Вікісуполкі ўдзельнікаў/Даведнік па стварэньні
Гэта лёгкачытэльныя ўводзіны ў ход стварэньня Вікісуполкі ўдзельнікаў. Яны прызначаюцца для дапамогі Вам у вырашэньні, ці станаўленьне Вікісуполкі ўдзельнікаў пасуе Вашай суполцы, і для падрыхтоўкі да хуткага ходу ўхваленьня.
- Асноўная старонка: Вікісуполкі ўдзельнікаў
Wikimedia user groups are intended to be simple and flexible affiliates that are an alternative to chapters and thematic organizations - which require more formal requirements. User groups are highly valued as equal players in the Wikimedia movement. They are meant to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.
Recognition from the Affiliations Committee allows a group to apply for using the Wikimedia trademarks and to get certain grants; however, recognition is not required to do any of the work typical user groups do or might do, it is an optional extra step with connected benefits and some requirements.
Recognition from the Affiliations Committee allows a group to apply for using the Wikimedia trademarks and to get certain grants; however, recognition is not required to do any of the work typical user groups do or might do, it is an optional extra step with connected benefits and some requirements.
Benefits of becoming a recognized Wikimedia user group include:
- Use the Wikimedia logos consistent with the Wikimedia Foundation's Trademark Policy without any additional approval. User groups may use other logos not part of the Trademark Policy (such as the Wikimedia Foundation logo) pursuant to a trademark license with the Wikimedia Foundation and approval by the Wikimedia Foundation legal team.
- Receive large, but limited, quantities of Wikimedia merchandise for use in activities and outreach efforts.
- Public recognition of the group's affiliation with the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Affiliations Committee Liaison support during and after the approval process.
- One scholarship to attend the Wikimedia Conference, held annually in Berlin for Wikimedia movement affiliates.
Without recognition, groups may still:
- Engage in group activities to promote, build, and support the Wikimedia movement and its projects.
- Utilize the Wikimedia Community logo.
- Request one-time use of Wikimedia logos consistent with the Wikimedia Foundation's Trademark Policy pursuant to a trademark license with the Wikimedia Foundation and approval by the Wikimedia Foundation legal team.
- Apply for Project & Event Grants, Individual Engagement Grants, and Travel & Participation Support grants.
- Асноўная старонка: Патрабаваньні да Вікісуполак удзельнікаў
Wikimedia user groups are intended to be simple and flexible affiliates with far fewer requirements than chapters and thematic organizations. Even affiliates hoping to become a chapter or thematic organization are not expected to meet the requirements for those affiliate models to apply for Wikimedia user group recognition.
The requirements to set up an officially recognized Wikimedia user group are meant to be light-weight and easy to follow.
- Three active Wikimedia editors
While it is recommended that user groups have about 10 members, it is required that at least 3 members are active with 500 or more contributions to a Wikimedia project (in the case of Wikidata: 800 or more edits) in a year preceding the application on a registered account that has existed for at least 6 months. These active members must be in good community standing (meaning they are not currently suspended or otherwise prevented from participating). While user groups should welcome the input of people who are not active contributors to the Wikimedia projects, and are required to allow new members to join, they should not stray too far from the community. An active involvement of contributors to the Wikimedia projects is necessary to enable a user group to bring its real-life initiatives to life in the Wikimedia projects. - Agree to Wikimedia user group agreement and code of conduct
Your group must agree to the Wikimedia user group agreement and code of conduct - which outlines basic expectations of Wikimedia user groups, such as on-wiki documentation of activities, operating within Wikimedia guiding principles, and compliance with the Trademark policy. When you submit your application, you will be asked to agree to both the Wikimedia user group agreement and code of conduct.
If your user group application is not able to meet these criteria you are still welcome to apply but we would like to understand your motivation for why you think these criteria are not important to your initiative. Please address these two questions in your motivation:
- How would your user group contribute to the mission of the Wikimedia Movement
- How does the background of the founding members contribute to the success of your user group
Examples of applications that could have good reasons for not meeting the criteria are things like research groups or other initiatives which do not require you to be an active contributor.
Please be aware that if you do not meet the three criteria outlined above, the Affiliations Committee will need more time to discuss your application (and hopefully approve it), this might also involve some more communication with the founding members of the user group application, so please watch your inbox for mails on this topic so that you can respond to them quickly.
1-ы крок: Зьбярыце людзей
User groups are about people – people who want to contribute to and support Wikimedia projects beyond editing alone.
At least three active users who are in good standing are required to start a user group. While three is the minimum, gathering at least 10 in your group typically works best to keep the group going.
A prospective user group should plan and host activities before beginning the approval process.
This helps the Affiliations Committee understand the role of a user group in the impact area.
2-і крок: Распрацуйце задачы і поле дзеяньня
When enough people are interested in setting up a user group, start a conversation on your group's goals and scope. Use these questions to guide your discussions:
- What does this group want to accomplish? What is the scope? For example, does the group plan to have a monthly meetup on a particular topic? Will members connect with local schools, libraries, or museums? How does the group’s mission aim to improve Wikimedia projects?
- What kind of activities does the group plan to engage in beyond editing (e.g. outreach, fundraising, public relations, publishing, meetups)?
In determining the goals and structure, members may want to contact existing Wikimedia affiliates for advice and inspiration.
