글로벌 위키 체크인이란?
글로벌 위키 체크인은 전 세계 위키미디어 커뮤니티 구성원과 협력하고 우리 모두가 전 세계적으로 목격하고 있는 이 역사적 순간의 삶의 스냅샷을 수집할 수 있는 기회입니다. 2020년 5월 16일 토요일 정오부터 모든 시간대에 24시간 편집 대회를 개최했습니다.프로젝트는 2020년 8월 22일까지 100일 동안 진행됩니다! 이러한 노력을 위해 계속해서 메시지와 항목을 남겨주시기 바랍니다.
우리는 복잡한 시대에 살고 있습니다. 이러한 순간에 위키미디어 운동은 그 어느 때보다 중요합니다.
어떻게 참여합니까?
지금 시작: 체크인에 참여하기 위해 다음으로 초대합니다:
첫째: 아래 표에서 시간대를 찾으세요! 전 세계 체크인 지도를 작성하는 데 도움을 주세요!
아래 표에서 인사하세요! 여러분의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다. 여러분의 언어로 메시지를 추가하세요!
더 많은 기여 방법
여기에 있는 동안 이미지를 추가하고 이 전례 없는 시기에 운동의 행동을 문서화하는 데 도움이 되는 타임캡슐 역할을 하는 글로벌 에디터톤에 대한 편집에 기여할 수 있습니다.
팬데믹 기간 동안 자신의 맥락이나 세계 일부에서 삶과 관련된 무언가를 포착하는 위키미디어 공용 캠페인에서 위키 체크에 사진을 업로드하세요. 오디오 또는 비디오 클립(이상적으로는 10-30초 길이)을 업로드할 수도 있습니다.
코로나19 팬데믹 기간 동안 여성들은 집에서 만든 마스크를 착용합니다.
맥도날드 레스토랑 테이크아웃 바닥 타일에 사회적 거리두기 표시
코로나19 전염병 뉴욕 동안 마스크를 쓴 남자
자기 창 밖의 거리에서 서프라이즈 콘서트 스웨덴
봄 스웨덴의 콜토르프에서 흰 꽃
로마(이탈리아)에서 코로나19 전염병 동안 버스 운전사 안전
녹색-백색-적색, 이탈리아 국기 색상, 빨래 집게, 자기 자신에게 용기 주기
로마의 코로나19 전염병 동안 스마트 워킹
FPP2 마스크
직장 내 코로나19 지침 및 소독제
자메이카 레스토랑 체인에서의 사회적 거리두기
“차단기” 조치에 대한 주 규정을 준수하는 안전한 거리 표시가 있는 싱가포르 LRT 빈 좌석
수술 마스크
일부 온라인 시장에서는 첫 주문이 배송될 때마다 몇 개의 수술용 마스크를 제공했습니다.
- 편집하거나 위키에 추가 및 입력: 위키백과, 위키데이터, 위키문헌에 항목을 만들거나 추가하거나 위키미디어 공용에 추가하세요! 뉴스에 대한 참조를 추가하는 편집, 위키백과의 주요 주제 번역, 위키데이터 항목 연결, 위키문헌 전사 등 이 순간을 포착하는 편집 중인 것을 보여주십시오. 현재 작업 중인 내용을 미래 세대를 위한 타임캡슐로 캡처한 편집본을 공유해 주세요. 이 순간에 어떻게 대응하고 있습니까?
오픈스트리트맵의 위키 체크에서 현재 도시에 핀 추가: http://u.osmfr.org/m/458238/
동료 위키미디어인들에게 체크인에 대해 알리세요! 위키미디어는 우리가 커뮤니티로 할 때만 작동합니다. 다른 3명의 편집자에게 토론 페이지를 통해 체크인하고 싶다고 말하거나 소셜 미디어에서 #WikiCheckIn을 공유하세요.
Join us now, 5-29-20 at Openpublishingfest.org's feed: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89690718629
모든 활동에 대해 위키미디어 친화적인 공간 정책을 준수하세요.
