
This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter/Content/Global Council and the translation is 60% complete.




The Global Council is a governance body responsible for development and implementation of movement strategy, including an annual report on global strategic priorities for the Wikimedia movement. This body is composed of volunteers and is supported by staff. The volunteers on the Global Council come from a diverse range of Wikimedia movement stakeholders. The Global Council improves accountability and transparency for movement-wide decision-making. It simplifies access to Movement resources and empower individuals and communities, in hopes of nurturing trust between stakeholders. The Global Council carries out its purposes by creating standards and objectives for committees across the movements, providing oversight, and limited executive decisions and directives.



  1. グローバル評議会は、ウィキメディア運動の財源を確保するために、その目的と価値観に寄り添った形でウィキメディア財団の募金活動について助言をします。
  2. グローバル評議会は、ウィキメディアプロジェクト、コミュニティ、提携団体、そして他の運動団体をサポートする基金の公平な普及を目指して、方針とガイドラインを設定します。
  3. グローバル評議会は、包括的で透明な合意形成プロセスを確保し、運動全体の特定の組織に対して指導をしたり、限定的な執行責任を行使したりします。
  4. グローバル評議会は、提携団体とハブの全体的な統制のために委員会を設置・変更します。
  5. グローバル評議会は、チャンネルを作って個人の資源(資金、人事、知識)へのアクセスを簡易化し、コミュニティが公平に参加できるようにします。
  6. グローバル評議会は、プロセスと報告の基準を設定することによって説明責任を確保します。




  • 言語委員会(LangCom)はグローバル評議会に報告をします。グローバル評議会が運動憲章の規定に則って言語委員会の形態と組織構造の最終決定を下します。
  • グローバル評議会は、新規言語版の承認条件を変更することがあります。
  • グローバル評議会は、LangComに直接新規言語版を承認することとするか、その権限を自身が保持するかを選択することができます。
  • この新しい組織構造では、LangComは提案されたプロジェクトが重要であり十分にサポートされていることを確認する責務を負っています。


  • グローバル評議会は、運動の新しい姉妹プロジェクトを承認する権限を持ちます。決定する際には、技術評議会による設立可能性の勧告と新規プロジェクトのホストからの承認に基づきます。現在はWMFが全プロジェクトのホストです。
  • グローバル評議会は、技術評議会とプロジェクトのホストからの技術的そして資金的な可能性を考慮し、プロジェクトが運動の価値観に沿っているかどうかも確認します。さらに、潜在的な活動中の編集者の賛同を得ているかチェックするのもグローバル評議会です。
  • [注意:この責務は、姉妹プロジェクト任務委員会の創立により変更される可能性があります。]


  • グローバル評議会は、言語プロジェクトの閉鎖に対して拒否権を有します。このような問題に投票するかどうかに独自の基準を設定することができます。投票しない場合には、言語委員会(LangCom)が判断を下します。
  • An affirmative vote of the Global Council is required to progress with closing a sister project. The Global Council may set additional criteria before voting. The viability of project continuation and necessity of closing will be extensively checked before final voting by Global Council.
  • グローバル評議会は、LangComを経由して、インキュベーターのプロジェクトの閉鎖基準を設定する権限を持ちます。



  • グローバル評議会はWMF製品技術チームや技術貢献者コミュニティとともに技術評議会を整備中です。組織構造の最終決定と技術評議会の構成はグローバル評議会によって作られる予定です。
  • 技術評議会はグローバル評議会にレポートを送ります。それはグローバル評議会とWMF、そして技術者コミュニティの架け橋となります。
  • 技術評議会は統合されたこれらの複合的な任務を負います:
    • 技術開発分野の優先順位の位置づけ
    • これらの優先事項を達成する方法についての大まかな開発計画
    • 技術開発に関するフィードバックを聞く・活用する方法の改善
  • 技術評議会は、グローバル評議会にその優先順位と計画を報告します。グローバル評議会はその案を承認・却下する権限を持ちます。


  • The Global Council will recognize and derecognize affiliates through a subcommittee (Affiliations Committee). It may set or modify standards for affiliates to meet for recognition, to continue to be recognised, and to receive grants. The fundamental standards will be codified in the Charter.
  • The Affiliations Committee (AffCom) reports to the Global Council. The Global Council makes the final decisions on form and structure of AffCom, based on the provisions of the Movement Charter.
  • The Global Council may choose to allow AffCom to directly recognise affiliates or retain that authority for itself.
  • In this new structure, AffCom is tasked to verify that affiliates are actively aiding the projects’ functioning.
  • Additionally, AffCom gathers and assesses evidence for derecognition of an affiliate, and submit recommendations. These will be accepted or declined by the Global Council.
  • WMF Board of Trustees retains the ability to de-recognise affiliates purely for misuse of trademarks, legal, or emergency actions. Except in urgent situations, the Global Council's agreement will be sought in this decision.
  • There are three affiliate categories: chapters, Thematic Organizations, and User Groups. The creation of new affiliate categories will be reserved to the Global Council/AffCom with the acceptance of the WMF Board of Trustees.


