Wikimedia Foundation elections/2021/Candidates/Dariusz Jemielniak/zh
Dariusz Jemielniak(达利伍兹·杰明尼克)
pundit (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候选人详情 |
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statement (Not more than 450 words) | 我自2015年起於維基媒體基金會董事會擔任成員。董事會的工作奪走了我在維基項目和處理其他事情的時間。這是非常惱人、困難及艱鉅的一件事。不過,我仍然視我在維基媒體基金會的工作為引人入勝,亦深信我現勝任此工作。在董事會於今年急促擴張,以及我是唯一一名競逐連任的董事會成員的前提下,我認為我秉持上一屆任期而競逐連任非常重要:對社群提供延續性及讓我利用經驗進行監督,因為理解董事會的運作確實耗時。
About me: I served as an admin, bureaucrat, checkuser, steward, ombudsman, the Funds Dissemination Committee chair. In my day job, I'm a (full) professor of management at Kozminski University, faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard, and I study online collaboration. I wrote Common Knowledge? (2014, Stanford Uni Press), the first ethnography of Wikipedia, as well as recently Collaborative Society (MIT Press) - you can read in Wired on why I think Wikipedia is a massive RPG ;) I serve on two other boards, and I have strategic consulting experience. I am a feminist and LGBTQ rights advocate: I am an advisor to Women's Strike, and I've served on the honorary committee of Pride Parade in Poland for many years. My trustee self-evaluation form is available here. About my goals: If I'm re-elected, I hope to continue the goals I set out with. My major hopes for the term include: successful onboarding of new trustees and the new CEO (whom I help to seek), making sure that the WMF develops better procedures to listen to the communities (even though I like to think it has improved a lot already), making sure we are able to develop tools for aggregated community feedback, making sure the affiliates have a clear and important role in the ecosystem, and grow as the Foundation grows (also, making sure that the growth is not the goal in itself). My big dreams are combating harassment and disinformation (a field I'm an expert in, as I currently run 3 research grants on it with a budget close to 2.5 million USD), reducing regional and gender gap, as well as developing leadership and strategy training within our movement - my idealistic hope is that in a couple of years we will build internal capacity for most organizational leadership positions internally, and maybe that we can even have a structured program with a certificate, which people could use for their day work, as our volunteers deserve to be given back to. Finally, I hope we, both as the Foundation and the movement, can start looking outwards more and get ready for the incoming technological challenges (such as the AR revolution). | |
Top 3 Board priorities | 1. finishing the governance reform and onboarding,
2. tackling disinformation and other new tech challenges, 3. solidifying the movement governance and financing, including the Global South. | |
Top 3 Movement Strategy priorities | 1. leadership development (especially in less represented regions),
2. listening to wider audiences and less heard and stifled voices, 3. Improving governance and collaboration between the Foundation and the affiliates (and making a clearer division of responsibilities). | |
驗證 | 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。 | |
資格: 已驗證 验证者: Matanya (talk) 20:15, 1 July 2021 (UTC) |
身份验证: 已驗證 验证者: Joe Sutherland (Wikimedia Foundation) (talk) 22:46, 28 June 2021 (UTC) |
Trustee Evaluation Form | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||