Category:WikiIndaba Conference 2024 submissions
The list of submissions for WikiIndaba Conference 2024 submissions is found here
Pages in category "WikiIndaba Conference 2024 submissions"
The following 174 pages are in this category, out of 174 total.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Abstract: "Women Support in the Wikimedia Movements" A Panel Discussion
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Affiliate health criteria and changes to User Group recognition process.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Africa Wiki Challenge
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/AfroCreatives WikiProject+film Workshop: Table the subject
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/AI influencing ideas and facilitating growth at all levels
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Aide à la gestion des ressources financières des communautés francophones d'Afrique
- User:AInacio (WMB)/CapX/WikiIndaba 2024
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Animer une session de formation dans le but de bâtir une communauté : Avant, pendant et après
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Apport des projets Wikimedia dans la découvrabilité des contenus culturels
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Art culinaire guinéen
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Astuces pour la recherche de références des articles sur Wikipédia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Atelier d'initiation à la cartographie collaborative OpenStreetMap
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Atelier de cartographie avec le logiciel open source QGIS
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Basics of editing Wikisource
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Beyond Wikipedia: Leveraging Wikimedia Platforms for Safeguarding Indigenous Languages
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Bridging Borders: Strengthening Accountability through Pan-African Connections
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Building Bridges in the Wikimedia Movement - A Movement Communications Colloration session
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Building Community Resilience: Insights from Uganda’s Wikimedians
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Building formidable community partnerships: Lessons from the Wikimedia Usergroup Nigeria
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Building the Internet we want across Africa through policy advocacy
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Can we synchronise success: Streamlining Collaborative Wiki Projects in Africa?
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Championing Inclusion in the Wikimedia Movement
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Comment créer un Club Wikimédia dans une Médiathèque : Le cas du Club Wikimédia Douala ?
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Community Engagement: Bridging the gender gap with Art + Feminism
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Community-led growth: A case of Zimbabwe
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Compétences interculturelles
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Conversation with the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Create a graph model with gps coordinate; ex-lake in Africa
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Creating a tutorial: How to enter a contest with the perfect picture, and avoiding Off-Topic Photos
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Créer un modèle palette
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/DATARwanda
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Deep Dive into Advanced Wikidata
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Discussing the critical features of the Pioneer Wikipedia in Residence Program with a government agency in sub-Saharan Africa: A conversation between Wikimedia UG Nigeria and representatives of the Lagos State government.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/ How to Tackle Mis/Disinformation on African Content on Wikipedia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Doc Your Tool: Building Stronger Communities Through User-Friendly Documentation
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Documenting Nigeria in Photos: Lessons, Success Stories, and Impact on Open Knowledge
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Dynamics of Organizing WLM in the African Region
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Développer des partenariats (recherche de nouveaux partenaires et consolidation de partenariats existants) - Cas de Wikimédia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Easy Tools to be used by newbies
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Ecole de la Deuxième Chance- Nouvelle génération: Expérience Marocaine Innovante
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Effective Storytelling in Photography
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Embracing Women's Voices for a Sustainable Wiki Community.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Empowering African Developers: Contributing to Wiki Technical Projects and Outreach Programs
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Empowering and Documenting Minority Groups in Nigeria: Gombe Network experience
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Empowering Change: Wiki Loves Women and Bridging the Gender Gap in African Knowledge Creation
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Empowering Wikimedia Botswana: Building Capacity for Creativity and Impact
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Enhancing Visibility of Women Journalists on Wikipedia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Establishing the Needs in West Africa's Wikimedia Community and how collaboration could benefit different communities.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Exploring the Capacity Exchange: Connect, Share, and Build your Community Capacities
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Gap years that challenges force the user groups to experience them
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Generative AI and Wikimedia Projects -Way to go
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Global Majority Wikimedia Technology Priorities
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Governance Models in the Wikimedia Movement
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Governance: Share your policies
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Harnessing the Power of Wikipedia Tools: Wikipedia Guide to enhanced editing functionality and productivity for Community Volunteers
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Hello
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/How editors are retained in Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/How to become a mentor and help newcomers
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/How to effectively recruit photographer through Wiki Loves Photography campaign: Lessons from Nigeria's Success Story
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/How to Implement a Capacity Building Program for your Community: Lessons Learned from WM DRCongo
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/How to recruit volunteers for smaller language Wikipedia: The Central Notice Banner Approach
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Hygiène et sécurité sanitaire des aliments : une source d’épanouissement communautaire
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Impact of Queer Storytelling: How Digital Media Can Amplify Queer Voices.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Impacts des ateliers Wikimediens sur les Contributeurs au Sénégal
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Improving the visibility of African literary works by using OpenRefine
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/iNaturalist: the biodiversity gap for African Wikimedians
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Initiation à la patrouille sur Wikipédia en français
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Equity, Inclusion, and Community Health/Initiatives
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Introduire l'enseignement des projets Wikimédia dans les écoles et universités du Burkina Faso
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/ISA Tool
