User talk:MF-Warburg/Archive3

Latest comment: 10 years ago by DanielTom in topic Locked user
Archive from 2013 (January-June) – with history

Re: Wikisource created


Hi, thanks for your help for creating & importing pages to Assamese Wikisource. I have not seen any missing pages, if I got such kind of matters, I will sure contact you. Thanks for the wishes. We hope so. Good bye. Bishnu Saikia (talk) 13:06, 4 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

"Sie" oder "du"


Hi MF-W, great that you're running for stewardship this year! I've translated your statement into Dutch. The Dutch language has, similar to the German language, a T–V distinction. I've chosen the "Sie" form. Please let me know if you want the use the "du" form instead. Kind regards, Mathonius (talk) 01:20, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

P.S.: I've stolen your templates - hope you don't mind. ;) Mathonius (talk) 01:20, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well, thanks a lot, I have just returned that favour by translating your statement into German. Please use whatever form of address is common when writing Dutch on WMF projects. In the translation of your statement, I have used the "du" form, which is usually used in de discussions on "our" projects. But tell me if you want to have it changed ;) --MF-W 09:59, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the German translation! :) I think the "du" form is more common than the "Sie" form, so I've changed that in the translation of your statement. Mathonius (talk) 10:57, 16 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

New translated sections


I'm sorry. How to add new sections more correctly - not numbered? --Kaganer (talk) 00:37, 18 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please check and mark for translations last version of Global sysops and Closing projects policy. --Kaganer (talk) 07:55, 18 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

For new sections, simply add new <translate </ translate> tags, the numbering is done automatically when marking for translation. The software seems to be confused if there is already a number for a new section.
  Done for the two pages. --MF-W 09:38, 18 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Requests for new languages


Hallo, ich erlaube mir auf deutsch :) Ich habe gesehen, du hast zuletzt in Bugzilla den Import der ES- und PT-Versionen von Wikitravel beantragt.

Wir warten auch ungeduldig auf den Import der PL-Sprachversion von WT -> Requests for new languages/Wikivoyage Polish.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Antrag bereits im Rahmen der früheren Diskussion noch in Old-Wikivoyage eine ausreichende Unterstützung erreichte -> Wikivoyage/New language versions#Polish.

Später wurde es noch indirekt durch die Teilnahme am Meinungsbild über den polnischsprachigen Projektnamen bestätigt. Deshalb gehe ich davon aus, dass es unter diesen Umständen keine weitere Diskussion zu diesem Thema in dem von mir vollständigkeitshalber angelegten Antrag erforderlich ist.

Wir haben bisher zwar gewartet bis die größeren und aktiveren Sprachversionen importiert werden, aber wie ich sehe in der letzten Zeit bewegt sich die Import-Warteschlange anscheinend gar nichts mehr vorwärts und die Community wird ungeduldig:) Deshalb wenn nichts anderes dagegen spricht, wäre es IMO die allerhöchste Zeit, den Import der o.g. Sprachversion zu beantragen und umzusetzen damit man mit dieser Sprachversion auch produktiv starten kann.

Für eventuelle weitere Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Grüße --Alan ffm (talk) 01:12, 18 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ich darf vielleicht zuerst eine kleine Klarstellung machen: Ich habe die Erstellung der es- und pt-Versionen von Wikivoyage beantragt, und die entsprechenden es- und pt-Inhalt selbst dorthin importiert ;-)
In der Tat gehört die polnischsprachige Wikivoyage-Version zu denen, (wie es und pt), für die Inhalt von Wikitravel importiert werden können/sollen, und daher kann der Antrag als genehmigt angesehen werden (RNL#Wikivoyage). Ich werde dann in den nächsten Tagen in Bugzilla die Erstellung von pl.wikivoyage beantragen (die Einstellungen auf der Request-Seite sind ja bereits ausgefüllt) und nach der Erstellung den Import von Wikitravel-Seiten vornehmen. Allerdings dauert es erfahrungsgemäß immer einige Zeit, bis Bugzilla-Anträge für neue Wikierstellungen ausgeführt werden; deswegen kann sich das Ganze noch ein bisschen hinziehen. (Behelfsmäßig können aber durchaus im Incubator auch schon Artikel geschrieben werden, auch wenn es vielleicht nicht ganz so schön ist. Besonders die es'ler haben das so gemacht). --MF-W 01:23, 19 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
OK, dann weiss ich Bescheid. Hauptsache das Thema bewegt sich vorwärts und bleibt nicht unterwegs irgendwo in der Ecke liegen :) Wie ich sehe, bei ES- und PT-WV dauerte die Bearbeitung und Umsetzung der Bugzilla-Anträge ca. 4 Wochen, dabei Weihnachten und Jahreswechsel, deshalb hoffe ich, in diesem Fall wird es auch nicht länger dauern...
Im Incubator kann man zwar was machen, aber bei 95% der Arbeit geht es in der Praxis eigentlich um größere oder auch kleinere Bearbeitungen in den bereits vorhandenen Inhalten, was im Incubator ohne Import der vorhandenen Inhalte organisatorisch eher schwierig machbar wäre.
Bei eventuellen weiteren Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Vielen Dank im Voraus --Alan ffm (talk) 15:17, 20 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Tja, ich gebe zu, die Qualität hält sich in vielen Fällen in Grenzen ;)
Aber um darüber nicht lange nur zu diskutieren, würde ich vorschlagen, alles zu importieren, und dann setzen wir uns damit im Detail auseinander. Wie ich sehe, in EN-WV oder in den sonstigen bereits aktiven Sprachversionen sieht es in vielen Fällen (insb. bei entfernten ausländischen und kleineren Orten) in der Praxis auch nicht viel besser aus. Man kann es am Anfang aber auch schnell in den einfachsten Wartungsarbeiten und ohne fachliche Kompetenz mit Bilder, Karten, Ausfüllen der Infoboxen, Interwikis, Kategorien, Links zur Schwesterprojekten oder sonstigen Vorlagen und technischen Schnick-Schnacks schmücken :)
Es wäre auch am Anfang ggf. eine gute Spielwiese z.B. für Wikianfänger oder Schüler und Jugendliche, die in der (reiferen) WP ständig wegen mangelnden Sachkenntnisse gemobbt und vertrieben werden :) --Alan ffm (talk) 13:28, 27 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ok, danke. --MF-W 13:34, 27 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thank you!


Thanks for deleting all of my mistakes and tests, I'm sorry I'm not able to do it myself. Kind regards, heather walls (talk) 00:16, 20 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

You're most welcome. --MF-W 00:20, 20 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, but ...


... it's just partly done. Can you please add the missing full-stop as explained here? Zetud (talk) 00:17, 21 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ok, done. --MF-W 00:23, 21 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Aimes-du d:User:PiRSquared17/Sandbox2? (as opposed to d:User:PiRSquared17/Sandbox)


Ich ai created une new Version comme du as gefragt. πr2 (tc) 02:28, 25 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Cela mir seems muy di'ak. --MF-W 09:27, 25 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Oh, what a happy day!


Thanks Langcom for approving Korean Wikiversity! Oh my.. I shed tears of joy now... I'm really happy.. :) Thanks, thanks..! Again, I really appreciate Langcom's decision! Have a good day, dear MF-Warburg! --Sotiale (talk) 12:13, 29 January 2013 (UTC)Reply



For the extra evidence :) I noticed we were working on the same issue on media - you beat me to the delete! --Herby talk thyme 13:57, 3 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Spammers have no chance against us :D --MF-W 14:59, 3 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

La Genèse en kirundi


[1]. :) πr2 (tc) 02:01, 6 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ukrainian Wikivoyage


Hello! Our community (Ukrainian Wikivoyage) decides whether to enable some extensions and user groups on our future website. Is it possible to implement all our suggestions? --RLuts (talk) 19:00, 6 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

I have commented those proposals on the page on Incubator which could be problematic. Those on which I did not comment can all be implemented. Cheers --MF-W 00:14, 7 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thank You!


Hi Mr. MF-Warburg, I love wikipedia Minangkabau finally realized! Thanks to the Lang Camp. Now how to apply sysop privileges to that new wiki? Maybe just a temporally sysop to fix and contribute for preparation of that wiki. I'm a native speaker for Minangkabau. Can you help me, Sir?  Ę-oиė  >>> 09:27, 7 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

You can either request temporary adminship on the Steward requests/Permissions, or you can elect admins on the new wiki and then request normal adminship on the same page, with a link to the local election. --MF-W 14:02, 7 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Oke, Sir. I will try your first suggestion, than I will talk to community on wp-min for admins election. Thank's for your help.  Ę-oиė  >>> 14:09, 7 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



Bofonisk. I suspected it may have been a proposal for the language w:Bolon language (ISO 639-3 "bof") or the "Bofon" language (also known as w:Abanyom language). πr2 (tc) 22:32, 8 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Bof, c'est archi-nul... So it could either be a misspelled Bolon/bof or Abanyom/Bofon/abm, ok. Would you think it's worth restoring the deleted page and merging the Bofonisk stuff (as it was both from the same IP on the same day, it would be improbably that the 2 pages were indeed meant for one of the two languages in question each) to put up a question asking for clarification etc.? --MF-W 22:45, 8 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I don't know. The IP isn't even from the right continent for either one of those to make sense. Bof, le bofonien ! Also, can you find anything about Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Varello? πr2 (tc) 22:48, 8 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Self-created languages about which the proposer himself says that you can't find anything about it certainly do not have the sufficient degree of recognition which the policy would require. I'll add a note to say that. --MF-W 23:51, 8 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Small Wiki Monitoring


Servus MF-Warburg, zufällig fiel mir auf, dass auf hunderte (!), 1-Satz-Artikel in den letzen Tagen automatisch generiert wurden. So etwas kann doch nicht der Sinn einer Enzyklopädie sein. Macht es da Sinn, dass da jemand vom "globalen Team" eingreift?

one sentence article spamming:

--Bua333 (talk) 19:56, 10 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

So'ne Sache ist in der Tat eher suboptimal... anscheinend greift der Spaß mit den automatisch erstellten Massenartikeln in letzter Zeit wieder um sich. Rein theoretisch könnte ich oder jemand anderes natürlich alle von dem Benutzer erstellten Artikel löschen, aber das ganze ist Sache der lokalen Community (falls vorhanden). Ich sehe, dass der Benutzer sich erst vor 2 Wochen angemeldet hat, und kann auch keine Diskussion erkennen, dass er mal nachgefragt hat, ob solche Artikel denn überhaupt erwünscht sind. Von daher würde ich empfehlen, mal einen der Admins dort zu fragen, was er von der Sache hält. --MF-W 21:58, 11 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Klar, das verstehe ich schon. Deshalb habe ich mir das auch angesehen. Eine lokale Community ist doch da gar nicht mehr vorhanden, ein einziger Admin, der noch sporadisch vorbeischaut. Ich denke, dass da ein global sysop eingreifen muss, aber ich habe dem Admin jetzt noch eine Nachricht auf seiner Disk hinterlassen see here und warte jetzt mal 2 Wochen ab.
Inzwischen sind es ja schon mehr als 1.000 automatisch generierte Artikel, die müsste man auch automatisch löschen, sonst würde man da ja stundenlang nichts anderes tun als löschen. --Bua333 (talk) 08:05, 12 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ok, ich werde die Disk. auch beobachten. — Einer Massenlöschung würde ich dank Special:Nuke und gelassen entgegensehen ;-) --MF-W 17:22, 12 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Kurzer Nachtrag. Ich habe es mir nochmals genauer angesehen. Es ist noch viel schlimmer als ich zunächst gedacht hatte. Von den zur Zeit 8.000 Artikeln dieser Wikipedia sind rund 6.500 (!) bot-generierte 1-Satz-Artikel von User:Impulso. Gestern sind nochmals 200 dazu gekommen. Ein Admin der spanischen Wikipedia hat sich auf der Disk vom Lokaladmin Jondel auch schon beklagt. --Bua333 (talk) 12:19, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
...und er macht fröhlich weiter. Ich habe ihn mal noch auf Spanisch angeschrieben, wenn da nichts kommt, werde ich ihn sperren und fröhlich feudeln. --MF-W 22:18, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Siehe mittlerweile auch: Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Massive_creation_of_three-words_articles_in_cbk-zam_wiki. --MF-W 16:11, 17 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Polish Wikivoyage import



Thanks a lot for the import from the Polish Wikivoyage community. Generally it has been going smoothly and well-paced.

