Progetti locali di Wikimedia

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia chapters and the translation is 58% complete.
"Progetti locali" rimanda a questa pagina. Per vederne altri possibili usi, vedi la pagina di disambiguazione Progetti.

I capitoli Wikimedia sono organizzazioni autonome fondate per supportare e promuovere i progetti Wikimedia in una specifica area geografica (nazione). Come la Wikimedia Foundation, hanno l'obiettivo di "ingaggiare e delegare persone nel mondo a raccogliere e sviluppare contenuti culturali con una licenza libera o in un pubblico dominio e disseminarli in modo efficace e globale". Attualmente esistono 38 capitoli, almeno uno per ogni continente abitato del mondo.

Questa pagina elenca i capitoli esistenti e quelli pianificati. Sei pregato di vedere la Guida passo-passo per la creazione di capitoli e le FAQ sui capitoli locali per ulteriori informazioni. L'Affiliation Committee fornisce consiglio ed aiuto per la creazione e il sostegno dei singoli capitoli.

Alcuni tra i capitoli hanno un ufficio.

Puoi trovare un'anteprima di Meta pagine relative ai capitoli nel Portale Capitoli.

Capitoli esistenti, sia fondati (blu scuro) sia approvati (turchese), capitoli programmati (verde) e capitoli in discussione (azzurro) al 23 dicembre 2024.

Capitoli esistenti

Attualmenteci sono 38 capitoli di Wikimedia riconosciuti.

Capitoli passati

I seguenti capitoli erano riconosciuti da Wikimedia durante i periodi indicati

Capitoli in fase discussione

"Sei pregato di aggiungere qui ogni capitolo la cui creazione è in fase di discussione. Fornisci, inoltre, un link a una meta pagina con informazioni più dettagliate (meglio se con un breve riassunto in inglese) e fornisci un contatto per questioni relative alla situazione attuale."

