Wikimedia Foundation elections/FDC Ombudsperson elections/2015/Candidates/zh

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Foundation elections/FDC Ombudsperson elections/2015/Candidates and the translation is 33% complete.
Info The election ended 31 5月 2015. No more votes will be accepted.
The results were announced on 5 6月 2015. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2015 election on the election's post mortem page.

This page contains candidates for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation FDC Ombudsperson elections. Members of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, or the Wikimedia Foundation staff, will verify wiki based candidate requirements. Wikimedia Foundation staff will verify identification and later verify offline candidate requirements. Verification of wiki-based requirements and identification will be identified on this page. Offline candidate requirements will be verified at a later stage.

Kirill Lokshin (Kirill Lokshin)

Kirill Lokshin (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

  • 个人:
    • 姓名: Kirill Lokshin
    • 年龄: 31
    • 所在地: Washington, DC, United States
    • 語言: English-N, Russian-N, French-1
  • 编辑史:
    • 何时成为维基人: June 2005
    • 活跃的wiki:, meta
声明 我已经在维基媒体工作近十年,入职时间是 2005 年 6 月。在那段日子里,我在整个运动中担任过很多职位,包括担任维基媒体哥伦比亚董事会成员、联盟委员会成员、英国维基媒体仲裁委员会成员,以及其他顾问组的成员。


必须回答的问题 1. 你曾經有什麼經驗,是你覺得可以幫助改善資金提撥委員會工作與建議流程的呢?
1.1. 圍繞指導和/或評量年度計畫和專案?
As a board member of Wikimedia DC, I've been a part of the chapter's annual planning and evaluation processes since they began in 2012; this has included developing annual plans, soliciting corresponding funding through the WMF's grants programs, executing the planned programs, and conducting end-of-year evaluations of program success and impact. I've also had the opportunity to review other affiliate organizations' annual plans during as part of my participation on the Grant Advisory Committee.
1.2. 贈款相關?
I've been involved with the Wikimedia movement's grantmaking processes at various levels for a number of years. I served on the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC) in 2012–2013, and have been a member of the Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) Committee since 2014. In addition, I oversee the Wikimedia DC small grants program.

2. 您是否了解申诉专员这一角色?

The role of the Ombudsperson is twofold. First, the Ombudsperson collects, investigates, synthesizes, and documents complaints and other feedback about the FDC process from participants and observers, and provides recommendations based on this feedback to the various stakeholders in the process. Second, the Ombudsperson is available to assist the Board and the FDC in investigating formal complaints when an independent evaluation is requested.

3. 一些潛在有關基金傳播委員的投訴過程中,你認為可以向監察員記錄的是什麼,你會如何與他們打交道?

Historically, the majority of complaints about the FDC process appear to relate to poor documentation and communication, as well as differences in expectations between the FDC applicant organizations and the WMF staff and FDC members who review their applications. By identifying insufficiently documented or misunderstood process elements and acting as an advocate for process evaluation and improvement from cycle to cycle, the Ombudsperson can help to resolve the sources of these miscommunications and misunderstandings.
驗證 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。
資格:   已驗證
验证者: Ruslik (talk) 22:05, 30 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
身份验证:   已驗證
验证者: Jalexander--WMF 21:20, 30 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Mykola Kozlenko (NickK)

NickK (talk meta edits global user summary CA  AE)

Visiting Wikimedia UK office, August 2013
  • 个人:
    • 姓名: Mykola Kozlenko
    • 年龄: 25
    • 所在地: Kyiv, Ukraine / Paris, France
    • 語言: Ukrainian-N, Russian-N, English-3, French-3, German-2
声明 基金会宣传委员会监察员职位不是最显眼的,但它在改善基金会宣传委员会的工作中起着关键作用。年度计划赠款方案在不断发展,它将有益于维基媒体运动,要顾及到有关各方的建议:提交建议书的组织、参与审查建议书的基金会宣传委员会和董事会成员、推进过程的维基媒体基金会,以及一般社区成员。基金会宣传委员会监察员的重要使命之一是确保维持过程透明和所有问题都能得到处理。

我参加维基媒体运动 7 年,我对维基媒体社区南半球(乌克兰)和北半球(法国)很熟悉。在网络上,我是管理员、检测用户及乌克兰维基百科的前仲裁员。同时我还参与了许多维基媒体项目用于其他语言。在网络之外,自 2009 年以来,我是维基媒体乌克兰的一员;自 2012 年以来任职董事会成员;自 2013 年以来,任职司库。我还参与了很多项目,如维基爱情信物和维基爱情尘事、征文比赛、QRpedia 等。

必须回答的问题 1. 你曾經有什麼經驗,是你覺得可以幫助改善資金提撥委員會工作與建議流程的呢?
1.1. 圍繞指導和/或評量年度計畫和專案?
我参加维基媒体运动 7 年,我对维基媒体社区南半球(乌克兰)和北半球(法国)很熟悉。在网络上,我是管理员、检测用户及乌克兰维基百科的前仲裁员。同时我还参与了许多维基媒体项目用于其他语言。在网络之外,自 2009 年以来,我是维基媒体乌克兰的一员;自 2012 年以来任职董事会成员;自 2013 年以来,任职司库。我还参与了很多项目,如维基爱情信物和维基爱情尘事、征文比赛、QRpedia 等。
1.2. 贈款相關?
I have an extensive experience in grantmaking, most notably, I am involved in submitting grant proposals for annual PEG grants for Wikimedia Ukraine for the last three years. I also contributed to the review of a number of grants to other Wikimedia affiliates, and I was a member of the team managing travel scholarships for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014.

2. 您是否了解申诉专员这一角色?

The role of FDC Ombudsperson involves documenting complaints and suggestions of the participants of the process in order to improve it. On one hand, the Ombudsperson should deal with formal complaints from the participants of the process, which involves collecting evidence from all parties of the process, publicly documenting complaints and assisting investigations if needed. On the other hand, the Ombudsperson summarise general feedback about the FDC process by taking into account suggestions by the participants of the process.

3. 一些潛在有關基金傳播委員的投訴過程中,你認為可以向監察員記錄的是什麼,你會如何與他們打交道?

I believe that complaints regarding the FDC process can be split into two groups:
  • Complaints affecting one particular participants of the process. The most likely conflicts here will be those regarding eligibility or fund allocations, and these conflicts mean that the outcome of the FDC process did not meet the expectations of these organisations. In these cases I will collect points of view and evidence from all involved parties and will analyse and investigate them in impartial and transparent way.
  • Complaints affecting many participants of the process. The most likely concerns here will be around usability of the FDC portal for both applicants and reviewers and clarity of the requirements regarding information and documents to provide. In order to deal with these problems, I will collect suggestions by different participants of the process and will summarise them and raise these issues.
驗證 驗證由選舉委員會或維基媒體基金會工作人員執行。
資格:   已驗證
验证者: Varnent (talk)(COI) 00:06, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]
身份验证:   已驗證
验证者: Jalexander--WMF 00:16, 1 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]