  • The Global Council may modify pre-requisites for Hubs to be recognised, to continue to be recognised, to fundraise, and to receive grants. The fundamental standards will be codified in the Charter.
  • The Global Council is directly responsible for recognition & de-recognition of Hubs.
  • AffCom’s scope is expanded to evaluate Hubs. The committee will be responsible for evidence-gathering and criteria review, and submit recommendations to the Global Council for recognition.
  • AffCom will be responsible to review the hubs’ functioning, capacity and assess evidence before submitting recommendations to the Global Council for derecognition of a hub.
  • WMF Board of Trustees retains the ability to de-recognise Hubs purely for misuse of trademarks or legally necessary actions. Except in urgent situations, the Global Council's agreement will be sought in this decision.
  • The Global Council works with both the Hubs and relevant teams within the WMF to enable cross-hub co-operation and, where necessary, mediation.


  • The Global Council shall monitor the work of movement advancement through the coordination of AffCom and Hubs.
  • AffCom will primarily be responsible for guiding organisational development and ensuring adherence to good governance principles.


  • The Global Council will not raise funds in any way.
  • The Global Council, with support from the Wikimedia Foundation, will develop a policy that applies to all Movement entities around fundraising. This will include rules that can be adapted to local context and needs.
  • The Global Council and WMF will collaborate on processes to coordinate Movement fundraising.


  • The Global Council will issue a recommendation to the WMF Board of Trustees with regards to the criteria for assigning the share of total central revenue to community general funds, regional fund committees, and any cross-regional grant dissemination.
  • Regional fund committees will report to the Global Council to demonstrate activity that is effective, equitable, and accountable.

;Open Questions regarding Fund Dissemination

  • What role should the Global Council have in fund dissemination?
    • WMFの決定の監督・レビュー
    • WMFとの連携
    • その他(詳しく教えてください)
  • Should there be a committee that reports to the Global Council and handles central/cross-regional fund dissemination?
  • What should be the Global Council’s role with regards to the allocation of the funds within the WMF?
    • The Global Council should be consulted on the allocation of the funds within the WMF.
    • The Global Council should have no role in the allocation of the funds within the WMF and only be informed.
    • その他(詳しく教えてください)

Summary of removed proposal: the Global Council would be a consulting partner on changes by the WMF to global policies. The Global Council can reject them unless they are legally mandated.

Reasoning leading to this proposal: during the pre-MCDC process, there was a desire for the Global Council to be able to reduce the frequency and scale of Communities/WMF disputes. The disputes happen for several reasons, and planned efforts to improve consultation and aspects such as the Technology Council should help with some areas. However, global policies and actions around them have caused past disputes, and the Movement Charter Drafting Committee felt this could prevent issues in this area in the future.

Summary of legal removal grounds: most WMF global policy actions are based on a risk evaluation/judgement call, not a brightline interpretation. There was also a concern that some policies are implemented to prevent more problematic legislation being created.

Request for: Alternative proposals that can mitigate, if not eliminate, major disputes between community and WMF regarding global site policies in the future.


  • The Global Council possesses an advisory role in assisting user safety, such as through aiding training and collaboration.
  • Formal authority continues to reside with the relevant body (local projects, Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C), Trust & Safety, etc.).


  • The Global Council will also hold a mediating role in cases where 2 or more entities are unable to resolve significant disagreements between them. The Global Council will act as a neutral party with a goal of assisting dispute resolution and/or mediation.