Chiave di interpretazione
Uno sfondo giallo chiaro indica organizzazioni attualmente (alla data dell'"ultimo aggiornamento") in attivo contatto con l'Affiliations Committee;
Uno sfondo grigio chiaro indica che si è in attesa di un aggiornamento (dall'organizzazione proposta o dall'AffCom)
Uno sfondo azzurro indica organizzazioni delle quali l'AffCom ha richiesto all'Amministrazione di approvare la costituzione.
country code Chapter Status Articles of Incorporation/
Website Mailing list Contact Last update
  BW Wikimedia Botswana Early development Meta, (doesn't exist yet)
wikimediabw (doesn't exist yet) tn:User:Oarabile Mudongo (kck, tn, en-3, zu-1, sn-1),
talk on Meta,
talk on Wikipedia
  BY Wikimedia Belarus In discussion Meta,
wikimediaby ru:User Talk:Track13 (en, ru, be),
ru:User Talk:Pessimist2006 (ru, be)
  BG Wikimedians of Bulgaria In discussion info-l See Wikimedians of Bulgaria 2014-04-18
  CI Wikimedia Côte d'Ivoire Writing bylaws fr, en Meta Wikimedia-CI Zenman (talk) 2014-06-30
  DZ Wikimedia Algeria In discussion to come Meta Wikimedia Algeria/Gestion/Members and Mohammed Bachounda 2007-07-01
  EG Wikimedia Egypt Writing bylaws Proposed by-laws Wikimedia Egypt mail:wikimediaeg-l Mido or/and #wikimedia-eg 2009-03-01
  GE Wikimedia Georgia AffCom Review en wiki info 2023-07-28
  GR Wikimedia Greece In discussion Not translated Geraki or/and #wikimedia-el 2024-04-16
  HR Wikimedija Hrvatske Formally established under Croatian law on January 17, 2009. hr, en SpeedyGonsales, #wikimedija-hr 2011-01-12
  IE Wikimedia Ireland In discussion Wikimedia Ireland Community mail:wikimediaie 2014-07-26
  IN-DL Wikimedia Delhi City Memorandum of Association has been posted on Meta. Meta Wikimedia-in-del Vibhijain 2011-06-05
  IR Wikimedia Iran Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/Iranian Wikimedians User Group - Liaison approval, July 2015 Meta info wikimediairan ir 2008-07-07
  KG Wikimedia Kyrgyzstan In discussion Wikimedia Kyrgyzstan Aidabishkek (en, ru, tr, ky),
Maksat (en, ru, ky)
  KZ Wikimedia Kazakhstan Reviewing bylaws with AffCom. No currently ongoing communication. en Ashina, Alash, Rauank 2012-08-05
  LT Wikimedia Lietuva Stopped at discussion phase none none 2009-12-10
  MY Wikimedia Malaysia Early development Research stage Wikimedia Malaysia (on meta) Talk:Wikimedia Malaysia 2009-01-12
  NP Wikimedia Nepal Community Approved Draft By-Laws in Nepali Now in Lawyer's revision/ By-laws translation into English Affcom studying on proposal Meta (on meta),
F:Wikimedia Nepal; Rajesh Pandey,
Ganesh Paudel,
Saroj K. Dhakal (en, hi, ne),
Nirmal Dulal (en, hi, ne)
  RO Wikimedia România Early stages (planning) ro (drafts) (currently a portal) WikimediaRO-l IulianU or Razool 2005-09-26
  SA Wikimedia Saudi Arabia Early development Wikimedia Saudi Arabia Alrwaikm 2008-12-26
  SG Wikimedia Singapore Early development Wikimedia Singapore Wikimedia-SG Mailing list or #wikimedia-sgconnetti 2011-04-27
  SI Wikimedia Slovenia In discussion Writing first draft Wikimedia Slovenia (on meta),
w:sl:Wikipedija:Društvo on
none yet Wikimedia Slovenia,
Miha / xJaM / Yerpo
  TR Wikimedia Türkiye In discussion Early development Wikimedia Türkiye (on Meta),
wikimedia-tr #wikimedia-tr 2011-11-01
US-CAS Wikimedia Cascadia In discussion, drafting bylaws pending Meta wikimedia-cascadia Another Believer
  US-MW Wikimedia Midwest US In discussion Meta


Varnent (talk) 2012-06-22
  US-TX Texas Wikimedians In discussion pending Meta WhisperToMe

Capitoli precedentemente in discussione

Capitoli precedentemente in preparazione per diventare un capitolo, che hanno una fase di stallo o state assorbite in altri capitoli.

country code Chapter Status Articles of Incorporation/
Website Mailing list Contact Last update
  US-CA Wikimedia California Inactive pending Meta wikimedia-california Geoff Plourde 2010-05-05
  US-PA Wikimedia Pennsylvania Stalled, merged with Wikimedia New York City en Wikimediapa-l Cbrown1023 talk, SB_Johnny, Whiteknight, or #wikimedia-pa 2009-04-29

Idee per capitoli

Leggi le FAQ sui movimenti affiliati per comprendere cos'è un capitolo locale e cosa implica crearne una nuova. Se desideri creare un capitolo locale, segui la guida per la creazione di capitoli locali. Nel caso in cui avessi altre domande, contatta l'Affiliation Committee.

