This page is a translated version of the page Wiki Loves Love and the translation is 77% complete.
Diese Seite dient der Organisation von Wikimedia Loves Love, einem internationalen Fotowettbewerb zur Dokumentation von Liebessymbolen in all ihrer Vielfalt.
statusVorbereitung des Wettbewerbs für Februar 2021
Wiki Loves Love
Diese Seite dient der Organisation von Wikimedia Loves Love, einem internationalen Fotowettbewerb zur Dokumentation von Liebessymbolen in all ihrer Vielfalt.
this project needs...
created on13:01, 28 April 2018 (UTC)
❧ WLL unterstützen ☙

Über Wiki Loves Love

Wiki Loves Love ist ein internationaler Fotowettbewerb zur Dokumentation von Liebessymbolen in verschiedenen Gesellschaften, Gemeinschaften und darüber hinaus in der ganzen Welt. Von Denkmälern über Zeremonien, von diversen Objekten als Symbole der Liebe bis hin zu zärtlichen Gesten: Lasst uns der Welt zeigen, wie Liebe überall verschieden ausgedrückt wird.

The 2019 edition was essentially a Wikimedia Commons contest which will attain the valuable media - images and videos about different festivals and wedding ceremonies in cultures around the globe that can later support various Wikimedia projects. It will animate the broader Wikimedia community in improving its coverage on various cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far.


September 2018

Es ist Zeit, das Thema für WLL 2019 anzukündigen, dass sich auf die Beiträge der Teilnehmer zum Wettbewerb "Feiern der Liebe, Feste der Liebe und Hochzeiten in verschiedenen Kulturen, Subkulturen und Gemeinschaften" konzentriert. Wir hoffen, dass Euch dieses Thema ebenso gefällt wie uns und dass es Euch zu wundervollen Beiträgen anregt!

Der Wettbewerb wird im Februar 2019 stattfinden, dem Monat des Valentinstags

April 2018

This project is in a really early phase of brainstorming and design. Please join the conversation, tell us what you think about it, what you would suggest as next step to achieving a great successful photo contest about love.

Letzte Ausgabe

A first edition was conducted in 2016, as a side project of Wikipedia 15 in Strasbourg. It was smaller in thematic scope, more geographically targeted, and didn't generate much participation. For the next edition, the geographical scope will be larger, it will be clearly be open to international participation and far greater outcomes are expected. Be bold to join in effort to make the next edition a success !

Andere Initiativen zur Liebe in Wikimedia

The Wikimedia is full of passionate people, and conceals some love nuggets, here are a list of interesting links that themselves point to further resources

An der Organisation teilnehmen

We are actively looking for people wanting to join our team and foster love in the Wikimedia world and beyond. Help from experienced people in other Wikimedia photo contests or other Wikimedia international projects would be especially useful, but all good will will be welcome with warm love!

You can also provide your feedback and proposal to help in one of the following place:

Du bist herzlich eingeladen, an der Organisation teilzunehmen. Dies gilt umso mehr, wenn du dies schon einmal für vergleichbare Wettbewerbe gemacht hast.


LOVE is a basic need.
Just like water, sleep and food (in that order) - but first and formest comes love.
There are several incidents concerning infants/babies, who had been feed, given water when thirsty, keept clean and neet, a bed to sleep in, and a schelter such as a house or a tent.
BUT without care; human contact such as the very important physical touch from another human in a gentle and caring way; without sentimental and emotional care in touch AND speech -  :...the babies died...!
That is why I, and others who has this knowledge, gladly and with seriousity will support WLL = Wiki Loves Love!!
PLEASE send this note around to as many people as possible;
which I guess that The Meta Wiki already is cabable of.
( It´s just me who is a bit of a dinosaur on digital medias, - please cut this sentence out of this original message).
from a dane
called Mette Berner Skipper Mbskippergobal4Us (talk) 14:03, 14 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]


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