Empowering Italian GLAMs Reports Documentation FAQ (IT) WM IT Credits

Topic Documents on the Wikimedia projects Language OSF Wikimedia Commons
Project description Empowering Italian GLAMs/Project

Grants:Programs/Wikimedia Community Fund/Empowering Italian GLAMs

EN https://osf.io/h29m6/


Commons:Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs General category for the project
Report - mid term Empowering Italian GLAMs/Midterm learning report EN https://osf.io/csn8z/


Updates in Italian IT / /
Report - final Empowering Italian GLAMs/Final report EN https://osf.io/fm3hw/
Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs results 2022-2024
References (relevant bibliography) / EN/IT https://osf.io/p7m2h/ /
Database of Italian museums on Wikidata Empowering Italian GLAMs/Relazione/Wikidata IT https://osf.io/xa9ce/ Completed March 2024 /
Wikidata:WikiProject Italy/Empowering Italian GLAM IT
Liste dei musei per regione su Wikipedia in italiano IT
Contacts of museums Empowering Italian GLAMs/Relazione/Contatti IT
Invii email ai musei (on working website of Wikimedia Italia) IT https://osf.io/ap7bs/
Relazione sugli invii di email (errori, mail non andate in porto) https://workspace.wikimedia.it/f/517607 IT
Process Empowering Italian GLAMs/Relazione/Processo IT
Invitation letter to museums EN https://osf.io/gpmch/ public, credits, Missing Italian
Project endorsement (template) EN https://osf.io/ugp4a/

Missing Italian

Authorization and open access policy by museums (template)

Empowering Italian GLAMs/Relazione/Modello autorizzazione e Open Access Policy

EN / IT https://osf.io/bza64/

missing Italian editable

Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs authorizations
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Empowering Italian GLAMs/Domande e risposte

IT https://osf.io/kqfb4/ March 2024
Free and open software for the entire project cycle

Internal procedure of Wikimedia Italia

IT https://osf.io/3v27f/ March 2024

Empowering Italian GLAMs/Relazione/Comunicazioni pagina del progetto sul sito di Wikimedia Italia: https://www.wikimedia.it/musei pagina del progetto in wikina: https://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/Empowering_Italian_GLAMs

Wikimedia Italia website https://www.wikimedia.it/
Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs communication
Communication activities by BAM!

Report BAM! on their work on communication and workshops Empowering Italian GLAMs/Report communication and workshops 2024 BAM!

EN / IT https://osf.io/hdz7u/, public, missing images Missing uploads of pdf
Workshops by BAM!

Empowering Italian GLAMs/Report communication and workshops 2024 BAM!

Graphic design of Tutti i musei su Wikipedia IT https://osf.io/vr6sc/ public, empty
Logo of the project in Italian
Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs - Logos in Italian
Form for museums to upload data The form is in Italian available here https://glams.wmcloud.org/ EN / IT https://osf.io/vwsqd/ public complete
Online form https://glams.wmcloud.org/
Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs online form
Analysis of Italian museums https://osf.io/3tybs/
Visualisations of the museum involved February 2024 https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/tommaso.messina/viz/monitoraggio_0_3/overview https://osf.io/93y56/public empty
Visualisation of the institutions involved in the project - query https://w.wiki/Acfz (on the left the button to generate the map) -
Museums involved July 2024 - query https://w.wiki/Acfz
Category:Empowering Italian GLAMs maps
Relazione istituzioni coinvolte giugno 2024 Empowering Italian GLAMs/Relazione musei coinvolti giugno 2024 IT https://osf.io/jyszv/ public complete /
Visualisation tool for Italian museums and GLAMs https://osf.io/twscd/ public empty TBD add screenshot
Survey on Open Access and additional qualitative interviews Survey on Open Access

Questionario sull'open access: https://survey.wikimedia.it/index.php/324835

IT https://osf.io/pm8rn/ public empty
Additional interviews with museums IT https://osf.io/tjmfh/
Interview Museo Tempo (Sicilia) IT https://osf.io/btfqu/Restricted access to the interview
Interview MUDEC Milano (Carolina Orsini) IT https://osf.io/pc2s6/Restricted access to the interview
Interview Museo della storia e dell’agricoltura di Morano Calabro IT https://osf.io/2y4fn/ - Restricted access to the interview
Case studies Empowering Italian GLAMs/Criteria for assessment and evaluation EN
DMP Data Management Plan for GLAMs IT https://osf.io/mg8zw/ public
Case studies IT Case studies https://osf.io/sf2v3/
Museo Egizio IT https://osf.io/e8rpn/ Restricted access to DMP, video interview, transcript of the interview
Ecomuseo delle Grigne (including a museum, an archive, a documentation centre and the work of the association Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne managing all those institutions. Data Management Plan of the Ecomuseo delle Grigne IT https://osf.io/64bp2/ public, DMP, video interview, transcript of the interview
Museo Civico di Modena IT https://osf.io/pxwmj/ Restricted access to DMP, video interview, transcript of the interview
Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia IT https://osf.io/ge5ua/ Restricted access to DMP, video interview, transcript of the interview
Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino IT https://osf.io/kj72x/ Restricted access to DMP, video interview, transcript of the interview