![](//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Noun-Project-end-goal-1885956.svg/150px-Noun-Project-end-goal-1885956.svg.png) 資金和人員
- 資金
- 办公室和工作人员
- 基础设施
- 筹款支持
- 招聘
- 主要需求是通过资金获得更多资源。希望在内容伙伴关系领域发展壮大。
- 「需要技术资源才能完成更多上传。需要更多的开发人员,并制定良好的工作流程。不打算让培训机构自己进行上传,但会考虑这一选择。」
- 「更多资金。希望为无法自筹资金的小伙伴提供资源。包括会议室、食品和饮料。还希望能够提供(支付)网络空间、服务器和技术支持。」
- 「a. 办公空间 b. 工作人员 c. 业务费用。」
- 「与政府机构合作需要有长期规划,因为政府机构的年度预算需要在前一年确定。在只有志愿者为UG工作的情况下,很难提前那么长时间进行规划。」
- 「我们还缺乏互联网。互联网接入是我们最大的障碍。网络费用昂贵,而且质量很差。」
- 「以快速拨款或年度拨款的形式提供资金支持。WMF 或政府组织均可提供。也可以是实物支持,如宽带连接、交通帮助或场所。」
- 「构建一个旨在促成项目合作的完整计划。例如,聘请维基人常驻六或十二个月。」
- 实例探究
- 数据工具
- 模板
- 文档
- 实例探究
- 指南
- 模板和表单
- 能够轻松了解他人是如何成功完成一个项目的,这对我们的工作大有裨益。
- 「资源(人员)和资金、志愿者福利 数据和媒体上传工具。有关许可证的信息,以帮助教育合作伙伴,让他们根据自由许可证发布材料/数据。」
- 「为提高对自由知识和自由许可证的认识做了大量工作。」
- 「缺乏向潜在合作夥伴展示早期成功合作和共享藏品的地图或平台。优秀的作品集将有助于开启对话。可以建立一个全球共享平台,供所有分会/用户组使用。供GLAM组织者在维基媒体项目中使用的共享工具和文件的存放库。共享照片,用于促进夥伴关系。」
- 「需要其他国家的经验来显示影响。展示统计数据和世界其他地区的做法,让新伙伴和潜在伙伴了解哪些做法有效。建立范例库。新的联系人很难知道与维基媒体运动合作会产生什么成果,如果能将这些成果汇集起来,将会有所帮助。建立共同资源库,用于演示。」
- 「很棒的数据!需要用统计数据和实例来解释出版商的收益。」
- 「案例研究、最佳实践和流程指南。是一個持久且可持续的计划。」
- 「可支持伙伴关系的标准化工作流程和文件。」
- 「改进文献资料将有助于GLAM的合作。了解他人是如何工作的,以及他们是以何种方式开展项目的。查看并了解上传、创建的页面、记录成果的项目页面之间的联系。」
- 「在自由许可下发布资料并允许他人随意使用的最佳论据。让机构了解维基媒体运动的材料。版权知识是一个问题,因为有些机构并不真正清楚什么是版权,也不知道如何在资料上使用正确的许可证。」
- 「A.查阅以前在同一项目上的工作和经验 B.可用资源 C.充分了解合作伙伴的需求。」
- 项目管理
- 宣传材料
- 通讯
- 方法和规划
- 典范实务
- 课程
- "Need for training, technical, legal and project management support. Most volunteers can write articles, but do not have the technical skills to set up or manage the project."
- Best: "Clear outcome for all involved parts. A list of monuments or an uploaded collection is a clear outcome. Money that does not have a decided use is not a clear outcome. Second best: Indirect outcome can be a dataset and resources to hire someone to build a list to be used for a photo contest. Third: Not really clear what should be done or who should do it, trying to avoid these partnerships."
- "Showcase material and good examples to show impact. Need to build internal capacity before reaching out further. Diversifying knowledge within the UG to offer more to partners. Resources to build up a strong offer to partners."
- "Clear expectations and agreements about what should be done and who can do what."
