Grants talk:PEG/Irvin Stotomas/Wikipedia Takes Rinconada

Latest comment: 9 years ago by Filipinayzd in topic Request for Reallocation of Fund

GAC members who support this request

  1. Given the limited budget, I think this is a worthwile investment of foundation money see my suggestion below --DerekvG (talk) 10:59, 13 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
  2. MADe (talk) 16:35, 15 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
  3. Violetova (talk) 10:53, 28 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

GAC members who support this request with adjustments


GAC members who oppose this request


GAC members who abstain from voting/comment


GAC comments


I am studying the grant but I would add that in my opinion the cost is huge. I personally organized a Wiki Loves Earth in Switzerland (which very expensive country) with a budget of 2000$. A wiki-expedition or a Wiki takes is organized with a microgrant (lesser than 500$). But there are several other requests of grant for bigger photo contests with a request of lower than 2000$. --Ilario (talk) 14:27, 12 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your comment. Roughly 31% of the budget is for the cash prizes. We learned at Wikipedia Takes Naga that bigger cash prizes could have attracted a good number of participants. At Wikipedia Takes Manila, a total cash prize of PHP37,500.00 (USD834.26) attracted over a hundred participants. Wikipedia Takes Naga has PHP1,000.00 (USD22.25) cash prize c/o Wikimedia Foundation thru the "Micro" grants of Wikimedia Philippines. The City Government of Naga donated P5,000.00 (USD111.23) to the 1st and 2nd Place winners. The City Government of Iriga can also augment the cash prize should it become our partner in this project.
Also, 15.5% of the budget is for the food: Snacks and lunch for the organizers and Award's Night. The awarding ceremony will not only serve as a venue to recognize the contributions of the participants and volunteers but also it will be the time to formally meet and socialize with them as well as the partners for sustaining the efforts. --Filipinayzd (talk) 16:10, 12 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

I'm convinced the organisers will make a nice contribution, itś a inspiring and community building project. I can see the quality assurance for the pictures (DSLR, Hiquality,points for good framing etc), some picture might benefit from artistic manipulation, which is missing from the quality list, however that's only 1/2 of the quality work. While uploading these pictures it's essential that the iamge is not the only thing that tells the story. Often pictures titels refer only to the building, statue, artefact, or even a detail of a builing front. The story on the pic doesn't tell why this is important or what is the histoiry behind it, also uplaoding means gving the pictures meaningful meta data that allows for the pics to be found and reused in articles. Iḿ missing in the upload section the write up of descriptions, the metadata, categorizing of pics in Commons but also I would write articles in PH and EN in wikipedia and/or wikivoyage or linking them to geopgraphical locations (GIS-data) in open street maps about the city, the region , the buildings and other subjects the particiapnts photographed, you could do en edit-a-thon with wikieditors meetign the photographers and the editors learning the photographers to tell the story of their pictures on wikipedia and learning about meta data, Gis data etc ... --DerekvG (talk) 11:14, 13 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Your suggestions are great! Requiring the participants to supply at least 3 sentences background information about the subject is indeed better than simply adding general descriptions. I think this may not be a burden for them since the target participants are based in the area so they are familiar with the subjects also there are 3 members in a team. It is just a matter of delegating the tasks. Regarding the other information needed and categorizing the photographs, I will be tapping veteran Wikipedians. This can also be done during and even after the event. As I have learned from the past activities I organized, accomplishing too many goals in one activity can be less productive as compared with focusing on the main goal. Of course, creating articles or at least using the photographs in the existing articles can be done in edit-a-thons among others as follow up activities for the participants. Thru follow up activities, their interest and passion to contribute in Wikipedia will be sustained. --Filipinayzd (talk) 02:46, 14 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Why do you need 10-people as organizers? It is more than number of potential teams, and reading from Your idea, organizers are not about to be team leaders or members, so why so many? Polimerek (talk) 14:01, 26 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

The tasks of the Project Team members include logistics for the pre-event: to coordinate with organizations, institutions and local government units (LGUs); to find venue in Iriga City with computer and internet facilities for the event; to find venue for the award's night; and to invite participants. So far, we have volunteers based in Iriga City and within Rinconada district, therefore, it would be easier for us to accomplish the pre-event tasks. The cost for Logistics ($111.23) would just be enough then. Although there are Project Team members, myself included, who are based outside Iriga City, the cost for the bus fare would be minimal and hotel accommodation would not be needed anymore. Unlike other projects wherein the organizers are not actually based near the venue and they are miles away from the community where the project is implemented, huge budget for airfare, hotel accommodation and food, which usually take the lion's share, would be saved in this project. --Filipinayzd (talk) 09:56, 27 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Community comments




