This page is a translated version of the page Movement Charter and the translation is 79% complete.


Gura Wikimedia nopo nga gura do sompomogunan om sosiobudaya i kidimpoton do mogowit toilaan osinggawa kumaa pointongkop pomogunan. Pinoiliu do Piagam Gura Wikimedia o gatang, prinsip, om guas impohon montok struktur Gura Wikimedia, kaampai no tonggungan do entiti di haro mantad om i wagu, om mantad kotinanan momoomonsoi kootuson id suang dimpoton toilaan osinggawa i piilangon. Oontok o piagam diti kumaa oinsanan tulun om oinsanan i pinoimagon do miiso miampai do Gura Wikimedia: oinsanan mamaampayat individu om institusi, gura entiti, projek, om liwang suang talian om soliwan talian.

Miampai mamarati do Gura Wikimedia om gatang dau, kitudu' o piagam diti do popouhai piuhupan do puru di kikapangkalan miampai ralan di poposuni do dimpoton Gura Wikimedia. Ahal diti monguhup do:

  • papaasil karalano montok kosunion, karaladan, om timpu dumontol montok mamadamin do kapamansayan di mitilombus om kotoundaan do toilaan osinggawa;
  • tonudon momonsoi kootuson
  • mongingkuri pioduhan om mongunsub harmoni om nogi kaampayatan do puru di kikapangkalan di osonong
  • moningolig hak mononoluod om kapansalan kousinan do mogisuusuai entiti mantad Gura Wikimedia; om
  • manahak topurimanan do kaampayatan.

Milo inwoguan o piagam diti nung nuru do inwoguan, tumanud do boogian Ponginwoguan.

Prinsip om Gatang do Gura Wikimedia

Gura Wikimedia nopo nga poingimpou om poinghakup do ponginsamakan fakta, milo okunan, poingukab, om inklusif montok piilangan toilaan. Oinsanan kapamansayan kootuson id pointongkop do Gura Wikimedia nuru wonsoyon poingimpou om tumanud do prinsip om nogi gatang di piilangon.

Prinsip-prinsip i piilangon diti nopo nga kaampai no prinsip-prinsip i haro mantad id Gura Wikimedia - lesen aiso kabarai om poingukab, kotinanan sondii om pisokodungan, om kopoilaan di kifakta om milo okunan - om paparalad do gatang-gatang di piilangon i nuru do poburuon montok timpu dumontol tokou. Prinsip om gatang diti otumboyo' do piilangan toilaan sabaagi goos do pisokodungan di aralom.

Gura Wikimedia nopo nga gura di mogisuusuai, nga gura diti poinghakup do tolu prinsip guas. Prinsip guas diti nopo nga:

Lesen aiso kabarai om poingukab

Gura Wikimedia nopo nga momoguno do lesen poingukab montok popoilang oinsanan i pinaasil, poinsuang, nga amu orontob kumaa teks, media, data, om perisian montok kogunoon, ponikidan, om ponginsanangan sumusuhut. Soboogian tonsi id soliwan i pinoilang id siriba do mogisuusuai lesen nga pinotounda montok gunoon id siriba do lesen poingukab. Kigoos o Gura Wikimedia montok monginralom do dimpoton dau miampai paparalad kulung do toilaan aiso kabarai, miampai papaamung do bontuk toilaan i wagu om nokoburu, om miampai popoburu do kopogisuaian tonsi.

Kotinanan sondii om pisokodungan

Gura Wikimedia nopo nga poingimpou do kopomuruan di potikidon. Tuminimpuun miampai do sukarelawan, minonumboyo o Gura Wikimedia do soboogian kootuson om ponupuan impohon kumaa surupu individu om institusi id taang kaampayatan di bobos tosikap toi ko' bobos osiriba. Komuniti id suang talian om soliwan talian nopo nga momonsoi kootuson montok diolo sondii, maya prinsip subsidiari. Mangalap o Gura Wikimedia do kreativiti, manaan do tonggungan, om pisokodungan montok manalasai kobolingkaangan om popoburu do Piagam diti.