In Europa

Nel Nord America

In Asia

  • Wikimedia Mainland China – The discussion of establishing a chapter started in 2009 on Chinese Wikipedia. The discussion was ended due to the political problems and no possibility of being legally incorporated. While the discussion restarted in 2013 when WMF start to recognize User Group, and the Wikimedia User Group China has been recognized since August 2014. There is no further plan for forming a chapter before the NPO can be freely incorporated in mainland China.
  • Wikimedia Giappone – 設立の是非について投票中です。 La pagina dice "Non ci sono discussioni attive per stabilire un capitolo locale in Giappone, principalmente perché ci sono pochi membri della comunità che parlino giapponese interessato in quello. Il desconocimiento legale e la mancanza di abilità contabili nella comunità anche è un fattore contribuente molto ampio."
  • Wikimedia Nepal विकिमिडिया नेपाल is recognized as a user group Wikimedians of Nepal on 29th May, 2013. Now it is in the way of becoming national chapter. Wikipedia was begun in Nepal on June 3, 2002 with Nepali Wikipedia. Now Wikipedias are avaible in five languages spoken in Nepal. Wikimedia Nepal begun regular meetups and discussions from 17 July 2010. It has been organizing outreach and various programs to promote Wikipedia in Nepal.
  • Wikimedia Pakistan is recognized as a user group.

In Africa

In Oceania

In Sud America

  • Wikimedia Ecuador – Riconosciuto il 18 settembre come Wikimedians of Ecuador. Alla ricerca di utenti interessati.
  • Wikimedia Bolivia – Recognized on 2018 as Wikimedistas of Bolivia user group. Still calling for supporters.

In America Centrale

Composizione dei capitoli

Vedi anche il sommario dei capitoli. Questa lista potrebbe essere poco aggiornate; fornisce i codici dei Paesi in ordine alfabetico:

[AM] Wikimedia Armenia (Armenia)


Arshak Shahenyan

Auditing Commission
  • Aram Soghomonyan / Chair of the Supervision Commission
  • Karen Terteryan
  • Sevak Ayvazyan

[AR] Wikimedia Argentina (Argentina)


Elected 2022-06-12 / Constituted on 2022-07-06

Internal auditor

Committee (elected 7 August 2022):

Elected on 2024-01-27

See wmbe:Board for an overview of the board positions within Wikimedia Belgium.

Board members (2021)
  • Chair: Geert Van Pamel - User:Geertivp - geert [at] in Dutch, English, or French.
  • Dominique - User:LabDom - dominique [at] in French, English, or Dutch.
  • Mike - User:Taketa - mike [at] in Dutch, or English.
  • Sam - User:Sam.Donvil - sam [at] in Dutch, or English.

In 2025, the Board of Directors is:

[CH] Wikimedia CH ()

  • Matthias Nepfer, presidente
  • Jon Becker, membro del direttivo
  • Amandine Cabrio, membro del direttivo
  • Cathérine Janssens, membro del direttivo
  • Nawal Aït-Hocine, membro del direttivo
  • Michael Witschi, membro del direttivo
  • Mauro Cassina, membro del direttivo

[CL] Wikimedia Chile (Chile)

[CO] Wikimedia Colombia (Colombia)

Board and Audit committee elected by the general assembly.

Board elected in 2020:

  • : (2024)
    • Robert Treufeldt
    • Jaan Meriniit
  • :
    • Madis Maasing
    • Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren
  • Staff:

See for a current list and biographies of board members.

Effective 2024-01-01.

See for a current list and biographies of board members.

[GB] Wikimedia UK ()

See wmuk:board for a current list and biographies of board members.

Board of Trustees (Dewan Pengawas, 19 Feb 2022-31 Dec 2024):

Board of Executives (Dewan Pengurus, 19 Feb 2022-31 Dec 2024):

    • Itzik Edri (chairperson and portavoce)
    • Ido Ivry (segretario)
    • Dana L. Dekel
    • Daria Kantor
    • Eli Shani
    • Gidi Beery
    • Sandra Zonensein
    • Sheizaf Rafaeli
    • Yoav Dothan
    • Avi Rosenthal
    • Hana Yariv
    • Michal Wander Schwartz,

[IN] Wikimedia India ( (derecognized))

  • Rahul Deshmukh (President)
  • Sanket Oswal (Treasurer)
  • Yohann Thomas (Secretary)
  • Viswanathan Prabhakaran
  • Santosh Shingare

For biographical summaries, please visit Wikimedia India Chapter Executive Committee Members

Updated 2018-06-09

As of April 18, 2020:

  • Justus de Bruijn, secretary
  • Lizzy Jongma, open knowledge and partnerships
  • Bart Nieuwenhuis, treasurer
  • Jan Bart de Vreede, çhair
  • Michel Wesseling, sponsorships
  • Lotte Belice Baltussen, open knowledge and partnerships
  • Heleen Ririassa, communications

Updated 2023-10-18 Elected board as of board meeting 17 October 2023:

Presentation in English

Board is elected by General Assembly for a two-year term. Board elected in 2024:

A new board was elected on January 15, 2023. The current members of the board:


See the Chapter page.

