Translator, We need you!


Dear Chaojoker,

You have helped us in previous years with translations and for that we are most grateful. Now we turn towards the 2011/12 fundraiser. It may seem forever away, but work has already begun getting everything ready to go. This year we want to have landing pages covering as many countries in as many languages as possible.

Right now, we want to figure out who is interested in translating for the fundraiser. This year we're hoping to have more of a solidified "core" group of translators that we can count on to have work done by a few key dates, but we'd also welcome help from people who are willing to just help out when they can.

If you would be interested please take a look at this little sign-up survey and fill it out With that we can start building a list of people and filling any gaps in the languages we serve.

Many Thanks

Joseph Seddon (User:Jseddon (WMF))

Production Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Jseddon (WMF) 01:01, 9 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your help with board election translations

For your help with board election translations.

Hi! As member of this year's board election committe I would like to give you this barnstar for your help with the translations of the board election pages into Armenian. It was very much appreciated! Jon Harald Søby 13:29, 1 September 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thank you, Jon. Chaojoker 06:06, 3 October 2011 (UTC)Reply

A barnstar for you!

This barnstar is given to you for your help with the 2011 fundraiser translation.

Hi! I just want to thank you and give you this barnstar for your help with the translation of the 2011 fundraiser! The fundraiser was the best we ever had, both in terms of the amount we collected and in terms of number of translations. We couldn't have done either one without the help we got from you and other translators. If you are interested, we made a report, which has some statistics about the translations.

And: I have one more request, and that is that you take this survey. You may have got an e-mail about it, and if you did, please ignore this. But if you didn't it would be great if you would take this survey too, so we can learn to improve the translation experience.

Again, thanks for your help with translations – you're awesome! Jon Harald Søby (WMF) 13:27, 24 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Tusen takk, Chaojoker 19:17, 24 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

stats update bot


Hi, i have noticed your bot updates Wiktionary/Table. Does it fetch the source from and then applies a few changes before pasting here or how does it work? I am the one running the stats updates on s23 but i have moved this to WMF labs meanwhile and refactored the code and put it (mostly) in wmf git/gerrit. I have just updated the page manually from this new source and will eventually shut down the stats on s23. I have adjusted the number format in the grand total table to also add , as thousands separator as you did. Cheers, Mutante (talk) 17:30, 8 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi Mutante, yes, it used to fetch the data from using some Ruby scripts based on these written by ICEAGE. I've modified the scripts a bit, so that now they fetch the data from However, the Wikimedia projects page is not working yet, so for that one I'm still using data from until it's fixed. Thank you for fixing the two Wikibooks bugs, as well the number format. Best regards, Chaojoker (talk) 19:51, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
One more thing: the Wikipedias page is missing the Grand Total section in the new source. Would be nice to have it back. Cheers, Chaojoker (talk) 20:56, 10 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

Bot blocked


Your ՋոկերԲոտ (talk · contribs) has been blocked because it was malfunctioning with MySQL errors. I suggest that in the future that you create an error handler so we don't have to block your bot in the future.--Jasper Deng (talk) 22:47, 16 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

That is actually not a bot error, it's a source error, as the new source, is not functioning at the moment. Thank you for catching it though. I'll try to see if I can come up with a way to handle similar situations. Please feel free to unblock it now. Chaojoker (talk) 22:55, 16 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
Done! --Vituzzu (talk) 23:01, 16 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

Updating List of Wikipedias/Table


Hi Chaojoker, the source You use to update List of Wikipedias/Table isn't correct. In fact, the Wikipedia NSO now has 573 pages and the VEP 2062 pages instead of zero (see your last update).
Why don't You use this source updated twice a day? Now I have updated correctly the Table. --Antonio1952 (talk) 19:45, 30 September 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi Antonio, both the s23 and WMF labs sources are maintained by Mutante. ՋոկերԲոտ used to update them from the s23 source, but since then it has been updated per two discussions above, as s23 is eventually going to be shut down and the WMF source is the newer source. Any problem with the WMF labs source (such as it updating after the s23 source or wrong stats of some wikis) would be more effective to discuss with Mutante. Cheers, Chaojoker (talk) 22:38, 30 September 2012 (UTC)Reply
Hi Chaojoker, I have point out the two mistakes to Mutante; he has corrected them.
Another question: as the source is update twice a day (about at 00:00 and 12:00), in my opinion, the time showed in "Statistics at …" must be 00:00 if your bot updates in the morning and 12:00 if your bot updates after midday. --Antonio1952 (talk) 19:19, 4 October 2012 (UTC)Reply
Done. Chaojoker (talk) 17:00, 11 October 2012 (UTC)Reply



Hi. I moved your new page to User:Chaojoker/test. It ended up in the main area. -- Tegel (Talk) 16:35, 11 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hey, sorry. Thanks :) Chaojoker (talk) 16:38, 11 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Bot not approved?