3-і крок: Абярыце назву суполкі ўдзельнікаў
- Глядзіце таксама: Указаньні па найменьні аддзелаў і Лепшыя практыкі з эмблемамі аддзелаў
When applying for recognition, the group needs a name. A user group's name and logo should support more independent activity and discourage confusion with other Wikimedia organizations. User groups are allowed to use the Wikimedia logos consistent with our Trademark Policy without any additional approval. User groups may use other logos not part of the Trademark Policy (such as the Wikimedia Foundation logo) pursuant to a trademark license with the WMF and approval by the WMF legal team.
Generally, creative and descriptive names are encouraged. Here are a few examples that might help:
- Wikimedia User Group [Region/Topic/Language/Interest]
- Wikimedians of [Region/Language] User Group
- [Region/Interest] Wikimedians User Group
- [Specific Focus or Topic] Wikimedia User Group
- Wikimedia Community of [Region or Focus Area] User Group
- [Region or Language] Wikimedians User Group
- Wiki Advocates [Region or Topic] User Group
- [Language or Interest] Wiki Contributors User Group
In all cases, the Affiliations Committee is tasked with ensuring that the name matches the criteria suggested by the Wikimedia Foundation’s Legal department, to protect the movement and the members of the user groups. Please contact the Affiliations Committee at affcomlists
org for questions or concerns about selecting a user group name.
4-ы крок: Закладзіце вікістаронку Вашай суполкі
It's time to document the proposed user group on-wiki and to set up some means of communication. A user group needs to designate two (2) contact people who can be identified to the Wikimedia Foundation for communication. Also, think about setting up a wiki page where people can join and perhaps set up a mailing list, a talk page, or another forum to discuss the user group’s events and projects.
Step 5: Publishing the letter of intent
Before submitting the application, the group needs to write a public letter of intent using the suggested template and share it with other Wikimedia movement affiliates that are operating in the same country and/or in the same thematic areas as the proposed group. See the list of all Affiliates here. The letter provides those affiliates a fair opportunity to review the group’s intent and engage in any necessary discussions about how the work may overlap or conflict.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Create a new subpage of your Meta-wiki user group page with the following naming format: [YOUR GROUP NAME]/Letter of intent
- Example: Wikimedians of Antarctica/Letter of intent
- Modify the letter of intent template on the page in accordance with the group’s context.
- Let people know about the letter of intent by posting it to the Affiliates Noticeboard on Meta-wiki. Please include a link to the letter of intent page; don’t reproduce the whole letter of intent on the Noticeboard. Please mention any affiliates that focus on the same areas (region or theme) as the proposed user group in your announcement text.
- Send an email to all-affiliates
org including the text of the post on the Affiliates Noticeboard and a link to the letter of intent.
6-ы крок: Падайце заяўку на прызнаньне
- Асноўная старонка: Падайце заяўку на пачынаньне Вікісуполкі ўдзельнікаў
After completing the first five steps, the group is now ready to apply for recognition.
Visit the Wikimedia user group application page to apply. The Affiliations Committee will review the application, invite the group for an interview, and decide if the group should be recognized as an official Wikimedia User Group. View the timeline for User group recognition here.
- Асноўная старонка: Падаць заяўку на пачынаньне Вікісуполкі ўдзельнікаў
Once you've completed the steps, visit the Wikimedia user group application page and apply for recognition.
Delays often happen with incomplete applications. To prevent this happening, please double-check this list before submitting your application:
- Did the group follow the affiliates' naming requirements? Group discussions about names can take a long time. It is best to only do this once! You may contact the Affiliations Committee to seek input on the name before applying.
- Does your group have a clear scope and purpose that is consistently and clearly explained? If your Meta page explains your user group in a way that differs from your application, and if those differ from the activities your group is undertaking - that may delay the application's approval as a clear scope and purpose is required for the resolution to approve the user group and the user group agreement which the two primary contacts will be signing with the Wikimedia Foundation. Your scope and purpose statement should clearly and concisely explain what your group hopes to accomplish and who would be interested in joining. We recognize this may evolve over time, but you should have a clear commitment to a specific statement at the time of your application.
- Are your two primary contacts willing to identify themselves with the Wikimedia Foundation? Sometimes privacy concerns might cause someone to change their minds, which can delay the final steps in the user group recognition process.
- Is your group ready to accept new members and already include at least three Wikimedia editors in good standing? Groups which have a closed or limited membership model may require more discussion and review. Groups which do not have at least three active members who are also active Wikimedia editors in good standing will not be approved.
- Are your designated leaders and group as a whole willing to follow the Wikimedia user group agreement and code of conduct? All leaders who are named on the application must agree prior to the application being sent. Applicants found to be violating the agreement or code of conduct will not be approved, and existing Wikimedia user groups found to be violating the agreement or code of conduct may have their affiliation status rescinded.
The recognition includes a one-year trial period for applicants to demonstrate their activities and effectiveness. After the trial period, the user group will be asked to submit an activity report that is based on the Affiliate Health Criteria template. AffCom will review the submitted report and decide whether the group has met the criteria for continued recognition as a Wikimedia User Group.
During the midway point of the trial period, AffCom will check in for a progress update via email. Near the end of the trial period, user groups will need to submit an activity report. This activity report will be reviewed to determine whether the affiliation status will be extended beyond the probationary period, based on the user group’s achievements, impact, and alignment with Wikimedia’s mission.
After the user group has finished the one-year trial period, the user group can now focus on the day-to-day business and promote Wikimedia projects according to the user group's mission. The Wikimedia user group agreement and code of conduct were already signed during the application process.
If the user group wants some hints about possible projects, members can always look at what other organizations have accomplished or are currently doing.
Good luck!