目錄:維持活動安全 / 視覺素材 |

The Wikimedia Community and the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees ratified a Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) in 2021. This UCoC applies to "all Wikimedia projects, technical spaces, in-person and virtual events" as well as other types of interactions. As a result, the Universal Code of Conduct will both govern events and be relevant to the planning of those events.
The UCoC spells out what minimum behavior is expected of Wikimedia participants, as well as what behavior is unacceptable. Minimum expected behavior includes:
- Mutual respect toward one another; and
- Civility, collegiality, mutual support and good citizenship.
While unacceptable behavior includes:
- Harassment of many types, some examples including but not limited to insults, sexual harassment, threats, encouraging harm to others, doxing, hounding, and trolling;
- Abuse of power, privilege, or influence; and
- Content vandalism and abuse of the projects.
In 2023, the community and the Board of Trustees ratified Enforcement Guidelines for the UCoC. These guidelines spell out what should happen when UCoC violations occur and how such situations should be processed by the community and the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). This committee was seated in June 2024, but is not yet hearing cases, which means that until the U4C begins hearing cases, the power to enforce UCoC violations is held by local community/organizers and, in extreme cases, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust and Safety team.
The Friendly Space policy also provides specific provisions for youth safety and keeping events inclusive during times of war.
- 侮辱:這類行為包括惡言、侮蔑、使用刻板印象、基於個人特質的攻擊行為。侮辱可指感知特質,其諸如智力、外貌、民族、種族、宗教(或無宗教信仰)、文化、種姓、性取向、認同性別、生理性別、殘障、年齡、國籍、政治派別或其他特質。在部分情況中,反覆地嘲笑嘲弄、諷刺挖苦、或侵犯攻擊會構成集體侮辱。
- Sexual harassment: Sexual attention or advances of any kind towards others where the person knows or reasonably should know that the attention is unwelcome or in situations where consent cannot be communicated.
- 威脅:明示或暗示可能會發生身體暴力、不公平的為難行為、不公平和無端的名譽損害;通過表明會發起不必要的法律行動來進行恐嚇,而其行為目的是為贏得爭論或迫使他人按照自身意願行事。
- Encouraging harm to others: This includes encouraging someone else to commit self-harm or suicide as well as encouraging someone to conduct violent attacks on a third party.
- Disclosure of personal data (Doxing): sharing other contributors' private information, such as name, place of employment, physical or email address without their explicit consent either on the Wikimedia projects or elsewhere, or sharing information concerning their Wikimedia activity outside the projects.
- Hounding: following someone across the project(s) and repeatedly critiquing their work mainly with the intent to upset or discourage them. If problems are continuing after efforts to communicate and educate, communities may need to address them through established community processes.
- Trolling: Deliberately disrupting conversations or posting in bad-faith to intentionally provoke.
Specific to events, especially in-person events, it should be noted that sexual images in public spaces also constitutes harassment, as does harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, and sustained disruption of events.
- 在活動開始之前,將該活動的友善空間方針公布在活動網頁上,並在所有的活動聯繫管道放置該方針的連結,例如線上註冊流程等等。
- 有個很好的作法,就是將方針的摘要設計成紙本海報並在活動場域周圍展示。
- Create the documents and forms your event's safety team will use during the event, including:
- An incident report form
- An incident logging sheet
- A list of safety-related roles and responsibilities for event organizers
- An event safety plan (in all cases)
- A youth safety plan (for events targeted at ages 15-24)
- Designate at least two people to respond to Friendly Space violations. It may be helpful to ask a range of genders and identities if possible. Sometimes people feel more comfortable reporting incidents to someone with whom they share identities. The points of contact must know how to contact local emergency services, Wikimedia Foundation officials, or other authorities as necessary. Brief them on the guidelines. For small events, this may need to be you.
- Reach out to Wikimedia Foundation’s Trust and Safety team to receive the event ban list, to help you assess participants.
- Make sure those designated to respond to incidents are easy to recognize, for example through special badges or shirts, so that they can be easily located.
- For in-person events, collect important contact numbers such as local medical services, hotels, and taxi companies. Publicize them as needed at the event. It’s helpful to place these contact numbers on any welcome papers provided to attendees.
- For in-person events, check in with the event venue so that you know their onsite team and security procedures and share your safety plans, including a way to contact your “safety team”.
- For virtual events, make sure you are familiar with the event platform's safety and behavioral policies and how to contact the platform's Trust and Safety team in case of emergency.
- Be prepared to explain to attendees why the UCoC and the Friendly Space Policy are important.
- For virtual events, familiarize yourselves with the platform you are using, including its moderation features. You and other moderators should know how to mute, direct message, and ban on the platform before your event begins.
- For virtual events, prepare, if possible, banners to be displayed on the platform about the UCoC and Friendly Space Policy.
- For virtual events, consider pinning a message to the chat or using a banner that displays ways to contact your safety team in case of incidents.
During the event
- * 在活動開始當下,提醒參與者友善空間方針,並要求承諾遵守該方針;介紹應對友善空間投訴的活動組織者,以及列在相關的海報或維基媒體頁面。
- For virtual events, consider posting regular reminders of the UCoC and Friendly Space Policy into the event's chat. Not everyone will have been present for the opening, and even those who were may forget what was said then.
- For virtual events (or in-person events with a chat channel for attendees), the safety team should regularly monitor the chat for incidents or misbehavior.
- If there is a threat to safety, call security or police first (in-person) or email Wikimedia Foundation Trust and Safety at emergency wikimedia.org (if virtual) if any additional supports are needed.
- Help the person making the report feel safe. Find a comfortable, quiet, and at least semi-private place to speak with them. If your event is virtual, this may involve switching from public chat to direct/private message.
