Tipang Kasuratan/Nilalaog/Hubs
This was a historical draft of the Wikimedia Movement Charter. The latest version of the Charter that is up for a global ratification vote from June 25 to July 9, 2024 is available in the main Meta page. We thank the stakeholders of the Wikimedia movement for their feedback and insights in producing this draft. |

Kahulugan asin katuyohan
An mga rehiyonal asin tematikong hubs mga estruktura para sa pagsuporta kan saro sa lambang saro. Tinatawan ninda nin puwersa an nag-eeksister asin sa ngapit na mga komunidad kan Wikimedia tanganing magkaigwa nin kapasidad saka rekurso sa paggibo asin pagimplementar kan saindang sadiring desisyon na mapanigoan an saindang magkakalaen na pangangaipo. An mga Hubs nagbilog nin sarong estrukturang pansuporta kan saro sa duwang ini para sa hub na miyembro asin iba pa sa laog kan hiron nin Wikimedia tanganing makanuod, maghiras nin kaaraman, makamukna nin pinakamarahay na mga gibo, asin magtao nin giya saka tabang sa ibang myembro asin komunidad nin hub.
An mga hubs sarong kasangkapan na magarantiya nin pagkasusteniran, katatagan, asin pagtalubo para sa bilog na Kahiroan. An mga rehiyonal na hub nagtotogot sa pagimplementar nin mga aktibidad, kasangkapan, asin impormasyon. An mga rehiyonal na hub nagtatao nin kusog sa mga grupo kan Wikimedianes na magtarabangan asin makoordinar, halimbawa sa katatagan, asin magtalubo para sa bilog na Kahiroan. An mga rehiyonal na hub nagtatao nin kusog sa mga grupo kan Wikimedianes na magtarabangan asin makoordinar, halimbawa dapit sa paghaman nin kapasidad asin pagbalyo nin kaaraman. An mga tematikong hubs minatogot sa espesyalisasyon asin pagtrabaho sa bilog na Kahiroan, kun saen an pararehong katuyohan nakikinabang sa inaakong mga solusyon. An mga hubs nagmukna nin oportunidad sa bagong mga koneksyon asin estruktura, asin pagpapakusog kan yaon nang mga koneksyon.
An mga hubs mahalagang marhay na kasangkapan sa pagpalakop kan kahiroang Wikimedia asin mga prinsipyo arog baga nin subsidaridad, pagkakapantay-pantay asin paghaman nin kapasidad.
Paghaman asin proseso nin pamamayo
An mga hubs pwedeng punan nin pinakahababa sa duwang kaapil nin Wikimedia bilang kagtogdas na mga miyembro.
An naggigibo nin desisyon asin an mga responsable sa laog kan hub iyo an steering committee kaini o katumbas, siring kan sinasabing sa ginibong modelo o by-laws.
An mga Hubs inorganisar na an duwa sana kaini nakapokus:
- Rehiyonal (heograpikong) pokus.
- Hipotetikal na pagigin miyembro na halimbawa: mga kaapil nin Wikimedia gikan sa Elvish Continent.
- Tematikong/urulay na pokus, kaiba an mga panlingwistikong tema na hubs
- Hipotetikla na pagigin miyembro na halimbawa: An mga kaapil nin Wikimedia na an trabaho nakasentro sa tataramon na Elvish; kaapil nin Wikimedia, WikiProyekto asin iba pang panluwas na organisasyon na may interes sa pagpatalubo nin laog na konektado sa mga burak.
An mga hub naiiba sa tematikong Wikimedia user group o tematikong Wikimedia na organisasyon sa bagay na an katuyuhan iyo na magin sarong istruktura nin suporta kan saro para sa mga miyembro nin hub
An hub dapat na mahaman sa saro sa duwang paagi na ini:
- bilang sarong rehistradong non-profit organization o an lokal na kaparehas kaini
- pighohost nin sarong pigbibistong non-profit organization o kaparehas kaining pigbibisto sa irarom kan mga aplikadong ley sa lokal.
