This page is a translated version of the page Wikivoyage and the translation is 36% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Wikivoyage/Why ? (Len do toho, kliknite na tento odkaz a napíšte, prečo sme tu my, a nie Wikitravel. Tento príbeh je potrebné prerozprávanť. A na to je tu táto wiki.)

Project logo: a red, green and blue arrows pointing different directions, similar to compass

[$wikivoyage Wikicesty] je cestovný sprievodca, ktorého môže ktokoľvek upravovať. Po období verzie beta, ktoré začalo 10.11.2012, sme oficiálne spusteni na serveroch Wikimedia Foundation od dňa 15. januára 2013. Slovenský preklad prebieha od januára 2015.

Wikicesty združujú bývalú Wikitravel komunitu a jej obsah (v rôznych jazykoch): nemeckú jazykovú verziu komunity Wikiciest, ktorá sa odčlenia od Wikitravel v roku 2006, a taliansku jazykovú verzia komunity Wikiciest, ktorá sa vyčlenila od Wikitravel v roku 2007, s najväčším voľným obsahom celosvetovej Wikimedia komunity. Tešíme sa z pokračovania nášho cestovného sprievodcu, ktorého môže rozširovať o svoje skúsenosti ktokoľvek! Vďaka za podporu Wikiciest!

Hala je určená pre všeobecnú diskusiu o projekte Wikicesty a záležitostiach týkajúcich sa viac ako jednej jazykovej verzie.

The Summit page had monthly reports from the various language versions, but has been in abeyance since 2018.

Mailing list

Prihláste sa do mailing listu Wikiciest a diskutujte o technických a komunitných záležitostiach e-mailom.

Aktuálne dianie


V súčasnej dobe je 25 jazykových verzií Wikiciest:


Jazyky vytvorené pred rokom 2013, sú prenesené z Wikitravel. Jazyky vytvorené v priebehu alebo po roku 2013 boli schválené z Wikimedia inkubátora.

Dátum Jazyk Kód
1 2006-12-10 nemčina de
2 2007-12-10 taliančina it
3 2012-09-23 angličtina en
4 2012-09-29 holandčina nl
5 2012-10-03 francúzština fr
6 2012-10-06 švédčina sv
7 2012-10-18 ruština ru
8 2013-01-07 španielčina es
9 portugalčina pt
10 2013-02-06 poľština pl
11 rumunčina ro
12 2013-03-21 hebrejčina he
13 ukrajinčina uk
14 2013-05-17 gréčtina el
15 2013-08-11 vietnamčina vi
16 2014-01-15 čínština zh
17 2014-10-02 perzština fa
18 2016-11-30 fínčina fi
19 2017-09-25 hindčina hi
20 2018-06-07 bengálčina bn
21 paštčina ps
22 2020-08-27 japončina ja
23 2020-12-15 esperanto eo
24 2021-01-19 turečtina tr
25 2022-03-24 šančina shn

Nové jazykové verzie môžu byť zahájené v Wikimedia inkubátore. Ak narastie na dostatočnú veľkosť, a vytvorí tam silnú komunitu, bude verzia presunutá na svoju vlastnú subdoménu. Pozrite sa na zoznam projektov Wikicesty v inkubátore.

Note that Alemannic Wikivoyage is created using a custom namespace within Alemannic Wikipedia, see w:als:Buech:Raisefierer.