Kopoilaan di kifakta om milo okunan

Tonsi do Gura Wikimedia nopo nga kitudu' mobi do realiti. Rati do kapansalan toi ko' poinsuai mogisuusuai id pointongkop boogian do Gura Wikimedia, nga dimpoton dau nopo nga montok manahak toilaan di haro kualiti di akawas. Mamagatang o Gura Wikimedia do toud, ponoriukan miampai tambalut om piniokunan di poinggonop. Mimparagat o Gura Wikimedia do mongilag oinsanan i poinwagat sampaping, ga'ang toilaan, om kopoilaan di amu otopot.

Sabaagi pomoruhang do tolu prinsip guas, mangakun o piagam diti do gatang-gatang di sumiliu do longkod kumaa puru di osonong. Gatang-gatang diti nopo nga:


Mingoos o Gura Wikimedia do mamanau sondii, poinfokus om tumanud do dimpoton toilaan dau di osinggawa, om amu aantaban do au aadang toi ko' poinwagat sampaping. Amu papasaga o Gura Wikimedia do rahung komersial, pulitik, monetari suai toi ko' promosi di mangaraag do dimpoton dau id suang nunu nopo karalano'.


Oilaan o Gura Wikimedia do ogumu komuniti om surupu diolo kotoguang do mogisuusuai pogumbalan kokomoi do ekuiti toilaan. Mingoos o Gura Wikimedia do popoingkawas komuniti diti om surupu diolo montok magalit di amu miagal do toilaan sajara', sosial, pulitik om suusuai po. Minaganu o Gura Wikimedia do laang aktif, miagal ko' mongobi toud, montok mongunsub om momodimpot kopiagalan suang toilaan maya do pomuruan di pointikid om kopoingkawason komuniti.


Nokoburu o projek Wikimedia id suang do ogumu boros, papatalang do ogumu watas om koubasanan. Oinsanan abaabayan nopo nga poingimpou do woyo mamantang do kopogisuaian mamaampayat Gura Wikimedia. Pamantangan diti pinoturidong maya piipiro laang montok monokodung do kotingoligan om kaampayatan. Manahak o Gura Wikimedia do liwang miirad di mogisuusuai, hinonggo oinsanan i miilang do dimpoton om gatang do Gura Wikimedia nga milo maampayat om mogiampot momonsoi. Mongunsub o liwang inklusif diti do komilodimpoton maya kouhupan teknologi montok koonuan poimbida'.


Poguluonon o Gura Wikimedia do kotoronongon, kotingoligan, om privasi mamaampayat dau. Mingoos o Gura Wikimedia montok posorili di otingolig i poposuni do kopogisuaian, koomungan, ekuiti, om pisokodungan, i nuru do haro montok kaampayatan id suang do toilaan osinggawa id ekosistem kopoilaan suang talian. Nosiliu do kapansalan kumaa Gura Wikimedia o kotingoligan id suang koduo-duo liwang suang talian om soliwan talian. Kapansalan diti poburuon miampai monuridong om popoindalan kod kowoyo-woyoon i komprehensif, om monoluod toud di apangkal montok monokodung do abaabayan diti.


Kitonggungan o Gura Wikimedia do maya pomuruanan komuniti miagal di mobi id suang projek Wikimedia om Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia. Poindalanon o akauntabiliti diti maya kapamansayan kootuson di otulid, pibarasan, kopoilaan ogonop, ruputan abaabayan, om monuridong Tonggungan Panamangan.


Nokoburu o Gura Wikimedia maya inovasi om pinsingumbalan, om kasasari monginwagu do dimpoton dau kokomoi platform toilaan osinggawa, daamot do tumilombus mamantang gatang om prinsip do piagam diti. Popotilombus o Gura Wikimedia do strategi om woyo montok momogonop dimpoton dau, monokodung om mongulud strategi diti miampai kointalangan poingimpou do metrik nung milo.

Mongunguhup individu

Mongunguhup individu nopo nga guas do Gura Wikimedia. Haro autonomi do mongunguhup sabaagi individu montok monguhup do dimpoton om abaabayan Gura Wikimedia miampai toilaan, kabaalan, timpu om ginoris diolo, id suang talian toi ko' soliwan talian. Mongunghup individu momonsoi om mongulud tonsi; popoindalan tonggungan puruan; mamaampayat id puruan sukarelawan; mono'odo abaabayan; om kaampayat id suang abaabayan suai id suang do Gura Wikimedia.