[Note to reader: there are scenarios for how to structure the Global Council that we will invite community to provide feedback on during the community consultation]

  • Should the Global Council exist only as an executive body or should it exist as an executive body with an advisory board? (See scenarios below)
    • If the Global Council is an executive body with an advisory board, how are the members of both entities (executive body and advisory board) seated?
  • With its size, the Global Council must have adequate diversity and clout, but not be so large as to undermine effectiveness. As an executive body, how many members should the Global Council have?
    • オプション1:9~13人のメンバー
    • オプション2:17~21人のメンバー



部署1 部署2 任命
メンバーの数 コミュニティ選出議席:5
選挙プロセス Community-elected seats are chosen in an open and community-wide election. Potentially with some limitations on excessive project presence.
Affiliate seats are chosen from the same candidate list, with each chapter/Thematic Organisation and a subset of user-groups receiving 1 vote.
任期 Default of 2 year term. Exceptions apply for initial onboarding of Global Council and re-balancing of tranche sizing. Maximum and default of 2-year terms, Global Council may specify a shorter length to align with elections.
代表/目的 Members represent the Movement as a whole. Their purposes are those determined by the Global Council’s mission and the electorates’ needs and wishes. Primarily designed to provide specialised expertise and experience.
Tranche 2024年 2025年 2026年 2027年 2028年 2029年
1 5人 5人 5人
2 5人 5人 5人
1 3人 3人 3人
2 2人 2人 2人
1人 1人 1人
1人 1人 1人

     コミュニティ選出議席      提携団体選出議席      指定議席      指定・WMFの席



シナリオ2.1 諮問委員会とグローバル評議会の両方が選挙に従う
シナリオ 2.1.2
シナリオ2.2 諮問委員会がグローバル評議会の執行機関を選出
The advisory body is selected/elected first, and then nominates 9-21 (depending on the range of seats available) members from within their group to serve as the Global Council executive body.


  • グローバル評議会の中心組織にはXX人のメンバー(上で議論中)が入ります。
    • 9~13人
    • 17~21人
  • Potential limitations on Global Council membership, including no limitations (see questions below).
  • The Global Council may permit up to 2 WMF or WMF Board of Trustees observing members with no voting rights. The Global Council may set appropriate conditions for these observer members.
  • Global Council members can be members of the reporting committees or subcommittees. However, if any committee or subcommittee reporting to the Global Council does not have a Global Council member, they should have a Global Council liaison.
  • 投票者全員がグローバル評議会の決定に1票を持ちます。
  • Members are to serve Wikimedia as a whole and are not serving as a representative of any sub-group, region, or entity within Wikimedia.
  • 各メンバーの任期は2年です。

With an intention to ensure fair representation, power balance, and promote diversity and inclusivity within the Global Council, we seek your inputs on the following:

  1. Should there be some imposed limits to the membership in terms of movement representation?

Please share your opinions about potential criteria of such limits:

  1. Should there be a regional cap, e.g. max 3 persons from a single region? If yes, please specify the condition.
  2. Should there be a home project or entity cap, e.g. max 2 persons from a single wiki project or affiliate? If yes, please specify the condition.
  3. Should there be a specific cap for large[3] language communities, projects, or affiliates, e.g. not more than 5 seats from between the 5 largest projects? If yes, please specify the condition.
  4. Should there be any other limits for Global Council membership? If yes, please specify the condition.


  • All nominations for each tranche’s election are made to a single candidacy list.
  • The community-elected members will be chosen at-large using a single transferable voting system.
  • Selected seats will be chosen by affiliates using a single transferable voting system, with each affiliate receiving 1 vote.
  • The top affiliate ranked candidates will be elected and removed from the candidacy list. Then, the top community-ranked candidates will be elected.
  • Eligibility standards for community voting will match the approved movement standards.


  • Candidates must meet the voter eligibility criteria for WMF Board of Trustees elections to file nomination
  • Candidates may be paid WMF, affiliate, or hub, staff/contractors but must clearly disclose this information at the beginning of the election
  • Members may not become paid staff during their term without resigning their position
  • Members may only serve four consecutive years (equivalent to two full terms) as a global council member. A period of six months is required for a member’s terms to not be consecutive.
  • Candidates must be in good community standing (meaning they are not currently suspended or otherwise prevented from participating).
  • 評議員はグローバル評議員会の活動に定期的に参加するよう求められます。
  • 評議員は非公開協定を含む適切な個人情報保護方針の規定遵守と署名に同意する必要があります。




  1. Appendix (implementation): 当初の予定では、コミュニティ選出の6名と提携団体選出の3名が部門1に任期3年で配属され、残りのメンバーが部門2の任期2年に配属されるはずでした。
  2. Appendix (resignations): 任期中に辞任・解任した場合、その議席は次の選挙まで空席です。人事異動によりその部署の人数が9人になる場合は、新しい議席は全期間その仕事を全うします。部署の規模が10議席以上の場合には、投票で最下位の次期議員が1年任期となります。
  3. As determined by number of active editors for projects and voting members for affiliates