Hi, there's a small but significant typo here:

"Consolation Prizes: 1,000.00 ($2.73) each for the top 5 teams with at least 150 photographs"

Good luck. --Ricky Setiawan (talk) 16:22, 29 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

I have corrected it. Thanks Ricky! --Filipinayzd (talk) 03:07, 30 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

Did you consider the Polish model, which is the most established? --Nemo 15:39, 6 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Nemo. As much as I would like to learn about Wikiexpedition Polska, I do not understand Polish. --Filipinayzd (talk) 02:04, 9 September 2015 (UTC)Reply


Hi Tony1. Yes, the guidelines will be finalized and it will be included in the kit. Here are the tasks of the organizers. --Filipinayzd (talk) 09:52, 14 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
Filipinayzd: are these of any use? Grants:Learning_patterns/Improving_your_building_photography/en and related LPs linked from that page. Tony (talk) 12:54, 14 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
We will include this in the kit. Thanks! --Filipinayzd (talk) 15:47, 14 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
Perhaps, we should hold a photo training session before the event. --Filipinayzd (talk) 03:38, 15 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
That sounds like a very interesting idea. I wonder whether there's a Wikimedia France contact person who might be able to point to advice ... Tony (talk) 05:33, 16 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Concerns from the viewpoint of Wikipedia Takes Manila


(I'm not wearing my WMPH hat here, so I'm only speaking for myself, not Wikimedia Philippines.)

As the organizer of Wikipedia Takes Manila back in 2011, I'm somewhat concerned by the amount of money being requested for this project, and in relation to the potential impact this project will generate. Wikipedia Takes Manila was organized on a P70,000 budget (and ultimately only spent P61,500), and that's in a city of 1.2 million people with loads of monuments and things to take pictures of, many of which already had Wikipedia articles that really had no images at the time.