Amu kotorimo pongolus o tulun di sukarela montok do goos diti; nga, kotorimo o sukarelawan do ko'okunan toi ko' sokodung id mogisuusuai bontuk. Kaampayatan sukarela arahung do akses kumaa toud om kaantaban suai.

Mongunguhup individu om sukarelawan suai mimparagat montok abaabayan individu toi ko' tinimungan id suang Gura Wikimedia tumanud do pipilion sondii, om nuru do onuan kosiwatan do mampayat soira nopo i milo.


  • Haro hak do sukarelawan montok mokitingolig mantad do kakasahan (poomitanan nopo nga Kooturan Kowoyo-woyoon Universal (UCoC), Prinsip Panamangan) id liwang do Gura Wikimedia, om nogi id abaabayan suang talian om mitorungak i pinoindalan do honggo-honggo nopo kotinanan Gura Wikimedia.
  • Haro hak do sukarelawan mampayat id suang projek om komuniti maya karalano' di aadang. Oinsanan mongunguhup om sukarelawan suai haro hak do mundorong toi ko' popotingkod kaampayatan soira nopo i kosudong.


  • Oinsanan mongunguhup om sukarelawan suai nuru do tumanud impohon Gura Wikimedia i oguno montok diolo maamaso do monguhup toi ko' popoindalan abaabayan sukarelawan.
  • Oinsanan mongunguhup om sukarelawan suai kitonggungan kumaa winonsoi diolo om kitonggungan kumaa tuhup diolo montok projek Wikimedia.

Komuniti Wikimedia

Komuniti Gura Wikimedia nopo nga tinimungan tulun di monguhup maya suang talian om soliwan talian montok popoingkakat om popoburu dimpoton do Gura Wikimedia. Komuniti diti kaampai no mamaampayat individu, surupu kipongolus, om mobi do kotinanan rakan kongsi i kotindu miampai do dimpoton Gura Wikimedia. Komuniti Gura Wikimedia kaampai no, nga amu orontob do, komuniti projek, komuniti geografi, komuniti boros, om komuniti teknologi/popopoburu. Nobontuk, pinoburu om pinotimporon o Gura Wikimedia maya do karaja tinimungan om individu om nogi surupu do komuniti dau.

Komuniti projek Wikimedia haro autonomi montok papaharo impohon montok projek individu diolo, nga impohon dii nuru do tumanud Piagam diti om dingkai karaja impohon global.[1]Autonomi diti papasaga' do individu om komuniti montok mongumbal om popoburu ponginsamakan sosial om teknologi wagu. Naaga' do poingukab o komuniti diti[2]kokomoi pomuruanan diolo, proses om abaabayan diolo, moi do milo mogisokodung o oinsanan id suang do Gura Wkimedia sabaagi komuniti global miampai aadang om amu awagat do sampaping. Osomok do oinsanan kootuson i winonsoi id projek Wikimedia individu nopo nga winonsoi do mongunguhup sukarelawan, maya individu toi ko' tinimungan di kirahi.[3]


  • Komuniti projek Wikimedia haro o panamangan editorial kumaa tonsi id suang projek Wikimedia individu diolo. Dingkai karaja do impohon global, kaampai no Pongontok Kopomogunaan montok do liwang projek Wikimedia, papatantu do panamangan editorial diti.
  • Kitonggungan o komuniti Wikimedia montok popoingkakat karalano' monolibamban pioduhan om kosuhatanon diolo sondii id suang om i kopitindu skop do impohon global.[4]


  • Komuniti Gura do Wikimedia nuru do mongunsub kaampayatan id suang ababayan om pomuruanan diolo. Isai nopo i tumanud do impohon global om haro rahi, timpu om kabaalan di ogonop nga nuru unsubon do mampayat.
  • Nuru do aadang o komuniti Gura Wikimedia id suang pomuruanan om kopoindalanan impohon montok momogonop dimpoton do Gura Wikimedia om popotimporon kolidasan diolo miampai pointongkop.
  • Impohon om tonudon do komuniti Gura Wikimedia nopo nga nuru do ouhan mengakses om milo poindalanon.

Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia

Minomonsoi o Sukarelawan om komuniti Gura Wikimedia do kotinanan montok monokodung om mongulud ababayan diolo. Id suang do Piagam diti, kotinanan nopo diti nga sabaagi Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia, kaampai no Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia, Yayasan Wikimedia, om Majlis Global. Majlis Global om Yayasan Wikimedia nopo nga kotinanan momuruan di bobos akawas, goduduo haro tudu' om tonggungan poimbida' diolo sondii.

Mooi do i mongunguhup di okuri o toud om okuri mongongobi milo mampayat miampai kirati id suang do projek Wikimedia om ababayan Gura Wikimedia di suai, nuru do mingoos o komuniti Wikimedia om Kotinanan montok mongingkuri kaantaban do kaampayatan. Aiso panamangan editorial do Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia kumaa projek toi ko' kinoyonon tonsi pointantu. Oinsanan Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia haro Tonggungan Panamangan kumaa komuniti Wikimedia di misokodung miampai diolo.

Mekanisme Monolibamban Pioduhan Osinggawa maan[5] winonsoi montok monolibamban konflik di amu otolibamban do mekanisme Gura Wikimedia di haro mantad, toi ko' soira puru di kaampai amu kaanu mongulud do kootuson dii tu nokolobi do panamangan diolo. Nung aiso o mekanisme diti, igitan do Yayasan Wikimedia o tonggungan diti toi ko' mongongobi i pinili dau.

Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia

Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia nopo nga tinimungan poingulud i haro montok papaharo kowoowoyoon montok toilaan di poingukab om osinggawa i mumang buru id suang konteks do geografi toi ko' tematik pointantu. Kopiunung o Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia miampai do dimpoton Gura Wikimedia, om kaampai no puru di poingamung, hab om tinimungan Wikimedia suai i Majlis Global[6] toi ko' puruan di nookunan miampai do rasmi.

Haro apat kawo Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia di mogisuusuai:

  1. Wikimedia Chapters nopo nga puru piomungan om ii nopo nga kotinanan osinggawa i pinoimagon montok monokodung om paparayad projek Wikimedia id kinoyonon geografi pointantu.
  2. Kotinanan Tematik Wikimedia nopo nga puru piomungan om ii nopo nga kotinanan osinggawa i pinoturidong montok monokodung om paparayad projek Wikimedia id suang uhu toi ko' fokus pointantu.
  3. Tinimungan Momoomoguno Wikimedia nopo nga puru piomungan di ouhan om fleksibel i milo uludon tumanud do pogun toi ko' tema.
  4. Hab Wikimedia nopo nga kotinanan i winonsoi do puru piomungan montok sompogunan toi ko' tematik[7] sokodung, piuhupan om ponguludan.

Wikimedia Movement Organizations are a key way in which Wikimedia Movement communities can organize within the Wikimedia Movement for delivery of activities and cooperative endeavors. Wikimedia Movement Organizations may employ professionals to support the mission of the organization, as well as the free knowledge vision. Most often, this support is provided by amplifying and supporting the work of volunteers.


Guided by Movement Values, Principles of Decision-Making, and standards established by the Global Council, the body of a Wikimedia Movement Organization can decide its composition and governance according to the context and needs within which it operates. The decision-maker in a Wikimedia Movement Organization is an organization’s board or a similar body and is accountable to the group that such board or similar body represents—for example, its membership body.


Tonggungan do Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia kaampai no:

  • promoting the sustainability of Wikimedia Movement communities that the membership body intends to support;
  • popouhai kosuangon, ekuiti, om kopogisuaian id suang komuniti diolo;
  • monguridong Kod Tatakowoyo-woyoon Universal (UCoC); om
  • popoburu piilangan om pisokodungan id suang gana do rahi diolo.

Montok mogisuusuai sabap, kaampai no koobian do toud id suang Gura Wikimedia, Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia nuru do momonsoi karaja om ababayan diolo di otulid miampai popotounda ruputan di milo akses maya poinggonop.

Wikimedia Movement Organizations may choose to develop their financial sustainability through additional revenue generation, thereby increasing the overall capacity of the Wikimedia Movement. When necessary, such efforts for revenue generation must be coordinated with other Wikimedia Movement Bodies, including the Wikimedia Foundation and the Global Council.

Yayasan Wikimedia

The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) is the nonprofit organization that serves as the main steward and support of the Wikimedia Movement’s free knowledge platforms and technology. The mission of the Wikimedia Foundation is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, as well as to disseminate it effectively and globally.