오늘 체크인해주셔서 감사합니다! 인사하는 것 이상을 할 수 없다면 괜찮습니다! 아래에 자신을 추가하고 거기에 있음을 알려주세요.
- AfroCROWD(주요 주최자)
- 카리브해 위미디어 사용자 그룹
- 위키미디어 스웨덴
- 위키돈네 사용자 그룹 (이탈리아어 위키백과의 행사 페이지)
- 위키 러브 아프리카 및 위키 러브 우먼의 커뮤니티와 함께 위키 러브 아프리카
- 누구의 지식인가요?
- 느와르시르 위키백과
- 위키미디어의 라틴아메리카 여성
약간의 영감
관련성이 있거나 도움이 될 수 있다고 생각되는 프로젝트를 추가하세요.
- 워키백과:위키프로젝트 코로나19
- SWASTHA는 헬스케어 가맹단체를 위한 특별 위키백과 의식 스킴(Special Wikipedia Awareness Scheme for The Healthcare Affiliates)을 의미합니다.
- 위키프로젝트 우먼 인 레드/코로나19
- 위키프로젝트 의약
- 이탈리아 폐쇄 지역 및 2020년 검역소 작성
팬데믹에 대한 스냅샷을 위키미디어 공용에 추가
지금 우리의 세계: 위키 체크인 스냅샷 제출
- 아래에서 해당하는 파란색 버튼을 클릭하여 시간대(지금 있는 시간)를 찾으세요. 위키여행의 시간대 지침을 사용하여 시간대를 찾을 수도 있습니다.
- 제공된 표에 여러분의 언어로 된 사용자 이름과 메시지를 추가하세요.
참고: 친구에게 "핑" 옵션을 사용하는 경우 각 친구의 서명에 대해 ~ 4번을 추가해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 친구에게 제대로 전달되지 않을 수 있습니다.
UTC +13:00
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UTC +12:00
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Ambrosia10 | New Zealand | I edit English Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikicommons. I am working on #1Lib1Ref, #WomenInRed work, and WikiProject:iNaturalist in both Wikidata and Wikicommons. | Hello, Wikimedians! I'm hoping all my international friends are staying well. I recognise how lucky we are in New Zealand and wish all my wiki friends well and safe.Ambrosia10 (talk) 03:27, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | @MurielMary: @David Nind: @Einebillion: -Ambrosia10 (talk) 03:27, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Quilt Phase | Aotearoa New Zealand | I add and edit items in Wikidata and upload to Commons. | Kia ora, CheckIn editors. Wishing you all the best from Aotearoa New Zealand! Ngā mihi mahana (in Māori this means "Warm greetings") | @Pakoire: @Barbuliscious: @Jonathanischoice: Quilt Phase (talk) 03:43, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Pakoire | Aotearoa New Zealand | I edit English Wikipedia mostly. Articles featuring women, theatre and Māori. I am learning about Wiki. | Kia ora koutou, (hello to all), Ko Raukawa tōku moana, nō Whanganui-a-tara ahau, ko Ngāti Pākehā tōku hapū. (Raukawa is my ocean, I am from Wellington, I am Pākehā - a white New Zealander.) Ngā mihi ki tēnei whakapapa o CheckIn. (I applaud the purpose of CheckIn). | @Frock: | |
UTC +11:00
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UTC +10:30
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UTC +10:00
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Pru.mitchell | Australia | My main contribution is in the Wikimedia Australia chapter and outreach activities in education and GLAMs. I edit mainly Wikidata in the area of Australian education. I am working on #1Lib1Ref and #WikiCite. | Hi everyone! Wishing everyone the very best from a sunny, autumn afternoon in Melbourne. | Pru.mitchell (talk) 04:47, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Bidgee | Australia | The main activity has been with teaching Wikipedia and Commons to university students. Working from home has increased my workload, compared to travelling to and from Sydney once a week. But still hoping to go through my photograph backlog that needs to be edited and uploaded! | Hello Wikimedians, while it is cold in the southern Hemisphere, I hope it is warm where you are and able to go out for a walk, while practicing social distancing. | @Tenniscourtisland:, @Carrolquadrio:, @Samwilson: Bidgee (Talk) 06:00, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
UTC +9:00
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UTC +9:30
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UTC +8:00