However I noted that some entries (JAMguides) beginning with letter B and probably all entries beginning with C have been omitted from the import so far.

At least for the time being I suppose. I just want to let you know in any case.

Please, imported entries like Berlin are really indispensable for WV-PL ;-)

Best regards,
Kpjas (talk) 16:17, 13 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I know that these are still missing, I hope to be able to import them later today along with the last part of the alphabet :) --MF-W 16:20, 13 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Just noting here as well, for the record, that the import finished yesterday. --MF-W 21:56, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
You have new messages
Hello, MF-Warburg. You have new messages at Alex17nico's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Alex17nico (talk) 18:08, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



I think the page can now be translated properly, although I'm still not happy we had to use noinclude tags (it looks messy in the translation window) and this was also a minor problem. Do you know how we could update/re-organize Special:LanguageStats? The requests for the old page don't need to be visible there anymore, and it'd be great if the new requests were somehow grouped together. Anyway, thank you very much for all your help tonight! Much appreciated! :) Mathonius (talk) 02:22, 20 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

I've translated WikiWomen's Collaborative/About into Dutch, but the translated version isn't visible on the main project page. I'm not sure how to fix this. Mathonius (talk) 03:14, 20 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
You can use Special:AggregateGroups to create a group with all the WWC-related pages; and you can remove old pages from translation via Special:PageTranslation. – I have now simply integrated the content of the /About page (as well as the /Volunteer page) into the main page (and copied over your translation), as for these especially I don't see a reason to have a subpage. In general, the problem with templates and the Translate extension is the following: if the original subpage/template is used in the source text, always the original will be shown also for translations, because there is no < translate > tag that tells the software that it needs to change something. You can see an example on LPP: The box with Language Committee links comes from the {{lc-navigation}} template, which has some translations (as subpages). Therefore, the code on the page is {{lc-navigation/< translate ><!--T:38-->en</ translate>}}; so e.g. in German the section 38 will be translated as "de" and {{lc-navigation/de}} gets shown for the German version of the page. Obviously, this requires a translated page to exist, which you cannot always rely on (which is why there is a note to translators in the docs, but see Language_proposal_policy/sv for a case where that was ignored. --MF-W 02:41, 21 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

An update for the posterity, because I randomly looked at this section again: Meanwhile Template:TNT (I love that name) solves this problem. --MF-W 03:33, 13 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Unit markers

MF-Warburg> Nemo_bis: is it a new feature that translation unit numbers cannot be changed anymore? ^^

After bugzilla:44329 I think Nikerabbit has changed the validation of unit markers, but nothing you were supposed to do has changed (or should have changed): see mw:Help:Extension:Translate/Page_translation_administration for what's supported; what did you try to do? --Nemo 07:45, 20 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

I was marking a revision for translating that included a new section, and it was impossible to change the proposed number. It's not that I wanted to use that feature (I think I used it once or twice to call a message "3a" or so), just wondering why it was removed. --MF-W 23:53, 20 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi. Regarding Template:Policy. Will things become easier if I make the code dependant from {{ombox}} such I did on {{looks useless}} for example? Best regards. -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 19:18, 22 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

No, because it doesn't matter if the text is in an ombox or not surround by anything at all. The < translate > tags will still show up when transcluding, unfortunately. That's why there is the /en subpage, cf. mw:Help:Extension:Translate/Page_translation_administration: "Source language. There is also a translation page with the language code of the source language: it doesn't contain the extra tags and other markup related to page translation which are used in the translatable page source. This page is not linked from the interface, but it is handy for example when you want to transclude the page (typically for translatable templates) or export it." --MF-W 01:40, 23 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hello MF-Warburg,

on behalf of the stewards' election committee, congratulations on your appointment as a steward! Your permissions have now been set and you are able to start working.

You have been added to the list of stewards and the stewards' chart. Please take a moment to check that your details are accurate and update them if necessary.

If you use IRC, you will be given access to several channels, including #wikimedia-checkuserconnect and #wikimedia-privacyconnect. Please also idle in #wikimedia-stewardsconnect when you are available for duty.

Best of luck with your new tools; I am sure you will do a fantastic job. Please remember that your fellow stewards are always available if you need a second opinion, either via the mailing list or on IRC.

Useful links:

On behalf of the election committee,

Snowolf How can I help? 02:59, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! --MF-W 09:47, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


Salam MF-Warburg. Sizi stüard seçkisində müvəffəqiyyət qazanmağınız münasibətilə səmimi qəlbdən təbrik edirəm. İnanıram ki, vikidəyərlərə sadiq qalacaq və vikicəmiyyətin daha da operativ və daha da ədalətli fəaliyyətində Sizin xüsusi əməyiniz olacaq. Dərin hörmətlə, --►Cekli829 06:23, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well, thank you! --MF-W 09:53, 28 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von frrwiki! --Murma174 (talk) 11:07, 1 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Is this really necessary?


Are you all really going to make me get blocked on each individual site? I don't think thats a necessary nor useful thing to do when you have the power to stop it here and now. Kumioko (talk) 23:15, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well, sooner or later a lock will hit you if you vandalize too many wikis... but I don't think it's necessary or useful to request your own lock if you can simply log out. --MF-W 23:19, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Can you see this page?--Soul Train (talk) 14:10, 3 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi there. Yes, I can. You can be sure that Snowolf is well aware that there are problems with that user, since he e.g. recently restored some unjustified deletions from him. Everything can be discussed, even a blocking of the user, but please make proposals in a calm way - I think there is no reason to shout "BLOСK HIM IMMEDIATELY!" out of the blue. --MF-W 14:28, 4 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



How long should I wait before i can ask to get unblocked - google9999 15:44, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

What about stopping to make unsolicited modifications of complex templates, crosswiki? --MF-W 15:44, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
ok but some edit are good like the one here scn:Template:Template doc and scn:Template:Documentation/docname because there seems to be an error welst editing but I fixed it 15:47, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hm yeah, there I have then reverted too much. I have put that back. But you say "some edits are good", so most are not, also in your opinion? I can't see that you stopped the behaviour for which you were locked (User talk:Google9999). --MF-W 15:56, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
ok I am not asking to be unblock because I keep doing what you told me not to but I am going to stop all these edits I am doing and put them down to a little 15:59, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Then please follow the steps that Jasper Deng described on your talk page on how to request that. I can't make that decision all alone, because also others were involved in/made the decision to lock you / block the open proxies you used to circumvent. --MF-W 16:21, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

New languge


Hi could I requst a new languge be created reason I am asking is I am block and I want to know can I requst a languge 16:42, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Middle English


Hi how can I requst for this to be created Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Middle English. It is already created but it has been declined in 2006 but It says I can reply for it to be created so could I have some help please 17:33, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi Warburg,

The tagline does not appear in minwiki. Can you check it? Thanks in advance.  Ę-oиė  >>> 22:08, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Fixed thanks to SPQRobin. Cheers, --MF-W 22:15, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Wow..! Thank you very much, Sir! Thanks for your fast response.  Ę-oиė  >>> 22:53, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Another question about tagline. Now at bjn-wiki. Thanks in advance.  Ę-oиė  >>> 16:58, 10 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Here we go, I guess. --MF-W 17:01, 10 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Still: From Wikipedia... not locally tagline. What do you think?  Ę-oиė  >>> 11:54, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Check if your interface language is set to bjn, maybe. --MF-W 12:51, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
:LoL: I'm so newbie. Thanks a lot Sir!  Ę-oиė  >>> 13:34, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hallo? 23:00, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Which is more current, German with "Dieser Benutzer ist globaler Administrator. (prüfen)" or English? 23:29, 7 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well, the latter, as you can also see from the version histories. --MF-W 10:59, 8 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Did you block 21:51, 8 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
User talk: 21:50, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Replied on my talk page. πr2 (t • c) 22:45, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
MF-Warburg, why did you block 21:56, 12 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
The log has a reason. --MF-W 21:57, 12 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
"Cross-wiki vandalism" is extremely vague, and contested. Please give examples of what you state are "vandalism". I find your comment insulting, verging on a personal attack on my integrity. Are you attempting to harass me? 21:13, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Steward requests: Abusive usernames


Hallo MF-Warburg, entschuldige bitte dies. Ich hatte gestern das erste mal auf Steward requests mit der Option „hidename=1“ gemeldet (bei allen anderen dort von mir gemeldeten Konten war das nicht nötig) und hatte angenommen, daß „hidename=1“ dazu führt, daß dann auch immer die Steward-request-Version versteckt wird. Gruß --Schniggendiller (talk) 14:10, 9 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Macht ja nichts; danke fürs Melden der beiden Konten. --MF-W 15:16, 9 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hello MF-W, Hannes wrote that he has updated his bot. Do you think it can be unlocked? Kind regards, Mathonius (talk) 16:19, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Surely! Done. --MF-W 16:21, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks! Mathonius (talk) 16:23, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Punjabi Wiktionary

  • Thank you Warburg for your kind words and these questions.
  1. The activity is being done in a better way, it seems now we are in a real world. But I think that Incubator stage is also necessary. That is a great opportunity to learn and test. Experimentaion is still going on but on higher level. On the whole we feel confident.
  2. To be very frank we were working on two projects simultaneously: Wikiquote and Wikitionary. And in our views WIkiquote was in better position to be normalised as that was in better shape, well Wikitionary project was normalised, we have to do a lot to make it better, thought a lot what to present on front page, and what we can do to make it the best dictionary of our langauge, we added pictures sometime other things that we could do. Well I have introduced it on facebook to friends and to all those I think are interested in such works, in media I will introduce it after we have completed 10,000 words and I think that we will do before the end of this year.
  3. Upto some extent yes. Not many new writers came but it is not wikipedia where everyone can write. Wiktionary, I think is a sensitive work and cannot be expected to be done in a way Wikiedia is written. I am satisfied. In 2010 I went to Punjab University Lahore, a prestigious learning center in South Asia, and told about this Wiktionary Project and there the most senior professor told me that a dcitionary cannot be made in this way that every Tom, Dick and Harry writing in it, a special board of senior professors can make such task and they refused me as who will do the funding. Well it is a sheer pleasure to see this form. It is a joy to see what was thought impossible.
  4. At present I am satisfied as my energies and time are spent on long articles in Wikipedia and Wikiquote. If our Wikiquote is normalised, that will be huge relief for us. We will put before public our Wikiquote for criticism and feed back and work more on Wiktionary.
  5. I think Incubator phase was a good period and every new project should go through that phase.
  6. There is a suggestion from my side. There should be a team which should help new projects in technical affairs even when the projects are out of incubators.
  7. Well, I cant forget that missionary helper User: Jose 77. He helped us a lot during our Wikiedia project.
  8. Please see, our Wiktionary is standing after one year on 75th positon in 170 wiktionaries[2] and [3] and on 103rd positon in readership and I think it is a satisfactory situation, but I request you see us again on these scales at the end of the year, we will be on better positions. There is one request we are still not enlisted in this ist: [4]

--Khalid Mahmood (talk) 16:51, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! I'll add some replies on Wiktionary. --MF-W 23:13, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Chechen Wikipedia