This project, meanwhile, intends to spend P92,000 for a project to be implemented in a largely rural area, and where the photos being requested from participants are primarily general images of the towns (and city) in this region, rather than specific locations that are notable enough for them to warrant their own Wikipedia articles. While I think the project is good in that it will increase coverage of this region for Commons, I'm not so sure about the impact this will generate for Wikipedia, particularly the English Wikipedia, given that the content that will be generated by this project will largely be general in scope and article coverage for this part of the Philippines is still, regrettably, poor. I would like to hear how the organizers intend to address this though. --Sky Harbor (talk) 16:20, 18 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Josh. Thank you for gracing the page. I think I have answered that questions above on the cost and impact. --Filipinayzd (talk) 02:31, 21 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
Hi. While it is true that the project is to be implemented in a largely rural area, we also believe that this project will help promote the region. As a Bicolano raised in Rinconada area, I have seen lots of historical sites and places in the said area and wanted to know more about them. It is true that the primary beneficiary of this project would be the people from the said region itself, but it would also make a big impact for Wikipedia. Some of the places in Rinconada are now making its name (and some already had) which we think deserve a Wikipedia article. People would be looking for more information about these places and it would be nice to know that Wiki is the primary source of it. The contestants will not just take general images of the towns, they could also take pictures of some of the historical sites in the area just like the Philtranco terminal; rare plants/flowers like Rafflesia Irigaense and other related stuff to name a few. This will not just promote the region but also generate interest to the public. The Philtranco for example, is by far, the first ever bus company in the country which happens to be founded in Iriga City. This has a Wikipedia article, but doesn't have an image (the only image it has in the article is its company logo). Articles like this should have images and I think that is what the project aims for. There are numerous sources of information for the places in the metro, but we can only count by hand the credible sources for rural places like Rinconada. It would be nice if Wikipedia is one one of those. --Ivyoutiful (talk) 21:33, 2 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
As part of the original planners of the January 2011 event, I would say that the cost for this event is relatively modest. Comparing the event budget to an event conducted almost 5 years ago given changes to inflation is not a good point of argument. It did not even double the cost. As for comparing it to Manila, it does not really matter if the location in this setting is rural, or lesser urbanized locations, what matters most is the images taken in this event will help potential editors create and expand the articles that had not been given much attention. It also intends to supplement the images that are poorly taken, non-free or take images of locations not yet existed in the internet or only exist in social media pages of random users. Many locations in Manila already have existing good images in the internet, and the 2011 event intends to have a picture of the same location and make it free and can be used in Wikipedia articles. This event, which I am not involved with, in my opinion is better planned. Wiki Takes Manila, I can say was conducted successfully but many things in the event should have been done and can be improved. I hope this event would take the lessons learned from Wiki Takes Manila, refine and improve it so that it can be used as a template to future events to be managed by other non chapter affiliated Filipino wikimedians. --Exec8 (talk) 04:59, 4 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
With all due respect, Butch, the argument is exactly the same as to why both contests were held. Like this project, the reason why we held Wikipedia Takes Manila in the first place was because many of the sites listed down didn't even have freely-licensed photos to begin with, and of those that do, they were poor. Of those that had good pictures, they were non-free. The whole point of having those pictures of sites taken in Manila was precisely because we didn't know whether those images were good to use in the first place, and truth be told many of those listed sites that had Wikipedia articles couldn't be illustrated as a result. (By extension, articles written after the contest, like the Philippines–Thailand Friendship Circle or the numerous plazas in Manila with articles, benefited from having those photos taken in advance.)
While I do see the benefits of better illustrating the towns of the Rinconada area (and this is to answer Ivyouthful's points), what is important to note here is what we're documenting. WTM photographed monuments and buildings, of which many are notable in their own right. As for this project, while yes, perhaps the churches are notable and a couple of other buildings as well (train stations, etc.), what about everything else? What benefit is there to us taking pictures of, let's say, random rice fields in the region? Or a random restaurant in Iriga that may not meet Wikipedia's notability guidelines? While I laud the development now of an actual list of sites as I implicitly suggested previously, I reserve the right to worry that many of the pictures taken will not serve any other benefit than simply to populate a Commons category. Remember that we document knowledge that is already notable, not document in order to build notability.
That said, do enlighten me on what needs to be improved, since the report that was filed for this project states that for the most part, our issue was bandwidth-related (better Internet for uploading images and tallying) and the institution of a waiver system to prevent lost items. For the most part, people liked the way the project was executed, despite the fact that yes, we took longer than expected due to technical issues. I look forward to seeing how this project will innovate on the mother project, but as far as I'm concerned, there's not much that needs to be improved on especially considering that Wikipedia Takes Manila was planned in a span of thirty days, far less than what this project is asking for. If anything, I would like to see how the organizers of this project intend to develop further programs as a result of this project. WTM, for example, led to Wiki Loves Monuments and the CHMP. I'd like to hear how this project will help develop the organizers' capacity to execute similar projects on a larger scale. --Sky Harbor (talk) 09:04, 5 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
I enjoyed reading the article Philippines–Thailand Friendship Circle which you wrote yourself. --Filipinayzd (talk) 05:34, 8 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
Me writing the article notwithstanding, it's still notable in its own right, Wikipedia article or no Wikipedia article. --Sky Harbor (talk) 00:53, 13 October 2015 (UTC)Reply



This project can be replicated in the 4th District (Partido Area) of Camarines Sur which is composed of 10 towns which are also rich with historical and cultural sites. Since, Filipinayzd whom I considered the expert of event organizing and management, I would gladly recommend that the same will be conducted in 2016. We can title it as "WIKIPEDIA TAKES PARTIDO". How about that? Geopoet (talk) 00:57, 20 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Geopoet, we are glad to hear how enthusiastic you are about this project. It is a good idea to wait for results and lessons learned from the event before replicating it. There should be a report ready to review by the first week of March 2016, so keep an eye out for it. --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 01:08, 20 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
I'm really enthusiastic about this because the province of Camarines Sur has 5 districts and each has its own identity and wonders. So, we shall be able to document them and publish them online so that native Bicolanos will be able to recall their social responsibility to preserve these historical and/or cultural heritages that we share to all generations. Geopoet (talk) 02:59, 20 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Other expenses to be saved


We have an ongoing Call for Wikipedia Takes Rinconada event logo design posted at Wikipedia talk:Tambayan Philippines and in Facebook. Professional fee for logo designs starts at P1,000.00 ($2.73).--Filipinayzd (talk) 07:55, 28 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

WMF comments


Thank you to the volunteers who have clearly spent a lot of time and attention planning this event and putting together a well written proposal, and to the members of the GAC and the community for proving so many comments and suggestions. It is wonderful to see so many people focused on ways to revitalize and engage new and existing Wikimedia communities. This event sounds like a fun way to improve coverage of the Rinconada region. We hope the comments below help as you continue to refine the plans for the contest.