These statistics are updated four times a day. See commons:Data:Wikipedia statistics/ for the date/time of last update.
Language Wiki Articles All pages Edits Admins Users Active users Files
1 angličtina en 32,582 171,938 4,897,301 36 2,309,394 500 1,817
2 nemčina de 20,376 106,364 1,613,853 14 51,960 114 725
3 poľština pl 13,130 15,642 143,377 3 15,860 21 0
4 taliančina it 12,134 42,298 828,570 6 35,898 72 0
5 francúzština fr 8,933 25,924 567,325 5 51,518 48 90
6 perzština fa 8,848 30,617 122,996 2 15,614 15 24
7 ruština ru 6,747 34,300 676,734 5 38,311 58 16,193
8 čínština zh 5,500 24,520 195,390 6 17,493 24 226
9 holandčina nl 4,313 12,663 151,248 4 16,457 19 0
10 portugalčina pt 3,997 10,747 139,817 1 17,523 10 0
11 španielčina es 3,287 11,941 215,253 2 28,774 23 0
12 hebrejčina he 2,448 16,228 259,769 2 10,743 14 125
13 vietnamčina vi 1,932 61,222 110,463 1 11,138 15 0
14 fínčina fi 1,792 3,927 56,891 1 3,118 7 0
15 švédčina sv 1,583 10,709 92,483 3 11,857 8 0
16 gréčtina el 1,440 2,775 27,202 1 5,239 6 1
17 japončina ja 1,336 5,303 48,806 3 4,036 16 0
18 esperanto eo 1,290 3,423 53,514 2 1,053 8 0
19 ukrajinčina uk 1,049 3,175 35,823 1 7,070 29 5
20 bengálčina bn 960 3,429 33,780 3 3,709 15 0
21 rumunčina ro 914 2,707 21,710 2 3,380 5 0
22 turečtina tr 455 3,048 13,976 3 1,871 15 0
23 paštčina ps 319 911 6,884 1 855 3 0
24 šančina shn 176 2,004 7,730 2 511 3 0
25 hindčina hi 139 656 7,915 1 2,099 6 0
Totals Articles All pages Edits Admins Users Active users Files
All active Wikivoyages 135,680 606,471 10,328,810 110 2,665,481 1,054 19,206

Listings Wikidata integration

  • English Wikivoyage: 26 128 listings with a Wikidata identifier property
  • French Wikivoyage: 15 334 listings with a Wikidata identifier property, 18571 listings with a Wikipedia identifier property
  • Russian Wikivoyage: 4 396 listings with a Wikidata identifier property
  • German Wikivoyage: 3 506 listings with a Wikidata identifier property
  • Spanish Wikivoyage: 205 listings with a Wikidata identifier property
  • Chinese Wikivoyage: 135 listings with a Wikidata identifier property
  • Ukrainian: Wikipedia identifier property present in listing template, not counted
  • Greek, Hebrew, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Vietnamese: No Wikidata property

... as of 2018, counted with the Wikivoyage Listings tool.

Wikidata could be used to:

  • Cross-validate listing details,
  • Factorize listing details,
  • Fill missing listing details,
  • Easily add new listings to articles that have too few (what transvoyage does right now),
  • Generate static information pages for languages that have no Wikivoyage yet, such as Hindi or Korean,
  • And many other things, new mashups appear everyday with Wikidata.

While every Wikivoyage has their own preferences on how far to go with Wikidata, having Wikidata identifier properties in listings helps in all cases.

Asociácia Wikicesty

The Wikivoyage Association used to host the Wikivoyage project. It applied to become a Wikimedia thematic organization and was approved on 3 May 2017.

How do I learn more?

Start with these to find out more about our project:

  • Goals and non-goals: "Wikivoyage is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date and reliable world-wide travel guide."
  • Lounge – Wikivoyage Lounge on Meta
  • Manual of style: Our Manual of style contains a collection of guidelines for giving our articles a good look and feel.
  • Welcome, Wikipedians: This article was written specially for people who are familiar with the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.
  • Wishlist: A roadmap for Wikivoyage's future.
  • Writing style.



Because Meta is a vast and wild wiki, we maintain our Meta Wikivoyage specific pages as subpages (e.g., Wikivoyage/Somepage). This makes it obvious they are part of our project and makes it easy to find and update them. All our pages are in English with the exception that translations, when desired, may be created as language code subpages of the respective English page (e.g., in German: Wikivoyage/Somepage/de).

Expand the collapsable box below to see all Wikivoyage subpages. Alternatively, see the equivalent special page.

Subpages of Wikivoyage on Meta


The travel guide project proposal, formerly on this page, is archived in Wikivoyage/Archive/2012-11-16 and its talk page.


  • Copy editing is relatively poor across the project, due to a high number of contributors writing in a language other than their native one.
  • As of 2020, Wikitravel remains a strong competitor to Wikivoyage (at least in English). Although its article quality is nearly uniformly inferior as a result of having almost no community of experienced editors, Wikitravel articles tend to outrank Wikivoyage articles in search results, reducing readership and garnering contributions from casual editors unaware of Wikivoyage.

Gallery Voyager[Enter]

Matterhorn. sv en fr ru uk
Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay. en
Jura (Kanton). de pl nl
Berlin. es de en fr nl pt ru uk zh