Hello. Separatists came back. First of all, they blocked with no reason Dagirov Umar. Then, they deleted the request for adminship of Umar. I revert this edit, but, you understand that I have no rights there and they can block me in any moment even if I just reverting the obvious vandalism. Also, see the discussion in Steward requests/Miscellaneous.--Soul Train (talk) 08:06, 12 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Can you restore Requests pages in Chechen Wikipedia? Today is the last day of voting in Sysop request of Dagirov Umar.--Soul Train (talk) 13:12, 13 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Script for lad and sh


Could you address the doubt on lad and sh at commons:User_talk:Nemo_bis/Wikipedia please? Thanks, Nemo 08:41, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

I'm afraid I don't know what to do there. Since both wikis' languages can be written in more than one script, and it seems that both wikis allow the use of two scripts, it would seem the best to me to also keep both in the new logo; if that's entirely impossible, then probably Latin is preferable as the majority of the editing happens in Latin script. Maybe ask locally? (By the way, while you're here: Is the change proposed on tet:Diskusaun Imajen:Wiki.png simply the one which happened on File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-tet.png with the revision of 9 March 2013?) --MF-W 14:59, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ok, if both are allowed we'll use Latin and ask. Yes, that's the change; the local logo seems of slightly lower quality, although maybe it's not really incorrect (unlike the previous version on Commons).
wmf:Wikimedia_official_marks/Word_mark_creation doesn't allow duplicate names, although it doesn't clearly forbid them and a couple wikis have logos with a lot of stuff in them; maybe LangCom should suggest adding this case, if it's needed. --Nemo 09:25, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I changed the logo on Please check if that was correct. – I don't really see anything related to scripts in the word mark creation page, but if you think that'd be useful to clarify, I can bring it up in Langcom :) --MF-W 01:27, 18 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hallo, Warburg. I would like to ask about de-adminship. We have a discussion about one of our admin because of his abuse of adminship. We discussed and we voted in our community.(here) It will be ended tonight at 22:00. Is it enough to tell you or we should make a new request in meta-wiki? Thanks in advance.Gomada (talk) 20:03, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi, please make such a request on SRP. --MF-W 20:05, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Alles klar, danke schön. Wir haben keine(n) aktive(n) Bürokrat(in). Deswegen wollte ich fragen. Schönen Abend.Gomada (talk) 20:17, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hi, MF-Warburg. users like User:Gomada, User:Xosere try to take possession of Zazaki Wikipedia and to kurdificate it by forcing User:Mirzali out. I couldn't find serious abuse of adminship of Mirzali. User:Mirzali is the only administrator who learned policies of project. If their attempt is accepted, the project will became a lawless area and collapse. Thank you. Takabeg (talk) 23:23, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
@Takabeg;Respect to decision of community please. We discussed that enough. We even discussed in English because you dont speak Zazaki. User:Xosere is other admin. If you still say, there is no serious abuse, that means you are againist policies of Wikimedia projects. Even today, User:Mirzali insulted me and admin Xosere.(here, you speak turkish maybe you translate for Warburg) Mirzali tried to block new user without any reason. Mirzali calls user, racist and ignorant. He attacks admin and calls him idiot, traitor, despot, grandchild of Yezit, he insulted another user as well. He tells users to leave the project. Isnt it enough abuse? What more abuse do you want? The community of Zazaki wikipedia told you many times, you dont speak our language but you try to decide for us without understanding. You didnt even say anything when Mirzali abused his adminship and you still support this abuse. We dont want to waste time with non-sense discussion anymore. We want to develop our project. Sorry Warburg for disturbing, but we are quite bored of this attitude.Gomada (talk) 00:42, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Nemo bis


You asked if there was anything besides the Gwen Gale incident and related discussions: Rschen pointed out this lovely bit of edit/protection warring from last month, that as far as I can tell was completely unrelated. --SarekOfVulcan (talk) 12:17, 18 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Welcome to the Chuvash Wikipedia


Hello, MF-Warburg! I created a page request a bot in Chuvash Wikipedia. I ask you to look to us to solve urgent problems. Thank you. Viktor-Viking (talk) 18:02, 18 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

I commented there. I'll be watching that page. Regards --MF-W 18:44, 18 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Good day, MF-Warburg! Ilnur efende request a status for Tegebot. Bot needed for routine work, for example, to input into Chuvash Wikipedia information about of the locations of the Bashkortostan. Are there any obstacles to the issuance of the flag? All the best. Viktor-Viking (talk) 19:17, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have assigned the bot flag [5] [6]. --MF-W 19:22, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you from the heart! I hope it will give impetus to the development of our project. Good luck to you. Viktor-Viking (talk) 21:11, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Pangasinan


Hi you undo my edit I only changed it because it had an unessorcary category the category said rejected category when it was accepted 17:37, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

hi could I change some words in Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Pangasinan because I would you take out the words talking about Wiktionary because I have created a separate requst for that at Requests for new languages/Wiktionary Pangasinan

Autopatroll flag on META


Can you give me the flag? Already have Wikidata and the Commons, and here I have a 189 changes. --Kolega2357 (talk) 09:25, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

I'm sure it will be given to you if an administrator thinks you should be given it to save patrolling work. Currently, I personally do not see such a need, as your edits on Meta are rare. Cheers, --MF-W 20:29, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Moving to Iberocoop namespace


Hello, MF-Warburg. I made a mistake moving the Iberocoop main page. It is Iberocoop/Main Page, but we need it to be Iberocoop:Main Page. Could you please move it? Thank you. — Ralgis [mantis Religiosa] — 20:07, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I'll try to do that, but I get a fatal exception, as you probably do as well. This is probably a known bug related to the Translate extension; I'll see how it can be fixed. --MF-W 20:23, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I thought it happened because I am not an administrator. I hope it can be fixed. Thank you. — Ralgis [mantis Religiosa] — 20:36, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hello again. I copied the content of Iberocoop/Main Page to Iberocoop:Portada. Could you please merge their history? I'll very much appreciate it. Thank you. — Ralgis [mantis Religiosa] — 03:45, 21 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Done. --MF-W 00:58, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much. — Ralgis [mantis Religiosa] — 19:47, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi you blocked me


You blocked me because I am using an open proxy when I am noti am using a service called bt wifi which is a uk broadband company which you can connect to hotspots this IP address is used by alot of people and people pay for bt 21:39, 23 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi you undid my edit


Hi you undid my edit on [7] well th edit I did improved it and added more projects 21:41, 23 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

In your revert comment, you say "reverted edit because I only added some newprpjects it haven't been updated since 2011". Yes, Wikivoyage and Wikidata are new projects, but Wikiversity existed before 2011. It might be that the contributors chose not to include it because it doesn't have a Croatian version. Also you added, which also existed before 2011, but is typically not listed in such sister project templates. And of course you removed the Croatian text for Meta and Commons and replaced it by English. --MF-W 03:13, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
yes but I also changed some links in them to link to the write languge for it 07:43, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
wikiversity doesent yet have yet it is in beta wikiversity 07:44, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have changed the English words to Croatian words and there's was no meta in it I have added it 07:48, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Requested MediaWiki edit on Somali WP


Hello MF-Warburg, user Abshirdheere requested using this template in Somali Wikipedia, and for that we need to add a couple of CSS and JS files to the CSS/JS local repositories respectively. Somali WP currently has no active sysops. Tschüss --Zack (talk) 13:06, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Done. Cheers --MF-W 15:33, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

About blockade


Hi MF-Warburg. I've seen that you have blockaded and IP addresses for cross-wiki spam. Unfortunately, I access to Internet through these IP (among others). Hence, I've found myself blockaded three times in a week. I do'nt know about effectivity of IP blockade and if that served to finish with spam (I doubt about it) but to me this starts to be a big problem. Best wishes. --Fugi-bis (talk) 22:25, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

It was part of a rangeblock on, from where I had found a lot of spam. It turns out that that was a too broad range, so I have removed that block now. --MF-W 22:59, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much. But, you do'nt know answer must doing in the discussion page of the another user? I do'nt have see your answer up to today. Best wishes.--Fugi-bis (talk) 08:18, 26 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Such a rule is unknown to me. In the projects where I edit, it is most common to continue a discussion where it was begun. --MF-W 10:17, 26 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

incubator:Wn/sl/Glavna stran


Hi why did undid my edits I know I am blacked I know I shoulden edit until my real IP address is unblocked but it made it better and started off please could you redo it and bring it back to my edits please 20:53, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

You, dear friend Google9999, have done NOTHING to improve the Wn/sl test except copying some page design and templates from somewhere needlessly, and using Google Translate to create text in Slovenian, as people also remarked on slwiki. --MF-W 20:57, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I know I've used google tranlator to translate it but I have ask the to advertise the test wiki sl Wikinews I only used google tranlator it improved the age I've change the background I've changed the colour of the man header and if the people from change it I will not change it I copied the desgn from but I changed a few things in it so please could you bring back the desgn I added to it 21:40, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
but also the change by adding sister project links to the en projects not the sl projects and the main header is the change I did to it 21:42, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Why do you keep blocking me


Why did you block me I did nothing wrong I have 2 real IP addresses all I did was requst for some codes on the sq Wikinews I changed another t Few things there and on the sweedish but dint add anything there 21:55, 26 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Wn/sl/Glavna stran


Hi please revert to my edits I know it is just a copy off the English one but words translated using google tranlator but it is so it starts it so people from come on to incubator:Wn/sl/Glavna stran and change it. I have notified them about and have told them to advertise it to help contribute to it 15:03, 27 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hello! I found why it's not showing proprely :

Compare last field "banner"

Danke! Benoit Rochon (talk) 18:39, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

I'm afraid I don't see it... --MF-W 18:43, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
There's a whole bunch of style code missing:
<style type="text/css">

#centralNotice.collapsed #{{{banner}}}{
 display: none;

#{{{banner}}} {
 position: relative;
 overflow: hidden;
 background: url('//') bottom repeat-x;
 margin-bottom: 0.5em !important;
 margin-top: 0.5em !important;
 border: solid 1px #aaaaaa; 

#{{{banner}}} {
 cursor: pointer;

#{{{banner}}} a:hover  {
 text-decoration: none;

#{{{banner}}}-logo {
 position: absolute;
 top: 8px;
 left: 15px;
 background-image: url(//;
 height: 50px;
 width: 50px;
 background-repeat: no-repeat;

#{{{banner}}} #black-text {
 font-size: 1em;
 color: black;
 padding: 1em 40px 0.4em 60px;
 line-height: 1.3em;
 text-align: center;

#{{{banner}}} #black-text:hover {
text-decoration: underline;

#{{{banner}}} div#cn-toggle-box {
 position: absolute;
 z-index: 98;
 top: 2px;
 right: 6px;

#{{{banner}}} div#cn-translation-link {
 bottom: 2px;
 right: 6px;
 font-size: 0.7em;


<div id="{{{banner}}}">

  <a class="cn-full-banner-click" href="{{{link}}}" title="">
    <div id="black-text">
      <div id="{{{banner}}}-logo"></div>
      <div id="black-text1">{{{text1}}}</div>
      <div id="black-text2">{{{text2}}}</div>

<div id="cn-toggle-box">
  <a href="#" title="Close" onclick="hideBanner();return false;"><img border="0" src="//" alt="Close"></a>  
Added. --MF-W 18:56, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Super!!! Thank you very much. There's only two mistakes left (my fault), and after this I will stop bugging you!!  ;-p

1. Remove the <pre> on the very last line of the code.

2. Find : participer un and replace it by participer à l'un

Then it will be perfect. Dankeschön for everything! Best regards, Benoit Rochon (talk) 19:32, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

No problem; and it seems this is now already fixed per Meta:Requests_for_help_from_a_sysop_or_bureaucrat#CentralNotice_by_tomorrow_please.3F. Uff :) --MF-W 22:45, 30 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Adminship in Somali Wikipedia