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Gnangarra (talk) | Noongar Boodjar(Australia) | Commons, en.wikipedia. incubator.nys, editing about the pandemic, photographing the effects on it Western Australia, including checkpoints, and closed places from parks to shops. Also have been uploading photographs from a digitization project that digitized a private collection of slides taken over the last 60 years. On 16 May at Midday during documenting COVID-19 in Western Australia for Wikimedia Australia I took a self portrait. | Kaya wanjoo | @Pigsonthewing, Casliber, and Bidgee: Gnangarra (talk) 09:19, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
Exec8 (talk) | Singapore (Filipino OFW) | Philippine municipalities, cities in English & Tagalog Wikipedias, Philippine household data on Wikidata, Drawing on Inkscape to upload to Commons, Filipino Speeches to Wikisource, edits & admin works to Wikimania wiki. | Hello everyone! I hope you stay safe and maximize your idle time contributing content to Wikimedia projects! | @Lsj, JinJian, Hueman1, Emperork, ShiminUfesoj, Filipinayzd, Bodhisattwa, Carlojoseph14, and Frhdkazan: --Exec8 (talk) 07:12, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
Sam Wilson | Australia | A beetle, which we uploaded to iNaturalist today. | Lately, I've been adding some photos and letters relating to the north-west of Western Australia in the early Twentieth Century. I'm trying to transcribe all I can on Wikisource. There's something nice about ignoring the modern world for a while! | Hello! Thank you everyone for making Wikimedia a nice place to hang out. | @MargaretRDonald, JarrahTree, and Treetopz — Sam Wilson 11:30, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
ShiminUfesoj 12:40, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | Philippines | Creating and translating article about languages in Bicol Sentral Wiki, sometimes creating article in Gorontalo wiki. | Marhay na aldaw saindong gabos (Good day to everyone)! I hope you stay safe and maximize your idle time contributing content to Wikimedia projects! | @Yutaka Ozaki Sempai, Ringer, and DARIO SEVERI -- ShiminUfesoj 12:44, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
User:Calistemon | Australia | Western Australian heritage sites on the English Wikipedia & improving the coverage of images from Rockingham | Hello to all fellow editors - Servus, machts gut! | @Wiggy! and Kelapstick: |
UTC +7:00
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UTC +6:30
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UTC +6:00
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UTC +5:30
Editor | Country/ City | A Snapshot you upload to Wikimedia Commons that captures this moment | What are you interested in editing about? (on any Wiki, Wikipedia, Wikidata, WikiSource, etc) | Leave a hello or positive greeting in your language | Invite 3 friends to check-in using a ping {{ping|USERNAME}} and a signature ~~~~ |
Subhashish | India/ Bengaluru | (Wikimedia Commons: sounds including Bird calls, urban soundscapes, Foley sounds; images, Wikipedia, Wikidata. | This too shall pass | Hello @Jnanaranjan sahu:, @Netha Hussain: and @Shyamal:, inviting you to join this campaign! Psubhashish (talk) 05:17, 26 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Rehman | Sri Lanka | TBA | Infobox templates, Wikidata ontologies, backlogs, and other things that usually take more time and concentration. | Hello! / Ayubowan! | TBA |
Gnoeee | India | Wikidata, Linking Wikidata to Wikipedia, Improving articles in Wikipedia, WIki Projects in WIkidata | ആശങ്ക വേണ്ട, കരുതല് മതി. | @Adithyak1997, Bodhisattwa, and Mayankj429: --❙❚❚❙❙ JinOy ❚❙❚❙❙ ✉ 08:47, 20 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Meenakshi nandhini | India | Creating and translating articles in Malayalam Wikipedia (Wikiproject COVID-19, WikiGapNigeria). | കരുതല് കൊണ്ട് നമ്മള് ഇതിനെ അതിജീവിക്കും! | @Ranjithsiji and Vijayanrajapuram: Malikaveedu --Meenakshi nandhini (talk) 20:09, 23 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Sailesh | Bhubaneswar, India |
