Lionel Scheepmans
Hello everyone!
Here are different ways to contact me:
- Add a subject to this page by clicking on the tab at the top of this page.
- Send an email by clicking on this link or, if you do not have an account, directly using my email: lionel
- Contact me by phone at: +32 486 060 016
Have a nice day and see you soon,
P.-S. I'm French speaker. Spelling errors present in my writings are also due to dysorthographic trouble and in no case to disrespect or neglect on my part. I invite and thank my readers do not undermine the credibility of my remarks on the basis of this socially discriminating handicap.
nice blog article
editRead your article and enjoyed the opinion and thought provoking nature of it. Some bits with which I may take issue, though I wish to explore my own prejudices and assumptions first. Anyway thanks for the writing, the thoughts and provocation, all of value. — billinghurst sDrewth 00:50, 14 May 2015 (UTC)
- Welcome billinghurst and thanks for your comment about my essay. If you don't agree about some point on it, yes for sure, let's start a discussion about it to lear from each other and see a clearest reality. The best place to do it should be Wikimania, but unfortunately my submissions wasn't accepted. Do you know that the post on the blog was partially censured ? Here is the content before change. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact 09:00, 14 May 2015 (UTC)
How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?
editHi! The Wikimedia Foundation would like your input on how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project.
After reading the Reimagining WMF grants idea, we ask you to complete this survey to help us improve the idea and learn more about your experience. When you complete the survey, you can enter to win one of five Wikimedia globe sweatshirts!
In addition to taking the the survey, you are welcome to participate in these ways:
- Respond to questions on the discussion page of the idea.
- Join a small group conversation.
- Learn more about this consultation.
This survey is in English, but feedback on the discussion page is welcome in any language.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery. 01:24, 19 August 2015 (UTC)
Last call for WMF grants feedback!
editHi, this is a reminder that the consultation about Reimagining WMF grants is closing on 8 September (0:00 UTC). We encourage you to complete the survey now, if you haven't yet done so, so that we can include your ideas.
With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery. 19:09, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
@ Lionel Scheepmans congrats! Lotje (talk) 05:28, 27 September 2015 (UTC)
- Thanks Lotje Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker désolé pour la dysorthographie 07:52, 27 September 2015 (UTC)
What future IdeaLab campaigns would you like to see?
editHi there,
I’m Jethro, and I’m seeking your help in deciding topics for new IdeaLab campaigns that could be run starting next year. These campaigns aim to bring in proposals and solutions from communities that address a need or problem in Wikimedia projects. I'm interested in hearing your preferences and ideas for campaign topics!
Here’s how to participate:
- Learn more about this consultation
- Vote on and submit new campaign topics in the AllOurIdeas Survey
- Discuss campaign topics and ask questions on the IdeaLab talk page
Take care,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 03:34, 5 December 2015 (UTC)
Je t'écris à propos du rejet que nous venons de subir, l'un comme l'autre, à la bourse IEG. Mon projet était assez différent du tien, mais je suis de tout coeur avec toi, et partage tes remarques sur la page de discussion de ton projet. Comme tu l'as très justement écrit, je crois qu'il attendaient surtout des projets de développement technique et pas des projets tournés vers l'extérieur. Je regrette tout comme toi le temps passé à monter un projet qui ne pourra pas se faire et je te souhaite donc bonne chance pour surmonter cette épreuve. Je voulais également te conseiller de demander aux associations Wikimédia Belgique et Wikimédia France, car leurs commissions de micro-financement ont souvent des sous de côté et pourraient t'aider. Fais leur juste suivre ta proposition déjà écrite, n'en fait pas une autre. De mon côté, je ne vois pas trop d'espoir. Ah, si tu veux lire d'autres critiques négatives contre le système IEG en anglais, j'ai mis les miennes ici. Bon courage ! Noé (talk) 14:05, 7 December 2015 (UTC)
- Bonjour Noé et merci pour ce message. Noé... Est-ce ton vrai nom ? Mon fils s'appelle Noé et puis je trouve que l'idée de sauver une langue du déluge créer par la mondialisation colle parfaitement avec cette image mythique faite ne Noé et de son arche. Probablement donc que c'est un pseudo choisi en fonction.
- Ton message confirme donc que ce système de grant provoque d'autre frustration que la mienne. Question financement via les association Wikimedia France et Belgique, c'est une peu déplacer le problème. Je fais partie de Wikimedia Belgique et il faut aussi se battre pour avoir sa part dans les dons offert à wikimedia. Du côté de la France, j'ai demander deux fois un financement de 100 € et il m'a fallu près d'un an pour être payé ...
- A ce stade, je me pose de sérieuses question éthique et j'aimerai faire une recherche et une analyse précise de comment est utilisé les dons de la fondation et surtout comment évolue la répartition de ces dons au niveau linguistique, géographique, technique et salaires.