Hi again, a lot of the essential material in Somali Wikipedia needs editing (Navboxes, Editnotces, etc.). I am an admin in the Arabic Wikipedia with adequate experience in editing MediaWiki files. I think granting me adminship in Somali Wikipedia would help users there, since no active sysops are present there at the moment. --Zack (talk) 13:37, 31 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

You can request this on Steward requests/Permissions. Please make an announcement on Somali Wikipedia first, in order to give people an opportunity to comment. --MF-W 16:19, 31 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hello! Thank you for warning about this user. I put out a notice on English project page. He is really hyperactive and it took a lot of time to clean up after him.--Irena Plahuta (talk) 18:17, 31 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

About the discussion and on Wikinews


Hi I carnt help that my IP address changes sometime because I am using the British service of bt wifi which the IP address changes every time you have to log in and. Sometime I use open proxy which is a vpn because I doint use open proxies it has an IP address for open proxy but sorry the disruption but I am only updating the template to the new one on here and I have stop editing in other languages only English on here I edit the template in other on incubator to get them started I edit them but I have stopped editing wikipedia in other languages 19:57, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

You might want to divert your attention to SN#What to do with Google9999?. A lot of users are fed up by your mostly unneeded changes. And no, there is no need to "edit the template in other on incubator to get them started" when you don't speak the languages in question and nobody else is there who would like to see it started. --MF-W 20:03, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
if someone was ask for a project to be I think we should advertise to get some people involved in doing it I won't edit anymore incubator projects I will leave it to the people who speak it but if it ok I would like incubator:Wn/nl/Hoofdpagina to be restarted because it has more news article the it has on domain I won't edit that much nor will I edit in other languages on here but can I update template from old to new because I doint have to speak the language all you do is add the name go to the wikipedia and find the information to fill in on the meta request for languages I know it's unessorcary but I would like to update them because it makes it easer for people to read it includes more information and I won't edit that lot I will edit only a little but not as much as I have been doing 20:31, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
hi could you approve incubator:Wn/nl/Hoofdpagina because it has some active co unity it Isent as daily as the English Wikinews but it is daily it was last active in February so please unlock [8] 20:45, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
There's hardly any activity (excluding your edits). There wasn't even an article about Pope Francis. I'd also expect the news about Queen Beatrix stepping down on the Dutch Wikinews, even if that was a while ago... πr2 (t • c) 21:04, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I know there is alot of content but there is more then what used to be on there before they closed the link 21:08, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
there may be not alot of more content or have the really latest news but It has some news and I have found the user who recently edited and ask fro him to create Pope Francis being elected and Queen Beatrix stepping down and he speaks Dutch 21:17, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
the reason why it was locked and put into incubator is because there was 1 item added not alot of news and not the latest news but there have been some more news and I would like to ask could we give it another hcnace to see if anyone will edit it at we could advertise for a comunity to edit and see if more people get involved in editing it and becoming more daily news so please approve it 21:20, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

You and your templates! Here we met too!--Irena Plahuta (talk) 22:11, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

yes and I haven't edited there in a while even though my block has ended there I only created account there not on Russian wikipedia my account is used by someone else there because each site can have a different person using that username but I haven't edited with that account in ages 22:28, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Have you seen this discussion about you? πr2 (t • c) 22:29, 2 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
yes 08:29, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have stopped editing wikipedia about 2 or 1 week or many more doint know how long but I have stopped I now I only editing in my native languge which is English I am currently editing on incubator on nl Wikinews and sl Wikinews and af Wikinews and then once competed I won't edit in other languges without discussing it with you or another administrator 08:32, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
hi please could change the status on Requests for new languages/Wikinews Dutch to eligible approved or not approved please 08:51, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
First of all, please start using punctuation and capitalization. All your comments are extremely hard to read and understand. You say your native language is English, care to write correctly in it? Now, let me respond to some of the things you say:
  1. Wikinews Dutch. I think it was a bad idea to close the project in the first place, because it only created unnecessary work in importing to Incubator. Nevertheless, the closure was understandable because of the inactivity. However now, in order to reopen the project the same activity standards as for all other new projects apply. If there are not ca. 3 regular contributors for some months, it can't be reopened. And no, your different IPs do not count towards different users.
  2. I have now marked the request as eligible, since I have a feeling that you won't stop annoying me about it otherwise. In such clear cases, the eligibility marking is really the most boring and least urgent part of a request.
  3. You say "I only editing in my native language which is English". In the very same sentence you go on to say that you edit nl, sl and af.wn on Incubator. Either you want to fool me, or you want to admit that you edit these projects without knowing their language. It is not necessary to do so, as I said numerous times! Doing it won't help the approval of nl, sl or af.wn to become own subdomains. Period. There is so much useful stuff you can do on Wikimedia projects. Fixing non-broken templates, putting Google Translate texts somewhere or copy-pasting templates into inactive Incubator tests etc. pp. ad nauseam is far away from that. --MF-W 10:55, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
ok I am only editing them because it will help someone who speaks the languge to create it and I know they won't be improved but in some time could we ask the af sl and nl wikipedia to contribute to these projects if we advertise there they will probly be able to create the main page as they want it and the languge they speak 10:59, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I doint want to fool you I am only going to edit the nl Wikinews on incubator and af Wikinews and sl Wikinews and then once some one starts editing I will stop editing them and will only edit in my native languge which is English 11:02, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I'm afraid you don't understand me at all. --MF-W 11:10, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I do understand you abut by understanding do you mean you doint want me to edit nl af and sl Wikinews on incubator but could I edit one of them like nl or af Wikinews 11:44, 3 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Removed some further trolling here --MF-W 12:57, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Chechen Wikipedia


Hello, what about situation with Chechen WP and this request?--Soul Train (talk) 06:35, 5 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Requsting languges


Hi could I update All pages requst for that project to be created to the new languge it would be easer for people to use and less cluttering eight he head and ever to the propose website address and will give me something to do instead of going on to other sites and creating lots of en template on to other languge sites Bluesky (talk) 22:02, 6 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

No. Edit English Wikipedia articles. --MF-W 22:03, 6 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
ok Bluesky (talk) 10:47, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Blocage de mon IP


Je constate que vous avez bloqué mon adresse IP (jusqu'au 28 avril). Pourquoi ? Fabrice Dury P.S. : Vous n’avez pas la permission de modifier cette page, pour la raison suivante : Votre adresse IP a été bloquée sur tous les wikis. Le blocage a été fait par MF-Warburg ( Le motif donné est Cross-wiki spam. Début du blocage: 7 avril 2013 à 01:05 Expiration du blocage: 28 avril 2013 à 01:05 Vous pouvez contacter MF-Warburg pour discuter du blocage. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la fonctionnalité "Envoyer un courriel" à moins d'avoir spécifié une adresse de courriel valide dans vos préférences de compte et de n'avoir pas bloqué son utilisation. Votre adresse IP actuelle est Veuillez inclure tous les détails ci-dessus dans toutes les demandes que vous ferez.

Signature : 10:03, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Dans quel délai puis-je espérer une réponse ? 14:56, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Même chose pour moi : je contribue sur fr.wikipedia depuis 2005, je ne comprends donc pas que je ne puisse plus contribuer depuis ce matin pour le meme motif, jusqu'au 28 avril également, et meme en étant connecté sous mon compte... Je compte sur vous pour résoudre le problème aujourd'hui sinon on va faire clair, je fais un scandale auprès de Wikimedia.--Strologoff (talk) 14:59, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Vous étaiez dans un bloc d'adresses IP dans lequel j'avais trouvé un grand nombre de spammeurs. Alors il s'avére qu'il y a aussi des utilisateurs réelles - je suis désolé et j'ai debloqué les IPs. --MF-W 15:13, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please Verify


Would you please go through my edits that I have made today? as I am planning more of these in recent days. You are free point out regions where translation needed is important or urgent. You won't be able to understand or check the translation I have made but you can surly point out if something else is wrong with those edits? Thanks for you time in advance.--Vyom25 (talk) 15:07, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

I went through the edits and there don't seem to be any problems from what I am able to tell. You might just want to change the link in Translations:Wikidata/11/gu. You can see the full list of translatable pages and their current level of translation on Special:LanguageStats/gu; and you can register to be notified if there is an urgent request for your language here. Best regards --MF-W 19:20, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you Warburg the Mr. Dependable....--Vyom25 (talk) 04:50, 8 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



Special:CentralAuth/Lemmy Decker1. πr2 (t • c) 02:05, 13 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Definitely. I'll lock it & add it to the list. --MF-W 02:08, 13 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Pengguna and Pangguno


Hi MF-Warburg. Do you still remember me from Minangkabau Wikipedia? :D There is a discussion among the contributors that the User namespace in our wiki is not quite right. The User namespace should be renamed to Pangguno instead of Pengguna, which is an Indonesian word. Can you fix it? Thank you. SpartacksCompatriot (talk) 13:46, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Of course I remember you ;) If I go to the page, it seems like someone already updated the namespace name? --MF-W 15:34, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
But it doesn't change. Why? SpartacksCompatriot (talk) 22:51, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Oh, see translatewiki:Translating:Process#Getting_things_into_Wikimedia,_other_MediaWikis,_and_other_products. >> Translations through Special:AdvancedTranslate can take a few weeks. If it's really important to you, it may be wise to request a commit on translatewiki:Support. << --MF-W 23:11, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Apparently Iwan Novirion has reported it. Thanks for your info, Warburg! SpartacksCompatriot (talk) 12:37, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



Thanks for the additions. :) Mathonius (talk) 16:07, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Np! --MF-W 16:17, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

sowiki adminship


Hello mr MF-Warburg, I changed figure Home Page of so.wikipedia] should be like other pages, after asking adminship ti doffing protected.

I needed to get Limit powers, that i can to do :Full protect, Semi protect and Move protect pages that i was created, and same time I can do unlock to add another edition.


--Abshirdheere (talk) 23:59, 14 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ok, then please kindly follow the suggestion from QuiteUnusual on Steward_requests/Permissions#Abshirdheere.40sowiki: create an adminship request on so.wikipedia :) --MF-W 00:03, 15 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



Do you think it's reasonable to propose closure of the Twi Wikipedia based on these prior discussions? On Talk:Planning Wikimedia Ghana, a native Akan/Twi speaker has confirmed that the languages are the same. How do we go about merging contents? Just close Twi WP and copy some articles over by hand? I'm not going to propose closure yet, just wondering since Talk:Language committee#Akan vs. Twi. PiRSquared17 (talk) 00:41, 17 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

(i.e., can you bring it up with LangCom?) PiRSquared17 (talk) 21:46, 17 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Sure I can. These are just the discussions that everyone LOVES, with unclear distinctions of what is a different language and what not - i.e. the whole thing Langcom is about ;-P On a more serious note, I hope to get all the relevant stuff read by the end of this (UTC) day, and then will write something to Langcom. --MF-W 01:35, 18 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
More comments on Talk:Planning Wikimedia Ghana. I'd love some Langcom decision/discussion. PiRSquared17 (talk) 22:29, 18 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
(just a note: I've not forgotten this, but have no time :/ To be done "tomorrow"!) --MF-W 18:51, 19 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



I don't know what an open proxy is, but I've been on a laptop since my computer went down. I was wondering how I could turn the proxy off and become unblocked. Thank you for your time. Obi-WanKenobi-2005 (talk) 11:20, 18 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

WikiProject_on_open_proxies/Help:blocked#Fixing_the_problem might help you. In general, your browser and operating system will have options concerning the use of proxies in order to connect to the internet. --MF-W 15:46, 18 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I think I turned it off because I can edit, again. Thanks for the help. I love editing and helping everyone on here. Obi-WanKenobi-2005 (talk) 22:04, 18 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Global bots