Currently inactive on many projects from volunteer account, but recently advocated the government to share their COVID-19 dashboard under an open license. | ଆପଣମାନେ ଖୁସି ତ? "Apono mane khusi ta?" - "Are you all happy?" It was used as a political liner for 2014 elections, but later became a very generic statement in sarcastic way. | @Hellohappy:, @KCVelaga:, @Chinmayee Mishra:, @Manavpreet Kaur:, @Psubhashish:, @Wikilover90: --Sailesh Patnaik 18:24, 25 May 2020 (UTC) |
Pritiranjan Tripathy | Kolkata, India |
Active mostly in Odia Wikipedia | Socially Distanced. Emotionally Connected . | @अजीत कुमार तिवारी:, @Nitesh Gill:, @Hpsatapathy: Please join |
Shyamal | Bangalore, India | Active mainly on the English Wikipedia editing on science, scientists, the history of science, the natural world with incidental uploads on Commons, mapophile - Wikimaps warper, incidental edits on Wikidata | This is a historic moment, now is a time when we can all reflect and consider which parts of normal we actually want to go back to. | @AshLin:@Prashanthns:@HPNadig: |
UTC +5:00
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User:Xavasist | Uzbekistan | Ispaniya imperiyasi | Hammaga salom. | ||
JogiAsad | Sindh, Pakistan | I edit about COVID-19 on Wikipedia, Sindhi Wikipedia and Urdu Wikipedia and alsobadd Wikilinks, my major contribution about COVID-19 is on Sindhi Wikipedia, where I have created COVID-19 Portal, Project, Articles, translated SVGs etc. | ڀليڪار آئون سنڌ، پاڪستان کان آھيان، سلام مئیں سندھ، پاکستان سے ہوں، سائينم سدائين ڪرين مَٿي سنڌ سُڪار، دوست مِٺا دلدار عالم سڀ آباد ڪرين، شاھ عبدالطيف ڀٽائي | ||
UTC +4:30
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Mardetanha | Iran | سلام و به امید بازگشت آرامش و سلامتی به کل جهان | |||
UTC +4:00
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Adjoajo | United States America | To document the environment that I live in during the COVID pandemic. | Hello. | ||
UTC +3:30
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UTC +3:00
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User:Laliv g | Israel | שלום לכולם! שמרו על עצמכם, הרבה בריאות ושבת שלום כמובן! לליב | |||
TaBaZzz | Israel | Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, Wikivoyage | Shabbat prayer while keeping social distancing, Raanana, 2020 | @Eliya339:, @Darsheni:, @Wikiped201820:, TaBaZzz (talk) 13:52, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Kateregga1 | Uganda | Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata | Kino nakyo kijja kuggwa | @Erinamukuta: @Douglaseru: @AKibombo: @Faintsmoke: @Sandra Aceng: Kateregga1 (talk) 06:25, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Basak | Turkey | Tr.wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata | Kendinize iyi bakın! | @Thotr:, @Nevit:, @Yagmurkozmik: | |
ToprakM | Turkey | trwiki, trwq | Sağlıcakla kalın | @Ahmet Turhan, Gogolplex, and Kahve6: --ToprakM ✉ 14:26, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Chansey | Turkey | trwikipedia, Wikidata, Commons | Selamlar, sevgi ve saygılar! | @Can:, @Maurice Flesier:, @Pragdon: | |
SAİT71 | Turkey | Tr-wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons | Merhabalar, kendinize iyi bakın! | ||
Maurice Flesier | Turkey | Tr-wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons | Sağlıkla kalın, mutlu kalın! | @BSRF:, @Estin Giç Giç:, @Khutuck: | |
Douglas Ssebaggala | Uganda | Waiting for the host to start a webinar on increasing food production post COVID-19 | (en,lg) Wikipedia, Wikicommons, Wikidata, Wikivoyage | K'ansuubile nti mwenna muli buluungyi | @Kateregga1:, already made a ping, let me add @Ndahiro derrick: --Douglaseru (talk) 20:30, 16 May 2020 (UTC) |