- D'autre part, le rôle de Marty ne m'est pas paru très claire au niveau de ses interventions. Est-elle juste une coordinatrice, un porte parole du goupe ou prend elle part au décision. Je lui ai poser ces questions par mail mais je n'ai pas eu de réponse. Peut-être as-tu plus d'information que moi à ce sujet ? Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, désolé pour ma dysorthographie 22:48, 7 December 2015 (UTC)
- Bonjour, et oui, c'est mon vrai prénom ! J'ai abandonné mon pseudonyme Eölen pour prendre mon prénom dans le but de mon projet, car j'envisageais de travailler avec des gens qui n'ont pas l'habitude de l'anonymat et qui m'identifient plus facilement avec mon prénom. Un bonjour à ton fils !
- Je sais bien que les financements par les associations ne sont pas des plus simple non plus. Pour la répartition des dons, ça devrait être aux employés de la Fondation de nous fournir ça, et notamment à Marty. Si j'ai bien compris son rôle, elle est chargée de projet avec comme tâche d'améliorer la qualité globale des projets afin qu'ils soient de mieux en mieux construits au fil des années. Elle n'est pas porte-parole de la fondation, mais j'ignore si elle prend part aux décisions ou non. Ce qui me fait soucis principalement, c'est qu'ils privilégient la technique et le logiciel au détriment du collaboratif. J'avais également l'impression que les projets financés étaient principalement axés sur la Wikipédia anglophone. En réalité, après une lecture des projets financés et refusés, c'est que les projets proposés sont principalement pour Wikipédia, et plus périphériquement pour d'autres projets ou généraux. Mon projet étant pour le Wiktionnaire, j'ai dressé une liste des projets présentés à la Fondation en lien avec le Wiktionnaire, qui seront présentés dans le prochain numéro de Wiktionnaire:Actualités, le mensuel de communication vers l'extérieur du Wiktionnaire francophone. Un outil nécessaire qui manque au Wiktionnaire anglophone, ce qui a affaiblie ma proposition, j'en suis sûr. Le texte de la décision me concernant indique qu'ils pensent que le Wiktionnaire n'est pas capable structurellement d'accueillir des linguistes, ce qui est très méprisant mais démontre aussi un manque de connaissance lié au fait que les Wiktionnaires ne communiquent pas suffisamment sur leurs réussites et potentiels. Bref, il nous faut nous forcer à l'autocritique également, et pas seulement à l'accusation contre la Fondation. J'ignore si nous pourrions proposer nos projets à une bourse PEG ou si nous arriverions à la même conclusion en perdant encore du temps au passage. J'attends des réponses du jury à mon long retour sur leur décision, et j'espère qu'ils ne se défileront pas ! En attendant, courage, il y a plein d'autres activités à mener dans nos projets ! Noé (talk) 11:12, 8 December 2015 (UTC)
- De mon coté, la motivation au niveau d'une éventuelle recherche de financement est tombée à zéro. J'en arrive même à penser que ce système de grant ne devrait remplacer par un système de crow foudning qui redistribuerait une partie des dons reçu par la fondation selon le choix des contributeurs les plus actifs.
- Quand à l'auto critique, je sais que je n'ai aucun patience pour tout systèmes donnant du pouvoir de décision à un groupe de personnes au détriment des autres. Je suis anarcho communiste dans l'âme et il m'est impossible de m'intégrer dans cette société marchande. Heureusement que je vis en Belgique et qu'il me reste un système social qui puisse garantir ma survie et me permettre de continuer mes projets en dehors des chantiers marchands.
- Au niveau des projets je suis pour ma part plus actif dans la Wikiversité ou je suis devenu administrateur récemment. Ce projet prend de plus en plus d'ampleur et il est tout comme le wikidictionnaire, un des projets francophone qui surpasse les projets anglophone en terme de quantité pour le wikidictionaire et en terme de qualité pour la wikiverstié.
- Pour le future, je vais donc me concentrer sur ce projet tout en poursuivant mes recherches personnel et indépendante au sujet du mouvement Wikimedia. Ce grant fut pour moi une nouvelle expérience qui me permis de voir plus claire au sein du mouvement et qui apporte de l'eau à mon moulin dans le cadre de mes recherches. J'ai un texte en préparation que dois terminer pour le 21 au sujet de la démocratie et du mouvement wikimedia. Bonne continuation et gardons contact. Une dernière question si elle n'est pas indiscrète. J'ai bientôt 47 ans et toi, quel age à tu ? Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, désolé pour ma dysorthographie 14:07, 8 December 2015 (UTC)
- Je crois que l'avis des utilisateurs est pris en compte dans le choix d'attribution des bourses, mais que malheureusement, peu de contributeurs prennent le temps d'aller lire les propositions et d'y apporter leur soutien concret. J'ai présenté mon projet dans trois cafés/bistrot et reçu finalement assez peu de soutiens. Ce n'est pas une critique contre mes collègues mais là aussi contre le système de bourses qui n'est pas très sexy pour les contributeurs habituels.