Can you take a look? [9] thanks. --Kizar (talk) 10:14, 20 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Done. --MF-W 13:16, 20 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please give your views


I am from Gujarati Wikipedia, although I am most active on English Wiki. My native language is Gujarati. On our project we have 5 admins and no bureaucrat (actually there was one in the past now he is not; removed because of inactivity; see here). Now from these 5 admins 3 are inactive and 2 are active and they do the bulk of admin work. Now as an uninterested party and a Steward do you think we need one?--Vyom25 (talk) 11:48, 24 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Since I don't know anything about the workload of the admins on gu.wikipedia, I'm afraid I can't say whether you need another sysop or not. That will be up to the community to decide. But I think for a wiki of the size of guwiki, 3 active admins would probably not be an exaggerated number. --MF-W 16:08, 24 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your input...I asked it because inactivity periods of admins and removal of their rights are being discussed...--Vyom25 (talk) 05:18, 25 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Well, because inactive admins don't do actions (by definition), it does not really matter for the consideration if you need another sysop. Or did I understand your question wrong? --MF-W 01:28, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
No you understood right. As out of 5; three are inactive; with no bureaucrat. It is tough on two active admins. Inactive admins are not considered; I think I will nominate someone for bureaucrat rights next week.--Vyom25 (talk) 05:57, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Well, I would rather suggest that you nominate someone for admin rights. A bureaucrat is seldom needed; admin tools are more important for the wiki management. --MF-W 17:42, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Okay...I will nominate someone for admin rights.--Vyom25 (talk) 05:44, 27 April 2013 (UTC)Reply


Please block on Bulgarian Wikipedia constantly clears the page. --Kolega2357 (talk) 23:41, 25 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

It seems to have stopped now. --MF-W 23:54, 25 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Here again it started. --Kolega2357 (talk) 00:03, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Meanwhile, IPs blocked & page semi-protected. --MF-W 01:22, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Unblock review


User talk: is about a global block. Can you handle it/mention it to another steward? PiRSquared17 (talk) 00:23, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Local block too, actually. PiRSquared17 (talk) 00:29, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
I forwarded it to Billinghurst who made the blocks. --MF-W 01:21, 26 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Help with request to LangCom


Hello, сould you please help me with Request to changing of fallback language in Buryat Wikipedia? I don't understand where I should place it. Here is discussions at Bugzilla, they annoying me with "community dessicion" and other things that can't be applied to the project with 2 or 3 active users. So I want to make this Request as formal reason to push those Bugzilla users making interface translations - fallback language and namespaces. [10] and [11].--Soul Train (talk) 10:41, 29 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

It seems to me that several things got mixed up the (interface translation to bxr currently not possible on; change of script of Nemo bis has now submitted a patch to introduce bxr as a language in MediaWiki, so that it will be possible to make translations (also of the namespace names) on translatewiki. --MF-W 15:24, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Weird edits


What do you think of Special:CentralAuth/Astronaut_henry_rebadulla_jr.? Strange... PiRSquared17 (talk) 14:31, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Well, stupidity is not forbidden - at least not outside of simplewiki. --MF-W 15:13, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Here's another ang:User:NOYNOY AQUINO THE COMMUNIST. Are they related? PiRSquared17 (talk) 17:08, 4 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Locked. Checkuser doesn't confirm it super-obviously, but I think they are. However ang:Syndrig:Contributions/Astronaut_henry_rebadulla_jr. == ang:Syndrig:Contributions/Noynoy_aquino_triad can be   Confirmed. This all is obviously en:Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/HENRY APPLEGATE/Archive --MF-W 17:15, 4 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

av and sm Wikipedia


What's the big problem to get a bot flag on the two Wikipedia. Only will the adds interwiki on user page. --Kolega2357 (talk) 19:21, 2 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

It's unnecessary. --MF-W 19:24, 2 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Wanna know why I am blocked


Hello!I am a Wikipedian from China.And I just found my account was blocked by you.The reason you gave is that "chinese spamz".I don't know why you regard my account as "chinese spamz".And what should I do some changes and deal with it? Hope your answer as soon as possible!Thanks! — The preceding unsigned comment was added by BreakdownDiode (talk) 05:23, 3 May 2013 UTC (UTC)

I had blocked your IP range because a lot of spam has been coming from it. For simplicity, I have now simply removed this block [12]. --MF-W 05:32, 3 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks a lot!

Umbenennungsseite und globales Umbenennungsprozedere


Hei MF-Warburg, danke für den ersten Fix, jetzt wird man es wohl mit den Einstellungen en: und de: richtig angezeigt bekommen (hab's nicht ausprobiert), hab mich schon gewundert, dass es nicht funzte. Hab hier nn: als Einstellung gewählt und damit sieht man immer noch gar nix. Kann man eine Voreinstellung en: bei der Switch-Vorlage auswählen, damit alle, die eine andere Einstellung haben, dann die englische Variante statt gar nichts zu sehen bekommen (und evtl. noch bei de-ch, de-at, de-formal die de-Version statt en:)? Am besten wäre es – wenn die Seite in der näxten Zeit schon verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit bekommen wird –, wenn die ganze Seite richtig übersetzt werden könnte in alle Sprachen mittels einer richtigen Übersetzungsfunktion. Also zumindest die Infotexte. Wenn du das irgendwie einrichten könntest, wäre das toll. :-)

Und schau mal beim Hexer vorbei: insbesondere unter w:de:BD:DerHexer#veraltete Meta-Umbenennungsseite ohne mehrsprachige Anleitung (und w:de:BD:DerHexer#File:SUL finalization de.svg), da stehen außer diesem auch noch ein paar Ideen für Meta, von denen du was umsetzen könntest, unter anderem das Fixen der de-Übersetzung (kann ich hier grad nicht, weil sämtliche Übersetzungsmethoden skriptabhängig geworden sind). :-( Bei de: ist jetzt eine Sitenotice geschaltet (haste sicher schon gesehen?), ne CentralNotice direkt von Meta aus für alle Wikimedia-Wikis wäre wohl besser, dafür müsste aber die Meta-Umbenennungsseite auch textmäßig passen, schon der engl. Text passt nicht zum zukünftigen Umbenennungsprozedere und andere Sprachen fehlen noch völlig – auch bei de: fehlen ja noch weitere Texte der Seite. Wenn man die alle mit den Vorlagen einbindet, wird die Seite schnell riesig.

Und ich hoffe mal, es wird dann auch gehen, dass hier auf Meta die Benutzer in allen möglichen und unmöglichen Sprachen ihre Umbenennungswünsche vortragen, wenn die kein Englisch können. oO LG --Geitost diskusjon 18:26, 4 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ups, hab mich wohl vertan, der engl. Text wird doch angezeigt bei nn:, irgendwie hatte ich das anders erwartet oder so und hatte das als einen anderen zusätzlichen Text wahrgenommen. Na ja. Dann müsste man es aber noch an die SUL-Finalisierung anpassen und bessere Möglichkeiten für die Übersetzungen schaffen und so. --Geitost diskusjon 18:53, 4 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ja, LangSwitch nimmt den englischen Text als Standard.
Funktioniert [13] denn nicht ohne JavaScript? Das wäre ja sehr suboptimal vom neuen Übersetzungs-Interface (das sich z.Zt. übrigens noch mit &tux=0 an der URL ausschalten lässt). Ich habe mal den Satz mit den lokalen Bürokraten korrigiert.
Für eine CentralNotice hoffe ich auf die WMF-Leute... schon allein, weil ich beim Einrichten einer solchen regelmäßig scheitere. Ich frage da nochmal nach, für wann die geplant ist.
SRSUL und SRUC müssen wir in der Tat ja demnächst umbauen, dann werden die wohl auch mehrsprachige Beschreibungen erhalten. Und natürlich werden wir Umbennnungsanfragen in jeder erdenklichen Sprache annehmen ;) --MF-W 19:25, 4 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hier übrigens die CentralNotice-Planung: [14] --MF-W 21:23, 4 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ach, weißt du, langsam gewöhn ich mich daran, hier nix mehr machen zu können, wenn ich diesen Browser verwende – dafür geht es aber ohne Skripte auch schneller, was man sonst so machen will. *lach* Ansonsten muss ich noch mal grundsätzlich gucken und dann schau ich noch mal morgen weiter. Bei [15] ist es völlig schnurz, auf welchen Knopf ich drücke, da tut sich gar nüscht. :-( Nur über den obigen Link auf Single User Login finalisation announcement/Personal announcement komm ich von der Seite wieder weg, und das wird wohl kaum an der Spracheinstellung liegen. Wenn du willst, kann ich dir gern mal aufschreiben, was ich sehe. Oder du schaltest einfach mal JavaScript aus und probierst es selbst, dann müsste das bei dir ja auch so aussehen. Normalerweise ist das jedenfalls ganz anders (mit nem anderem Browser und Geskripte dabei). Übrigens hab ich jetzt auch ohne Skript keine Bearbeitungsleiste über dem Editfenster mehr (obwohl ich gestern sicher war, zumindest hier eine gesehen zu haben), dafür aber die untere, in der de-WP hab ich weder unten noch oben eine. Also beispielsweise immer 4 Tilden händisch eingeben usw.
Auf Wikidata kann man ohne Skripte auch gar nix mehr an den Datensätzen ändern – außer Diskussionsseiten bearbeiten und ein neues Datenobjekt anlegen, wo man dann aber sinnfreierweise keine weiteren Interwikis eintragen kann und sich das dann doch besser ganz spart. Beispiel, wie das dann aussieht, wenn man jemand anders bitten muss, die weiteren Bearbeitungen des neuen Datensatzes zu übernehmen, damit der überhaupt einen Sinn bekommt: [16] ;-) Ist ja schon lustig, was man so an Technik angeboten bekommt in letzter Zeit. Mit dem anderen Browser hatte ich gerade mit Wikidata und dem neuen Übersetzungsinterface eh schon immer große Schwierigkeiten, da das Laden der Seiten elendig lange dauerte – insbesondere bei Wikidata. Jetzt geht es alles deutlich besser und schneller ohne die Skripte, die nicht mehr alle geladen werden müssen, dafür kann ich dann aber auch nix mehr bearbeiten. :-D Tja, so ist das mit den Vor- und Nachteilen.
Gut, dass bald was passieren soll bei den CentralNotices, dachte schon, das hätten sie völlig vergessen, so lange wie das dauert und so wenig Zeit, wie noch bis zum 27. ist. Sach mal, in welcher seltsamen Reihenfolge wird eigentlich CentralNotice/Calendar sortiert? Erst dachte ich, das sei chronologisch, aber das passt nicht ganz, aber irgendwie ist die Commons mobile app auch doppelt auf der Seite. Wann werden denn die beiden Seiten umgebaut? Wird doch jetzt schon drauf verwiesen, damit man sich da global umbenennen lassen soll – zumindest von de: aus – deshalb auch meine Aktualisierung gegenüber dem unpassenden englischen Text (den wer anders besser mal aktualisieren sollte). Bei de: heißt es, man solle sich dort umbenennen lassen und nicht etwa auf SR/SUL. LG --Geitost diskusjon 23:35, 5 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Interessant, wusste gar nicht, dass von JS so viel abhängt. Den VisualEditor kannste bestimmt auch nicht benutzen, oder? Großer Verlust :P Die Übersetzungen lassen sich direkt bearbeiten, nur ist das finden der Seiten dann natürlich auch unkomfortabel..
Im Kalender hab ich mal den von James F in seinem Edit verdoppelten Commons-Mobile-Kram rausgenommen, jetzt scheint mir das eigentlich wieder zu passen.
Auf SRUC habe ich gestern schon im englischen Text nen Hinweis eingefügt, dass wir da nach dem 27. alle Umbenennungsanfragen annehmen. Wir werden wohl auf jeden Fall eine der beiden Seiten SRSUL/SRUC abschaffen, es ist ohnehin egal, wo man im Moment eine Anfrage da stellt, den genauen Unterschied versteht ohnehin niemand, und demnächst ist er ja auch nicht mehr vorhanden. --MF-W 01:10, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Update: Ich habe jetzt User:MF-Warburg/New SRUC erstellt, um die neue Umbenennungsseite zu planen. --MF-W 03:09, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Den VisualEditor hab ich letztes Jahr schon mal getestet. Hatte mich nicht so sehr vom Hocker gerissen, so hab ich es jetzt noch gar nicht ausprobiert und auch noch keinen Bedarf danach gehabt, weitere Seltsamkeiten zu bekommen (sind auch so schon genug andere). ;-) Siehe auch de:BD:Umherirrender#Klicks auf Beobachten ohne Skript nicht möglich, da werd ich auch noch mal vorbeisehen und weiter testen.
Wenn man die Übersetzungsseiten direkt bearbeitet, bekommt die dann auch auf der Hauptübersetzungsseite zu sehen oder geht das nur über das Übersetzungsinterface, denn schließlich bearbeitet man damit ja immer 2 Seiten parallel und das geht ja nicht, wenn man die Unterseiten direkt bearbeitet. Deshalb hab ich das auch nicht versucht, bevor am Ende der Text dort mit dem Text auf der anderen Seite nicht mehr übereinstimmt oder so.
SRUC/SRSUL ist echt schwer zu durchschauen, was für was zuständig ist, so ganz raff ich das auch nicht. ;-) Zusammenlegung ist besser. Schön, dass du dich ums Update der neuen Seite kümmerst (DH kann ja auch nicht alles alleine machen, nicht?). ;-) Wenn mir was auffällt, … --Geitost diskusjon 09:05, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Doch, es ist das Funktionsprinzip der Translate-Erweiterung, dass man immer nur die Unterseiten bearbeitet, und die dann auf der Haupt-Seite angezeigt werden. Deswegen erscheint in der Versionsgeschichte so einer Seite dann ständig "Created page with..." weil man ja die Unterseite mit dieser automatischen Zusammenfassung erstellt hat, und das direkt auf die Haupt-Seite übernommen wird. --MF-W 12:53, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ach so. Könnte ich denn jetzt beispielsweise so die Unterseiten der Draft-Vorlage aktualisieren/anpassen, oder müsste dafür erst die neue Version zur Übersetzung freigegeben werden, damit sie nicht anschließend wieder als „veraltet“ angezeigt wird, wenn man es schon aktualisiert hat? --Geitost diskusjon 13:49, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Du kannst diese drei Seiten bearbeiten: Translations:Template:Draft/Page display title/de, Translations:Template:Draft/1/de, Translations:Template:Draft/2/de, was dann in die {{draft/de}} übernommen wird. Wenn du aber inhaltliche Änderungen vornehmen willst, mach die besser auf {{draft}} selber (das dann nat. ein Übersetzungsadmin zur Übersetzung freigeben muss), denn sonst wäre es ja keine Übersetzung mehr ;) --MF-W 14:03, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hab’s mal getestet, wird angezeigt. :-) --Geitost diskusjon 16:51, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Notikationen: Echo versus Barrierefreiheit