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/les sans pagEs en Afrique
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Let’s Connect Learnings on emerging communities in Sub-Saharan Africa through in-person peer learning session.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Leveraging Kiwix4Schools to Bridge the Digital Divide in African Education
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Librarians at the Forefront: Establishing the Wikimedia Community User Group Namibia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Madagascar : Du potentiel pour la communauté Wikimédienne en Afrique
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Managing executive meetings of an User Group
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Mastering 7 tools in Wikimedia Commons
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/MinT: Content Translation and beyond
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Movement strategy 2030 in Africa great lakes, 2024 Perspectives
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Partage d'expérience
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Patrimoine numérique autochtone
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Photography jurors Workshop : for Photographers who want to become a Juror for wiki loves Africa and all wiki photography contests
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Pixels and People: Fostering Collaboration in Wiki Loves Africa
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Poster: 10 editions of Wiki Loves Africa
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Poster: 6 editions of the education offline initiative WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Poster: The Evolution of a Gender-Focused podcast
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Presentation of some tools to archive links
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Lecture/presentation on any topic within the tracks covered by the conference
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Proper Grant Writing For Wikimedia Projects
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/ReCreate Wiki Indaba Proposal
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Resourcing Wikimedians in Africa: what we are learning & what’s next
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Retour d'expérience Gender equality in Benin
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Revitalising a User Group: the case of Cameroon
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Réussir sa mission de coordinateur régional d’une campagne ; Trucs & Astuces
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Temporary accounts
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Test run 4
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The Africa Agenda: Fostering Effective Collaboration & Inclusion for African Wikimedians
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The African Games 2023 Coverage a Wikimedia Ghana User Group Experience
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The Afrocreative WikiProject
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The Big Funnel: A new approach to recruiting editors
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The effectiveness of individual initiatives in the Wikipedia space: a case study of Egypt (2018-2024)
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The importance, role and powers of the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C), and how do you communicate with us?
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The Nigeria Micro-Grant: Process, Lessons, and Success in Replication
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The Role of OpenStreetMap in Crisis Mapping and Wikimedia's Contribution
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The situation of CEE online communities - a comparison
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The vital role of Administration in Wiki Organisations
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/The Wikimedia Community User Group Uganda Strategic Plan 2024 - 2025
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Tomorrow's Wikimedia: Youth at the Helm Today
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Ubuntu Wiki Malet
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Understanding the U4C and how it serves you and your community
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Unis dans la diversité. Proverbes sans frontières
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Unis dans la diversité: Proverbes sans frontières
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Unis dans la diversité: « l’identité africaine de la culture marocaine »
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Unlocking community impact: The power of the Event Registration Tool in organizing
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Updates from the Language Diversity Hub
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Utiliser Wikidata pour créer des listes d'articles manquants
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/What skills and tools do you need to manage a big User Group?
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Who is missing on Wiki?- The Queer Nigeria agenda
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki African Independence Month
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki For Boxing in Uganda.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Loves Africa - 10 years later!
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Loves Africa, un véritable outil de brassage culturel.
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Loves Cookbooks: A Delicious Recipe for Sharing African Culinary Heritage
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Loves For Rural Works
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WIKI Loves Librarians, Kaduna 2024
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Loves Living Heritage Bazaar
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Loves Names
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wiki Wake Up Afrique : Activer et dynamiser les communautés pour un Mouvement Wikimedia inclusif et durable
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WikiAfrica Hour
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikidata editing session on Lexemes
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikidata, moteur de recherche scientifique
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WIKIFEMUA: Vulgariser l'art et la culture africaine sur Wikipédia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WikiForMotherTongue
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WikiGames
- Template:WikiIndaba 2024 submission form
- Template:WikiIndaba 2024/Programs submission form
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/en
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/eo
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/fr
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/ko
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/rn
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/ru
- WikiIndaba conference 2024/Submissions/uz-cyrl
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WikiIndaba Hackathon 2024
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikimedia & the creative space: A case of AfroCreatives WikiProject
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikimedia Côte d'Ivoire ou 10 ans de collaboration autour de la connaissance ouverte en Afrique
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikimedia Training Tour : un projet au service de la communauté wikimédienne ivoirienne
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikimedian collaboration in human knowledge: Wiki For Climate Change in the Maghreb region
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikimédia Gabon : parcours Inspirant de la première communauté en Construction à Travers Wiki Wake Up Afrique
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Wikitourisme
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/WMDRC-UG & WMA, le succès d'une collaboration au bénéfice de la communauté Wikimedia
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Working across wikis: Wikidata, Commons, and Wikipedias
- WikiIndaba 2024/Proposal/Workshop: The basics of Smartphone Photography for higher quality photos on Commons and greater congnitive value on Wikipedia