- Je suis anarcho-syndicaliste pour ma part, donc d'accord avec toi sur le problème gestionnaire. Cependant, j'ai beaucoup apprécié l'entretien que j'ai eu avec Marty car elle agissait comme experte extérieure et non comme juge. Nous avons eut une conversation d'adulte à adulte, elle n'était pas du tout paternalisante. Peut-être qu'il n'en a pas été de même avec les autres, mais j'ai trouvé positive son intervention à ce stade. Si elle a ensuite donné son avis sur le vote, c'est plus contestable, et là-dessus, je ne sais pas.
- Je ne me suis pas encore suffisamment intéressé à la Wikiversité, mais je peux t'assurer que le Wiktionnaire est très bon en terme de qualité également, il a juste du mal à le valoriser, mais une prise de décision est en cours sur ce sujet.
- Pour moi aussi, ce fut une expérience enrichissante, même si elle fut frustrante. Elle m'a permis de mieux comprendre comment est perçu le Wiktionnaire par les contributeurs des autres projets et à mis en lumière la nécessité d'organiser davantage d'information à destination de l'extérieur, et de poursuivre les initiatives que nous avons sur le Wiktionnaire depuis quelques mois. Je te conseille par exemple la présentation du Wiktionnaire faite à Pas Sage en Seine en juin, ainsi que la lecture des Actualités mensuelles que je rédige avec Lyokoï, celui qui présente à la conférence. Nous animons également un rendez-vous mensuel à Lyon uniquement sur le Wiktionnaire et participons à des editathons quand ils se présentent. Je crois que c'est finalement ce type de démarche qui permettront au projet d'être connu et reconnu plus largement. Je voyais mon projet comme un pas de plus dans cette direction, mais la réalité est que c'est uniquement dans le Wiktionnaire francophone qu'il y a autant de chose ! J'ai posté chez les anglophones et ils me confirment qu'ils n'ont pas de choses similaires. Du côté de la Wikiversité, y a-t-il des interférences avec le monde extérieur ?
- J'ai hâte de lire ce que tu vas écrire ! J'ai 28 ans, et je ne suis pas vraiment anonyme si tu veux en savoir plus Noé (talk) 14:49, 8 December 2015 (UTC)
- Pour ma part je me considérerait plutôt comme anarcho-communiste. Le coté syndicalist me déplaît en raison de son mode d'action contestataire et parfois agressif. Je préfère le mode d'action alternatif, constuire à côté de ce que l'on considère dysfonctionnel.
- Je n'ai le temps de m'intéresser au Wikitionaire mais je savais qu'il était aussi d'une grande qualité. Tout ce que je découvre via notre échange est très intéressant aussi mais le temps me manque pour parcourir l'information. J'ai eu au par avant un contact indirect avec Wikitionaire vie JackPotte qui est aussi administrateur et très actifs dans la Wikiversité. Je sais pas si tu as beacoup d'interaction avec lui. Il reste pour moi un personnage très énigmatique en raison de la difficulté de cerner la personnalité des gens au travers le support écrit. Mais je le trouve très efficace et puis pas dépourvu d'humour non plus.
- Concernant la Wikiversité, pas d'échange avec les autres projets linguistiques actuellement par contre pas mal de nouveaux arrivants, une nouvelle dynamique s'installe avec des nouvelles questions d'organisation intéressante. De nouveau projet interne aussi, un journal scientifique et une bibliothèque. Et puis très récemment l'arrivée d'un projet externe consacré à l'accessibilité numérique. Il en sont qu'au début mais c'est très prometteur si on en juge à cette vidéo ci-contre. On a aussi un travail à faire en terme de visibilité tout comme wikitionaire. Même combat donc... Une bonne fin de journée à toi, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, désolé pour ma dysorthographie 16:31, 8 December 2015 (UTC)
Future IdeaLab Campaigns results
editLast December, I invited you to help determine future ideaLab campaigns by submitting and voting on different possible topics. I'm happy to announce the results of your participation, and encourage you to review them and our next steps for implementing those campaigns this year. Thank you to everyone who volunteered time to participate and submit ideas.
With great thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 23:56, 26 January 2016 (UTC)
Inspire Campaign on content curation & review
editI've recently launched an Inspire Campaign to encourage new ideas focusing on content review and curation in Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia volunteers collaboratively manage vast repositories of knowledge, and we’re looking for your ideas about how to manage that knowledge to make it more meaningful and accessible. We invite you to participate and submit ideas, so please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 28th.
All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive feedback on ideas is welcome - your skills and experience can help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign to improve review and curation tasks so that we can make our content more meaningful and accessible! I JethroBT (WMF) 05:38, 29 February 2016 (UTC)
(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery.
Open Call for Individual Engagement Grants
editGreetings! The Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) program is accepting proposals until April 12th to fund new tools, research, outreach efforts, and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), IEGs can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.
- Submit a grant request or draft your proposal in IdeaLab
- Get help with your proposal in an upcoming Hangout session
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants
With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 15:56, 31 March 2016 (UTC)
Through June, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas focusing on addressing harassment toward Wikimedia contributors. The 2015 Harassment Survey has shown evidence that harassment in various forms - name calling, threats, discrimination, stalking, and impersonation, among others - is pervasive. Available methods and systems to deal with harassment are also considered to be ineffective. These behaviors are clearly harmful, and in addition, many individuals who experience or witness harassment participate less in Wikimedia projects or stop contributing entirely.