The Wikimedia Foundation should align its work with the strategic direction and global strategy of the Global Council. Following the Movement Values and Principles of Decision-Making, and the WMF’s mission, the Wikimedia Foundation is expected to contribute to distributed leadership and responsibilities across the Wikimedia Movement. For the same reasons, the Wikimedia Foundation is also expected to work towards equitable distribution of resources, such as those established by the Global Council in consultation with stakeholders.


Guided by Movement Values and Principles of Decision-Making, the Wikimedia Foundation can decide its composition and governance in accordance with this Charter, and the context and needs within which it operates. The Wikimedia Foundation works closely with the Global Council, especially on matters that have global or movement-wide impact on the Wikimedia Movement.


Tonggungan do Yayasan Wikimedia kaampai no, nga amu orontob kumaa:

  • Operating the Wikimedia projects, which includes hosting, developing, and maintaining core software; setting Terms of Use and other broad movement-wide policies; running fundraising campaigns; respecting and supporting community autonomy and stakeholder needs; and engaging in any other actions so that Wikimedia projects are easily accessible available and vision-aligned;
  • Monokodung ababayan program montok Gura Wikimedia; om
  • Legal obligations, including stewarding the Wikimedia brand; providing policies that provide a structure so as allow projects to run; ensuring legislative compliance; addressing legal threats; and enhancing safety of volunteers.

Majlis Global

The Global Council[8] is a collaborative and representative decision-making body that brings together diverse viewpoints to advance the vision of the Wikimedia Movement. The Global Council operates alongside the Wikimedia Foundation and other Wikimedia Movement Organizations to foster an inclusive and effective environment for the Wikimedia Movement as a whole and for all stakeholders involved.


The Global Council serves as a forum where different Wikimedia Movement perspectives converge, thereby playing a pivotal role in shaping the future trajectory of the Wikimedia Movement. The Global Council seeks to ensure the continued relevance and impact of the Wikimedia Movement in an ever-changing world through its functions of strategic planning, support of Wikimedia Movement Organizations, resource distribution, and technology advancement.

Decisions are better informed and reflect the needs and priorities of the global community when a wide range of voices and experiences from across the Wikimedia Movement represent and participate in the highest levels of decision-making. By electing and selecting a majority of the Global Council’s members from the Wikimedia Movement’s volunteer base, the Global Council fosters a stronger sense of ownership and trust, while working towards the Wikimedia Movement’s vision of free knowledge. To support inclusion and representation of diverse perspectives, the membership of the Global Council should not be dominated by any particular demographic, including, but not limited to, any linguistic, geographical, or project-based demographic.


Guided by Movement Values and Principles of Decision-Making, the body of the Global Council can decide its composition and governance in accordance to the context and needs within which the Global Council operates. The Global Council also decides on the details of its own procedures. These procedures include, but are not limited to: the Global Council structure, membership, decision-making processes, responsibilities and accountability, and mechanisms for the inclusion of new and less-heard voices.


The Global Council focuses on four functions and areas of decision-making that have a direct impact on the Wikimedia Movement community and stakeholders. The Global Council has decision-making authority over all of its functions established by this Charter. The members of the Global Council are held accountable for the decisions and actions of the Global Council through the election and selection process.

The Global Council elects a Global Council Board, which is in charge of coordinating[9] and representing the Global Council as mandated by this Charter and the Global Council’s decisions. The Global Council Board approves the establishment and activities of the Global Council committees and their membership. These Global Council committees determine their own composition and ways of operating, and can appoint additional members who are not members of the Global Council to contribute to their work. The Global Council has at least four committees, individually responsible for each of the four functions outlined in this Charter.

Pamalanan Strategik

The Global Council is responsible for developing long-term strategic[10] direction for the Wikimedia Movement. The strategic direction will serve as a foundation for decisions made by the Global Council and as guidance for the prioritization of the initiatives to achieve strategic goals. All Wikimedia Movement Bodies are expected to support the strategic direction established by the Global Council and incorporate it into their programs and activities. Based on such strategic direction, the Global Council also develops recommended annual global strategic priorities for the Wikimedia Movement. The Global Council develops the strategic direction in consultation with all stakeholders inside and outside the Wikimedia Movement.

