Tipang Kasuratan/Nilalaog/Glosaryo
This was a historical draft of the Wikimedia Movement Charter. The latest version of the Charter that is up for a global ratification vote from June 25 to July 9, 2024 is available in the main Meta page. We thank the stakeholders of the Wikimedia movement for their feedback and insights in producing this draft. |

Mga kaapil
An mga Movement affiliates na mga entidad sa Wikimedia Movement na pormal na pinagmidbid: kan Wikimedia Foundation, o (poon 2026 padagos) kan Wikimedia Foundation pakatapos nin positibong abiso gikan sa Pankinaban na Konseho. Igwa nin apat na klase nin paghiro an mga kaapil:
- Kabtang - Inkorporado an mga independienteng non-profit na pigrepresentar an kahiroan kan Wikimedia asin nagsuporta sa paghirong pangkinaban, nakasentro sa laog nin heograpiya. An kabtang o nasyonal/sub-nasyonal na organisasyon naggagamit nin pangaran na malinaw na nagtatakod sainda sa Wikimedia asin tinatawan paggamit kan saindang mga tatak para sa trabaho, publisidad, asin fundraising.
- Tematikong organisasyon - Inkorporado na independenteng non-profit na pigrepresentar an kahiroan kan Wikimedia asin suporta sa trabaho na nakasentro sa sarong espesipikong tema, urulayan, o isyu sa laog o sa iba pang nasyon asin rehiyon. An mga tematkong organisasyon naggagamit nin ngaran na malinaw na ikinokonektar sinda sa Wikimedia asin tinawan nin paggamit kan mga tatak para sa saindang trabaho, publisidad, asin fundraising.
- Wikimedia User Groups - Bukas na miyembrong grupo na may naestablisar na tawong kontak asin kasaysayan nin mga proyekto, na dinisenyo tanganing magin pasil an pagbilog. An mga User group naggagamit tibaad o dai pinipili na iiba asin tinatawan nin limitadong paggamit kan Wikimedia para sa publisidad n relatibo sa mga pangyayari asin proyekto.
- Iba pang klase nin kaapil - siring sa aprobado kan Pankinaban na Konseho asin Wikimedia Foundation.
Ini an kabtang para sa Wikimedia Movement. Ini sarong dokumento na nagpapaliwanag kan mga papel, paninimbagan, diretso, asin ordinaryong pamantayan sa pag-uugali sa Movement.
An anuman na materyal na idinugang, hinahalean, pigrebisar, pinagliwat, binungkal, pighali o iba pa ngane binago nin sarong rehistrado o dai-mapugol na paragamit gamit an arin man na naggagamit igdi na nagmukna nin pagbabago sa anoman na aspeto kan proyektong Wikimedia.
Mga paraambag
Sa dokumentong ini, an tagaambag iyo an siisay man na nagpapartisipar sa paglalang o pagmanehar nin laog, o sa teknikal na suporta para sa kontentong paggibo kaiyan, kan proyekto sa Wikimedia.
An ekwidad pagprobar na magbugtak nin mga pamantayan sa pagtrato sana sa gabos basado sa saindang kamugtakan asin pagkonsiderar kan mga kaolangan na nakaoolang sainda na magkaigwa man nin kaparehong grado nin nagibo. Iyan dae magigibo sa paagi nin pagtrato man kaiyan sa gabos.
Panluwas na Kairiba
An mga entidad na luwas sa Wikimedia Movement na naglilinya sa satong mga halaga asin misyon saka nakikipagtabangan sa saro o labi pang stakeholders gikan sa laog kan Kahiroan. Dae man direktang ginamit.