Proposals in any language are welcome during the campaign - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign so that we can work together to develop ideas around this important and difficult issue. With thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 17:46, 31 May 2016 (UTC) (Opt-out instructions)
Survey on Inspire Campaign for addressing harassment
editThanks for your participation during the Inspire Campaign focused on addressing harassment from June 2016. I'm interested in hearing your experience during the campaign, so if you're able, I invite you to complete this brief survey to describe how you contributed to the campaign and how you felt about participating.
Please feel free to let me know on my talk page if you have any questions about the campaign or the survey. Thanks! I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 03:24, 10 September 2016 (UTC)
2016 Community Wishlist Survey
You’re getting this message because you participated in the 2015 Community Wishlist Survey and we want to make sure you don't miss it this year – or at least can make the conscious choice to ignore if it you want to. The 2015 survey decided what the Community Tech team should work on during 2016. It was also the focus of Wikimedia hackathons and work by other developers. You can see the status of wishes from the 2015 wishlist at 2015 Community Wishlist Survey/Results.
The 2016 Community Wishlist Survey is now open for wishes. You can create proposals until November 20. You will be able to vote on which wishes you think are best or most important between November 28 and December 12. /Johan (WMF) (talk) via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 11:17, 14 November 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for your participation during the Inspire Campaign focused on outreach to outside knowledge networks from February 2017. I'm interested in hearing your experience during the campaign, so if you're able, I invite you to complete this brief survey to describe how you contributed to the campaign and how you felt about participating. I want to improve how campaigns are run, so let me know if there's something that could be done better for next time.
Please feel free to let me know on my talk page if you have any questions about the campaign or the survey. Thanks! I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 18:34, 31 March 2017 (UTC)
Survey link error fixed
editHi there, there was a error with the Inspire survey link that caused the survey to be shown as expired, but has now been fixed. The link in the above message should now bring you to the survey. Apologies, I JethroBT (WMF) 19:20, 31 March 2017 (UTC)
editThanks for your note, Lionel, at Talk:Wiki Project Med/Membership - and a belated welcome to WikiProject Med Foundation. I've emailed the Membership Secretary to make sure that your details are up to date. It would be helpful to other interested editors if you added your name to Wiki Project Med/Membership #People interested as that is where they can find other members easily. I also think you could add Belgium to the list of members' countries at Wiki Project Med/Membership #Where members are from if I've got that right (from your email address). I'm looking forward to seeing you join in our discussions and work - are you going to Wikimania in Montreal? All the best --RexxS (talk) 17:19, 3 May 2017 (UTC)
- Thanks RexxS. My participation to the project mostly depend on the issue of this two grant. I didn't have any knowledge about medicine but I currently work on a NGO witch deal with health and medicine in global south. If the grant start I will be wikimedian in residence to create a bridge between NGO data and Wikimedia project. A part of this data are medical contain. Be welcome you and other members of Wiki Project Med to take a look on the project and eventually endorse them. About Wikimania, I would like to be there but it's a bite fare away from Belgium and I didn't receive even ask for a financial help anywhere. I still have ti do it if it's not to late. Best, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 07:27, 4 May 2017 (UTC)
The Community Wishlist Survey
You get this message because you’ve previously participated in the Community Wishlist Survey. I just wanted to let you know that this year’s survey is now open for proposals. You can suggest technical changes until 11 November: Community Wishlist Survey 2019.
You can vote from November 16 to November 30. To keep the number of messages at a reasonable level, I won’t send out a separate reminder to you about that. /Johan (WMF) 11:24, 30 October 2018 (UTC)
Wiki Project Medicine Foundation Membership
editDear Wiki Project Med Supporter, you are receiving this message as you have shown interest in supporting Wiki Project Med in the past. As our organization grows and evolves, we want to be able to verify peoples ongoing interest in being involved. To that end, the board has decided to require renew of membership every two years. So -- whether you are a current member or not, please fill out our updated membership form, to ensure your membership till the end of 2020. Please note -- We ask that you fill out the form by Feb 3rd, as we are close to elections and only members can nominate themselves for the board and vote!
