Гранттар:Чөлкөмдөр/БЧЕ менен Борбордук Азия

This page is a translated version of the page Grants:Regions/CEE and Central Asia and the translation is 55% complete.
Борбордук жана Чыгыш Европа менен Борбордук Азия

Чөлкөм төмөнкүлөрдү камтыйт:

Central and Eastern Europe

Албания; Армения; Азербайжан; Беларусь; Босния жана Герцеговина; Болгария; Хорватия; Чехия; Кипр; Эстония; Грузия; Греция; Венгрия; Косово; Латвия; Литва; Молдова; Монтенегро; Түндүк Македония; Польша; Румыния; Орусия; Сербия; Словакия; Словения; Түркия; Украина

Борбордук Азия

Казакстан; Кыргызстан; Тажикстан; Түркмөнстан; Өзбекстан

Программанын координатору

Борбордук жана Чыгыш Европа менен Борбордук Азия боюнча программанын улук координатору
cschilling wikimedia.org
Убакыт алкагы: UTC-6/-5
Билген тилдери: англис, жапон

Чөлкөмдүк календарь

Please reach out to your Program Officer if you are interested in applying before making any application or if you need flexibility on dates.

General Support Fund - Round 1 (2024-25)

2 сентябрь – 30 сентябрь 2024

Applicant support and eligibility check

2 сентябрь 2024

Renewal deadline

30 сентябрь 2024

Submission deadline

30 сентябрь – 24 октябрь 2024

Review and translation

24 октябрь – 15 ноябрь 2024

Review feedback and applicant engagement

29 ноябрь 2024

Decision announced

16 декабрь 2024 – 17 январь 2025

Agreement and first payment

1 июль – 31 июль 2025

Midpoint conversation

30 январь 2026 / 31 март 2026

Final or first year report due

General Support Fund - Round 2 (2024-25)

17 февраль – 7 март 2025

Applicant support and eligibility check

17 февраль 2025

Renewal deadline

7 март 2025

Submission deadline

10 март – 4 апрель 2025

Review and translation

4 апрель – 2 май 2025

Review feedback and applicant engagement

16 май 2025

Decision announced

30 май – 14 июнь 2025

Agreement and first payment

15 январь 2026

Midpoint conversation

31 июль 2026 / 15 август 2026

Final or first year report due

Байланышуу үчүн

Rapid Fund

If you want to apply or if have any questions about the Rapid Fund, please reach out to the Regional Program Officer at: ceeca_rapid wikimedia.org

General Support Fund

If you have any questions about the General Support Fund, please reach out to the Regional Program Officer at: ceeca_fund wikimedia.org

Office hours

The regional program officer is available several times during the week to meet with you to answer questions, receive feedback, and provide any general support or guidance around our funding programs in the region. Please review the program officer's calendar on Google Calendar below and reserve a time that is most convenient for you:

(Note: Reservations require you to use services independent from the Wikimedia Foundation. For more information on usage policies of Google Calendar, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy.)

To support preparation needs, please provide a brief explanation about the purpose of the meeting when reserving a time. This information can alternatively be provided via e-mail (cschilling wikimedia org).

If none of the available times works for you, please contact the program officer via e-mail with a few times that will work well for you.

Past office hours
Дата Убакыт Тил Тема Маектешүүгө шилтеме
Ар бир айдын алгачкы шаршембиси 15:00 - 16:00 UTC англисче Бардык темаларга ачык Google Meet шилтемеси (бул иш-чараны календарыңызга кошуңуз)
Шаршемби (13.10.2021) 14:00 - 15:00 UTC англисче General Support Fund applications Google Meet шилтемеси (бул иш-чараны календарыңызга кошуңуз)
Дүйшөмбү (18.10.2021) 14:00 - 15:00 UTC англисче General Support Fund applications Google Meet шилтемеси (бул иш-чараны календарыңызга кошуңуз)
Шаршемби (27.10.2021) 14:00 - 15:00 UTC англисче General Support Fund applications Google Meet шилтемеси (бул иш-чараны календарыңызга кошуңуз)
March 10th, 2022 15:00 - 16:00 UTC англисче Meeting open to everyone. Prioritized discussion and open questions for General Support Fund and Wikimedia Alliances Fund applications. Google Meet шилтемеси
March 14th, 2022 14:00 - 15:00 UTC англисче Meeting open to everyone. Prioritized discussion and open questions for General Support Fund and Wikimedia Alliances Fund applications. Google Meet link

Чөлкөмдүк комитет

Учурдагы мүчөлөр

  • Красный, (2021-ж. августунан) - Wikimedian since 2009, co-founder of North-West Russia Wiki-Historians User Group, coordinator of various projects in Wikimedia Movement
  • Reda Kerbouche October 2021 -
  • MikyM, October 2021 - Longtime contributor; Ten years in various wiki grant programs and committees; Financial and Business Conslultant; Social Justice and Grantmaking; International Development; Project Coordinator.
  • FocalPoint, October 2021 - user and admin in el-wiki / el-wikt, contributor in Wikidata / Commons, el-wikisource, fr-wiki
  • W, November 2021 - Translator for Wikimedia Community User Group Belarus since October, 2020. Editor on Belarusian Classical Wikipedia since 2010.
  • Nataev, February 2022 - PhD student, amateur musician, professional translator, and longtime Wikimedian (since 2009).
  • Nina1009, April 2022 -
  • Justine.toms, June 2022 -
  • BKlen-CEEhub (non-voting member), May 2024 - CEE Hub Coordinator

Табыштамалардын макамы

General Support Fund

Rapid Fund