ウィキメディア財団選挙/2024年/候補者/Mohammed Awal Alhassan
Mohammed Awal Alhassan (Alhassan Mohammed Awal)
Alhassan Mohammed Awal (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
候補者の詳細 | ![]()
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申請文書の総単語数は1000ワードが上限です(必須 + 選択式の設問の合計) | ||
必須の設問 | ||
ウィキメディア財団の理事選挙に立候補した理由は? あなたはどんな面で貢献できますか? もっと知りたいと思っているのはどんなことですか? | ボランティア活動に情熱を注いでいる私は特定のインターネット空間があって、ボランティアは自分の言語を広めたり、そのプラットフォームで共有された知識を誰もが無償で利用できるよう貢献できると初めて聞いたとき、ためらうこともなく仲間に入る手順を調べました。すぐにウィキメディアの利用者アカウントを作ってダバニ語のデジタル活動家になりました。その後ウィキメディアでウィキペディア以外のプロジェクトもいくつか発見すると、ボランティア活動で役割を担うなど、ウィキメディア運動の活動にもっと関わりたいと興味が高まったのです。 | |
ウィキメディアにおける経験を説明してください(ウィキメディアのどんなプロジェクトで編集したか、ウィキメディアのどの提携団体や組織に登録しているか、ウィキメディア運動で主催する活動、あるいはウィキメディア運動に賛同する外部の団体に参加しているなど)。 | ウィキメディアンになって以来、私自身の行動やリーダーシップの役割、複数のプロジェクトにボランティアとして貢献を積み上げてきたことを誇りに思います。
ウィキメディア・ダバニ語利用者グループ(dagbaniwikimedia.org)の幹部として、意思疎通や普及活動(アウトリーチ)、キャンペーン責任者を歴任しています。 現在、ウィキメディア・ダガーレ語コミュニティの共同リーダーを務め、ダガーレ語版ウィキペディアをインキュベータから1年未満で卒業させ2023年に本格始動するお手伝いをしました(Dagaare Wikipedia)。 クリエイティブ・コモンズ(訳注:CC): 2022年には伝統的知識と著作権の交差点作業グループ (WG) の共同リーダーを務め、伝統的知識をめぐるグループや資源と CC 使用許諾、CC 原則、著作権との関係における重要な問題の理解を深めました。 また作業グループに参加、ヘリテージ関連のデジタル・コミュニティ 、オープン・アクセスに参加し、さらに事例分析では同グループの調査結果や(訳注:CCによる)国際的なデジタル・コミュニティのヘリテージ取り組みを対象にしてききました。CC コミュニティでの私の取り組みにより、今年の CC 活動基金受賞者の1名に加わることができました(訳注:CC=クリエイティブ・コモンズ)。 MCDC(運動憲章草案委員会)の助言者ならびに同憲章大使を務めました。 LD4のボランティア経験:LD4 2023年カンファレンスの計画委員会およびアウトリーチ小委員会にボランティア参加(LD4 2023 Conference)。今年度は今年後半に開催予定の 2024年カンファレンスの共同議長を務めます。 私はガーナにおけるウィキラブ・民族文化2022を主催しプロジェクトのリーダーを任され、民族文化2023および同企画の2024年版ではコーディネーターも務めました。 私はArt+FeminismコミュニティでArt+Femismキャンペーンの主催ならびにメーリングリストの管理者を常任で務めています。ウィキメディアの 技術大使であり、辞書学について登壇者としてウィキ・インダバ 2021 で発表しました。 | |
皆さんから見て、ウィキメディア財団は今後の5-10年間に何を優先すると良いか、それがいちばん重要だと考える理由は何か、教えていただけませんか? | 財団は運動の活動における意思決定の公平性という運動憲章の取り組みの1つについて、これを確保する努力をし、先住民族や少数派グループの支援にさらに投資するべきです。少数派や先住民族の人やグループがプロセスの一部であると実感でき、意思決定の関与において誰も取り残さないようにするならば、知識をすべての人に無償で提供するという財団の使命を現実のものにできるはずです。 | |
Optional questions - Professional Experience, Skills and Education | ||
Please describe your experience with governing bodies of organizations (nonprofit or for-profit), mentioning the scope of your responsibilities, as well as the complexity of the organization (in terms of scale of operations, budget, number of people involved, or other meaningful measures) and the size of the board or body. | I serve in different organizations in diiferent capacities. I am a Council Member for Global Voices, a Fellow and mentor at Ghana School for Internet Governance which is a Fellowship program by E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa to train Fellows from different parts of Africa on internet governance issues. Internet Society Ghana (ISOC Ghana): Communications Team Member. Manage all the organization's communications, including mailing lists, social media platforms, and general publications voluntarily. Also was Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): Member of the Universal Acceptance Communications Working Group in charge of crafting and sending out posts and general communications to the public through emails, social media, and blogs/websites. | |
Please describe your professional career experience. | Professionally, I am an educationist working with Ghana Education Service since 2007. I worked a classroom teacher, a Head teacher, and was later elevated to the education directorate where I served in variouse schedules as an examinations officer, Basic Education Coordinator and currently serving as School Improvement Support Officer where I offer mentorship support to teachers on the job and young and upcoming teachers to improve learning outcomes in the Ghanaian schools.