Thothr | Turkey | Tr-wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons | Sağlıkla kalın, mutlu kalın! | @Euvonia:, @Sakhalinio:, @Nanahuatl: | |
ToprakM | Turkey | trwiki, trwq | Sağlıcakla kalın | --ToprakM ✉ 23:27, 23 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Erzianj jurnalist | Russia, Saint-Petersburg & Kudrovo | Myv-wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons | RU:Будьте здоровы, люди! Вместе мы сильны! MYV: Уледе шумбравт, ломанть! Вейсэ минь виевдянок! | @Vaija:, @Ssr:, @Drbug: --Erzianj jurnalist (talk) 22:16, 28 May 2020 (UTC) |
UTC +2:00
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User:Zblace | Komiža, Croatia | Making wiki page for Institute for Political Ecology and its Green Academy 2020 (anniversary) event | Zelena Akademija nije odustala od organiziranja svoje obljetnice (makar u smanjenom obliku i pod mjerama distance) | @Denny, Pharos, and Philip Kopetzky:--Zblace (talk) 16:39, 22 August 2020 (UTC) | ||
User:AfricanadeCuba | Geneva, Switzerland]] | editing about African people, afro-descendants and African Diaspora in Wikipédia, Wikicommmons, Wikisource. | Que vos rêves se réalisent! | |||
User:Nattes à chat | Geneva, Switzerland | gendered aspects of covid19 especially the effects of confinement on minorities | Bonjour | I dont really feel like obliging people to participate in this way ː) | ||
User: Netha Hussain | Sweden | ml: മരിയ വാൻ കെർകോവ് | നമ്മൾ അതിജീവിക്കും! | @Gnoeee, Meenakshi nandhini, and Akhiljaxxn: --Netha Hussain (talk) 17:38, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
User:Eric Luth (WMSE) | Sweden | • | Swedish physians and health care officials • | Ha en trevlig dag! | @Saileshpat, Exec8, and Jaluj: Eric Luth (WMSE) (talk) 13:08, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | |
User:Camelia.boban | Italy | Bus driver safety during COVID-19 Pandemic in Rome (Italy) • Smart working during COVID19 pandemic in Rome • FPP2 masks • COVID-19 guidelines and disinfectant in the workplace |
writing: ro:Ezio Bosso, :it:Domenico Augusto Bracci, :it:Rosa Oliva, :it:Hua Chunying; organizing: CEE Women 2020, International Museum Day (Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion edition), Wiki Global Check-In (Italian Wikipedia). |
Daje che je la famo (Romanesco dialect for We will do it!). How are you/How you feel. I had up and downs, sometimes following the daily news from the Protezione Civile Department, sometimes not even reading the newspapers. Was hard to me to concentrate on doing anything (including my IT smart working, and surprisingly even on writing in Wikipedia). But from Monday, May 18th, lockdown in Italy will finish, so some new fresh air will come. |
@Dans, Mastrocom, Mickey83, and Nessma Elaassar: Camelia (talk) 09:02, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | |
User:Walkuraxx | Netherlands | Wikidata, Wikicite | Moin! Ei gude, wie? (German dialects ;-) | |||
Ainali | Netherlands | File:Physical distancing sign.webm | Social distancing on Swedish Wikipedia | Hej! | ||
Kritzolina | Germany | Trying to finish articles I had started and left in my sandbox on de.WP - mostly biographies of living people that outside of Europe, but also random other things. | Servus, ich hoff Euch geht's gut, passt auch Euch auf!!! | @Wikilover90, The Interior, and Indrajitdas: --Kritzolina (talk) 19:54, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
Anthere | Marseille in France | Currently, mostly cataloguing images from the Wiki Loves Africa 2020 photo contest and working to revamp the Gender gap portal :) | Salut ! | @Ji-Elle:, @GuillaumeG:, @Laugriville: Anthere (talk) 18:21, 18 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
Nessma Elaassar | Egypt | International Museum Day (Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion edition) | Salam! | |||