An Hub Host na ini mahiro bilang fiscal sponsor, kun an hub mismo bakong legal na rehistradong non-profit o sa lokal na katumbas kaini. Dapat na igwa nin mga estrukturang angay tanganing andam iyan na ihiras sa sentro an tamang pagwaras, bilang dugang pa sa misyon kan hub asin sa pagsunod sa gabos na aplikadong ley.
- An Hub Host normal na magigin sarong Wikimedia Chapter o iba pang legal na rehistrafong Wikimedia affiliate, alagad sa ibang kaso pwedeng magin panluwas na organisasyon.
- An Hub Host dapat na makaabot sa mga kahagadan na pinagdesisyonan kan Pankinaban na Konseho asin kan Wikimedia Foundation.
- An Hub Host dai pwedeng magin host para sa sobra sa sarong hub.
An mga Hubs nag-aako kan saindang pagmidbid asin awtoridad gikan sa komite na ninombrahan kan Pankinaban na Konseho, na may pang=ultimong pag-uyon hale sa Pankinaban na Konseho. An mga Hubs maninimbag sa Pankinaban na Konseho.
An mga Hubs pigeekspektar na magin modelo sa pagkalaenlaen, pagkabali, akawntabilidad, asin pagkapantaypantay gikan sa preamble kan Movement Charter.
Pagigin miyembro asin laog
- An sarong hub nangangaipo nin pinakahababang duwang (2) Wikimedia na kaapil asín mga kagmuknang myembro na magin sarong hub kan Wikimedya. An mga kaapil na ini sa Wikimedia seguradong nakaabot sa gabos na kahagadan nin pamantayan para sa sarong kompanya kan klase kaiyan sa nakaaging duwang (2) taon.
- An mga Wikimedia Affiliates pwede magin miyembro kan labi sa sarong hub": an mga miyembro nin hub nagtatarabangan sa paggibong desisyon hali sa modelo kaini, asin garantiyahan an magkaparehas na adbokasiyang pansuportar.
Kahapotan nin Komunidad: Maninigo daw na may limitasyon kun pirang hub pwede magbali an sarong kaapil? (Idetalye an saindong simbag.)
- An mga indibidwal dai pwedeng magin miyembro nin hub, alagad puwedeng mag-ako nin suporta gikan sa sarong hub.
An hub dapat determinaran an saindang pagiging naggigibo nin desisyon asin modelo sa pagkamiyembro, asin bilang akawntabilidad para sa hub. Para sa mga hub na nagdesisyon na magin legalidad, an mga desisyon gigibohon kauyon kan saindang ley.
Mga responsibilidad
Regional and thematic hubs are mainly focused on coordination and support within their region or topic. Hubs empower existing and future communities to have the capacity and resources to make and implement their own decisions to meet their differing needs. Therefore a hub needs to develop and maintain a high level of knowledge in their area of expertise, and be able to relate it to the mission of the Wikimedia Movement.
This section outlines the guidelines proposed on different levels of a hub. These levels are:
- must – guidelines that every hub needs to follow to ensure accountability, transparency, and be truly a Movement Strategy project;
- should – operational guidelines for improving the projects to make them more sustainable and impactful;
- could – guidelines not strictly related to the project itself yet help to position them better in the overall landscape.
The concrete scope and functionality of the hubs will be decided by communities and organizations based on their contexts and needs. Hubs however must have a clearly described purpose in one or more of the areas below:
- Support cluster
- Service provision, such as coordinating human resources; conducting needs assessments of members; conducting growth assessments for members
- Capacity development, such as fostering the creation of new groups as well as their growth and development; providing trainings and leadership development opportunities
- Knowledge sharing, such as providing expertise and advice to other hub members
- Resourcing support, such as providing fiscal sponsorships and providing fundraising or financial expertise
- Coordination cluster
- Regional coordination around networking and communications opportunities
- Thematic coordination around networking and communications opportunities
Prior to approval of a new hub, the potential hub members should prepare an analysis that demonstrates that a hub would provide added value to the movement. It may mean better in terms of efficiency, but also how it helps others to amplify their voice and tap into new capacities. It is important to design a model of strategy and communication that involves affiliates and individuals, and consults them regularly. Ensuring that diverse opinions are voiced takes time, but it also creates lasting bonds and ensures constructive cooperation.