  1. Sky Harbor brings up a good point about the wide scope of subjects to be photographed given the limited number of articles on those topics. While it is important to improve the coverage of locations outside of major cities, we do have some concerns about the broad range of locations included in contest lists. For instance, one list includes many preschools, and another includes hotels and banks and malls.
    • What criteria was used to select locations and items to be photographed, and will participants be able to locate and/or identify them?
    • Some items in the lists include creating videos or images of traditional crafts, notable people or significant cultural traditions. You might think about whether participants be able to capture these images within the week of the contest, or if photographing these subjects requires advanced planning.
    • Do you have a sense of how many of these subjects have articles in need of illustration?
  2. One of the stated goals is to promote Wikipedia to new users in the region, but the rules state that all participants must have an account on Commons and know how to upload images. Will the project do anything to teach participants who are new to Commons with how to upload images? Is there a measure of success that you will look for to know how effective the event is in terms of promoting Wikipedia to new users in the region?
    • The measures of success relating to number of participants and number of images uploaded seem reasonable, but we do not see the connection between the project goals and the third measure of success, “At least two private individuals, local companies or institutions support the activity thru in-kind donations for prizes, venue, accommodation etc.” Can you explain how this third measure of success is relevant to the contest goals?
  3. Two commenters on the proposal have suggested that the budget is high relative to other photo contests and given the potential for contest images to be used on Wikimedia projects. Indeed the budget for this contest is larger than for Wikipedia Takes Manila, which had higher participation goals and cost PH61,950 or US$1,402.
    • Were there factors other than the size of prizes that may have had an effect on the number of participants in the Wikipedia Takes Manila and Wikipedia Takes Naga?
    • Have you asked partners to provide or help fund prizes?
    • Generally we suggest that t-shirts be reserved for volunteers who have worked on a project or as a prize for a small number of winners. Have you considered offering t shirts as only as a consolation instead of cash?
  • What lessons have you learned from past photo scavenger hunts that have been applied to this plan?

Please let us know if you have any questions, or would like to discuss the comments or proposal on a phone call. Cheers! --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 23:22, 29 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi KHarold (WMF). Should I discuss the comments here or via email? Regards! -Filipinayzd (talk) 03:52, 30 September 2015 (UTC)Reply
Hi Filipinayzd, please post your comments here. Thanks! --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 23:14, 6 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
Here is the content of the email I sent to KHarold (WMF) last October 1, 2015:
Hi Kacie,
Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy updating the List of Goals based on the suggestion of Sky Harbor that it has to have specific subjects/goals. The project is basically a combination of Wiki Loves Monument, Wiki Loves Food and Wiki Loves Earth which will benefit not only English and Bikol Sentral Wikipedia but most definitely Wikivoyage and Rinconada Bikol Wikipedia currently in the Incubator. Also, the events will be a great opportunity to meet and recruit potential editors and volunteers based within and outside the area.
The participants will be selected based on their location/residence therefore, much if not all of the coverage are will be covered even if they don't get to travel to all locations. December 19-26 is within the Christmas break in the Philippines, meaning, the student-participants have all the time they need to gather photographs and videos. Virtually every photograph and video can be used in Wikipedia not necessarily for a particular article but in general subjects which need a photograph or video taken from this part of the world.
Participants need to get familiarized with uploading photographs and videos him/herself in the website if he/she would really love to get selected as the number of participants is very limited. The registration fee, which is about half the amount of the cost of the souvenir shirt, would encourage/require them to perform the task since they paid to get join in this activity. As much as we would love to have a workshop on basic photography and on Wikimedia Commons, it would be an additional expense for the project. In Wikipedia Takes Naga, we were not able to meet the top measurement of success we set. However, we deemed the event has effectively promoted Wikipedia as far as media mileage and community involvement. Personally, getting support from the local government units the academe, non-government organizations, and the private sector is an indicator that the project, or Wikipedia as a whole, is relevant to these agencies. Maybe it should not be included in the measure of success though.
We have identified three other factors that may have had an effect on the number of participants in Wikipedia Takes Naga: one, the waiver in the application form discouraged targeted participants who are mostly professional photographers; two, donating works is basically new to the targeted professional photographers; and three, there was a conflict in the schedule since the event was held on the same day of opening of one big event in Naga City wherein several photographers went. We also have to consider in this particular project the affinity of the participants to Rinconada culture, hence we would prefer participants who are residents of any municipality/city in Rinconada district; or representing an organization, school, company or institution they are connected with, which is based within the district.
We will also ask the support of Tribo Bikolano which donated 4,000.00 ($98.00) worth of t-shirts for the organizers and winners. As much as we would like to start talking to, looking for and asking previous and new partners, we need an assurance first that the event will be happening. The longer the preparation would be better, as what we have learned from Wikipedia Takes Naga. While it is not difficult to plan the event, the preparation of the materials needed is demanding on the part of organizers. While tapping organizations, sponsors and individuals is easy, the time element is the main reason why they do not commit in the project. Also, the communications must be sent practically at least a month prior to the event.
Thank you very much for your time and I would love to discuss about the project should you have further questions.
--Filipinayzd (talk) 00:58, 7 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Filipinayzd. Thank you for moving your email to the discussion page and updating your measures of success. It is wonderful to see that there are so many volunteers in your community who are interested in organizing offline events, and we would like to offer support to help build momentum in this area. However, the budget for this event is very high given the measures of success for participation and for number of images proposed. The cost of t-shirts, awards and an awards event pushes the cost for content well beyond the normal range for other photo events in the movement, you can learn more about photo event costs here. In order to fund this proposal, the budget needs to be reduced. Below are some ways you can do this:

  • Only give t-shirts to event organizers or perhaps as prizes. It sounds like this could be covered by the donation mentioned in the previous comment. See budget guidelines for merchandise here.
  • Give smaller or fewer prizes. Based on your measures of success, 15 of the 18 participants would win an average $38 in prizes. In your comments you suggested that factors such as timing and language in the registration form may have led to lower participation in the last competition. If you still think a large prize is necessary, then reduce the prize budget by giving fewer prizes.
  • In your proposal the primary benefit of the awards night is to give participants the opportunity to socialize, which presumably they will have time to do on the Saturday during or after the upload session. Instead of having an awards event, you could offer light refreshments after the upload session and send prizes by mail, bank transfer or as online gift vouchers, Alternately, we would consider funding refreshments for an awards event if it were combined with an editathon to incorporate images from the contest into Wikimedia project pages, which would help you reach your goal of 10% of images in use.

Our only other concern is that there no clear connection in your project plan for how this photo contest will raise awareness of Wikipedia Bikol in Rinconada as participation is limited to people who have accounts on and experience uploading images to Commons. Do you anticipate that there are a sufficient number of people living in the region who have the experience necessary to participate? Thank you again for all of the work you have put into this request. Please notify us when you have made updates to the budget so that we can move this request forward as quickly as possible so that you have ample time to promote and plan the event. Best,--KHarold (WMF) (talk) 20:52, 9 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Amended Budget


Hi KHarold (WMF). We have reduced the budget by PHP34,540.00 (USD768.41).

We would find a sponsor for the shirts of the participants. The registration fee could instead be used to subsidize the purchase of shirts just in case the sponsor would only offer discounted prize.

The budget for the cash prizes is reduced by -9,500 (-$211.35) with 12 participants would win an average of $33.37 in prizes. In the Guidelines and Mechanics, participants are encouraged to travel using public transportation and they will have to shoulder the cost of the fare and other expenses such as meals which could cost more than $33.37 if a participant would want to cover all of the seven (7) areas. Meaning, 80% of the participants specially those who will not win in contest would have expenses. The higher chance to get a prize and a souvenir shirt which they can wear during their photograph/video hunting could be their motivation in achieving the goal of the project.

Participants would be exhausted and tired to have time to socialize and attend an edit-a-thon after the upload session on December 19 (Saturday). While we could include an edit-a-thon before the formal program during the Award's Night on December 27 (Sunday), it may not be the best occasion to do so. A basic photography and a talk on Wikimedia Commons (December 12) and post-Wikipedia Takes Rinconada (January 9) to be attended by the participants as a follow-up event, can be included in the project proposal, should the Wikimedia Foundation find it necessary.