Sokodung do Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia

The Global Council establishes standards for the functioning of Wikimedia affiliates[11] and Wikimedia hubs. To achieve this, the Global Council and its committee establish and oversee processes for recognition/derecognition of these affiliates and hubs;[12] seek to ensure that Wikimedia Movement Organizations are in compliance with organizational standards; facilitate conflict resolution to maintain collaborative and respectful relationships within the Wikimedia Movement; and simplify access to resources (financial, human, knowledge, and others) for more equitable support and empowerment of Wikimedia Movement communities.

Ponikidan Toud

The Global Council establishes and periodically reviews the standards and guidelines for the equitable distribution of the funds[13] in the Wikimedia Movement in alignment with the strategic direction. These standards and guidelines shall comply with the Principles of Decision-Making. Furthermore, the Global Council and its committees determine the grant distribution to the Wikimedia Movement communities and Wikimedia Movement Organizations; determine movement-wide goals and metrics in conformity with the priorities set out in the strategic direction; determine the regional, thematic, and other funding allocations; and review global programmatic outcomes.[14]

Koburuon Teknologi

The Global Council coordinates across different Wikimedia Movement technology-focused stakeholders,[15] and provides advice and guidance on technological advancement. The Global Council assists and advises the Wikimedia Foundation in prioritizing technological changes,[16] including the opening or closing of Wikimedia language projects, and helps the wider Wikimedia Movement understand the technological priorities as set forth in the strategic direction. The Global Council will exercise these functions in collaboration with Wikimedia Movement Bodies and online technical contributors.[17][18]

Kapamansayan di osopung om koburuon timpu dumontol

The first Global Council will have twenty-five members. Of which, twelve members will be elected by the Wikimedia community at large; eight members will be selected through Wikimedia affiliates; one by the Wikimedia Foundation; and the remaining four members will be directly appointed by the Global Council, for the purpose of increasing expertise and diversity within its membership.

Minomili' o Majlis Global do duo nohopod piatus (20%) surupu dau montok monguhup id suang Lambaga' Majlis Global.

Maya koinganan di naanu maya kotoundaan om karalano' timpuunon dau, torisidon o Majlis Global do karaja om mekanisme suang montok inovasi, minsingubas om mumang buru sabaagi do Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia. Bobos okuri nopo nga insan do tikid 3 toun:

  • The Global Council, in collaboration with Wikimedia Movement stakeholders, conducts an evaluation of its functioning. The evaluation will include a review of whether an expansion of the Global Council’s functions and its scope for decision-making is advisable and feasible within the following Global Council term.
  • The Global Council reviews the Wikimedia Movement’s needs to determine whether the current membership size of the Global Council is compatible with its responsibilities. The Global Council may decide to expand or contract its size as a result of this review. The Global Council can have a maximum of 100 members.
    • If the Global Council and other stakeholders choose to increase the membership size of the Global Council to gradually build up a broader base of diversity and experience, it may do so at intervals of up to 25 more members every 18 months until the Global Council reaches 100 members.


Piagam diti sinupu montok tumimporon solinaid do botoun-toun. Mantad dilo', suai ko' miagal di noobi id siriba, wonsoyon o niwoguan montok Piagam diti soira id suang kowoowoyoon di osuusuai.

Kategori do niwoguan

  1. Ponginsanangan tokoro.
    • Ponginsanangan ija'an om puralan boros di amu monimban do rati toi ko' hontolon Piagam diti.
  2. Kosimbanan kumaa Piagam diti i mamarahung karalano' karaja Majlis Global no.
  3. Kosimbanan do Piagam diti i:
    • Monimban koinsanani tonggungan om ko'omungan sabaagi surupu Majlis.
    • Modify the values of the Wikimedia Movement; or the responsibilities and rights of individual contributors, projects, affiliates, hubs, the Wikimedia Foundation, future Wikimedia Movement Organizations, and the wider Wikimedia Movement.
  4. Kosimbanan di pinosogu do Gura Wikimedia.
Kategori Niwoguan Karalano Change Approval Body Nuut
1 55% sokodung montok kosimbanan di pinosogu Lambaga' Majlis Global
2 55% sokodung montok kosimbanan di pinosogu Majlis Global Rundingan komuniti pinosogu
3 Tundi pointongkop do Gura, 55% sokodung montok do kosimbanan Gura Wikimedia Mekanisme pomilian montok tumanud do karalano' ko'okunan i bobos poinsomok, kaampai no tundi sokodung mantad do Lambaga' Mongingigit Amanah Yayasan Wikimedia
4 Sogu nuru do momogonop kriteria montok popotilombus do pomilian. Tundi pointongkop do gura, 55% sokodung montok kosimbanan Gura Wikimedia Mekanisme pomilian montok tumanud do karalano' ko'okunan i bobos poinsomok, kaampai no tundi sokodung mantad do Lambaga' Mongingigit Amanah Yayasan Wikimedia