Thuvack | talk | South Africa | Went to get some supplies. | Vaxumi! | @Bobbyshabangu:,@Icem4k:,@Discott: Thuvack (talk) 11:05, 26 May 2020 (UTC) |
UTC +1:00
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Oluwatosin500 | Nigeria | SDG Advocate, Passionate about education, Health, and sound living | Ekaaro Gbogbo eniyan (Yoruba) | ||
[[--D.Taylor+69 (talk) 10:36, 16 May 2020 (UTC)]] Davida | Germany / Deutschland | Wikipedia, Wiki-FIP | Hallo, ein Gruß. | ||
Olaniyan Olushola | Nigeria/Lagos | Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wiki Commons | E ka a ro (Yoruba) | @Kaizenify: Olaniyan Olushola (talk) |
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User:Owula kpakpo | Ghana | I would be editing articles around musicians in Ghana and would take time to improve the article around COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana. Also, work on a blog post for a recent Wikipedia Brand activity. | Ayekoo | @Enock4seth, Sandiooses, and DaSupremo: --Owula kpakpo (talk) 13:12, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
UTC -1:00
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UTC -2:00
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UTC -3:00
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Sadads | I am editing about climate change: one global crisis, is taking attention off the other major one happening right now -- but there is plenty of room to meet that attention when it comes back. Some examples: en:Climate change in Algeria, en:Climate change in the Middle East and North Africa, en:Climate change in Morocco | Hello! I hope everyone is doing well! | @Phoebe, Masssly, Chidgk1, and Crosstemplejay:Sadads (talk) 17:39, 17 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
Jalu, Andrea Patricia Kleiman | Argentina | Garbage can in Buenos Aires during the quarantine with the slogan wash your hands. | Hola, soy Andrea Patricia Kleiman, usuaria Jaluj de la Wikipedia en español y espero que logremos ganarle al coronavirus. | ||
UTC -3:30
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UTC -4:00
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Shanluan (talk) | United States, New York City |
The pandemic impact on delivery, grocery, medical, sanitary and other essential workers | Hello from New York City and the tri-state area around New York in the US. | @Aliceba: @Peteforsyth: Shanluan (talk) |
Blue Rasberry (talk) | United States, New York City |
I help organize translation of medical information in Wikipedia. | Now that infection rates are down in NYC many people are taking breaks from quarantine to go to parks. | @Jim.henderson: |
Pharos (talk) | United States, New York City | Documenting social and cultural tools for overcoming pandemics past and present. | Now is the time to come together virtually, and I hope and believe it can be an empathy-builder for when we all come together in person again. | @Beeblebrox: | |
Treetopz (talk) | United States, New York City | Cultural & political history | Hello from New York! | @Suecarmol, Cimurah, and MusikAnimal -Treetopz (talk) 17:49, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Phoebe | Boston, USA | Editing about climate change - adding sources and making style guides over Zoom with friends in a mini-editathon! | Hello! I hope everyone finds something intriguing and joyful to write about. | @Quercusechinus, Sj, and Megs: | |
Maryamarce (talk) | Puerto Rico/San Juan | Human interest stories, environment | Hola! desde la Isla del Encanto. | ||
Frypie | Washngton, D.C. | Whose Knowledge | peace be with you. nullius in verba. | ||
UTC -5:00
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JamaicanEditor (talk) | Jamaica | Wikipedia | "Every ting soon gwaan betta. We ago come choo dah ting here unitid."