[UA] Wikimedia Ukraine (Вікімедіа Україна) ()

See the Chapter page.

See Wikimedia DC's official list.

See Wikimedia NYC's official list.

[UY] Wikimedia Uruguay (Uruguay)

  • Rodrigo Barbano, president
  • Mariana Fossatti, secretary
  • Jorge Gemetto, treasurer
  • Gustavo Ginares, ordinary member

[VE] Wikimedia Venezuela (Venezuela)

[ZA] Wikimedia South Africa (South Africa)

2020 Board

Iniziative tra capitoli



Mailing list e wiki

Apart from public mailing lists (most notably Chapters-reports) and websites listed elsewhere, there are two main private channels for communication and coordination among chapters, which existing chapters must follow and participate in:

  • Internal wiki[24] and Internal-l – Local Chapters, board and officers coordination: each chapter can subscribe an unlimited number of board members (as of 13th August 2010), with an e-mail to the list admin by the president; additional members can be subscribed following the usual procedure (endorsement by a subscribed person + consensus on wiki);
  • Chapters wiki[25] and chapters mailinglist[26] for discussions and decisions among chapters: each chapter can subscribe unlimited board members (and some staffer) and an email by the president of the chapter to the list admins with the list of email addresses to add/remove is the usual process; there are also other lists for working groups, generally subsets of the previous one, apart some more open lists (e.g. GLAM).

Voci correlate


  1. Is the chapter formally recognized as a Nonprofit organization under its nation's laws? "n/a" should be used if the country's laws do not recognize a nonprofit status.
  2. corporation information
  3. A small no profit association doesn't require the formal approval. It's sufficient to follow the law and to have a bylaws compliant with to the law[1][2]. The tax exemption has been formally approved [3].
  4. All associations are non-profit by definition in the Czech republic.
  5. All associations in Spain have Non profit status.
  6. Wikimédia Magyarország is a registered association at the Court and all registered associations are non-profit by definition in Hungary. Wikimédia Magyarország is recognized as "organization for the public benefit" status which means: transparency requirements, tax exemptions, tax deductibility etc.
  7. Based on Wikimedia Indonesia Board of Executive Meeting.
  8. Officially approved by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of South Korea since 2015.
  9. At the founding team's request, the provisional approval was extended by the WMF executive director until April 2013.
  10. Officialy recognized as Wikimedia México A.C. (civic association) under Mexican laws since February 2013.
  11. There is no separate official non-profit status. However, we have been granted charity status (ANBI) by the tax office since January 2010, which, among other demands, requires that the organization is a non-profit by its bylaws and operates as a non-profit in practice. During 2012 we were busy to prepare the chapter for the CBF certificate for 'small charities'.
  12. All associations are non-profit by definition in Poland
  13. All organizations in Portugal have Non profit status.
  16. board resolution here
  17. Announcement from the Affiliations Committee, Feb 7th, 2017.
  18. Announcement from the Affiliations Committee, Sep 9th, 2017.
  19. Announcement from the Affiliations Committee, Aug 13th, 2017.
  20. Announcement from the Affiliations Committee, April 22nd, 2017.
  21. Wikimedia movement affiliates/Formerly Active Affiliates
  22. Wikimedia movement affiliates/Formerly Active Affiliates
  23. Wikimedia movement affiliates/Formerly Active Affiliates
  26. Chapters mailing list