Best, Shani & Doc James. 01:57, 28 January 2019 (UTC)
editBonjour Lionel Scheepmans, j'ai vu cette discussion et je crois qu'il serait utile de transmettre un courriel Special:EmailUser/Jean-Louis Tripon pour communiquer avec Jean-Louis Tripon, je suis favorable à toutes solutions constructives pour sortir de cet impasse. Amicalement. Argosy (talk) 22:44, 2 March 2019 (UTC)
- Bonne idée. Et bon reflexe aussi de me contacter sur meta pour éviter de prendre part à ce nouveau débat au risque de raviver le conflit. Bien à toi Argosy, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 15:12, 4 March 2019 (UTC)
- Rebonjour, pour le mode sombre, il y a des pistes de solution sur cette section ; w:fr:Wikipédia:Le Bistro/19 mars 2019#Tech News: 2019-12. Cordialement. Argosy (talk) 09:31, 19 March 2019 (UTC)
- Merci pour l'info Argosy, je viens d'installer Darck Reader et c'est effectivement super. J'adopte tout de suite. Merci ! Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 09:38, 19 March 2019 (UTC)
- Rebonjour, encore d'autres informations pour le mode sombre sur cette section ; w:fr:Wikipédia:Le Bistro/6 avril 2019#Thème sombre pour la coloration syntaxique du wikicode (CodeMirror). Amicalement. Argosy (talk) 01:17, 6 April 2019 (UTC)
- Merci Argosy ! Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 08:51, 6 April 2019 (UTC)
- Rebonjour, encore d'autres informations pour le mode sombre sur cette section ; w:fr:Wikipédia:Le Bistro/6 avril 2019#Thème sombre pour la coloration syntaxique du wikicode (CodeMirror). Amicalement. Argosy (talk) 01:17, 6 April 2019 (UTC)
- Merci pour l'info Argosy, je viens d'installer Darck Reader et c'est effectivement super. J'adopte tout de suite. Merci ! Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 09:38, 19 March 2019 (UTC)
- Rebonjour, pour le mode sombre, il y a des pistes de solution sur cette section ; w:fr:Wikipédia:Le Bistro/19 mars 2019#Tech News: 2019-12. Cordialement. Argosy (talk) 09:31, 19 March 2019 (UTC)
- Rebonjour Lionel Sheepmans, il y a une discussion pour la création d'un nouveau projet ; WikiJournal et donc tout le contenu de l'espace recherche de Wikiversité pourrait être mis dans ce futur projet avec bien sûr les travaux de Jean-Louis Tripon et de son groupe. Cordialement. Argosy (talk) 05:18, 9 August 2019 (UTC)
- Merci pour l'info Argosy, j'ai déjà participer à la discussion et me tiens au courant sur le projet. Ce projet ne se destine pas à recevoir tous les travaux de recherche en provenance de Wikiversité mais de créer un nouveau site pour produire des articles scientifique sous peer-review. C'est tout autre chose. Cordialement, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 16:46, 10 August 2019 (UTC)
Dear WikiProject Medicine member, the election for 5 seats on the board is underway and voting is now open till March 24th. We encourage you to use your right to vote by supporting the candidates you prefer HERE. Please also note that on Monday, March 25, between 1900-2000 UTC we will be holding our open annual meeting online. A link will be sent via the mailing list / Facebook group so stay tuned. We hope you can join us! Best, James & Shani. 14:17, 11 March 2019 (UTC)
Residence place
editHello, Lionel. I am Ukrainian participant in forecoming Training for new WM Boards members. And what about hotel/hostel for living in Berlin?.. --IgorTurzh (talk) 13:55, 12 March 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Igor, I've receive by email four options around the Wikimedia Deutschland office, depending on your budget from WMDE :
- Mercure Hotel, Luckenwalder Straße 11, around 80 €/night/room
- Acama Kreuzberg Hotel + Hostel, Tempelhofer Ufer 9, around 40 €/night/room
- Happy Bed Hostel, Hallesches Ufer 30, around 30 €/night/room
- Grand Hostel Berlin Classic, Tempelhofer Ufer 14, around 22 €/night/room
- My choose is the Grand hostel for the first night and I will check for other night on place. Cheers, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 14:41, 12 March 2019 (UTC)
31.03.2019 Sun - 01.04.2019 Mon = 1 night Grand Hostel Berlin GmbH Tempelhofer Ufer 14 10963 Berlin Phone: +49 (30) 200 95 450 Fax: +49 (30) 200 95 45 15 E-mail: 1 x bed(s) in a mixed 4-bed dorm shared bathroom breakfast included € 27,90 per pers./night 1x bed linen service fee - once per person and stay € 3,95 per person Total: € 31.85
- Cheers, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 14:41, 12 March 2019 (UTC)
editBonjour, merci pour tes recherches et contributions, qui me permettent d'alimenter des réflexions de fond que j'ai depuis que j'ai commencé à participer à des événements wikimedia et à contribuer à wikipédia, par exemple la question de les biais liés à la reconnaissance institutionnelle des sources d'information. Au plaisir de te rencontrer --Tonpseudo, (talk) 11:25, 12 May 2019 (UTC)
- Tonpseudo, Je publie tous mes travaux pour que des gens comme toi puissent en profiter. N'hésite pas à ma poser des questions si tu veux, ou mieux encore partager des avis contraires à ce que j'écris pour me faire évoluer dans mes recherches. Bien à toi, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 16:40, 12 May 2019 (UTC)
Hello! Look forward to joining you tomorrow for the talk
editHi Lionel, it was great meeting you at my poster presentation booth today. Thank you much for inviting me to the discussion tomorrow on oral culture - it would be a pleasure and honor to join you. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. --Psubhashish (talk) 23:48, 17 August 2019 (UTC)
- Cool ! See you thère User:Psubhashish. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 23:56, 17 August 2019 (UTC)
Wikimedia and the Global Education Goals
editDear Lionel Scheepmans,
Congratulations on completing the Unit 1 of the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse online course! Here is the “Wikimedia and the Global Education Goals” badge as a recognition of your great work. Keep it up! There are two more badges waiting for you.--MGuadalupe (WMF) (talk) 23:51, 11 October 2019 (UTC) |
Hi MGuadalupe (WMF), thanks for this good news. As I told you before, I'm starting now to rite my PhD thesis. So, I have to be more concentrate than before on editing my thesis and less active in Wikimedia movement. I keep being active, but I will certainly be more active as an advisor than as a creator. Concerning the greenhouse, I wont be unfortunately able to follow the unit 3. Have a nice day ! Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 14:12, 15 October 2019 (UTC)
Démarchage pour la liste des souhaits de la communauté
editSalut Lionel !