And now for something different: Geh mal in die en-WP und klick auf den Link oben rechts neben dem Link zur eigenen Benutzerseite. Was ist das denn? Merke jetzt erst, dass daneben noch ein anderer, normaler Link ist – auf den ersten Blick dachte ich grad schon, der Link zur eigenen Disk. sei dort neuerdings ganz abgeschafft worden – das verwirrt. Sieht aus wie LiquidThreads, aber da ist gar nix drinne („You have no notifications“) und keine Ahnung, was das dort geben soll – vielleicht geht das auch wieder nur ohne JS nicht, wer weiß? Oder man muss seit der Einführung des Links neue Nachrichten bekommen haben und die alten zählen nicht mit. Die Disk. sieht aber noch wie immer aus und nicht wie im Translatewiki. Du hast dort ja offensichtlich schon eine Nachricht bekommen. --Geitost diskusjon 16:51, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Tja, das ist die Zukunft! Dank sei der allweisen Foundation, die in ihrer unendlichen Güte uns diesen wahnsinnigen Fortschritt bringt, auf dass "editor attraction" und "editor retention"-Zahlen neue, ungeahnte Höhen erreichen werden! mw:Echo heißt das Zeug. Die Signpost hat diese und letzte Woche was darüber geschrieben. Da es auch crosswiki funktionieren soll, war man ja auch gezwungen, mal eine technisch sinnvolle Neuerung zu machen und die "SUL finalisation" anzustoßen. Zur Demonstration schreibe ich dir mal was auf deine enwiki-Disk. --MF-W 20:15, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Gut, dass du das gemacht hast, so weiß ich jetzt wenigstens, dass der Balken nicht mehr funzt und man mit keinem Hinweis mehr zu rechnen braucht, wenn man ne neue Nachricht hat. :-( Ach so, du hast auch eine Nachricht dort, kannste ja dann mal mit und ohne JS begucken.
Hätte nicht gedacht, dass nur noch neue Sachen eingeführt werden, die nicht barrierefrei sind. Demnäxt kann man wohl ohne js gar nix mehr bearbeiten und machen, wenn das so weitergeht. Kann denen nicht mal wer auf die Füße treten, damit die Neuerungen auch verwendbar sind? Mann Mann, was für ein Fortschritt. Soll wohl nur noch Autoren mit den neuesten Rechnermodellen hier mitmachen und angelockt werden, oder wie? --Geitost diskusjon 13:16, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Sach mal, ich hab das mit dem VisualEditor jetzt nicht näher verfolgt, aber langsam mach ich mir da schon so meine Gedanken. Wenn dat Dingens dann mal losgelassen wird, kann man dann auch noch auf normale Weise die Seiten bearbeiten oder ist man dann endgültig raus hier und muss zusehen, dass man mit neuen Rechnern und neuer Software was machen kann? --Geitost diskusjon 13:18, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ich hatte noch irgendwas wo aufgerufen, was nicht gefunzt hat, aber weiß grad nicht mehr, wo. Vielleicht find ich es noch mal wieder. Dabei gibt es in der en-WP auch eine Seite wie de:WP:BIENE: en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Accessibility, scheint aber niemanden zu kümmern oder so, sonst würden sie ja jedes Mal testen, was noch geht und was nicht. Na ja, es sind halt WikiProjekte, die nicht bei WMF direkt integriert sind. Daran wird’s wohl liegen. Die Entwickler müssten stattdessen selbstständig testen, wie etwas noch gehen kann und wann nicht mehr und nicht erst später die Bugs reparieren müssen und jahrelang liegen lassen und stattdessen weitere Dinge programmieren, wo dann wieder etwas nicht mehr geht, was vorher noch gefunzt hatte. Sehr merkwürdiges System von Verbesserung der Software ist das. Und dafür gehen dann die Spendengelder drauf. Irgendwie muss mal was geändert werden, scheint mir so. --Geitost diskusjon 13:26, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Das scheint (hab mal in die Signpost gesehen) also ungefähr so auszusehen wie der Hinweis, den man auch nur mit JS bekommt, wenn man eine Seite auf die Beo setzt oder runternimmt, oder wie dieser Hinweis, nachdem man gespeichert hat, der jetzt auch ohne JS nicht mehr kommt. .oO Also setzen die nun neuerdings auf lauter solche Hinweise, die nicht barrierefrei sind. Wird der Hinweis auch nur kurz eingeblendet oder bleibt der wie der Balken vorher, bis man irgendwas anklickt? Besonders schön ist auch dieser Satz in der Signpost vom 29.4.:
  • „A user script was quickly written to restore it.“
Ja, nur wenn Geskriptetes eh schon nicht geht, dann kann man das ja auch nicht verwenden, um den Balken wiederzubekommen. :-( --Geitost diskusjon 13:43, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Volle Zustimmung. Ich finde fast alles, was WMF so an neuen "Features" rausbringt, fragwürdige Verschwendung.
Wenn der VisualEditor jemals Zwang wird, dann stelle ich hier jegliche Aktivität ein. Wobei ich aber nicht glaube, dass der VisualEditor das althergebrachte Wikitext-Bearbeiten je ersetzen kann/soll. Das wird technisch z.B. bei JS/CSS-Seiten oder Vorlagen wohl auch kaum gehen.
Das mit dem Hinweis ist in der Tat so ein bisschen wie der neue Beobachtungslistenhinweis. Ich habe dir, bevor ich das hier gelesen hab, auf enwiki da mal ein Foto von gemacht. In der Tat wird das Benutzen der Wikis ohne JS in Zukunft wohl nicht leichter werden. Auf en hab ich diese Diskussion dazu gefunden: en:Wikipedia_talk:Notifications/New_message_indicator#The_bigger_issue_here:_Javascript. --MF-W 15:29, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ah, gut, das Problem wurde also bereits gefunden und als schwerwiegend erkannt – ohne das jetzt direkt alles durchgelesen zu haben, aber der Hinweis auf Benutzer aus Nordamerika und Europa dort oben trifft das Problem auch sehr gut. Man macht Handykooperationen, weil Leute woanders übers Handy ins Netz gehen und gar keine Computer oder kein normales Internet haben. Dafür ist mehr Schnickschnack sicher auch nicht sonderlich förderlich.
Und man stelle sich nur mal neue Benutzer und IP-Benutzer vor, die Hinweise auf die BD bekommen, diese aber nicht mehr wahrnehmen und gar nicht reagieren und die BD nicht mehr finden und dadurch schneller gesperrt werden müssen, weil es eben keine Reaktionen mehr auf Ansprachen gibt. oO Ebenso bei normalen Streitigkeiten, kann jeder sagen, ich hab nix gesehen, hab kein JS und dann ist man sofort aus dem Schneider. Dafür muss man aber dann halt demnäxt gesperrt statt angesprochen werden, damit die Leute noch was mitbekommen. Oje. Wenn man übrigens direkt auf Special:Notifications geht und die dortige Nachricht anklickt, setzt sich tatsächlich der Zähler zurück. Wobei er nun wieder auf 0 steht, also muss er dann vorher auch schon runtergezählt haben nach dem Klick auf die BD, sonst wären’s ja noch 2 Nachrichten gewesen. --Geitost diskusjon 18:27, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hallo MF! ich werde aus der Zusammenführungsarie nicht ganz schlau. Eigentlich habe ich einen SUL als "mideal". Leider gibt es noch Mideal/spanisch und Mideal/russisch, in beiden Wikis aber ohne einen einzigen Edit in dem kompletten jeweiligen Wiki-Sprachraum. Möglich, dass ich die mal mit einem Edit-Versuch kreiiert habe(meine "Standard-WP-Passworte" passen aber nicht)? Könnte man diese Seiten/"User" nicht einfach löschen, um damit die globale Zusammenführung zu vereinfachen? Diese verwaisten Einträge werden auch nach automatischer Umbenennung nicht umbenannt werden, und ich müsste Umbenennungen für alle Porjekte veranlassen.--Mideal (talk) 16:05, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Oder ist das Löschen unnötig, weil nur die beiden es./ru.-Konten automatisch umbenannt werden (wie ich diese Erläuterung zu SUL jetzt verstehe?--Mideal (talk) 16:09, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
So hab ich das auch verstanden. Einfach abwarten und die Konten dann nach dem 27. automatisch neu anlegen, dann funzt wieder alles. :-) --Geitost diskusjon 16:54, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ja genau. Die werden einfach wegbenannt werden. --MF-W 20:18, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

What is this? Some sort of spambot? Is it someone who just doesn't know how the Translate extension works? PiRSquared17 (talk) 21:16, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

It looks more like a spammer. It seems to me that it's the same way of abusing as WM:RFH#Special:Contributions.2FJigarrynorea, but maybe not the same person. --MF-W 21:37, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I notice you locked "Sara_Fernando" before. Should I block this on sight? PiRSquared17 (talk) 00:01, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes please. --MF-W 02:19, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Meadow Mari


You know mhrwiki exists, right? PiRSquared17 (talk) 23:58, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

oh, it's for wikisource, sorry. I totally missed that, sorry! PiRSquared17 (talk) 23:59, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Block Review


Hi I want to know why I'm blocked for Cross-wiki abuse. My IP Address did not do anything. 03:43, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Answered on SRG. --MF-W 03:51, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

About my block.


