Racòlta ed fònda 2012/Tradusiòun/Pàgina d'arìv e mesàg dj bàner
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Jimmy Appeal (source) |
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Landing Page and Banner messages (source) |
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Donor information pages (source) All languages | Missing - Please Translate |
- Banners round one
- Per piaśér jùtes
- Léś adèsa
- Per piaśér, léś:
'N apél personèl dal
fundatôr ed Wikipedia Jimmy Wales - Wikipedia l' an n'è mìa lucratìva, l'è al quìnt sìt web piò visité al mònd cun 450 miliòun ed visitadôr al méś. Par prutéger la nostra indipendàinsa, a 'n mitròm mài la publisitè.
Google e Yahoo j gh' àn dj mìl sèrver e dipendàint. Nuèter a gh' òm 800 sèrver e 150 dipendàint.
Si tùt quj ch' j leśen cal mesàg chè j darìsen $5, nuèter a prèven fèr la racòlta ed fònda sôl un dè a l'àn. Dòuna quèl anca tè per mantgnìr lìbra Wikipédia. - Wikipedia l' an n'è mìa lucratìva, l'è al quìnt sìt web piò visité al mònd cun 450 miliòun ed visitadôr al méś. Par prutéger la nostra indipendàinsa, a 'n mitròm mài la publisitè.
Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 12,000 staff. We have around 800 servers and 150 staff.
If everyone reading this donated $5, we would only have to fundraise one day a year. Please donate to keep Wikipedia free.
- Banners and LP's Round 2
- A personal appeal from a Wikipedia editor
- A personal appeal from a Wikipedia editor
- dunasiòun média
- Wikipedia is non-profit, but it's the #5 website in the world. With 450 million monthly users, we have costs like any top site: servers, power, rent, programs, staff and legal help.
To protect our independence, we'll never run ads. We take no government funds. We run on donations: $5 is the most common, the average is about $30.
If everyone reading this gave $5, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Wikipedia. - If everyone reading this gave the price of a sandwich, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Wikipedia.
- Privacy policy notice
- By donating, you are sharing your information with the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that hosts Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, and its service providers in the U.S. and elsewhere pursuant to our donor privacy policy.
- We do not sell or trade your information to anyone. For more information, please read our donor policy <http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donor_policy/en>.
- Where your donation goes box text
- Cùma druaròm la tô dunasiòun
- Tecnologìa: J server, la larghèsa ed bànda, la manutensiòun, al svilùp. Wikipedia l'è al quìnt sìt web al mònd, e al gh' à bisògn sôl d'un pìcol pès ed quèl ch' j spènden j èter sìt web piò visitè.
- People: The other top 10 websites have thousands of employees. We have 140 employees, making your donation a great investment in a highly-efficient not-for-profit organization.