Les votes ont commencé, et je te propose de participer à la campagne de com' à ce sujet. Si tu as un peu de temps et que tu penses ça utile, je t'invite dans le Bistro de Wikipédia pour lister en français les propositions qui concernent la Wikiversité, comme j'ai fais celles pour le Wiktionnaire et Le ciel est par dessus le toit pour Wikisource ! Noé (talk) 15:00, 21 November 2019 (UTC)
- Pas sûr que ce soit utile Noé. Quoi qu'il y a une demande qui concerne directement Wikipédia dans les vœux de la Wikiversité. Je vais donc le faire en raison de cela. J'en profite, tu seras là à Berlin au summit de 2020 ? Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 15:55, 21 November 2019 (UTC)
Lionel Scheepmans/draft
editHi. The page Lionel Scheepmans/draft ended up in the main name space. Where did you intend to place it? -- Tegel (Talk) 21:28, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
- Oups... Sorry ! I'm a bite tired tonight Tegel... Time to sleep. Thanks for your attention and a nice end of the day to you ! Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 21:32, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
- So what should we do? Should we move the page or delete it? -- Tegel (Talk) 21:35, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
- Just delete it Tegel and sorry for my d'y'straction. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 11:24, 24 January 2020 (UTC) P.S. I see than you are both Steward and administrator in Meta. I was thinking than a Steward as the same adminship tool than all administrators of any project including in Meta. So, my question is : how people who receive steward statute deal with other previous admin statute ?
- So what should we do? Should we move the page or delete it? -- Tegel (Talk) 21:35, 23 January 2020 (UTC)
Reminder to sign the confidentiality agreement
editHi, as said in Stewards/Elections_2020/Guidelines#Sign_the_confidentiality_agreement, all steward candidates must sign the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information before 8 February, or you will be disqualified. For instructions, see Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign. Stryn (talk) 10:20, 7 February 2020 (UTC)
- Thanks a lot Stryn. But I did it already !? I gone check what's happen. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 11:10, 7 February 2020 (UTC) P.S. Bizarre. Phabricator tel me than It wasn't done... Is that a technical mistake ? Who to be sure than my agreement is well signed and treated now ? Have you an idea about this
- Hey, we still didn't have an idea if you signed or not, could you resign for safety or check is the form completed properly. Thanks.--Camouflaged Mirage (talk) 11:49, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
Hi Camouflaged Mirage, I've two screan shot of messages telling me than my two signatures was recorded and I have one confirmation comming from a OTRS admin. I don't know what I can do more than this... Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 14:51, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- I went to check on phabricator right now and can't sign a other time. There is this message on each page : « You signed this document on Fri, Feb 7, 12:13 PM. » Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 15:16, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- Thank you for confirming. You are fine here, good luck! :) Stryn (talk) 15:18, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- Noted, let's wait for processing then. Thanks for confirmation.--Camouflaged Mirage (talk) 15:18, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- Good luck... Camouflaged Mirage and Stryn, the vote just start and It's pretty clear for me : I won't be one of the Wikimedia's slave band (Jemielniak 2014). Just a last question as I'll probably not be Steward, is that possible to stepping back the two signatures of documents ? Engagement and responsibility without function has no sense for me. Cheers, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 15:47, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- It's possible to withdraw from the elections, and for the signatures; you can contact Samuel_(WMF) and say that you want to cancel your signatures. Stryn (talk) 15:56, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- Ok thank Stryn. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 17:54, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- It's possible to withdraw from the elections, and for the signatures; you can contact Samuel_(WMF) and say that you want to cancel your signatures. Stryn (talk) 15:56, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
- Good luck... Camouflaged Mirage and Stryn, the vote just start and It's pretty clear for me : I won't be one of the Wikimedia's slave band (Jemielniak 2014). Just a last question as I'll probably not be Steward, is that possible to stepping back the two signatures of documents ? Engagement and responsibility without function has no sense for me. Cheers, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 15:47, 8 February 2020 (UTC)
Do you use IRC live chat?
editGryllida 00:14, 13 February 2020 (UTC)
- You need to add your signature to ping an user. Otherwise they don't get a notification. Stryn (talk) 18:58, 15 November 2020 (UTC)
- Oh ! Thanks for this information talk, so I pink Gryllida one more time Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 19:20, 15 November 2020 (UTC)
- You need to add your signature to ping an user. Otherwise they don't get a notification. Stryn (talk) 18:58, 15 November 2020 (UTC)
Global Conversations registration reminder
editHi Lionel Scheepmans,
This is a reminder that if you have not yet registered for the Global Conversations on Nov. 21 and 22, please do so! Register here. Registration closes by Nov. 20. We will email you the login information for Zoom prior to the call. Thank you. Looking forward to welcoming you this weekend.
