維基媒體基金會理事會選舉/2024年/候選人/Bobby Shabangu
Bobby Shabangu (Bobbyshabangu)
Bobbyshabangu (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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必須回答的問題 | ||
您為何競選維基媒體基金會理事會成員?您會為維基媒體基金會理事會貢獻什麼?您想進一步了解什麼? | 我參加維基媒體基金會理事會的競選,是為了以獨特的視角,倡導在全球維基媒體社群中提高代表性和包容性。同時,我相信我在南非的經歷(南非的多元語言、多元的經濟組和、憲法注重人權)使我能夠理解來自代表性不足地區以及全球北部地區的貢獻者所面臨的獨特挑戰和機會。我的目標是貢獻自己在社群建設、能力發展和策略規劃方面的專業知識,以推進維基媒體運動 2030 策略的目標。此外,我渴望更多地了解有效的管理實踐和全球合作策略,以便更好地支持全球維基媒體成員並增強他們的能力。 | |
請描述您的維基媒體經驗(例如:對維基媒體專案的貢獻、維基媒體組織或維基媒體自治體的成員資格、作為維基媒體運動組織者的活動或參與維基媒體運動盟友組織)。 | 我為不同的南非語言和專案做出貢獻(包括英語、西斯瓦蒂語、伊西祖魯語、伊西科薩語、塞茨瓦納語),維基共享資源、元維基、維基數據,並擔任 IsiNdebele 維基媒體孵育場的管理員。
我喜歡傾聽和與人交談,我喜歡學習或教授新技能,這從我的社群外展活動中得到了證明——這些活動遠遠超出了我的實際編輯。我目前正在領導SWiP 專案,我們訪問全國各地的多所大學,向學者和學生教授維基百科。您可以在此可以看到專案儀表板。多年來,我與不同的使命相關機構進行了多次展示,以提高人們對維基百科上非洲內容的認識,吸引新用戶,並增加有關非洲和南非語言的內容。請在此參閱我在維基媒體南非分會活動報告中的貢獻 。 身為領導者,我曾在維基媒體南非分會 的理事會任職。我聽說擔任 WikiIndaba 指導委員會(WISCom)的主席,該委員會組織 WikiIndaba 會議,並在解決非洲維基媒體成員面臨的獨特挑戰和提供解決方案方面發揮了關鍵作用。此外,我與其他人共同創立了Afrika Baraza,這是一個讓非洲的成員在整個非洲大陸進行聯繫、協作和分享技能的平台,我同時透過促進維基媒體運動策略沙龍,積極參與了維基媒體運動的制定和實施維基媒體運動2030策略,特別是在非洲大陸,。 | |
從您的角度來看,維基媒體基金會在未來 5-10 年應該優先考慮什麼,為什麼您認為這些是最重要的優先事項? | 我相信維基媒體運動是在一個快速變化的環境中運作的。當我們開始制定維基媒體運動 2030 策略時,人工智慧並未被考慮在內。此外,社會的觀點,特別是南方國家的觀點,已經發生了顯著的變化。在 COVID-19 大流行期間,我們看到非洲的新貢獻者呈指數級增長。因此,從維基媒體運動 2030 策略的10項建議來看,我認為未來5-10年我們應該優先考慮: | |
Optional questions - Professional Experience, Skills and Education | ||
Please describe your experience with governing bodies of organizations (nonprofit or for-profit), mentioning the scope of your responsibilities, as well as the complexity of the organization (in terms of scale of operations, budget, number of people involved, or other meaningful measures) and the size of the board or body. | Wikimedia South Africa: : I served on the board of Wikimedia ZA first as a board member and now as the president, where I help drive initiatives to support and grow the local editing community. Additionally. I've learned over the years that an effective leader gets things done, for the first time since I've taken reigns as the president of Wikimedia ZA, we have been able to generate income and resources outside of Wikimedia Foundation grants from our fiscal sponsorship activities, membership subscriptions/donations and partners which has given us the freedom to sponsor some of our community members on different activities, as well as think about investments.
The African Continent: I also chair the WikiIndaba Steering Committee (WISCom), which is responsible for organising the WikiIndaba conferences and has played a pivotal role in addressing unique challenges faced by African Wikimedians. Additionally, I co-founded Afrika Baraza, a platform for Africans to connect, collaborate, and share skills across the continent. My roles within WISCom and Afrika Baraza have enabled me to lead the drafting of the WISCom Charter, a white paper which aims to transform WISCom from a de facto hub to a fully-fledged organization and the African Agenda a document that I believe will advance the Movement Strategy 2030 in Africa, ensuring it remains inclusive and representative of diverse voices from the global South. In the movement: I participated at the Wikimedia summit and was part of the first people to actively contribute to the Wikimedia Movement Strategy. | |
Please describe your professional career experience. | Over the years I've played different roles. I was a secretariat for a government department (Department of Land Reform and Rural Development) sitting at the executive committee, I'm also a musician and I've worked at the UN as a knowledge Manager. | |
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you tackled, or advised others on, a complex problem in an organization. How did you work with others to address the situations? | The WikiIndaba conference was scheduled at the same time as the Wiki Francophone convention, which posed a significant problem since both conferences, along with Wiki Arabia, share participants. I reached out to the leaders of both the Wiki Francophone convention and Wiki Arabia, emphasizing the need for collaboration to organize the three conferences in a way that avoids date conflicts. | |
Please describe your educational background, including degrees, certificates, and courses of study finished, and their relevance to board work. | I have a degree in Communications Science. | |
Please add any relevant links describing your professional background, experience, profile (such as LinkedIn, staff page, etc.). | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobby-shabangu-76b309216/ | |
Optional questions - Leadership Experience | ||
Please describe ways in which you have helped to form a bridge between multiple communities (such as by working on projects outside your home wiki, or working on a collaboration between multiple affiliates). | I have established a Southern African Community group consisting of Wikimedia volunteers from Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. We are actively seeking volunteers from Angola, Mozambique, and Lesotho to join our group. | |
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? | ||
How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? | In South Africa there is no Freedom of Panorama, which means that we can't take pictures and videos or public art. I'm part of the Wikimedians who lobbyed government to adopt copyright reform and sign the copyright amendment bill into law. As it stand a letter as it stands the bill is in the president's office waiting for his signature. | |
Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. | ||
Optional questions - Strategic Thinking | ||
Where do you see the need for greater diversity in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees or within the movement? What steps would you take to improve diversity on the Board or within the movement? What steps would you recommend the Board take to improve diversity? | I think this question puts me in a perfect spot to apply to sit on the board. Besides the fact that I'm coming from a disadvantaged region, I've actually experienced all the challenges that African and people from the global south are experiencing because I've experienced first hand all the common challenges experienced by volunteers from the Global South.
I believe I will be that dissenting voice that brings a global South voice to the board while also keeping in mind of the existing structures. Hence the Ensuring Equity in Decision Making is one of the key priority areas from the Movement Strategy. | |
驗證 | 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。 | |
資格: ![]() 验证者: KTC (talk) 19:59, 3 June 2024 (UTC) |
身份验证: ![]() 验证者: – NahidSultan (WMF) (talk) 07:04, 3 June 2024 (UTC) |