Fiscal Sponsor
An fiscal sponsor iyo an organisasyon na nagtatao nin probisyon para sa pagtao. Sa konteksto kan dokumentong ini, an mga Fiscal sponsor dai kaipuhan magin Wikimedia affiliates. An mga Fiscal sponsor na organisasyon dapat inkorporado bilang sarong charity/non-profit sa saindang lokal na konteksto, asin kaipohan na maabot an nagkapirang pundamental na kahagadan nin pagpapakahulogan na determinaron kan organisasyon na nagtatao kan pagtao
Libreng kaaraman
An bukas na kaaraman (o libreng kaaraman) iyo an kaaraman na daing bayad sa paggamit, pag-orootro, asin pagdistribwar liwat na mayo nin kuwarta, sosyal, o teknolohiya na restriksyon.
Fundraising is the act of seeking and acquiring donations. In this document, the term “fundraising” is used to describe the process of seeking monetary donations from independent organizations and individual donors. This includes grants provided by third parties, often to support specific objectives.
Fundraising carried out by affiliates and regional hubs is referred to as locally co-ordinated fundraising. Fundraising carried out by the Wikimedia Foundation is referred to as globally co-ordinated fundraising.
The act of reducing exclusion and discrimination (e.g., regarding age, social class, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) by both individuals and groups through modifying settings, policies, and structures to create the conditions for the emergence of diversity.
Movement/Wikimedia movement
The “movement” or “Wikimedia Movement” refers to the totality of people, organizations, activities and values which revolve around Wikimedia sites and projects.
Wikimedia has a series of knowledge projects (e.g. Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons etc). Local projects are primarily lingual variants of a knowledge project (e.g. English Wikipedia, Turkish Wiktionary). Certain knowledge projects are cross-language and do not have local projects, but may be both “project” and “local project”. There are also projects that act as infrastructure for the Wikimedia community, such as Meta-Wiki and MediaWiki Wiki.
Revenue generation
- Revenue generation is the process of obtaining funds to support one or more aspects of the movement. Some examples of revenue generation are:
- Fundraising
- Including grants provided by third parties, often to support specific objectives
- Membership fees for affiliates
- Wikimedia Enterprise
Related to revenue generation is donation-in-kind, when an organization or individual provides a service or physical items without charge, or by charging a discounted fee. Examples can include:
- Meeting rooms or office space
- Internet access
- Free access to archival material
Resources are a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, knowledge and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively. (Oxford Dictionary)
In the case of the Wikimedia movement, resources include:
- Monetary assets obtained by revenue generation
- Human resources, including the very large number of volunteers who drive the movement, and the small number of paid staff who support the volunteers
- The reputation of the Wikimedia movement and its projects and activities as a source of information made available to the world without charge
- The content of the projects, as developed and managed by volunteers
- The physical storage that contains the software and the content of the projects
- The educational and informational documentation to support the projects and other movement activities.
Any individual or group, whether volunteer or not, having invested human, financial, or other capital in an organization, who can affect the realization of organizational objectives or is affected by the realization of those objectives.
In this document, a stakeholder is everyone who has a stake in fulfilling the Movement’s vision. More precisely, the term includes online and offline communities, organized groups like affiliates and the Wikimedia Foundation, and members from our broader ecosystem, like partners and allies.
The principle of subsidiarity holds that decision-making authority is best placed (a) where responsibility for outcomes will occur; and (b) in the closest appropriate proximity to where the actions will be taken that will produce the outcomes.
Wikimedia Foundation
Also known as the WMF. An international non-profit organization located in the United States that hosts the Wikimedia projects, has overall responsibility for their underlying technical infrastructure, and provides a wide range of support for Wikimedia entities and contributors. The WMF is the legal host of the Wikimedia projects and related websites. It owns the trademarks that relate to the Wikimedia Foundation specifically, as well as the trademarks associated with the Wikimedia projects.
In this document, a Wikimedian is anyone who contributes to the mission of the Movement. It can be an editor, MediaWiki developer, a curator, an organizer, staff, or anyone else who invests time in Movement activities.
Further reading
- External legal feedback for this draft chapter at foundationwiki
- Wikimedia Foundation's legal feedback for this draft chapter at foundationwiki