The Award's Night is intended to be a venue to invite and meet key people in the community such as the executives or their representatives (e.g. local cultural/tourism officers, librarians, photography/language and culture instructors, marketing/sales representatives) of participating local government units (LGU), organizations, schools, companies and institutions should their teams are among the winners (20% chance), and the local media to further promote the cause of the event.

Having said that, this photo contest will raise awareness of our efforts to promote the local Wikipedia projects among non-editors as PhilWiki Community envisions to promote and develop Wikipedia in the Philippine languages through cost-effective and innovative projects and through partnership with local government units, the academe, non-government organizations, and the private sector.

Category Description Amount PHP/(USD)
Promotional materials Event tarpaulins 2,000.00 ($44.49) roll/stand up tarp, posters, bibs with team's name
Souvenir shirts 12 winners
10 organizers
6,600.00 ($146.83) decreased by -7,400 (-$164.63)
Food Organizers and participants' meals 10,500.00 ($233.59) decreased by -3,000.00 (-$111.23)
— Award's Night (40 pax) 7,500.00 ($222.47) decreased by -2,500.00 (-$55.62)
— Snacks and lunch for the organizers (5 pax) 3,000.00 ($111.23) December 19 (Wikipedia Takes Rinconada) and
December 27 (preparation for the Award's Night)
Cash Prizes 18,000.00 ($400.44) decreased by -9,500 (-$211.35)
— 1st Prize team with the highest earned points 7,500.00 ($222.47) good as 2,500.00 ($55.62) per winning member
— 2nd Prize team with the second-highest earned points 4,500.00 ($166.85) good as 1,500.00 ($33.37) per winning member
— 3rd Prize team with the third-highest earned points 3,000.00 ($111.23) good as 1,000.00 ($22.25) per winning member
— Special Prize team with the most number of unique subjects covered 3,000.00 ($111.23) good as 1,000.00 ($22.25) per winning member
Supplies Participant's kit, certificates, plaques, trophies 3,500.00 ($77.86)
Logistics Transportation, meals and communication 7,000.00 ($155.73) increased by +2,000.00 (+$44.95) for the bus fare of
Ivy Jocy Montaña from Manila to Nabua to Iriga City
and vice versa for the December 19 or 27 event
Miscellaneous 10% contingency for unexpected expenses 4,760.00 ($105.90)
Total PHP52,360.00
reduced by -PHP34,540.00 (-USD768.41)
Category Description Amount Saved PHP/(USD)
Event logo design To be used in posters and t-shirt 1,000.00 ($22.47) could be part of the Shirt sponsorship
Total PHP1,000.00
  • Based on USD1.00 = PHP44.95
Total cost of project
PHP58,360.00 (USD1,298.33)
Total amount requested from the Project & Event Grants program
PHP52,360.00 (USDUSD1,164.85)
Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this project, and amounts funded
PHP6,000.00 (USD136.36) to fund expenses in snacks and tokens for the speakers in Rinconada Bikol Wikipedia Lecture to be attended by at least 10 participants who can help in using the photographs and videos contributed in the Wikipedia Takes Rinconada in Wikipedia articles or in adding/editing correct descriptions of the photographs in Wikimedia Commons; or to subsidize the purchase of shirts just in case the sponsor would only offer discounted prize.
Fund will come from the PHP300.00 (USD6.82) registration fee of qualified teams (20 maximum number of teams); inclusive of kit and souvenir shirt.

Thank you. --Filipinayzd (talk) 03:42, 10 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Filipinayzd, thank you for making changes to the proposal to bring the budget down. We are pleased to fund this contest, and look forward to your insights afterwards about whether this is a good model for other groups to try. The focus of the awards ceremony should be on contest participants, organizers and partners, and not as you have written "to meet key people in the community such as the executives or their representatives (e.g. local cultural/tourism officers, librarians, photography/language and culture instructors, marketing/sales representatives)." We recommend that you consider hosting an editathon as part pf the awards ceremony, instead, to help meet goals around getting contest images in use on project pages. Best --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 22:45, 15 October 2015 (UTC)Reply
We will take that in to consideration KHarold (WMF). Thanks a lot. --Filipinayzd (talk) 12:30, 16 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Planning Resources