Hubs should collaborate with other Wikimedia organizations, including other hubs, informal groups, and individuals that seek their advice or ask their support. They are expected to stay informed of the related activities of other hubs and movement organizations, so as to know where they have common interests or goals (example: how to successfully develop a new affiliate, how to organize an editing event).
These structures will work toward standards of diversity, inclusion, accountability, and equity in decision-making as per the Movement Charter.
Optionally, a hub can also organize themselves to do additional event coordination, like organizing events and conferences, initiating activities around fundraising and funds dissemination, networking with external partners and undertaking advocacy activities with legal entities.
Hubs work with both the Global Council and the Wikimedia Foundation as a direct communication channel for involving their respective communities in strategic and other consultations and feedback for the benefit of the global Wikimedia movement.
Fundraising and Funds Dissemination
- Fundraising:
- Hubs are allowed to fundraise in coordination with WMF and affiliate fundraising programs.
- Regional hubs may fundraise locally.
- Thematic hubs can apply for or receive grants, and they can support others in managing their grants (Fiscal Sponsorship).
- Funds Dissemination:
- Hubs can allocate funds to their members.
- Hubs involved in funds dissemination need to have a transparent resource allocation process.
- Hubs involved in funds dissemination need to coordinate with regional fund committees.
- As organized non-profits or their local equivalents, hubs and Hub Hosts must allocate funds to hub members in furtherance of the hub’s mission and in compliance with all applicable laws.
Recognition and derecognition
- The Global Council will establish a process around hubs with overlapping regional or thematic interests, and decide on the safeguards.
- The Wikimedia Foundation, Global Council or an already existing hub cannot set up a hub or act as a Hub Host.
- Hubs must apply the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) within their membership. Where needed, the UCOC can be expanded to reflect the local context.
- Hubs support conflict resolution within their scope and membership. The Global Council will establish a body to help with conflict resolution between all affiliates, including hubs.
Conflicts of Interest
- The Global Council will develop a conflict of interest policy that applies to all hubs (regional & thematic).
- Hubs and Hub hosts cannot act as fiscal sponsor or support in the grant-application process (assist in drafting, applying, etc.) when they are already involved in the same process in a different capacity (for instance, funds dissemination).
- Hubs do not have a voting right for the Global Council seats because their Affiliate members have direct voting rights.
Relationship to other bodies
- Individuals
As per the mutual support structure, hubs will be open to support all in the movement with requests in relation to the scope of the hub. That means individuals cannot be members of a hub, but they can receive support and benefit from the activities of the hubs.
- Affiliates
Affiliates can become Hub Host when they are a legally registered affiliate. The members help prioritize the hub’s activities and all actively engage in mutual support. Non-members may participate in the hub’s activities (for example, if the hub hosts a conference and affiliates want to attend) and have access to its resources (for example, if the hub organizes a training for Board members).
- Wikimedia Foundation
Hubs can work together with the Wikimedia Foundation. Examples include: coordination around fundraising and fund dissemination in order to ensure compliance with applicable fundraising laws; volunteer and staff safety; global advocacy; and skills and capacity building.
- Global Council
Hubs are accountable to the Global Council. The Global Council is to decide on general structures and principles that apply beyond this Charter, and a committee of the Global Council will determine recognition and derecognition.
Further reading
- External legal feedback for this draft chapter at foundationwiki
- Wikimedia Foundation's legal feedback for this draft chapter at foundationwiki