- If possible, ask the person if they would like a friend or trusted colleague present during your conversation.
- Listen actively. Follow the advice in the “Taking the Report” section for best practices in speaking with those involved.
- 製作筆記。這個動作可以在未來進行必要行動時,提供一份紀錄。應該要紀錄的重要事項包含:
- 發生的時間與地點
- 受到立即影響的參與者姓名
- 潛在目擊者的姓名
- 事件發生的細節
- 決定需要採取哪些行動,並且告知通報者你正在進行的動作。(請見「採取行動」章節,以便了解要如何處理之更多資訊。)
- 跟進。請見「後續行動」的章節,以便了解在你收到友善空間通報後要如何處理知更多細節。
- 我想要確認,如果您要進行通報,是否知道哪些人將擁有報告的存取權?
- 我們會在未來採取任何行動前向您諮詢。
- (闡明違法活動將會通報相關單位。)
- 當你進入房間的時候事情就正好發生了。我這樣了解是對的嗎?
- 你記得任何其他有說過的話嗎?
- 「這對我來說不太合理。」; 「您確定他們這樣說?」; 「這聽起來跟那個人的個性對不起來啊。」
- 我知道這種經歷會令人憂慮與感到壓力。
- 看起來您很痛苦。在您進行通報時,是否希望需要有人在場?
- 感謝您的通報。我們將會盡快採取適當的行動。
- 文明以待。以親切和尊重的態度對待他人。較容易造成冒犯的敏感話題(例如宗教、政治、國籍等)應該更加有禮謹慎的處理。
- 對肢體接觸的界線有敏感度。這類的界線因人、因文化而異。特別要注意跟別人的互動空間大小。與其茂然假設別人對於肢體接觸是自在的(包含好意的擁抱、在臉頰上親吻等),還不如事先詢問其可否進行接觸。
- 站在一起。如果你親身體驗或親眼目擊到某個人做出了傷害性的言論,可以提醒那個人關於性別友善空間的方針,然後親切但堅定地要求其停止。記得有些案例中,人們並沒有理解到他們的行為或使用的字眼是傷人的。同樣也要思考如何適當地支持被言論傷害的接受者。
- 告知活動組織者。在你目擊事件發生時,盡快地告知活動現場工作人員,讓他們可以立刻進行適當的因應。及早介入可能避免不當行為的升級。
嚴重程度 | 描述 | 舉例 | 組織者在接到安全事件通報時如何行動? |
低 | 發表的言論並非直接針對特定人員或引起冒犯的人員。這類違規情形並非故意,甚至發言者未能理解所發表的言論。 | 參與者在展示過程中發表一系列不滿的評論。
某位參與者進入其他人的實體空間,使他人感到不舒服。 |
提醒當事人友善空間方針的規定,並解釋為何特定的行為或話語會讓其他人感到不舒服。這類互動應當以尊重態度為之,並假設這類違反方針的情形非屬故意。 |
中 | 發表言論的目的在於冒犯或攻擊其他參與者。這類行為被認為具有反社會或不合理的特性,或是在過去曾被警告過。 | 某位參與者針對另一位參與者的編輯行為進行侵略性的對抗,且仍在被告知停止後繼續對抗。
某位參與者未經當事人同意拍攝照片,且仍在被告知停止後繼續拍攝。 |
多次違反友善空間方針的個體,可以有禮貌地明確要求離開。如果此人拒絕或是變得更具侵略性,請聯繫場地保全或警察。 |
高 | 具有針對性,而且很有可能造成目標人物身心傷害的行為。違反相關法律,或是事先已經警告但仍重複發生的友善空間違例模式。 | 某位參與者持續以不恰當的方式觸碰另一位參與者。
某位被禁制的人試圖進入活動場所。 A virtual participant posts sexual images of another participant in open event chat. |
The participant must be asked firmly to leave the event. If they refuse, contact venue security or law enforcement (if in-person)—do not put yourself in danger—or remove and ban the participant (if virtual). You may also wish to contact the event platform's Trust and Safety team (if virtual). 如果要提交報告,應當上報給維基媒體基金會職員;如果情況適用的話,應上報給當地執法機關。 |
- 發生原因
- 參與人員
- 採取的行動
- 產生的結果
- 哪些地方辦得好?
- 哪些地方還可以改善?
- 是否有任何工具或資源覺得可以(在籌辦這次活動中)幫助到您?
- 世界上已經有這些工具或資源了嗎?如果有,下次(舉辦活動時)您有無辦法得到這類工具或資源?
- 如果沒有,您會需要建議這類工具或資源被製作出來嗎?
- 如果您沒有信心籌辦更多活動,您需要什麼事物來恢復信心呢?
如果此類活動安全事件產生出報告,請傳送給您的補助計畫經理或您的維基媒體基金會聯絡人。如果您沒有以上的聯絡人,可以將報告以電子郵件寄給支援與安全團隊,地址為ca wikimedia.org。將報告資訊提供給維基媒體基金會,將能協助他們為活動組織者設計更好的實例與資源。
This booklet's content is available on Meta-Wiki: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Keeping_events_safe For an online version of this booklet, visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Keeping_events_safe
This resource kit was developed by the Trust and Safety team, in collaboration with the Community Resources, Technical Collaboration, and Learning and Evaluation teams, at the Wikimedia Foundation.
The content contained in this booklet is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) unless otherwise stated.
This work is attributable to: Wikimedia Foundation.
"Wikimedia" and the Wikimedia Foundation logo are registered trademarks of the Wikimedia Foundation. For more information on Wikimedia’s trademarks policy, please see our Trademark Policy page (https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_policy) or email trademarks wikimedia org.
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目錄:維持活動安全 / 視覺素材 |