Karalano' montok poposogu do niwoguan Piagam Gura Wikimedia

The Global Council Board may propose amendments in Categories 1, 2, and 3. The Global Council may propose amendments in Categories 2 and 3. Category 4 amendments are proposed by members of the Wikimedia Movement. Category 4 amendments must meet certain criteria, including public support in order to trigger the amendment voting process. The Global Council is responsible for designing the process in consultation with the Wikimedia community.

The Global Council must appoint an independent committee to manage voting on Categories 3 and 4 amendments. The Global Council may define voting eligibility criteria for affiliates and individual voters, or may delegate this responsibility to the independent committee.


The Charter is ratified and comes into effect after a vote that has the following result:

  • 55% sokodung mantad do surupu i miamung do Wikimedia i minampayat, miampai bobos okuri pintanga' do (50%) surupu i miamung dii alantoi do mampayat id suang pomilian;
  • 55% support from participating individual voters,[19] with a minimum of 2% of eligible voters participating in the vote; and
  • Momili o Lambaga' Mongingigit Amanah Yayasan Wikimedia montok monokodung Piagam dii.

Boros om kodolinan i koubasan

Translations of this Charter may be provided in other languages. In the event of doubt or conflict between any translation and the original English language version, the English language shall prevail.


  1. Dingkai karaja impohon global kaampai no i pinodokumen hiti om hiti, miagal ko' Pongontok Kopomogunaan montok do liwang projek Wikimedia.
  2. Karalano' ponorisidan poingukab nuru do milo poindalanon montok tikid komuniti.
  3. Komoyon nopo nga "yolo i minimbulai" montok monguhup momonsoi do kootuson, montok monimban do tonsi toi ko' impohon.
  4. Impohon komuniti au misulak miampai do impohon global toi ko' tonggungan do kooturan.
  5. Alanai kumaa "nowonsoi" soira pinaharo.
  6. Pogulu kotimpuunon om timpu koundolihon Majlis Global, Kotinanan Gura Wikimedia i nookunan do Lambaga' Mongingigit Amanah Yayasan Wikimedia.
  7. Mintong o Piagam diti do Hab boros sabaagi iso bontuk Hab Tematik.
  8. In line with the legal reviews received in 2023 for this Charter, the Global Council will initially not be set up as a legal entity.
  9. The Global Council Board is the body tasked with: making sure the processes within the Global Council are running according to plans and timelines; coordinating with others where and when necessary; ensuring that the Global Council is operating and functioning according to its purpose; and other similar tasks.
  10. Strategy is inclusive of major projects to change the Wikimedia brand.
  11. This is meant to be inclusive of the functions held by the Affiliations Committee (AffCom) prior to the creation of the Global Council.
  12. The trademark licensing and contractual agreement components related to this process remains a responsibility of the Wikimedia Foundation.
  13. This refers to the movement-wide allocation of funds.
  14. This is meant to be inclusive of the functions currently held by the Regional Fund Committees prior to the creation of the Global Council.
  15. Stakeholders include contributors, Wikimedia Foundation, affiliates, hubs and more.
  16. A Memorandum of Understanding-like or Service Level Agreement-like document will be created between the Wikimedia Foundation and Global Council to lay out the agreement for how they work together, including how Global Council suggestions are received by the Foundation.
  17. This Global Council committee is meant to reflect the Movement Strategy Initiative for a Technology Council.
  18. Final technological prioritization decisions will be taken by the bodies primarily dedicated to the delivery of products and technology services, along with the appropriate community-led movement body associated with the Global Council.
  19. Individual voters, for the purpose of the ratification process, are individuals who would normally be eligible to vote in elections to select Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees members.