Hello. I couldn't find any links that suggested User:ՋոկերԲոտ is approved to run as bot here (please correct me if I am wrong). While the bot does not seem to be messing, the bot should be formally approved and probably a botflag be set. Please see Meta:Requests for adminship for instructions. Regards. -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 18:25, 22 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi, MarcoAurelio. You are correct, I hadn't applied for bot flag before. I just started a request: Meta:Requests for bot status/ՋոկերԲոտ. Thank you, Chaojoker (talk) 21:49, 22 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Bot edits visible on Special:RecentChanges in spite of botflag being granted


Hello Chaojoker. Congrats for getting your bot approved and flagged. However it seems there's a problem in the bot's code as it's edits are visible on recentchanges in spite of having the botflag. Something in the botcode is making that the edits be tagged as "non bot" edits thus being still visible on that page (probably) or other issues are causing this. Could you please fix that? Thanks for your service. Regards. -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 19:43, 27 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi, MarcoAurelio. Thank you for your suggestion and support. The issue had to do with passing the bot flag in the Ruby framework that I'm using, and is currently fixed. My gratitude is extended to and Xelgen with whom I consulted about this. Chaojoker (talk) 17:48, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Grand total removed?


Hello, Chaojoker. I noticed that your bot updates List of Wikipedias, but it does not add the very useful "Grand total" section. Is this something that you can fix? --OsamaK (talk) 09:37, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi, OsamaK. The bot is taking the stats from this source, which doesn't contain the grand total. The old source, which included the grand total, is going to retire. I could try to include the grand total using the bot; however, I think it would be more straightforward to do it at the source. I've already mentioned this to the user who maintains both sources, so I'm hoping it'll be sorted out at some point. Chaojoker (talk) 17:57, 31 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Wikimedia Armenia

Խնդրում եմ Wikimedia Armenia էջը վերականգնիր այնպես ինչպես կար, քանի որ դա ընդունված ձն է, որում կոմիտեի անդամները հարցեր և խորհուրդներ են տալիս: Հասարակական կազմակերպությունը հիմնելուց հետո, կարող ես փոխել ինպես ցանկանաս:

SusikMkr (talk) 20:05, 3 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Ողջույն Սուսաննա և Քաոջոքեր։ Անկեղծ ասած, կարծում եմ լավ կլիներ նախապես քննարկել, թե արդո՞ք արժի երկու էջերը միացնել․ որպեսզի արդյունքը լինի բոլորի կողմից ընդունելի։ Վերջիվերջո այդ երկու էջերը համագործակցության հարթակներ են և պետք է այնպես անել, որ բոլորին հարմար լինի այնտեղ աշխատել։

Կոնկրետ ինձ ավելի հարմար է թվում, որ երկու էջերը մնան առաձին, ինչպես կան։ Դա այն պատճառով, որ այդ երկուսը որոշակիորեն տարբեր նպատակներ ունեն․ եթե նպատակները լրիվ նույնական են, ապա այդ դեպքում անշուշտ արժի ունենալ մեկ էջ երկու լեզվով։ Սակայն այս դեպքում, ինչպես Սուսաննան է նշում, անգլերեն էջը նպատակ ունի կամ պահպանել Վիքիմեդիա Հիմնադրամի խորհուրդի հետ․ քննարկել հարցեր կապված ֆինանսակայն հաշվետվությունների և Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստանի ստեղծման իրավաբանական խնդիրների հետ։ Իսկ հայերենը ՝ արդեն հայալեզու հանրությանը - ներկայացնել Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստանի ստեղծման նպատակները, ծրագրերը և դրանցում մասնակցություն ունենալու վերաբերյալ տեղեկություններ։ --vacio 10:25, 4 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Ողջույն կրկին։ Ես Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստան էջը նորից երկուսը դարձրեցի, մինչև կորոշենք, թե ինչպես է հարմար աշխատել․ ավելի շատ Սուսաննայի խնդրանքով։ Իսկ կանոնադրությունը թողեցի երկլեզու էջ․ այդպես հարմար ավելի համարմար է։--vacio 12:45, 6 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