Unnecessary clarification


To ensure that participants, who, are expected, do not have accounts just yet on and experience uploading images to Commons, will upload the photographs/videos taken at the Wikipedia Takes Rinconada, since this is new among the target participants and in the areas covered, they will be asked to have accounts on and are encouraged to learn how to upload images to Commons, at least, thru the application process, wherein: the applicant will create an account, technically, making all the participants "limited [only] to people who have accounts"; they MUST upload three (3) new photographs, which they personally taken, about the organization, school, company, institution or LGU, that they are representing with each photograph has 1-3 sentences description in either English, Central Bikol or Rinconada Bikol language; and photographs MUST be categorized under "Wikipedia Takes Rinconada" and "[municipality/city],Camarines Sur", technically, making the contest "limited [only] to people who have experience uploading images to Commons." --Filipinayzd (talk) 06:23, 10 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

Budget change request


I am posting here my e-mail sent on December 13, 2015:



It is just a one week before our event here in the Philippines. We made some modifications to the Guidelines and Mechanics because of the lack of participants who were able to follow the application process correctly in spite of the extension of application period, online promotion in over a dozen of Facebook groups of local communities, and formal invitation to local government units and schools based within Rinconada district. We have received, however, intentions to join the contest and queries from people who were reached by our invitation and announcements if they could register on site. As the organizer of the event, we should accept on site registration however the application process must be followed.

We would also like to make some amendments to the Guidelines especially on the participants who are eligible to join the contest and the prizes. Individual participants can be accommodated. Instead of giving the Special Prize to the team with the most number of unique photos/videos among the participating teams, this prize shall be contested by individual participants. The prizes for the team category shall be the same:

  • 1st Prize - PHP7,500.00 shall be awarded to the team with the highest earned points
  • 2nd Prize - PHP4,500.00 shall be awarded to the team with the 2nd highest earned points
  • 3rd Prize - PHP3,000.00 shall be awarded to the team with the 3rd highest earned points

The progress report can be found here:

As you can see, expenses for event tarpaulins, t-shirts and supplies are within the approved budget. However, we have spent 20% more than the approved budget for logistics. The event day is just a week from now and the expenses for logistics, as we see it, would be not be over 30% of the approved budget. Expenses on December 19-27 which are not covered in the approved budget will be taken from the allocation under miscellaneous. We would like to seek your advise and recommendation on this matter.

Currently, Camarines Sur province is under typhoon warning signal and will be directly affected. We are hoping for the best that there would be less damages on the properties, no flood and electricity supply would be restored immediately. For worst case scenario, we would postpone the event and hold it in February 2016. We will keep you posted.

Sincerely yours,

Irvin --Filipinayzd (talk) 03:21, 17 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Filipinayzd, we are very sorry to hear that there is a prediction of a typhoon that will affect your region. The safety of event organizers and participants is extremely important. You should postpone the event if you have any concerns about flooding, electricity, or even low participation due to bad conditions. Your request to change the prizes to accommodate individual participation is approved. Additional spending on logistics is approved, however, total spending should not to exceed a 30% increase over your original logistics budget. In your report, please explain what factors caused you to exceed your logistics budget. Once again, we will support you to postpone the event if you have any concerns about safety and participation. Please stay safe, and let us know what your plans are. Cheers, --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 23:21, 17 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Extension of completion date request


KHarold (WMF), we would like to request an extension of completion date of the project from December 27, 2015 to January 16, 2016. Due to the weather condition and conflict in schedule of interested participants, the organizers and participants present decided to extend the photo and video hunting until January 9, 2016. It was also agreed that new teams and individual participants can still be accepted in the competition until January 9, 2016. Currently, there are three (3) teams competing. --Filipinayzd (talk) 13:37, 20 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

Hi Filipinayzd, the request for extension is approved. Hopefully the better weather and additional time lead to higher participation. --KHarold (WMF) (talk) 17:31, 5 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

Request for Reallocation of Fund


KHarold (WMF), we would like to request for reallocation of fund for the Wikipedia Takes Rinconada Follow-up Activities. --Filipinayzd (talk) 04:07, 30 January 2016 (UTC)Reply

The tentative report can be found here. -Filipinayzd (talk) 01:14, 2 February 2016 (UTC)Reply
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