I've been blocked since april 26 2013 to october 26 2013 due to "Cross-wiki spam". I don't understand what it is and I can't understand all this, since the last time I modified a page was on may 7th, after the block. How could it be possible? EntroDipintaGabbia (talk) 15:25, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

It seems like an IP address was assigned to you which is globally blocked because of spamming. Since not everyone is always given the same IP address when connecting to the internet, it can happen that on May 7th, you had another IP address, which is not blocked. To solve this problem, it would be good to know the IP address in question. Either the block can be removed, or you can be given an IP block exemption. Please email stewards if you would like to not make the IP public. --MF-W 15:31, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I actually thought I had a static IP, even though I am not really able to understand what it means. The questioned IP is EntroDipintaGabbia (talk) 15:42, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Static IP means that you always get the same IP address when you go into the internet. The opposite is dynamic IP, which means you always have a different IP. For simplicity, I have now removed this block (it was a range block, i.e. a block of a group of IPs from which there was an amount of spam). --MF-W 16:21, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I know I have a static IP, but I also know that my provider gives the same IP to many different PCs or something like this. Perhaps one of these is a spammer and the whole corpus gets the block. Anyway, thanks for your kind help. EntroDipintaGabbia (talk) 16:30, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hallo MF-W. I have left the last message of this banner in de-formal untranslated. Would you please complete it? Vielen Dank Herr. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 16:13, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Zu Befehl, Chef. --MF-W 16:18, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Danke sehr. Zu info. -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 16:21, 9 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Yes, really :-) Best regards. -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 06:04, 12 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Heh. --MF-W 14:23, 12 May 2013 (UTC)Reply


I've got an unblock request pending at UTRS for an account that's using this IP. Can you give me a pointer was to what the spambot issue is? I could grant an IPBE to the account, but I am not inclined to do so blindly.Kww (talk) 22:14, 14 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

It was a cross-wiki spambot. See [17] for the logs of my global blocks / locks / checkuser actions on the day I blocked that IP's range ( I have made no notes which about which spambot used which IP(s), but I do remember that I found out that that range has been particularly spamming heavily (that's why I blocked it twice to prolong the block length). I'd suggest granting the IPBE. Alternatively I'd also remove the global block, but don't feel so comfortable about doing that here given that I explicitly went back to prolong the block. Maybe you can also ask a checkuser to verify that the user wasn't involved in spam activities, and whitelist the IP range locally at your/their discretion. --MF-W 13:41, 15 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Exit interview edit


Now it's almost back to the original version, although "What advice would you give your successor?" would have been better. :P PiRSquared17 (talk) 17:22, 17 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

block my ip


hi wwhy did you block my ip address I haven't done anything wrong this time all I did was go on to different languges and removed the interwikis and put them in wiki data 19:05, 18 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Holding my request of removal of admin access


Hello! There is no need for holding my request of removal of admin access for 24 hours. I want my flags be removed. Thanks!--Рашат Якупов (talk) 21:43, 19 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi, holding it is standard procedure for the case that people might change their mind, for example in "ragequits" and such things. No assumption that you did one of course. The removal will be done. --MF-W 23:50, 19 May 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hi. Why did you modify the delay of the global block of ? The one I set wasn't fine ? I was about to restore it to 1 year, but I would like to know your reason first. Thanks and have a nice day. -- Quentinv57 (talk) 12:59, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, I don't remember, but probably I just overlooked that it was already blocked. I have no objections against making it longer. --MF-W 14:41, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Kolega2357-Bot on


Can I ask a request and get a bot flag? Bot has a good change, and did not make a mistake. --Kolega2357 (talk) 16:06, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hm, don't ask me, but the community of pl.wikivoyage. --MF-W 16:08, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



why do you hinder the creation of a new section Lezgia (talk) 00:00, 26 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

See you talk page. --MF-W 00:00, 26 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Why not create section in the language in which 1million people speak? Lezgia (talk) 00:05, 26 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

blocked on all wikis


hi why did you block me I was asking for help on mediawiki I dint edit anything I was asking help for my wiki 14:36, 28 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

I was asking for help on my wiki what did I do this time to get block 10:02, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
why did you say cross wiki abuse by google9999 when I was asking for help on my own wiki 21:43, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

*Google6666 … Please calm down. I suppose MF-W is clever enough to understand your message even if it is only posted once. :-) Vogone talk 21:57, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

ok 15:22, 30 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please give me the bot flag have there good changes with the bot Greeting! --Kolega2357 (talk) 22:23, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please don't poke me on my talk page about single Steward requests, except if they are long overdue. This will be attended to shortly by me or another steward looking at the active requests. --MF-W 22:26, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

I is not poke to tell you that. Friendly and nice I asked. I see that you gave to other bots flag, just me not give bot flag. --Kolega2357 (talk) 22:39, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

"poke" is a word which is generally used to describe this, it's not negative if you mean that. If you look at SRB, you see that I last gave bot flags there before the request for your bot was put in. --MF-W 00:24, 30 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Delete, please [18]. Thanks, --José AF (talk) 22:43, 8 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

done. --MF-W 22:44, 8 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

IP changed today


My IP address just changed to a new IP address today ( Globally unblock -- 02:53, 10 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Blu Aardvark


Are you going to lock the accounts listed here or reply to me there? -- 16:10, 10 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

I opt for "or". --MF-W 16:14, 10 June 2013 (UTC)Reply



Are you aware of this? PiRSquared17 (talk) 18:05, 10 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

No. --MF-W 18:07, 10 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Locked user


Can you take a look at this locked acct? He has other accts and has been harrasing another user by email. See this and SPI. Thanks for your time. INeverCry 19:25, 12 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Do you mean other accounts should be locked as well? Please request this on SRG, for transparency. --MF-W 19:29, 12 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Will locks stop email from the locked accts? INeverCry 19:36, 12 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes, locks prevent logging in. --MF-W 19:38, 12 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Can you please lock the other sock, which was blocked on one site with summary "checkuserblock-account"? -- Cirt (talk) 05:47, 13 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Update: Yes, but the account was recreated, and reused, by the sockmaster, per Toddst1: "You'll notice that the name change from Daniel Thome to DanielTom was effective March 24, 2013, yet Daniel Thome was recreated and used to edit on 17:12, 3 April 2013.". And then combine that with the Checkuser block, and it's a simple matter that it's a sock. -- Cirt (talk) 16:40, 14 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Please, I follow SRG. --MF-W 17:16, 14 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Alright, understood, my apologies. -- Cirt (talk) 18:09, 14 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

The one who should have his account locked here is Cirt, for being a liar and for cross wiki harassment. I don't blame INeverCry for being fooled by Cirt.[19] DanielTom (talk) 20:47, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Chechen wikipedia


Please summarize here. -- Дагиров Умар (talk) 12:49, 15 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Done. In the future, please put such requests on Steward requests/Bot status, for better visibility & so that other stewards can also act on it. --MF-W 13:10, 15 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much. Ok. -- Дагиров Умар (talk) 13:13, 15 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Finnish Wikivoyage


Hello. Are you able to do something to get Finnish Wikivoyage[20] started? --Kulmalukko (talk) 13:43, 15 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I will. --MF-W 18:52, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
What is the status of the Finnish Wikivoyage, when will it be visible? --Kulmalukko (talk) 13:37, 29 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Zazaki Wiktionary


There is 1021 articles on Zazaki Wiktionary. We are working hard to open this Wiktionary. When the Zazaki Wiktionary will be opened?--Tarakayska (talk) 19:52, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

I will look into the activity and see whether I can propose it for approval. This question was btw also asked on incubator:I:CP. --MF-W 18:57, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for catching that and my apologies for letting it slip through! I've updated with the correct links. Stupid error :/ and I should know better with Bot delivery by now. Ocaasi (talk) 21:31, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply



What can I do to get my account (S9000) unlocked? I will not vandalize WMF proejcts. Can Rschen7754 or you answer this quoestion. Regards, -- 16:36, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

At this point, I would suggest you wait a bit until your maturity has improved. In my opinion, a return will also have to include ceasing your pursuit of adminship or other rights on Wikimedia Foundation projects.--Jasper Deng (talk) 16:39, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
I will not vandalize WMF porjects. I promise. I understand why it was locked. -- 16:39, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes, and now take the break from WMF "porjects" that I suggested. --MF-W 17:31, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply



Today you have blocked (thanks for it) in global. On the french Wikivoyage the IP and seemed be the same person, could you block them too please ?

Azariel (talk) 20:06, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

I have now blocked The IP was already blocked by Tegel :) --MF-W 20:10, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Danke Azariel (talk) 20:25, 17 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Requests for new languages/Wikivoyage Finnish


status = eligible, please. PiRSquared17 (talk) 17:48, 21 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

done. --MF-W 18:53, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Right or Wrong?



I see that you have removed my admin rights in the German Wiktionary?

Have you really studied what lies behind these actions?

And if so, do you believe it is right to base such decisions on false fabricated accusations (in this case by a user:Betterknower)?

I also notice that you did not have the courage to inform me of your actions.

Lars Gardenius(diskurs) 08:53, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply



Dear MF-W, as i wrote here, we already knew the result. But it seems like, User:Ackdeals tried to use his account Tarakayska more wisely. Anyway, what is your suggestion? You will give them a global ban, or we should give a local ban? Because, Mirzali (sockpuppeteer of Miraz and Vate) and Ackdeals (sockpuppeteer of Ereas and زازاندران) wanted to make problems in diqwikipedia. Their only goal was to use different accounts to desysop Xoser and it's a reason to be blocked.--Gomada (talk) 09:40, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

A global ban is a very complex procedure, which so far has never been tried. I would not recommend to use it.
It is also not possible to give them a global lock, as global locks are only for accounts which do cross-wiki vandalism or other abuse. This does currently not seem to be the case with any of these accounts.
You are of course free to locally take any decisions about banning or blocking as you want. You're also free to block Tarakayska based on behavioural evidence if that makes it clear to you that he is a sockpuppet. You can also just disregard socks' votes in voting..? --MF-W 13:08, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thank you for the answer. I've already asked to our community here. I thought about it and i wanted to give another chance to Mirzali and Ackdeals. Because, Wikipedia is a free project and after a blocking, maybe they can think about their mistakes and back as helpful users. Therefore, i recommended to block sockpuppets with an expiry time of undefinite (to not have problems in the future) and 6 months blocking for Mirzali, 1 year blocking for Ackdeals. Regards.--Gomada (talk) 13:36, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Please keep in mind that CheckUser is not infallible, so it is still possible that Tarakayska is a sock puppet of someone, or that one of the accounts identified as a sockpuppet is in reality a meat puppet. - That said, I commend that you propose to give them a second/third chance to return to editing diq.Wikipedia. --MF-W 18:45, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Crosswiki spam?


Hello, I've tried to upload a picture relating to some Wikipedia article, but it seems to be impossible... Have a look at this, please:

Your IP address has been blocked on all wikis. The block was made by MF-Warburg ( The reason given is crosswiki spam.