- "In order for a partnership to be successful, it is necessary to present to them the benefits that they will have from the achieved cooperation. Communication should be open, up-to-date, regularly informing them about the achieved results and progress of the project."
- "Partnership champion who can run projects and partnerships. Tech support in building templates, data clean up and such."
- "Project management training in order to run collaborations better. Both how to negotiate and implement projects, but also how to write contracts and how to avoid conflicts and sort out when projects don’t go as planned."
- 志愿者
- 分享知识和技能
- 合作平台
- 导师计划
- 全球项目
- "Being able to recruit people to add content to the projects. Partnering with other chapters to collaborate on Wikidata. Working together to get more out of the collaborations. Get training on working with Wikidata."
- To be able to practice together in the situations that arise is a good way to solve problems.
- "Better coordination between chapters/user groups/communities to help each other and plan for future and current partnerships. Better cooperation with the Commons community for discussions in license questions or deletion discussions."
- "Setting up a network within the movement for partnerships. Both regional and wider areas need to be connected. Building a family for support when problems arise or when questions need to be sorted out. The community is both volunteers and staff, and we should network and build on that."
- "Having access to a hotline where help and hands could be provided. Getting extra eyes to look at scripts and meta data matching to see if things could be done in a better way or with smarter tools. Formal/informal mentorship to get knowledge transfer going between community members. Both central and distributed points of contacts and list of ongoing projects."
- 媒体上传
- 数据上传
- 开发及维护
- 对工具的责任
- 维基媒体基金会的参与
The tools for uploads and other related content partnerships tools must work. It has been clear that this is one of the most important parts of the relationship with the partners.
- 在成果可以直接使用的情况下,密切合作是项目取得成功的最佳途径。
- 「开发更多可视化工作方法。」
- 「帮助进行技术上传和从数据库中提取数据,以便在维基数据上提供。我们社区确实缺乏技术/开发人员,而且很难进行数据上传方面的培训,因为对这方面工作感兴趣的志愿者并不多。」
- 「在哪里可以找到有关如何上传图像和元数据的最佳技术解决方案。帮助转换工具,使其他国家/社区和机构也能使用。交叉推广/翻译有关館聯(GLAM)和GLAM资料的文章/说明。」
- 「改进工具,使其更易于使用。任何志愿者或館聯(GLAM)员工都应能轻松使用 pattypan 等工具。由于法律是全国性的,因此自己动手会更容易。可以制作信息页面和传单,用于通知合作伙伴。」
- "The ability to do mass uploads and to have the possibility to work with programmers. Work with data for example places. “Round-tripping” - for example, an institution provides content or data, and can use the Wikimedia infrastructure to enable their project, analysis or content presentation."
- "Some technical help to make tools easier to work with. Some way to find help from other chapters when WMF is busy and unable to provide enough support or grants on time. Building relations with chapters through other projects like WikiGap and contacts found during Wikimedia Summit and such events."
- "An enthusiastic marketing person who will act as an intermediary to unlock photo collections and convince professional photographers to sign over copyright – they will already have a relationship with people in the area being covered."
- "Case in point: Pattypan. A wonderful tool, and invaluable, but riddled with bugs and not supporting structured data. Need a full-time developer to make it polished but I’ve heard it will no longer be supported."
- "Some helpful tools exist, but more support is needed to help better on how to use them. Setting up community support packages with recorder and computer to allow for recording languages for Lingua Libre."
- "Support in training from experienced chapters within the movement in doing uploads and other technical stuff. Learning how to run all parts of projects. Looking at different databases with open APIs. Having the hub help connect data to Wikidata would be great."
- "支持培训,以积累更多的技术经验和使用工具。更容易找到在细节上更有发展的案例研究,而且是全长的,即上传。为外部伙伴提供指导性材料,以及他们在伙伴关系中应该能够做什么。"
- "维护项目的支持是在开发者社区中找到的,有一些较大的团体,也有一些较小的团体。每当一个新的版本开始部署时,就需要在所有的平台上找到用户来帮助测试,以确保没有任何问题。"