08, 29 September 2019 (UTC)
- Premeditated (talk) 15:07, 6 February 2020 (UTC)
- Millars (Spain)
- NathGué (talk) 15:59, 19 November 2020 (UTC)]] (Canada)
- User:Psubhashish (India)
- Tiputini (talk) 17:40, 20 February 2021 (UTC)(catalan)
- RamzyM (talk) 06:57, 9 May 2021 (UTC)
- Shahadusadik (Dagbani Wikimedians User Group and Indigenous ambasodor at Art+Feminism User Group)
- ToniSant (talk) 12:29, 19 June 2021 (UTC) (Maltese / Malti / Malta)
- Anass Sedrati (talk) 16:47, 15 July 2021 (UTC) - (Morocco)
- Sabon Harshe (talk) 02:44, 29 July 2021 (UTC) (African language wikis)
- Quiddity (talk)
- K2suvi (Wikimedia Eesti)
- Dnshitobu (Ghana)
- Akwugo (talk) 12:48, 20 January 2023 (UTC) (Nigeria)
- iyumu 09:25, 1 October 2021 (UTC)
- YusufuAM (talk) 18:12, 30 October 2023 (UTC)
- Daniel Mietchen (talk) (Eurasian languages, historic and evolutionary linguistics)
- Lim Natee (talk) 05:29, 17 June 2024 (UTC) (I'm linguist, I'm interested in Wikimedia Indigenous Languages, and I started the Southeast Asia, East Asia Languages project and currently active in Malay projects)
- Sahaquiel9102 (talk) 13:42, 27 June 2024 (UTC) (Colombian Languages, Asturian, Esperanto)
- Hwem (Russia, Japan)
- ↑ a b Because the Telegram group is set to private (in order to avoid spam), this is a temporary invitation link. Please post a message on the talk page if the link is broken!