«Որոշումն» ակներևորեն արդեն կատարված է։ Էջերի վերևում խնդրեմ պարզ նշեք, որ ապագայում առանց ձեր իրավունքի ոչ ոք փոփոխություն չկատարի։ Chaojoker (talk) 17:47, 6 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Egyptian Arabic


Please notice that there is a fault in the transliteration of the name of Egyptian Arabic in the list of Wikipedias. Your bot update reverted a correction I made in the last vowel in the name maṣri back to maṣrī (Maṣri  to  Maṣrī). Please take care and update this in your bot. In Egyptian Arabic, the last vowel in this word is short in an unstressed syllable. The Egyptian Arabic phonology does not accept long vowels in unstressed syllables. --Mahmudmasri (talk) 03:05, 26 November 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi Mahmudmasri, the bot copies the contents from this source, which in turn is maintained by Mutante, so your best bet would be to contact Mutante to fix the source. Regards, Chaojoker (talk) 07:16, 26 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Btw, a question just came to mind: do you use Latin alphabet to write Arabic in Egypt, or just Arabic script is used? Because if it's the latter, then just مصرى as the local name of the language should suffice. Chaojoker (talk) 18:18, 29 November 2012 (UTC)Reply
Arabic script is used usually, but since Wikimedia has a transliteration for local names, why single out Egyptian Arabic and not transliterate its local name? By the way, the name in Wikistats hasn't been corrected. --Mahmudmasri (talk) 17:33, 22 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

List of largest wikis/Table


Hello, Can your bot harvest the first 200 entries of for List of largest wikis/Table? Thank you. RobiH (talk) 13:50, 31 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Hi RobiH, sure, it's possible. I noticed that the table has three additional columns (Stub ratio, version and ID) compared to the source. Where those manually added or is there another source with the additional columns? Thanks, Chaojoker (talk) 18:43, 31 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
These three colums came in when the WIKI version was fxxxed up and I tried to convert and wikify the HTML version on 2012-12-01. You can drop these three columns again. RobiH (talk) 00:54, 1 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

When are you going to get around to have had your harvesting bot set up for harvesting this table? RobiH (talk) 13:32, 23 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please update Wikisource/Table


Chaojoker, could you please add mr.wikisource to that table? I can do this manually like I have done for as.wikisource, but I am not sure this is fine.--Erasmo Barresi (talk) 18:41, 25 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please contact Mutante to fix it at the source website. Chaojoker (talk) 16:58, 6 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

List of Wikipedias/Table


Please, delete latin form in the name of Lezgi language/Wikipedia.--Soul Train (talk) 07:16, 6 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please contact Mutante to fix it at the source website. Chaojoker (talk) 16:58, 6 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Minangkabau Wikipedia


I've left a message to Mutante, but I'm crossposting it here for future watchers. Talk:List of Wikipedias#Minangkabau Wikipedia. Thanks. Bennylin 14:49, 1 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Where's Minangkabau list? I hope it will list in List of Wikipedias--Aplikasi (talk) 03:20, 5 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Project lists in Armenian


Hi! Project lists in Armenian are renamed into standartized names. Please reconfigure your bot for update new pages, no redirects:

--Kaganer (talk) 20:35, 8 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Kaganer, is there any concensus on Meta regarding English naming of all pages? For example, Wikiquote pages for Russian, Czech, Hindi and Farsi are in their respective languages, as well as numerous other pages on Meta. I don't see why the Armenian one cannot be in its own language as well. Chaojoker (talk) 04:54, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
This starting only, step by step ;) There is no language preference (personally, I am respectful and friendly to the Armenians and the Armenian language), just started long-overdue process of harmonization with targeting migration to using Translation Extension. This will be appled for serious translatable pages (those pages that should be identical/synchronous in all languages). This translation system required standartized pagenames with using subpages for translations (named as language codes). Diplayed title will be kept localized, by the way. --Kaganer (talk) 09:54, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I started from the unification of the template:Project lists and all pages what linked to. --Kaganer (talk) 09:45, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
By the way, please add translation of the name "Wikidata" to template:Project lists/hy and Template:Main Page/Sisterprojects/hy (with short description there). --Kaganer (talk) 09:50, 9 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please make one fix in the settings of your bot: Վիքիմեդիայի նախագծերի ցանկն ըստ չափսի/Աղյուսակ are redirected to List_of_Wikimedia_projects_by_size/Table/hy. please update List_of_Wikimedia_projects_by_size/Table/hy instead of Վիքիմեդիայի նախագծերի ցանկն ըստ չափսի/Աղյուսակ. Thanks! --Kaganer (talk) 16:34, 4 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Wikivoyage at List of Wikimedia projects by size