MPourzaki (WMF) (talk) 16:25, 17 November 2020 (UTC)
- So, I did it for a secound time MPourzaki (WMF). I hope it's the good one this time. Best, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 16:39, 17 November 2020 (UTC)
The 2021 Community Wishlist Survey is now open! This survey is the process where communities decide what the Community Tech team should work on over the next year. We encourage everyone to submit proposals until the deadline on 30 November, or comment on other proposals to help make them better. The communities will vote on the proposals between 8 December and 21 December.
The Community Tech team is focused on tools for experienced Wikimedia editors. You can write proposals in any language, and we will translate them for you. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your proposals!
18:26, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
We invite all registered users to vote on the 2021 Community Wishlist Survey. You can vote from now until 21 December for as many different wishes as you want.
In the Survey, wishes for new and improved tools for experienced editors are collected. After the voting, we will do our best to grant your wishes. We will start with the most popular ones.
We, the Community Tech, are one of the Wikimedia Foundation teams. We create and improve editing and wiki moderation tools. What we work on is decided based on results of the Community Wishlist Survey. Once a year, you can submit wishes. After two weeks, you can vote on the ones that you're most interested in. Next, we choose wishes from the survey to work on. Some of the wishes may be granted by volunteer developers or other teams.
We are waiting for your votes. Thank you!
16:09, 11 December 2020 (UTC)
Partagez vos avis sur les améliorations OCR !
editBonjour à tous ! Nous (l'équipe responsable de Consultation des souhaits de la communauté) venons de lancer le projet d'amélioration de l'OCR ! Avec ce projet, nous visons à améliorer l'expérience d'utilisation des outils OCR sur Wikisource. Veuillez vous référer à notre page projet, qui fournit un résumé complet du projet et des principaux problèmes que nous avons identifiés.
Nous serions ravis que vous répondiez aux questions ci-dessous. Vos commentaires sont extrêmement importants pour nous et auront un impact direct sur les choix que nous faisons. Merci d'avance et nous avons hâte de lire vos commentaires ! SGrabarczuk (WMF) 17:20, 26 January 2021 (UTC)
Quand le mouvement Wikimédia questionne le comment faire science nominated for deletion
editHello. An item which you created or you have editted substantially (Quand le mouvement Wikimédia questionne le comment faire science) has been nominated for deletion. Please see the ongoing discussion at Meta:Requests for deletion. Thank you. --Pols12 (talk) 18:30, 27 March 2021 (UTC)
Candidacy in the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election
editHi there! I am reaching out about your decision to be a candidate in the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. The Board of Trustees decided there would be outreach available for the 2021 Board of Trustees election. There is a team of facilitators supporting this election through outreach activities.
The facilitators have some activities planned during the campaign period. Be sure to check out Candidate Resources to learn more about the trustee role.
The first thing facilitators plan to do during the campaign period is host a Conversation Chat for candidates. We will talk about the campaign timeline, activities, and answer questions you have. This is currently scheduled for July 3 at 15:00 UTC. This time might change.
Facilitators are reaching out to all candidates with this message. We can offer support to make sure your message is clear. This could be reviewing your candidate page for clarity. We can also clarify community questions that candidates answer during the campaign. Please let us know if you would like this support and we can schedule a time to chat. Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:38, 27 June 2021 (UTC)
- Yes of course JKoerner (WMF) ! I'm very interested about all help than I can receive, and I've already fixed the meeting of July 3 at 15:00 UTC in my agenda. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 10:42, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
- Hi Lionel Scheepmans, Great! Glad to hear you are interested in support. Let's schedule a time to meet. Mahuton and I will be the two facilitators meeting with you. Please feel free to email me jkoerner-ctr so we can plan a time. Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 22:51, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
- Perfect JKoerner (WMF) and nice to see than Mahuton take part on the party ! I stay on stand by of your notifications. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 10:57, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
- Hi Lionel Scheepmans, Great! Glad to hear you are interested in support. Let's schedule a time to meet. Mahuton and I will be the two facilitators meeting with you. Please feel free to email me jkoerner-ctr so we can plan a time. Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 22:51, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
- As a translator of the candidate pages into Ukrainian, may I please suggest using facilitators feedback on the statement language clarity (in case this hasn't been done yet)? I'm having doubts that I correctly understand the long sentences of the statement. Thank you. --Ата (talk) 14:40, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
Proof of Identity still needed for Board of Trustee Candidacy
editHi there! I see that you have not yet submitted your proof of identity. Candidates for this position must submit proof of identity and evidence of age of majority as a condition of candidacy. A copy of one of the following documents fulfills this:
- Driver's license
- Passport
- Other official documentation indicating real name and age
This may be provided to the Wikimedia Foundation via email at secure-info Even if you may have done this previously for a different position, you are asked to complete this again. Please submit this by 29 June 2021 at 23:59 UTC.