   Start of block: 16:46, 3 June 2013
   Expiry of block: 16:46, 3 September 2013 

You can contact MF-Warburg to discuss the block. You cannot use the "Email this user" feature unless a valid email address is specified in your account preferences and you have not been blocked from using it. Your current IP address is Please include all above details in any queries you make.

Could You, please, do something with it? It seems the blocked IP is mine today. Kind regards, -- 22:46, 22 June 2013 (UTC) BTW, I'm RomazurReply

It's a range of IPs which were found to be the source of quite some spam. I changed the block so logged-in users are not affected by it. --MF-W 22:53, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Works - THX & regards once again! -- 23:02, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
No problem :) By the way, I suggest you create a global account via commons:Special:Mergeaccount. --MF-W 23:11, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Works again :) Many thanks! -- 23:19, 22 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Night watch


Greetings to night watch :)
Now to some workstuff. I see that You can block. Are You the admin? Please see this [21]. This user has solely one edit. Registered an hour ago.[22] Kubura (talk) 00:45, 23 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi, yes, I'm an admin. I deleted the page created by the user; if he continues, I will block him. --MF-W 00:50, 23 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi [vi.wikt]


I'm a sysop from vietnamese wiktionary. I would like it to opt out of global sysops interference. There is not really a community around to reach something like community consensus. There are only 2 active sysops and 1 user that edit occasionally. There are't much to do and I believe we don't need global sysops to interfere. We have our own sysops to take care of our own projects.Trongphu (talk) 04:06, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

If needed I can reach a consensus with the other sysop about this. That counts as a community consensus right? Since we are pretty much the only 2 users that are active in the entire project.Trongphu (talk) 04:08, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
In January I got the impression that there was a strong opinion in the community when you tried to opt-out from Global Sysops. See User_talk:Tegel#Viwiktionary and the links there to the Vietnamese Wiktionary. -- Tegel (Talk) 04:17, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
I'm sure nobody agrees with me is an exaggeration. Plus the people who did not agree with me do not even edit in Wiktionary. They do not represent the community within vi wiktionary. I remember a steward once told me each individual project has its own data of editors. Vi wikipedia users do not represent vi wiktionary, simply because they are not part of it. Your word is also misleading. Strong opinion? The word strong is simply a exaggeration. you based that from just couple of users opinion. To be strong, there must be at least 10 or more. Plus there is a big misconfusion here. The argument before was NOT about global sysop taking sysop action. The argument back in Juanuary was mainly about a global sysop did some normal editt such as revert which anyone can do, not about sysop action such as delete page. So it was very irrelavant to bring that to talk about this opt out request. As everything I have stated, I beliece my request is valid. I don't see how my request is out of mind. Like I said, if you want. I can try to reach consensus with the user that actually belong to vi wiktionary.Trongphu (talk) 05:57, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
As for why I did not try to defend my point back in January when I first requested opt out because I thought it was done. I did not check back. I did not know about the response until today.Trongphu (talk) 06:04, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
If the community of vi.wikt decides to opt-out, you can notify us of the consensus decision about that on Stewards' noticeboard and we will make the change in the Gobal Sysops wikiset. Btw, I presume you writing here was prompted by my deleting a spambot page & blocking the spambot on vi.wikt. I would not have done the deletion if User:Hoo man/Scripts/Active sysops hadn't told me there were (as of yesterday) no active admins, and would not have made the block if the account had been a SUL account (which it wasn't). --MF-W 03:33, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Haaaa, you were the same person that did some sysop actions in vi wiktionary. I just picked a random steward to make a request to opt out and by coincidence it just happened to be you. I did not notice that until now that you told me. And yes it was prompted by that. I suggest the bot Hoo man is in serious need of modifying because there is active sysop in Vi wiktionary. Saying no active sysop is simply wrong. Vi wiktionary is always under check either by me or the other sysop. I usually go check once a day or once every 2 days except for a busy month sometimes in April and May. And yes while I or the other sysop check recent change everyday but does not mean we need to perform any sysop task if there is nothing wrong. So sysop task may not be performed once for few days or a week. Just because we did not do anything does not mean it is not under our watch. We will do something when the action is needed and if not we probably do not need to do anything beside writing new words occassionally. And like I said the community of vi wiktionary is consist of 3 users as it is right now. There were more in the past but no longer on for at least many months or years. So my question for you is does that count if all 3 users agree to opt out or the stewards will ask for more users, which are none more? And I would appreciate it if the bot will be redefined to understand the real situation of any wiki.Trongphu (talk) 06:17, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Well, the tool from User:Hoo_man just looks if a local user has done an admin action in a certain timespan before. You can to talk him to suggest that it should also count administrators' edits.
Regarding community consensus, it seems to me that this should be fine. Though a discussion should probably be open for at least a week, not just close after the 3 users gave their opinion. --MF-W 16:53, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yea a week or a day won't make any difference because like I said there are only 3 users or even only 2. Unless with extremely low chance, someone from the old days come back. Anyway I will do as you wish, hold it for at least a week.Trongphu (talk) 02:08, 26 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
forgot to mention that the bot has so many flaws. Even if it counted the sysop edits, that still does not represent the real situation. The problem is it underestimate other wiki ability to solve problems. Like I said before, just because we did not do edit or sysop action, that does NOT mean we are not there. We knew what was going on but if there was nothing wrong then we would do nothing. We sometimes edit new entry occasionally but that is not something we always felt like doing. The bot is simply not smart enough to take every factors into consideration and think whether or not a wiki has active sysop, so therefore that would leave stewards job to do it. Consider careful before you take action, don't do it if it is not absolutely under nobody watch. Anyway my point is we always fulfilled our main task which is take care of sysop action when things are needed. Well I'm talking here is just a general talk to represent all the other small wiki. Global sysop interference won't be a problem to us anymore when we reached consensus so I'm not talking about problem that just concern vi wiktionary. It does not matter to me if you guys listen to me or not because it won't affect my wiki anymore after the our consensus of course.Trongphu (talk) 15:12, 26 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for chiming in late; I was just informed of this off-wiki discussion. My opinion, as the project's only bureaucrat, is that either we need more sysops, or we need to continue allowing global sysops to assist from time to time. I appreciate the many times I've dropped by the Vietnamese Wiktionary only to see that everything is taken care of. I don't care who cleans up spam and vandalism, as long as there aren't false positives. And given the fact that our front page automatically lists new entries, the sooner spam is deleted, the better we look as a community. But that's just my opinion. I'll be interested to see what the rest of the community thinks.

It does surprise me that the tool said there were no active admins, but I certainly agree that there are too few. As a practical matter, it would be better worth the community's time to hold admin elections than to hold a referendum on global sysop access.

 – Minh Nguyễn (talk, contribs) 18:51, 10 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your comment. --MF-W 17:40, 11 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
According to this discussion, Trongphu wants Vietnamese Wiktionary to opt out of global sysops interference because his account is and will forever permanently blocked in English Wikipedia, and many global sysops are from en, so he wants to have little to do with them as possible. Tranminh360 (talk) 14:59, 1 August 2013 (UTC)Reply
Oh... actually most global sysops are not from enwiki. --MF-W 23:25, 1 August 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hi MF-Wwarburg
ich bin ein Admin auf ku.wiktionary. Gerade hat mich ein anderer Admin ([ Ferhengvan) für ein Jahr gesperrt, ohne einen Grund dafür anzugeben. Soweit ich weiß, dürfen die Admins andere Admins ohne irgendwelchen Grund nicht sperren. Ich wollte mal deinen Rat als Steward holen. Tut mir sehr leid, dass ich es hier auf deiner persönlichen Diskussionsseite geschrieben habe. Wo kann ich diese Beschwerde schreiben?.Danke im Voraus und liebe Grüße--George Animal (talk) 12:31, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hallo, es gibt grundsätzlich keine globalen Regeln, die besagen würden, dass Sperren nicht ohne Grund erfolgen dürfen - aber natürlich macht das die Sperre und den sperrenden Admin sehr zweifelhaft und angreifbar.. - Da du ja auch selbst Admin bist, kannst du dich wieder entsperren, was du ja auch getan hast. Ist das Problem mittlerweile gelöst? .. --MF-W 21:49, 24 June 2013 (UTC)Reply



Would you mind taking a look at this please? Thanks.--Kazemita1 (talk) 00:35, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

I see it was done by Shizhao :) --MF-W 16:49, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply



Lieber MF-Warburg!

Ich möchte Dich als Steward hiermit um deinen Rat und Hilfe bitten. Danke vielmals im Voraus! -- Mirzali (talk) 09:52, 25 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Mirzali,
also, grundsätzlich haben wir Stewards weder die Befugnisse noch die (Sprach- usw.) Fähigkeiten, um Konflikte in den einzelnen Wikis anzugehen. Sowas sollte im besten Fall lokal geklärt werden; man kann aber in RFCs hier auf Meta diskutieren. Aber solange es kein globales ArbCom gibt, lässt sich nicht viel gegen bspw. Mehrheitsentscheidungen einer Community machen.
Zu den Sock-/Meatpuppetry-Anschuldigungen: Ich war ja der Steward, der diese Checkuser-Abfrage ausgeführt hat (siehe auch ein paar Abschnitte hier drüber meine Diskussion mit Gomada, wo ich darauf hinweise, dass die Funktion natürlich auch nicht vor die Computer schauen kann). Wenn du willst, kann ich aber auch noch einen Kollegen bitten, dass der die Ergebnisse noch mal überprüft. --MF-W 03:58, 26 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Lieber MF-Warburg!
Der Fall kann lokal nicht geklärt werden, weil die Kurden mittlerweile die Oberhand dort erlangt haben. Die angegebene Sock-/Meatpuppetry-Konten sind nicht von mir. Bitte lasse einen Kollegen von Dir die Ergebnisse noch mal überprüfen. -- Mirzali (talk) 12:39, 30 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ich als Sysop von Zazaki Wikpedia stimme Mirzali zu und bitte um Aufklärung der Sachlage bzw. um Mithilfe. --asmên 16:21, 30 June 2013 (UTC)
I've re-checked these results. According to the checkuser data, Mirzali = Vate = Miraz. This means that the technical data of these accounts match. It's up to the local administrators of diq.wikipedia to deal with this according to the rules of their wiki and the way their community pleases. The stewards usually aren't involved in the further process of dealing with sockpuppetry et cetera, nor should they be involved in dealing with inappropriate actions of local administrators. Mathonius (talk) 17:11, 30 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Dear Mathonius! I actually live in Berlin. Currently I'm in Turkey. Vate (Sabri Gençer) and Miraz (Haydar Doğan) are two friends of mine from Turkey. The contiguous IP numbers are probably caused by use of the same internet cafes. This is obviously an unfortunate incident. -- Mirzali (talk) 08:22, 2 July 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hi Mirzali, thank you for your response. I can imagine this must be absolutely awful for you. Your explanation seems reasonable and could indeed explain the matching data. However, the view of a checkuser is rather limited: if there are substantiated allegations of unfair use of multiple accounts on a wiki and a checkuser investigation is requested, the checkuser or steward can only check if the accounts are related, based on the data provided by the checkuser tool. That's why it's up to the local community of diq.wikipedia to decide how to deal with this. They should probably take your explanation into consideration and reconsider the blocks. I'm afraid the stewards can't do very much for you. Mathonius (talk) 14:27, 2 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Global account request


Hi, I'm a Torque SUL owner (here my identity confirmation in it.wikipedia). I'm writing to ask you to usurp tr.wikquote User:Torque name to unify my global account. I have already spoken with a tr.wikiquote admin and he has said me to write here. Thanks --Torque (talk) 10:55, 27 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Done. --MF-W 13:51, 27 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks a lot --Torque (talk) 07:29, 28 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
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