Wikimedia and Libraries User Group/Worldwide activities

These goals were developed as an outcome of a survey conducted by the User Group Steering Committee in 2018

  • Develop a plan to engage with libraries in communities with historically low participation in Wikimedia projects
    • Proposed action: pick four-five countries / regions and develop ambassadors
  • Wikimedia work is business as usual in libraries by sharing case studies and communicating the benefits of engaging with Wikimedia
    • Proposed action: highlight librarian stories. Develop interview series, and highlight on social media.
  • Proactively coordinate outreach to library professionals; arrange for attendance at library conferences and events
    • Proposed action: identify four-five conferences to target (perhaps tie to first item above, countries or regions to develop)
  • Activate the user group in relation to #1lib1ref:
    • Proposed action: hold Google Hangouts that anyone is welcome to join to answer questions. After the campaign, invite people to share their #1lib1ref success stories



Wikidata Leveling Up Days

Events will take place from April 5th to 7th and from April 12th to 14th Wikidata Leveling Up Days .

#1Lib1Ref 2024

Get started with #1Lib1Ref in 2024. Check out How to 1Lib1Ref.



AI Salon with the Women in Religion User Group We will hold our third AI Salon in March with members of the Women in Religion User Group. Stay tuned for specific details!

Past Events


AI Salon with Silvia Gutiérrez We held our second AI Salon at 12 p.m. EST on Thursday, October 27, 2023. Our guest speaker this month was Silvia Eunice Gutiérrez De la Torre, Senior Program Officer, Libraries, Wikimedia Foundation. The recording of our conversation is now available on YouTube.

AI Salon with Andrew Lih and Richard Knipel on September 28, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. EST. Please join the Wikimedia and Libraries User Group for a series of AI Salons. We will be sponsoring hour-long conversations on Google Meet to discuss artificial intelligence's potential threats and long-term implications for the Wikimedia ecosystem. Each AI Salon will be introduced by leading experts and directed toward the practical interests of librarians. Best of all, you can participate and make your opinions heard! Recording available on YouTube.

Fostering Connections: Wikimedia and Libraries Global Meetup on April 21, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. UTC. Come and meet Wikilibrarians from all over the globe. If you are interested in the connection between Wikimedia projects and libraries, then please join us! The meeting is informal and open to everyone. If you are interested in taking part, please sign your name below.

view notes

Presentation on Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons



Wikimedia and Libraries User Group - #1lib1ref office hours on Tuesday 26 May 2020 there will be three Zoom sessions led by members of the Wikimedia and Libraries User Group.

Agenda topics


What will we talk about / demonstrate during the hour?

  • demonstrating how to add citations
  • the importance of Wikipedia and Wikidata to libraries and librarians
  • an overview of resources for teaching / coaching library colleagues in editing skills
  • Wikipedia Library and how people can join it
  • .... and more ....

30 May 2019 09:00 Sydney / 29 May 16:00 Pacific/ 29 May 23:00 GMT

#1lib1ref is a global campaign to encourage library staff to add references to articles in Wikipedia to improve their accuracy and usefulness.

A Google hangout was held, focusing on what library colleagues are doing in Wikipedia on Thursday 30 May 2019 at 9am. Hosts: Merrilee and Mylee


  • Why do we need #1lib1ref (discussion)
  • How to add a citation (demo)
  • What topics to get started with .... (discussion)
  • Citation hunt (demo)
  • What are other libraries doing? (discussion)

Open tasks


Join the discussion