Hi Chaojoker. I tried adding Wikivoyage to the aforementioned page, but realised it is highly technical and that your bot handles updating. Is it possible that your bot could monitor Wikivoyages as well, of which there are currently 11? I also tried adding to the 'key' in the top-right corner, but that didn't seem to work either. Thanks in advance. JamesA (talk) 04:04, 13 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi, could you update your bot so that it will also include statistics for wikt:pnb: on that page? Thanks --MF-W 16:47, 13 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

List of Wikipedias/Table


Please, stop the use of your bot on this page; it breaks the formatting of the page (see) and doesn't insert the "Grand Total". Note that the page is updated twice a day by EmausBot! --Antonio1952 (talk) 09:42, 17 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

Barnstar and a request for feedback

  Individual Engagement Grant Barnstar
Thank you for commenting on Individual Engagement Grant proposals during this recent round! We really appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts.

To help us improve the IEG program for future participants, would you mind taking this quick 3-question survey?

Thanks again for your help,

--Siko and Haitham, Wikimedia Foundation Grantmaking

en:User talk:Jpatokal#MediaWiki::Gateway question wikiquote:hy:Մասնակցի քննարկում:Chaojoker

Superprotect status


Dear Chaojoker, since you are an administrator on a wiki from which no user participated in this discussion, I'd like to make sure you are aware of some recent events which may alter what the Wikimedia Foundation lets you do on your wiki: Superprotect.

Peteforsyth 09:09, 12 September 2014 (UTC)Reply



Ողջույն Չաոջոկեր, դու 2009 թ-ից ադմին ես, ինձ հետաքրքիր է նաև քո կարծիքը իմ ադմինության քվեարկության ընթացքի մասին, երբ քո հարցն էր քննարկվում, ես իմ կարծիքը հստակ արտահայտեցի: Իմ պարագայում ադմին լինելու և չլինելու մասին հարց չկա, քանի որ ես հրաժարվել եմ դեռ փետրվարի 18-ին, խնդրի վերաբերյալ որոշ հակիրճ կարծիք կարող ես կազմել այս հաղորդագրությունից. վերջինը: Գումարած այն, որ կողմ ձայների մոտ կեսը հաջորդեցին իմ կողմից կես տարի արձակուրդ գնալու և էջերը կես տարով պաշտպանելուց հետո, որ դիտարկվեց ոմանց կողմից նաև խախտում... Հ. Գ. ամեն դեպքում եթե նպատակահարմար չես գտնում կարող ես չպատասխանել--6AND5 (talk) 18:53, 1 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

Bot inactivity notice


Hello Chaojoker,

The Meta-Wiki community has approved a new bot inactivity policy which states that bots that are inactive for a continued period of 14 months should be subject to review. A bot you operate, ՋոկերԲոտ (talk · contribs) meets the inactivity criteria. In accordance with the bot inactivity policy, if you wish to retain the bot flag for the named account, please answer to this message no later than 6 April 2019 on Meta:Requests for help from a sysop or bureaucrat. After that date if the bureaucrats have not received any reply, the bot flag for the named account will be removed.

To reflag a bot, please create a new request at Meta:Requests for bot status.

Best regards, —MarcoAurelio (talk) 11:41, 30 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te

Wikimedia Italia

Gentile Chaojoker,

oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.

Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.

Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.

Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.

Grazie ancora e a presto,

Lorenzo Losa (msg) 10:13, 26 February 2020 (UTC)Reply

Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te

Wikimedia Italia

Gentile Chaojoker,

oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.

Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.

Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.

Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.

Grazie ancora e a presto,

Lorenzo Losa (msg) 10:16, 26 February 2020 (UTC)Reply