If you are one of the selected candidates, the Wikimedia Foundation may need to request additional identifying information in order to run a background check prior to your appointment to the Board.
Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 03:35, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
- Hi JKoerner (WMF), It sould be done now, could you check please. I don't know how to do it my self... Cheers, Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 10:58, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 10:52, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
- Hi Lionel Scheepmans, I see your identity is verified. Thank you for sending in your documents. I also want to let you know the Candidate Briefing will be July 3 at 15:00 UTC via Google Meet. If this time does not work for you, it is not a problem. We can plan another time or way to get the information to you. Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 18:45, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
- Ok JKoerner (WMF), If I don't need google acount, I'll be there Saturday. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 19:46, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
- Hi Lionel Scheepmans, I see your identity is verified. Thank you for sending in your documents. I also want to let you know the Candidate Briefing will be July 3 at 15:00 UTC via Google Meet. If this time does not work for you, it is not a problem. We can plan another time or way to get the information to you. Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 18:45, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
Candidate update: community question translation and campaign activities
editDear Candidate,
I am writing to you about several things:
1. On 20 July the facilitation team will begin translating the candidate answers to questions selected by the Elections Committee. Please try to finish your answers by that date if possible.
2. There is a list of Campaign Activities planned by the facilitation team. We have heard feedback about Campaign Activities. Thank you for your patience as we are trying new things and learning. The facilitation team will discuss solutions to these frustrations on 21 July. Look for updates on the Campaign Activities list.
3. The Community Affairs Committee meeting with candidates is on 21 July. You may email questions to askcac if that works better for you than writing on Meta. If you have not already received a calendar invitation, please email me at jkoerner-ctr so a calendar invitation for the CAC meeting can be sent to you.
Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:36, 16 July 2021 (UTC)
- Thanks @JKoerner (WMF)
- 1. I'm trying to finish question in French tonight before continue my holidays.
- 2. I'll try to be present for the CAC (21), French (28) and community (1st august). But as I'm in holiday, I need a budget to cover the fee of my mobile phone connection. Can your team help me in this way ? Visio conference need a lot of data exchange...
- 3. I've got it few hours ago. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact French native speaker, sorry for my dysorthography 22:07, 16 July 2021 (UTC)
Board elections
editHello. User:Sj and myself are group contact for the Wikimedian for Offline Wikis UserGroup. In July, our UG will participate to the vote to select the 6 people short-list of candidates. If you find the idea agreeable, you are warmly invited to share your thoughts with the group members, either on the talk page of the group or on our mailing list. Note that this is not an obligation of any sort, but simply an option to get our UG to know you better. Thank you for your interest. Anthere (talk) 18:29, 18 May 2022 (UTC)
- Bonjour @Anthere. Merci pour l'invitation. Je ne sais pas trop ce que vous attendez de moi suite à ce message. J'ai bien des idées concernant l'aspect hors ligne au niveau du mouvement, dont certaines sont d'ailleurs expliquée dans ma thèse de doctorat. Comme je ne compte pas faire campagne pour des élections auxquelles je participe un peu à contre cœur puisque je suis plus favorable à un système de tirage au sort, il faudrait alors entamer une discussion avec par exemple une question de départ sur votre page de discussion. Je viens d'y laisser un message. Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact (Fr-N, En-3, Pt-3) 19:02, 18 May 2022 (UTC)
Email Request
editHi there! Thank you for submitting your candidacy for the 2022 Board of Trustees election. To make communicating easier, could you please send me your email address? Your email address will not be shared on-wiki. Your email address will only be used by myself, a fellow facilitator supporting the election, or the Deputy Chief of Staff who supports the Board. You may send your email to jkoerner Best, JKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:54, 26 May 2022 (UTC)
- Sended @JKoerner (WMF) Lionel Scheepmans ✉ Contact (Fr-N, En-3, Pt-3)
Mời bạn tham gia đề cử ở Talk:Vietnam Wikimedians User Group. Alphama (talk) 08:25, 27 July 2022 (UTC)
We need your feedback on a tool from the Wikimedia Summit
editHi! I'm contacting you as one of the participants in the Wikimedia Summit 2022, to kindly ask for your feedback through a 5-10 minute survey to evaluate 'Baserow' (note: the survey is on a Google form).
Baserow was tool through which participants in the Summit co-created a database of Movement Strategy activities. We hope to learn from you how useful it may be to keep using it in the future to help document and connect on Movement Strategy work.
You are welcome and encouraged to fill out the survey in any language. Your feedback would be very appreciated --Abbad (WMF) (talk) 13:06, 16 February 2023 (UTC).