I am also a Digital Language Activist interested in supporting the preservation of the indegenous languages on the internet space. | |
Please briefly describe 3 situations that show how you tackled, or advised others on, a complex problem in an organization. How did you work with others to address the situations? | The first was when the Executive Director of a local NGO I co-founded with never appreciated any efforts I made in the organization and always get angry with me at every little situation. My colleagues noticed it and was worried and they were afraid of the results if I decide to react. I calm the nerves of everyone by secretly meeting with the Executive Director alone and voicing out my frustrations to him and sought for his advise as to how I could possibly meet his expectations without compromising on the vission priciples of the organization. He explained that I made a damning remark about him to one of members of the organization and the person came to tell him what I said and that angered him. He advised me to always say about my superiors words that will not hurt them when they hear it and that I should be careful of those I call my friends. I apologized to him and we were good to go.
The second case was in one of my field work at Ghana Education Service where I was paired with two other people for some data collection in schools. These two guys got angry at each other and would talk to each in the field. I realized this was going to affect our work if allowed to continue. After work the fisrt day, I called one of them and told her that the other one said I should apologize to her on her behalf and that she should her if she accepted the appology. I did the same to the other one and lo and behold, the two bought and eat food together before we started work the next day | |
Please describe your educational background, including degrees, certificates, and courses of study finished, and their relevance to board work. | 1. Dilolma in Basic Education, specialized in Dagbani Language. With this background, I can translate materials into the indegenous Dagbani Language to aid undersatnding by native Dagabani Wikimedians and to ensure diversity and inclusivity in the governance issues. 2. Degree in Basic Eduaction, specialized in social science which is relevant in relating well with or socializing well with people from diffent backgrounds to achive a common goal. | |
Please add any relevant links describing your professional background, experience, profile (such as LinkedIn, staff page, etc.). | https://rising.globalvoices.org/blog/2022/06/22/meet-alhassan-mohammed-awal-dagbani-language-activist/ and LinkedIn | |
Optional questions - Leadership Experience | ||
Please describe ways in which you have helped to form a bridge between multiple communities (such as by working on projects outside your home wiki, or working on a collaboration between multiple affiliates). | ||
Can you describe a policy, on wiki or off, that you helped to create or change? What did you learn from this experience? | ||
How have you been able to empower people to make their voices heard? | ||
Sometimes in professional situations, there are personality conflicts. Explain how you remain productive even with personality conflicts. | I keep in mind the core values/priciples, mission and vission of the organization and work towards that while taking appropraite steps to seek redress of any concerns I may have. | |
Optional questions - Strategic Thinking | ||
Where do you see the need for greater diversity in the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees or within the movement? What steps would you take to improve diversity on the Board or within the movement? What steps would you recommend the Board take to improve diversity? | ||
確認 | 確認は選挙管理委員もしくはウィキメディア財団職員によって実施されます。 | |
立候補資格: ![]() 確認者: KTC (talk) 20:03, 3 June 2024 (UTC) |
身分証明: ![]() 確認者: – NahidSultan (WMF) (talk) 04:28, 2 June 2024 (UTC) |