Everything will be better soon. We'll get through this, united. |
Londonjackbooks (talk) | USA | I mostly edit Wikisource, eleven years and counting, but have created and added to several articles at Wikipedia, the most recent being Exiles Memorial Center, a research museum in Estoril, Portugal. | "Cada sonho morre às mãos doutro sonho." ("Every dream dies at the hands of another dream.") —Portuguese poet Eugénio de Andrade in poem "Nocturno de Lisboa." | ||
Kevin Payravi (User:SuperHamster) | USA/ Dallas, Texas | Wishing you all the best from Texas! 🤠 | @Rimmel.Edits: @Blervis: @AddisWang: ~SuperHamster Talk Contribs 01:27, 17 May 2020 (UTC) | ||
UTC -6:00
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UTC -7:00
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Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight | USA/ Nevada City, California, USA |
Mostly, I create articles on Wikipedia about women writers and sometimes, other women's biographies, in support of WikiProject Women in Red. I'm also plodding along with my "Women Writers in Review" project on Wikidata. | Looking forward to a time when we can get together again. | @JSFarman: @Merrilee: @Penny Richards: --Rosiestep (talk) 16:45, 15 May 2020 (UTC) |
Penny Richards | USA | I edit mostly women's biographies with WikiProject Women in Red. Last night I started an article on a Polish violinist, en:Eugenia Argiewicz (1887-1969). | Hello! I contributed a photo of some chalk art we've done in front of our house, to entertain ourselves and passersby. People still have to walk dogs, so we have a steady audience. | I was pinged! Not sure who to ping forward. Penny Richards (talk) 20:06, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | |
JSFarman | USA | Two producers! A new article on Suzi Dietz (theater) and a discography for (music producer) Mike Elizondo. Which is the kind of thing I'm usually editing on Wikipedia. | Greetings from a safe distance on a sunny afternoon | @StaceyEOB: @RightCowLeftCoast: @Cullen328: JSFarman (talk) 20:20, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Aadele | USA/Brazil |
Participating in the Visible Wiki Women campaign by bringing images of women, especially black, brown, indigenous and trans women to Wikimedia Commons. | Saudações de uma wikimedista brasileira e feminista vivendo nos Estados Unidos. Espero que todes estejam bem, especialmente os wikimedistas do Brasil. Enviando força e solidariedade! | @Señoritaleona: @Joalpe: @Teles: --Aadele (talk) 18:46, 16 May 2020 (UTC) |
UTC -8:00
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Pete Forsyth | USA/ Portland | These days, I am mostly editing English Wikisource, Wikipedia and Wikidata. I am working on News on Wiki, an effort to improve wiki coverage of news outlets, and transcribing old books on Oregon history. | Hello, Wikimedians! I hope all my friends and colleagues on the wiki are staying healthy and keeping your spirits up. These are difficult times. Our efforts on wiki are as important as ever, with so much confusion and misinformation in the world. -Pete Forsyth (talk) 22:15, 15 May 2020 (UTC)
P. S. I tweeted my check-in here. Who else put theirs on Twitter? Post here if you did so I can like & retweet! |
@99of9: @Ambrosia10: @Tedder: -Pete Forsyth (talk) 18:59, 15 May 2020 (UTC) | |
Peter L aka userID Vid2vid | USA/La_Jolla_San_Diego_CA | (No photo yet, sorry) | I am most interested in editing random WikiPedia articles mostly, whenever I am interested in some topic and feel like contributing. I was just working on my older brother's two (2) mental health and mental illness consumer-related websites probono NoLongerLonely and PeerPortal and I'm immensely proud of how far he has come and what he is doing! | See previous cell, to the left.. | @RightCowLeftCoast:, @Vahidmasrour:, @ZephyrP:, and that's three (3) but I will DO you ONE BETTER, here is a fourth, the awesome and lovable: @Academic Challenger: as invited by -From Peter {a.k.a. Vid2vid (talk | contribs)} 06:01, 13 August 2020 (UTC). |
UTC -9:00
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UTC -11:00
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MargaretRDonald | Australia | Mainly plants, and linking to literature, and linking, linking | Stay safe, stay connected | @Oronsay: @Canley: @Ambrosia10: MargaretRDonald (talk) 22:19, 16 May 2020 (UTC) | |
UTC -12:00
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